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Everything posted by liakjim

  1. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

  2. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Σκοτώνει η Fury. Πολύ καλή επιλογή. Εμένα κολωνει η 470 με όλα full. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  3. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Με alt+enter ξανά φτιάχνει. 1440p το έχω, εσύ? Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  4. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Να πως πέρασα το χθεσινό μου βραδάκι. Street cars στο Mugello = ποίημα. Ποιός λέει ότι δεν μπορείς να τρέξεις αγώνες με street cars / λάστιχα? Δεν νομίζω να είχα πιο διασκεδαστικό αγώνα σε public server
  5. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    @akis_z80 το έβαλα πιο πίσω.
  6. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Δεν τα βλέπω έτσι τα πράγματα προσωπικά. Μάλλον win win κατάσταση. Όντως νωρίς. Τα λέμε σε ένα χρόνο για να κρίνουμε.
  7. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Με @Thodoris1884 χθες
  8. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Όλα καλά τελικά και μάλλον ακόμα καλύτερα Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  9. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    http://www.eurogamer.it/articles/2017-01-20-news-videogiochi-digital-bros-compra-kunos-simulazioni-gli-sviluppatori-di-assetto-corsa http://www.trend-online.com/ansa/digital-bros-acquister-il-100di-kunos-simulazioni-262279/ http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/kunos-being-bought-by-digital-bros.42196/ WTF? Μετάφραση Digital Bros will acquire 100% of Kunos Simulations Financial Trend Analysis POSTED: 5 hours ago READ MORE ARTICLES ON Digital Bros Microsoft Corp. BMW Ferrari Investment & Development The Board of Directors of Digital Bros, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and active in the digital entertainment sector, which met today approved the signing of an investment agreement having as its object the acquisition of 100% of the capital Kunos Simulations S. The nine errors in the investments to be avoided in 2017. If you have a € 350,000 portfolio, learn how to avoid making these stupid mistakes. Click here to download your guide! The Board of Directors of Digital Bros, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and active in the digital entertainment sector, which met today approved the signing of an investment agreement having as its object the acquisition of 100% of the capital Kunos Simulations Srl, Italian developer Assetto Corsa. In the same session were also identified the beneficiaries of the options of the "Stock Option Plan 2016-2026" (the "Plan"), recently approved by the shareholders, the quantities of options granted, the exercise window and the unit price subscription. Acquisition of 100% Kunos Simulations Srl Kunos Simulations Srl is an Italian company based in Formello (RM), which has all the latest years of experience in the construction of simulators for the main Italian automotive companies. Following this experience has developed and launched during 2014 Assetto Corsa, a video game that was a great success with critics and audiences in the Steam PC versions, Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One, with over 1.4 million copies sold worldwide to date. 505 Games, the division of the Digital Bros Group that deals with international publishing of video games, has during 2015 signed a publishing agreement the console versions. Assetto Corsa puts to players 150 cars, reproduced in every aspect, from the most prestigious global automotive brands such as Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Ferrari, Porsche and many others. Through the use of laser scan technology, every detail of the most famous tracks in the world has been reproduced with the utmost level of accuracy making the game a true sports driving simulation. With this acquisition, the Digital Bros Group intends to grow more and more as a publisher and developer of games able to collect worldwide success and be always ready to meet the demands of an increasingly demanding public. The acquisition allows full control of the intellectual property and the opportunity for the Group to invest in the future development of new versions of Assetto Corsa benefiting from an extremely well-positioned brand in the world market for video games. The fact that the Group already owns the