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Everything posted by liakjim

  1. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    Σωστά. Πάντως χθες έκανα αγώνα με softs και στους 7 γύρους ήμουν στο 1:46:500 σταθερά χωρίς άγχος. Θα μου πεις, "ναι αλλά είσαι 2δευτ off pace". Οκ αλλά από τον Θοδωρή πάντα είμαι χεχε. Δεν ξέρω, απλά έχω την αίσθηση ότι το αμάξι είναι πιο εύκολο από ότι θα φανταζόμουν για μονοθέσιο του 70. Ίσως το κάνανε έτσι ώστε να κάνει ζευγάρι με το αρκετά πιο σύγχρονο Ferrari 312Τ.
  2. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    Είναι όντως πολύ καλό. Αλλά είναι πολύ πιο εύκολο από ότι περίμενα. Δύσκολα κάνεις λάθος, το αμάξι θα στο συγχωρέσει. Μπορείς άνετα να ντριφτάρεις με 250 χωρίς άγχος. H αριστερή ανηφορική που συνδέει την 10 με την 11, είναι μια άνετη 2α με τέρμα γκάζι. Με άλλα αμάξια εκεί ιδρώνεις. Ίσως τα λάστιχα να παραείναι grippy. Ένα Lotus Type 49 ταιριάζει πιο πολύ στην μ@λακισμένη ιδιοσυγκρασία μου. Το ίδιο και το Lotus 25.
  3. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa-Mods-Downloads etc.

    Βγήκε το Natural Graphics Mod 3.1 . Πολύ καλά είναι επίσης και τα Wagnum's Graphics Mod 3.4 Blackcelica's Photo Real PP Filter 1.5
  4. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa tips and tricks

    Όλα τα effects στο μηδέν. Gain 100.
  5. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa tips and tricks

    Σήμερα έτρεξα στο rF2 με το Brabham-Repco BT20 στην Nordschleife. Πριν φωνάξετε "μα εδώ είναι Assetto" , όποιος ξέρει τι πάει να πει η εμπειρία με το εν λόγω αμάξι, ας μου πει πως θα καταφέρω τα εξής στο Assetto που τα είχα στο rF2 : Να μην με κοντράρει το τιμόνι στο ανάποδο. Να νιώθω αν πάτησα κέρμα και αν ήταν κορώνα ή γράμματα. Να νιώθω όλες τις ανωμαλίες χωρίς να κοπανάει το τιμόνι. Άρα ψάχνω για ρυθμίσεις G27.
  6. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    Τί setup? Σκίστηκα , έκανα 50 γύρους , άλλαξα τα πάντα και κατάφερα και κατέβασα 0.3 ολόκληρα δευτερόλεπτα. Μπαίνει ο άλλος, κ πάει στο 1:44:500 με σχεδόν default setup και μου λέει κατεβαίνει κ άλλο... Παραιτούμαι...
  7. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    @panosdimp, είναι πολύ σύτομο το διάστημα από qualy σε race.
  8. Aαααχχχ Άκη την πάτησες. Για την Z4 έλεγα!!! (έχεις μια τάση να μη με διαβάζεις προσεχτικά. Ή φταίει ο πομπός ή ο δέκτης ή το μήνυμα).
  9. @wolves, χεχε που ξέρεις πως τα δοκίμασα? Σε offline race τα τσέκαρα. @GoMaR, Ιάσονα ναι υπάρχουν αλλά δοκίμασα μόνο street cars που είναι κοντά στην φιλοσοφία σας. Αν το δοκιμάσεις πάντως θα σε ενθουσίασει. Επίσης είναι ένα αμάξι που δεν το έχουμε τρέξει ΠΟΤΕ (και ανάθεμα αν το έχει τρέξει κ κανείς δλδ) και είναι κρίμα. Αξίζει.
  10. Ετοιμαστείτε να θαυμάσετε τις σταθερές απόψεις μου. Λοιπόν δοκίμασα όλα τα αμάξια. Συνιστώ να το κάνετε και εσείς ΠΡΙΝ ΨΗΦΙΣΕΤΕ πχ στην Silverstone National. Πάμε από τα χειρότερο προς το καλύτερο και ένα bonus : 5. Alfa Romeo 4C : δεν παν να είναι 6 tyre model , έχει αδιάφορο ήχο κ το πιο βαρετό οδηγικά. Δεν θα το ήθελα για να τρέξω στο CUP 4. Lotus Elice SC : πρόβλημα με τον ήχο , οδηγικά σαν καρτ αλλά πιο υποστροφικό από ότι θα ήθελα. 3. Toyota GT86 : πολύ καλός ήχος κ ευχάριστο στην οδήγηση. 2. BMW 1M : βαρετός ήχος αλλά οδηγικά μου αρέσει πολύ. 1. BMW M3 E30 : ο Άκης είχε δίκιο. Το καλύτερο οδηγικά, καλύτερο FFB, πολύ καλός ήχος. Το ψήφισα. BONUS : προτείνω το BMW Z4 : άψογος ήχος, τέλειο FFB, δεν πετάει μούτρα σαν το 1M, υπερστρέφει άνετα. Θα το ψήφιζα αν υπήρχε. Οι διοργανωτές ας το κοιτάξουν.
  11. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa CL Cup 2016

    Ευχαριστούμε για όλα @thazio. Κάποιο hint για την πίστα? Ελπίζω η συνάντηση να γίνει σε πίστα kart ώστε να δούμε πως οδηγούν κάποιοι κάποιοι από το καπό ( που δεν έχει χαχαχαχα)
  12. Αυτό λέγεται manipulation !!!! Για αντίδραση 1M από μένα!!!
  13. liakjim

    rFactor 2

    Build 1052 Changelog FEATURES: ————- Water temperature now starts at the same value as oil temperature. Added a few more details to lap records in CCH file. Added the ability to use alternate controls for throttle, brake, and steering (they are at the bottom of the list of driving controls in the UI). Note that the alternate controls do NOT support ramping which is normally useful for driving with keyboards or buttons, so it preferable to select only analog devices for the alternate controls. Added ability to cancel damage repair during a pitstop. Added the ability to paste clipboard text into text boxes. Added ability to open hyperlinks with a click that show up in the multiplayer chatbox. Doubled useable dictionary length to 512 to prevent cutting off of some Italian tuning descriptions. Qualifying on by default for new playerfiles. Replaced ‘_’ characters with spaces in opponent filter list display. Race Event rfm icon can now be a TGA, JPG, or PNG as well as the still supported DDS Safety car with lights (thanks to traveller) FIXES: ————- Fixed problem where a broken engine would become fixed and indestructible after rejoining. Backup plan for the problem where pit arrow sometimes isn’t available after driver swaps: borrow the grid arrow instead. Fixed (removed) extra useless multihead onboard cameras. Only allow admins to issue /pitby* commands. Fixed wrong gdb data getting loaded for tracks that have multiple versions installed. Now ignoring duplicate veh files when building vehicle manager list. Only latest version of vehicle will be included. Tightened up text input boxes to prevent drawing outside of box. Fixed virtual vehicle loading with random car if base vehicle not found. MODDING / PUBLIC DEV: ——————— Mod mode show pitlanes & special waypoints now work correctly with multiple pit lanes. Enabled Ctrl-D physics tool in public Mod Mode build. Command line option added for Mod Manager: -b[DatFile] [index …] = build mod/cmp at specified indices from DatFile. Use -help if needed. rFactor 2 Renault Megane Trophy v1.02 Released Hot on the heels of a new build release for premium racing simulator rFactor 2, Image Space Incorporated have made available for download a new update for the much loved Renault Megane Trophy, bringing the cars to version 1.02 and adding several cool new features. Weighing in at just 141mb, the new update can be downloaded directly from the ISI website. Featuring 3 different specifications, namely the 2009-11 360bhp model, 2012 Evo coming in at 400bhp and an high fuel capacity endurance car for those with a taste for the long distance... Version 1.02 brings a nice little fix allowing full 900 degrees of rotation that wasn't properly implemented for some steering wheels and moves all versions of the car to CPM tyres, bringing about some significant changes to driving technique in order to get the most out of these specialist racing tin tops. Further enhancements to the physics introduce chassis flex and various improvements to the behaviour of the cars. As another unexpected bonus version 1.02 uses a new 3d model, upgrading the car to the latest standards and brining to life a model that was once of the earlier pieces of content to hit the sim back in its early development. Main changes: upgraded to specification 2012 Evo (2009 spec. still available as an upgrade) along with lots of small improvements. updated to ultrachassis suspension physics, which allows chassis flex. Also slightly improved suspension geometry and motion ratios. uses CPM tire physics with all the latest tech, including rain tire improvements. re-calculated brake system. uses new 3d model, special thanks to RMT! link
  14. liakjim