publishing rights of Assetto Corsa for the console version also involves synergies in terms of brand positioning and optimization of advertising investments at a time when the rights are to be held entirely by the Group. The transaction involves the acquisition by Digital Bros SpA of 100% of the company shares Kunos Simulations Srl, held by the two founders Stefano Casillo and Marco Massarutto being equal, for a total nominal value of Euro 4,341,500 Euros which will be paid in the following manner: Page 2) EUR 1,375,000 entirely in cash on the date of execution; EUR 1,375,000 entirely in cash within one year from the date of execution; • Euro 1,591,500 through the issue of 150,000 new ordinary shares of Digital Bros at a unit price of 10.61 Euro at the arithmetic mean of the shares of Digital Bros reference prices for the last six months. The issue will be subject to the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting called for March 13. In the absence of financial data of Kunos Simulations Srl at 31 December 2016, pricing was made by assuming an equity at that date amounted to $ 10,000, of any changes to this value will be an increase or decrease in the second installment of Cash. Kunos Simulations Srl has realized during the year to 31 December 2015, the last available financial statements, revenues of 3.3 million euros and a net profit of 1.7 million euros. Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2015 amounted to 3.1 million euros. No special form of financing has been provided for the operation which will therefore be financed through the existing credit lines and whose execution date is expected by April 30, 2017. The agreement is binding on the parties and is subject to a condition precedent the effect of any significant findings that may emerge from the process of due diligence that will be put in place as soon as the financial data at December 31, 2016 will be available as well as at the positive resolution of the Shareholders of Digital Bros. the shares that will be issued to the two selling shareholders will be fully available when the Board of Directors of Digital Bros has completed the formalities required by art. 2343-quater of the Civil Code. It is expected that the acquisition will not significantly affect the forecasts of widespread previously Group. (Page 3) "Stock Option Plan 2016-2026" ( "the Plan") The Board of Directors, following the mandate given by the General Meeting which took place on January 11, 2017, has resolved to grant 744,000 options to 14 beneficiaries of the Plan, the quantities of options granted, the exercise window and the unit price subscription. The Plan expires on June 30, 2026 and following the assignment may be subscribed 744,000 common shares Digital Bros at Euro 10.61 per share, as follows: - N. 223,200 shares as of 1st July, 2019; - N. 223,200 shares as of July 1, 2022; - N. 297,600 shares as of July 1, 2025. The signing will take place with the payment of 10.61 euros per share, equal to the average of the reference prices of the shares of Digital Bros the six months preceding the date hereof. Assignees of the rights of the options are: - The Chairman of the Board of Directors Abramo Galante to which are attributed 200,000 options; - The Chief Executive Officer Raffaele Galante to which are attributed 200,000 options; - The Executive Director Stefano Salbe which are attributed 120,000 options; - The Executive Director Dario Treves which are attributed 50,000 options; - 10 employees of the Digital Bros Group to which 174,000 options were granted. Raphael Galante, CEO of Digital Bros SpA commented - "These two transactions underline clearly what is the orientation that the Group intends to pursue a long-term perspective, which is to be always present, competitive and professionally trained in a sector , that of video games, which is constantly evolving. on one hand, we believe that the stock option plan constitutes the main long-term incentive instrument through which the Group intends to preserve the human capital available. on the other, the 'acquisition of Kunos strengthens the portfolio of IP (Intellectual Properties) held by the Group, and are sure that thanks to the professional skills of undoubted talent and tried forming the Kunos team will achieve great things ".
  10. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Για σεμινάριο. Μπράβο σε όλους Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  11. liakjim