    Live For Speed

    Hold on to your hats people, after years of radio silence we now have another update to popular racing simulator Live for Speed. Todays update brings the title to the strangely numbered version 0.6M. Relatively hot on the heals of version 0.6K back in December the Live for Speed development team are in the midst of somewhat of a resurgence lately and bring another raft of updates and improvements to the title, proving you can't keep a good racing game down for long! Version 0.6M released over the weekend and is available to download directly from the Live for Speed website. Highlights include an updated version of the games laserscanned Rockingham Motor Speedway (the British version) and further improvements for triple screen users as well as new features added to the interface and the layout editor. Changes from 0.6K to 0.6M : Rockingham : The Rockingham track is updated with fixes and improvements Interface : Translations updated – thank you translators! LFS can now restart in a window on a side monitor as expected Option “Input when window is inactive” keeps controllers working New button on game setup screen to clear start grid with one click New arrows to move grid positions – removed “swap position” button Hold CTRL+SHIFT to show viewed car’s player name beside time / fps User interface elements should now be perfectly aligned with screen Moved ABS option in car setup above the Traction Control option Lap number is no longer shown if lap timing is not available Text command /setlap now works in practice and qualifying New admin commands /ujoin username and /uai username Borderless window system : New SHIFT+key functions are displayed on right of Screen Options Borderless modes allow ALT+TAB to other programs without minimising Multiple monitor support is greatly improved by a borderless window New command /window min/max/monitor/virtual (no parameter=restore) Full-screen vertical sync option affects borderless window modes F9 to F12 keys now toggle between their mode and a window Multiplayer : Add to grid buttons for admins beside names in list of connections Rare MP bug could cause LFS to enter world before track was loaded TCP position packets option now also sends TCP packets to host Layout editor : You can now set an identifier for a start lights object Temporary start lights (in layout editor) middle light is now amberInS im checkpoints and circles can be placed in the autocross editor New button “place on ground” to restore ground check to objects Maximum number of autocross circles increased from 150 to 180 Multiple object selection is now available in marshall mode InSim : INSIM_VERSION increased to 7 to support new incompatible packets Backward compatibility system – send INSIM_VERSION in the IS_ISI New join request system if ISF_REQ_JOIN is set – see InSim.txt New system to reset a car at a location with or without repair Packet IS_CSC to report changes in car state (start or stop) Zbyte added to CarContObject structure to report car’s altitude Zbyte added to IS_OBH so the layout object can be identified IS_MSO / IS_III / IS_ACR message out packets now have variable size IS_BFN can now be used to delete a range of buttons with one packet New packet IS_OCO can be used to override some or all start lights New IS_AXM option PMO_SELECTION to set the layout editor selection Added TTC_SEL to request an IS_AXM with layout editor selection Added TINY_AXM to request IS_AXM packets for the entire layout IS_SSH documentation updated as it is no longer only for bmp files New packet IS_UCO sends info about InSim checkpoints and circlesN New packet IS_SLC reports a connection’s currently selected car Packet TINY_SLC to request an IS_SLC for all connections Added TINY_ALC and SMALL_ALC to get and set allowed cars VR : LFSRiftVR.dll updated to use Oculus SDK 0.8 LFSOpenVR.dll updated to use OpenVR SDK 0.9.15 Warning if Rift headset is opened using the OpenVR systemTex t command /rift changed to /vr (but /rift still works) New parameters for the /vr command : /vr=rift and /vr=openvr Hotlapping : Traction control can no longer be switched on if disabled in setup Handbrake can no longer be used in single seater cars while moving In hotlapping mode there is a new HLVC check for cutting cornerS Corner cutting HLVC check is also reported in InSim IS_HLV Misc : AI drivers can now drive in low wind (but not high) View shift maximum settings increased to 0.1 m per g A warning is now shown if a car starts outside the path If car starts outside path it will keep searching to find the path Hidden object removal is disabled when car is high above the track No longer stored in message history : /press /ctrl /shift /alt Fixes : AI path drive limits were wrong at one corner of Kyoto National Controls Options – buttons were not displayed under Shifter tab Colour adjusters looked wrong in Interface and Display options The text “S3” is now correctly sent in the InSim IS_VER packet InSim IS_HLV packet no longer reports car contacts as wall hits Floating text above a lagging car was drawn without transparency One button look amount was doubled in axis, mouse and TrackIR look The /track and /ws commands now accept double-digit config numbers Tracks file for /tracks command now works with double digit configs Blank number plate on joining race after watching an instant replay
  15. liakjim