    Αγώνας Κυριακής 22/01/2017 PORSCHE 908LH at MONZA

    Το παραδέχομαι, πείραξα σεταπ (ας το κλείδωνες )
  12. liakjim

    Αγώνας Κυριακής 22/01/2017 PORSCHE 908LH at MONZA

    Τελικά δεν έχει ABS. Αμαξάρα.
  13. liakjim

    Αγώνας Κυριακής 22/01/2017 PORSCHE 908LH at MONZA

    Για να δούμε τί λέει/. ABS ON???? Nooooobs To setup δεν ειναι fixed.
  14. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Πρέπει να ανεβάσει και ο @thazio το json του server για το simresults.
  15. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Έχω την αίσθηση ότι άλλαξαν κάτι στο damage. Είχα αρκετές επαφές και όμως δεν έχασα πολύ σε τελική, σχεδόν καθόλου. Απλά έγινε πιο υποστροφικο όταν λίγο χτύπησα το μπροστινό splitter. Όπως έπρεπε. Στο SPA έχανες μαλακωδως πολύ περισσότερο και δεν έχει να κάνει με τις ευθείες. Το είδα στο log ότι έκαναν ρύθμιση στο damage και από ότι φαίνεται, έπιασε. Well done Kunos. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  16. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Εξαρτάται Γιώργο πόσο μεγάλη είναι η ζημιά. Συνήθως κρατά αρκετά πιο πολύ από το καύσιμο. Αλλά αν είναι μόνο ο μπροστινός κίτρινος ίσως δεν κρατήσει πολύ. Αξίζει να χάσεις χρόνο στα πιτς, κερδίζοντας μετά σε χρόνο σε γύρο? Εξαρτάται πόσο χάνεις και πόσους γύρους ακόμα Κανε​ τεστ και πες μας [emoji12] . Εγώ πάντως δεν έκανα επισκευές μιας και δεν έχανα πολύ. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  17. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Και όμως, υπάρχει και στην πραγματικότητα : Άποψη μου : στην καρέκλα μας, με τα στενά fov, με την έλλειψη αισθήσεων καθώς και την όχι απόλυτα ρεαλιστικά χτυπήματα, τέτοια βοηθήματα είναι απολύτως απαραίτητα. Αν στην πραγματικότητα υπάρχουν, στα sims επιβάλλονται. Πχ έχω αρκετά παράπονα από εσένα, ξέρω ότι πολλές φορές δεν θα με δεις . Όπως ποτέ δεν με είδε ο@johnnygtr . @aris_teidis βάλε το helicorsa ακριβώς κάτω από τον καθρέπτη και θα το βλέπεις πανεύκολα. @wargasm το χώσιμο στον Άρη δεν μου φαίνεται λάθος. Μάλιστα πιο πολύ θα κατηγορούσα τον Άρη που ενώ ήσουν δίπλα, έκλεισε πάνω σου. Helicorsa παιδιά. @uhu πες μου που μένεις να σου βάλω το discord... Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  18. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Το ξέρω, είδα το replay από την κάμερά σου. Ήμουν στη νεκρή γωνία. Την έχω πατήσει και εγώ έτσι. Βασικά για να είσαι σίγουρος ότι καθάρισες, πρέπει να δεις το κόκκινο βελάκι να φεύγει τελείως πίσω. Αν είναι στο πλάι και πίσω, έχεις αμάξι. Το helicorsa είναι η ιδανική επιλογή για εμάς με τη μονή οθόνη. Υπάρχει και το crew chief το οποίο σου δίνει ακουστικές πληροφορίες αλλά και που είναι ο άλλος ( σαν το iracing)
  19. liakjim

    rFactor 2

    Roadmap Update January 2017 STUDIO 397 Roadmap 2017 is well underway! We hope you all made a great start to the new year once the lights went out Here at Studio 397 we’ve jump-started our new year full of ambition. In with the new, out with the old: don’t forget our migrate to Steam for free offer will end on January 31st, 2017. DX11 As we have already revealed last month, DX11 development is ahead of schedule. We have migrated much of the engine, and although there are certainly still quite a few things to do and it’s far from a straight port, we’re taking advantage of this opportunity to fix some long-standing issues. We are updating the overall look of the graphics. Lighting improvements include a new HDR tonemapper to achieve better color balance and more saturated colors, which interacts nicely with our dynamic sky model (adding contrast to our clouds). We are also updating the entire shadow system (faster and better looking shadows) and adding some ambient occlusion techniques that provide more dynamic shadows in areas such as engine bays, the underside of tyres, and parts of the inside of the marshal hut. Here are some sneak-peek shots of our work in progress. They do not, of course, reflect the finished product, but we wanted to show you where we are right now. These upcoming graphics improvements should be a big step up for everyone in the modding community, giving you a stronger and richer visual base to build from. We will provide a set of guidelines on how elements should look to ensure as much consistency as possible without impacting on your creative freedom. Next month we are starting a new beta program exclusively for modders to facilitate a smooth transition to DX11. So far it looks like we’ve been able to port all existing shaders, which means existing content should continue to work. Some mods that rely on custom shaders as well as plugins that request to render to the screen (such as some overlay plugins) currently expect a DX9 graphics context and will require an update to work with DX11. In both cases, we will actively help any modders whose work is affected. UI We’ve spent this month building the technical foundations for the new user interface, which allows us to link the game logic directly to an HTML5 front-end that we can embed into the simulation. At the same time, we’re putting the finishing touches on our interaction and graphical design, which means we can start building, user testing and refining the actual screens now. The new user interface offers far more flexibility, which gives us the freedom to create additional functionality down the line such as incorporating single player championships and results. Here’s a look at the new home screen with simple sliding panels to reveal deeper options. As part of the new user interface we are developing the in-game competition structure. We all know that competition is at the heart of all racing sims, and rFactor 2 has a long-standing relationship with some of the greatest leagues in simracing covering multiple racing disciplines. Building on this strong foundation, our new competition mechanics intend to encourage frequent racing and greater accessibility, offering a rich career progression coupled with new aligned content. We are focused on building competition mechanics that are unique and embrace leagues and competitions. Content Our content team is still working hard on the Radical and starting work on the Corvette C7.R. Last month we gave you a little Christmas present with the Nissan GT500, and we were overwhelmed with the positive responses to the car. At the same time we also got a lot of feedback from the community about little things we could improve. We’ve tried to fix all of them and our goal is to release an update before the end of this month. This update will also include a paint template. The following shots show many of these improvements. NOLA Motorsports Park will likely be released around the end of February. A lot of work was put into showcasing the aesthetic possibilities, and we spared no effort to bring you those 10 different layouts of the track and kart track, giving you plenty of variation and suitable configurations for all classes of cars. As more and more trackside objects are being added, we can now share some high resolution (4k) shots that show you different areas of the track. We chose to give you the full experience and modeled the whole garage area, so it’s actually a little bit of a drive to get to the actual track from there. Don’t worry though, we’ve put up some signs to guide you! That’s all for our first monthly update of 2017. We wish you all the best and hope you will enjoy the many updates that we will bring this year.
  20. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Λίγο προσοχή στον @JohnnyGTR που έκλεισε πάνω μου στο apex στον 1ο γύρο και μου χάλασε ίσως όλον τον αγώνα. και στον @ferrarimanos για το dive bomb και χτύπημα . Δεν κάνω αναφορά. Σκεφτείτε να βάλετε το helicorsa. Αποτρέπει το 1ο χτύπημα σίγουρα. http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/helicorsa.5199/
  21. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Στο 1ο stint μέχρι να σε περάσω, ναι έχανα λίγο. Μια τρίχα χαχαχαχαχα @thazio, report τον @PolomanGR. Στον 37 γύρο.
  22. liakjim

    CLC 2 The endurance cup - RACE 2 @ SILVERSTONE 19/1/2017

    Λοιπόν φανταστικός αγώνας. Εκκίνηση 2ος, καθαρά, στρίβω 1ος. Στον 2-3 γύρο κάποιος βούτηξε στα φρένα και με χτύπησε και έπεσα 4ος. Λίγο damage. Mάχες συνέχεια με @uhu , έχασα λίγο χρόνο πίσω του αλλά τον περνάω. Όμως ήταν πολύ γρήγορος στο 2ο stint . Μπήκε πιο νωρίς, εγώ στον 26ο. Μάλιστα πιο γρήγορος από ότι περίμενα, ξαφνιάστηκα που τον είδα να περνάει μπροστά, μάλλον έπρεπε να μπω πιο νωρίς. Βγαίνοντας , έτυχε να βρεθώ δίπλα δίπλα με τον @JohnnyGTR. Και ξεκινά μια μάχη για 10-11 γύρους. Ήταν ελαφρώς πιο γρήγορος αλλά έπαιξα άμυνα με κλειστές γραμμές. Ο @uhu μπαίνει για 2ο pit stop. Γιατί? Και στον 38ο , με μια απαράδεκτη κίνηση, ο @PolomanGR μπαίνει κάθετα στη μέση της πίστας, ενώ ερχόμασταν εγώ με τον @JohnnyGTR.... Απώλεια θέσης.... Συγχαρητήρια στον @akis_z80 για την νίκη και στον @uhu για τον ρυθμό του. Ευχαριστώ τον @JohnnyGTR για την τρελή μάχη και ελπίζω τα κλεισίματα μου να αγγίζουν τα όρια της νομιμότητας.
  23. liakjim


    Και εμένα έχει τελικά αλλά είναι πολύ μικρό το μέγεθός του. Δεν ξέρω τί είναι αυτό
  24. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa-Mods-Downloads etc.

    Βγήκε νέο http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/fonsecker-sound-pack-part-4-porsche-pack.13468/
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