    Νομίζω χρειάζεται νέο θέμα μιας και είναι πολύ διαφορετικό από το GSCE (link) Reiza Studios are happy to confirm that AUTOMOBILISTA - Motorsports Simulator will be released on Steam very soon. As previously announced, AMS is the successor of Stock Car Extreme, featuring major new simulation features, numerous substantial improvements along with plenty of extra content. We would like to share with you all now some details of what is under the hood of AMS: Elite Brazilian Series As a greatly revamped successor to Stock Car Extreme. AUTOMOBILISTA continues to simulate elite Brazilian autoracing series such as Stock Car V8, Copa Petrobras de Marcas, Formula 3 Brasil and Mitsubishi Lancer Cup, now packing every car and every track from their respective 2015 championships. Beyond the brazilian core, AUTOMOBILISTA is extensively complemented with one of the most diverse selections or racing vehicles to be found in a racing game. In AMS you will also find: GP Racing Heritage Experience several generations of GP racing with a sample series based on regulations from each decade since the 70s - From V8 DFVs to high-revving screaming V12 and V10, to the high-tech turbo V6 of the modern era, AMS has them all. Diverse Racing Disciplines & Venues In addition to the comprehensively upgraded content from Stock Car Extreme, AUTOMOBILISTA turns it up to a new level by adding all the new cars & tracks proposed in the SimRacing Bonanza crowdfunding campaign. In AUTOMOBILISTA will you be able to go from a casual rental kart heat to drifting a Mitsubishi Evo X around rallycross tracks; From jumping ramps in a Supertruck to mastering the driving basics in a Formula Vee; from trading paints in frantic Mini Challenge races to gruelling 24h multi-class endurance races - all of this and much more packed into a single racing simulator. Pure Simulation, Pure Fun These are some of the features that make AMS stand out as a purebred racing simulator: Upscaled 720 hz physics and 500 hz input rates (vs 360 hz &100 hz respectively in SCE) grants AMS super-accurate, high fidelity physics and Force Feedback Vehicle physics based on models developed for professional racing teams with in-depth exclusive data Minutely detailed and accurately modelled race tracks with 3D bumps, custom road properties and air density according to its location and altitude Engine sounds sampled from high-quality recordings of real cars Capturing the ever-changing demands of racing Cars with old-style gearbox mechanisms will demand proper gear engagement by using the clutch or synchronizing revs; modern cars will demand handling of advanced electronic systems; High downforce cars will create aerodynamic wake for those that follow; 24h cycles will allow racing from dusk to dawn and at night. Dynamic track conditions turn the racing line into a grippy rubbery trail and builds up marbles offline Dynamic tire damage & dirt pickup add further extra dimensions to the driving experience Quality Single & Multiplayer Racing Racing with the AI cars in Stock Car Extreme is already widely regarded as one of the best in a racing game, and in AMS it has been further improved to provide quality racing challenge in any conditions and for all skill levels. The multiplayer code from ISIMotor in turn ensures one of the most reliable network experiences in sim racing Accessible Simracing A nicely streamlined 1080p UI allows users to quickly choose game mode, pick a car and track, set up a session up and hit the track within a few clicks. The thoroughly optimized graphics in turn provide users with the fluid frame rates required for a great sim racing experience even with a mid-level PC.
  16. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    O Παναγιώτης (panosdimp)
  17. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    Θα μπω για καμιά ώρα.
  18. liakjim

    [WAMTA CUP] Season 1 - Race 4 (17/02/2016 @Nurburgring GP)

    @gchristod, δοκίμασε το εξής setup https://www.dropbox.com/s/5v7ia6cyuepw5dh/fast2.zip?dl=0
  19. liakjim

    [WAMTA CUP] Season 1 - Race 4 (17/02/2016 @Nurburgring GP)

    @Lazy Dog, τέλεια μάχη , σε ευχαριστώ πολύ. Είδα στο replay , είχαμε από μια μ@λακία ο καθένας. Συγγνώμη για την δικη μου. Οι σφυγμοί 200 στον τελευταίο γύρο, όπου τα FIAT περιέπλεξαν τα πράγματα. @racer, συγγνώμη για την στούκα αλλά καλύτερα τα FIAT να τηρήτε τον αγώνα σας. Μου φρέναρες και δεν το περίμενα. Θα σε πέρναγα στην ευθεία. Μπράβο @Aris Teidis, για την 3η θέση. @Anthemius, συγγνώμη για το "φιλάκι". Ευχαριστήθηκα πάρα πολύ το race , ανεξαρτήτως αποτελέσματος.
  20. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa tips and tricks

    Ναι απλά , έχεις που έχεις delay από τα υπόλοιπα, γιατί να μην αφαιρέσεις αυτά που μπορείς? ( στην δική μου περίπτωση ειδικά είναι επιβεβλημένο).
  21. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 21-02-2016] Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - Lotus 72 D

    Πόσο γ@μάτο combo!!!! (που το βρήκε το 2ο sector ο Θοδωρής???).
  22. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa tips and tricks

    Εντάξει καλέ, πείστηκα.
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