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Everything posted by liakjim

  1. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    1η φωτο : πολύ καλύτερα σύννεφα ή είναι η ιδέα μου? 2η φωτο : 488 GT3!!! Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  2. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    30 γύρους. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  3. Με άλλες 2 οθόνες στο rig δεξιά και μπορείς να καταργήσεις τον φούρνο μικροκυμάτων...
  4. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Άσχημη εξέλιξη liakjim said: ↑ Stefano please don't forget the vast majority of the rest of us. Click to expand... "trust me it brakes my heart to fail you guys. All of you that support us, those of you that are called "shills" just because you enjoy something, those of you that showed up at the streams with enthusiasm. But all the passion and excitement for this thing called AC has been slowly taken away from me. I guess it's time to accept defeat and for me, to move on to something else. I am very reluctant to even write this message because we are in a stage where whatever we say it's going to be used against us with a violence that honestly baffles me. And I am sure this message will end up with the same fate as the ones before, misread, misused and brought on just to confirm everybody's bias. It's not really just about the last drama that is unfolding, it's simply the last nail on the coffin for me... I just couldn't believe I found myself looking for a button to unregister from my own company's forum. A company that I started because I DID NOT want to be part of that "way" of doing business. And today, after so many years of work and passion, I see me and my team described as "liars" .. people saying we ruined sim racing, people happy to be somewhere else where "the devs cannot bother us here". It's honestly too much to take for me.. I know, I know I should not focus on the negative (Aris tells me that every day).. I should focus on the amazing things that we are going to announce and be happy and proud of what we created.. but I can't, and I am sorry... because I feel like failing twice by letting you down. Sadly I have a character that brings me to try to interact with people over the internet and to enjoy my "obsessions" with me, so it's impossible for me to be into something "half way".. I either go "full in" or "full out". AC has been my life for the last 5 years.. gave great satisfactions, but also showed me the nasty side of humans. Hate blogs dedicated 24/7 to bring whatever we did and said down.. day after day. How can people find pleasure in hurting and pushing other people down is really beyond me... it's a mind state I will never understand... and they'll probably celebrate the event tonight.. who knows? It must be the by product of this thing called the internet, I see around pretty much every single game, regardless of genre, has the same (actually often way worse) kind of constant hate flow around... it looks like there is a basic incompatibility between "success" and the possibility for devs to interact directly with the user base.. it's not a surprise game studios simply employ PR "parrots" to fill their support forum with endless streams of "thank you for your support/feedback/" or simply ignoring the users altogether. Trust me it's really really hard to invest so much into something you love and see it trashed by ignorant people with lies without replying.. very very hard. Sometimes if you love something too much you end up ruining it for you and everybody else.. that's how I feel right now, and it's pretty sad when you start thinking that taking a step back might actually make your company and team better. Regarding latest event. I can't believe how people that hardly made more than a couple of eternal WIP dare to behave like that and write what they are writing against us. YES you can disagree with our decisions, YES you can be disappointed.. but how on earth can you have no respect at all for those people who have spent every single second of the last 5 years of their lives to give you what gave you the chance to do what you are doing in the first place?? It's beyond me. It truly hurts... and the more we try to explain the more we are called liars.. to the point that I started to wish that WE REALLY DID all this for the console.. or for some angry brand or all the other non sense I read around.. it would make my suffering less painful.. somehow it would be better to say "woopps.. they caught us" than go "what? do people really think this about us?".. it's like one of those slaps that hit you right in the face. I had a terrible dream last night.. a went to get my old 500 Abarth to go back home and I could not find it, I ran back and forth on the road trying to find it, I was sure I parked it here.. then I see a group of guys with hammers and they were trashing it, reducing it into pieces while I was screaming "no guys please".. I woke up horrified to how this was really telling of what is happening. I am going to take a big break from social and forums that hopefully will bring back a little bit of light me... hopefully the future will bring something good for all of us. "
  5. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    χαχαχαχα, πώς την πάτησες έτσι? Εσύ? χαχαχαχα. έχω λιώσει. Αλλά δεν πειράζει , είναι σημάδι ακόμα και μούφα.
  6. liakjim

    rFactor 2

    Θυμήσου ποιος έβαλε το combo κ το 51% θα γίνει 0.
  7. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Λέω να μπω για καμιά γύρα!!!
  8. liakjim

    rFactor 2

    Α ωραία και νόμιζα ότι αναφερόσουν σε άλλο sim.
  9. liakjim

    rFactor 2

    Ελέγχει τις ανοχές του συστήματος και βάζει διλήμματα στον κόσμο...
  10. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Έλα ρε συ, εντάξει, γρατζουνιές...
  11. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Δεν ήταν αργός. Πράσινος ήταν. Ίσως θέμα με το VR? Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  12. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Μιλάει ο "πήγα τάπα για 27 γύρους". Φοβερός Νάσο χθες. Στεναχωρήθηκα που έχασα την εκκίνηση για 15 δευτερόλεπτα αλλά δεν το έβαλα κάτω, ξεκίνησα από τα πιτς και από τελευταίος ήρθα 5ος. Πίσω γίνονταν σφαγή. Πέρναγα μέσα από αποκαΐδια!!! Με πέταξαν και έξω 2-3 με μπλε σημαίες. Λογικά με ΑΒ φίλτρο σήμερα θα είναι πολύ καλύτερα. Περιττό να πω πως το αμάξι είναι με διαφορά το καλύτερο του Ασετο. Το λατρεύω. Ξενέρωσα που κάπου στον 20 γύρο είδα το γκριπ να φλερτάρει με το απαράδεκτο 99% αλλά ευτυχώς ήρθαν τα λάστιχα που έμειναν στα λινά να ισορροπήσουν την κατάσταση!!!! Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  13. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa Multiplayer Racing [Greek Gatherings]

    Σε ποιόν αναφέρεστε? Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  14. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Μπορείς να αλλάξεις και τον τίτλο? Πχ thelab MR only? Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  15. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Ιάσονα , 30 γύρους τον αγώνα. Θάνο, στο chat γράφεις /mr Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  16. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Εμ κλείδωμα την επόμενη ή καλύτερα ΑΒ φίλτρο. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  17. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa Multiplayer Racing [Greek Gatherings]

    Άρα serious... Την άλλη φορά θα την σηκώσω σε ασπρόμαυρο.
  18. liakjim

    Racing Club Discord Voice Server

  19. liakjim

    Racing Club Discord Voice Server

    Να πάρει , δεν με βλέπω να προλαβαίνω να μπω σήμερα να σε δω να ξανα σβουρίζεις όπως προχθές...
  20. liakjim

    Racing Club Discord Voice Server

    Το έβαλα. Είναι γ@μάτο. Σόρρυ Ιάσονα , αλλά αν δεν μπόρεσες να το σετάρεις, είσαι κ πολύ νουμπάς!!!
  21. liakjim

    [Greek Gatherings 12/6/2016] Lamborghini Countach @ Vallelunga Classic

    Μ@λάκα, τι κάνεις? χαχαχαχαχα Και τι θέλει εδώ ?????
  22. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa Multiplayer Racing [Greek Gatherings]

    Δεν έχετε ψηφίσει αρκετοί. Για κοπιάστε. Ως τώρα
  23. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa

    Χαχαχα Στέφανος: Of course I also read wide speculations about what's behind the scene.. we were stupid enough to put the 17 in there as closing date and people are rolling with *****ic ideas about it.. again sorry for the confusion, very stupid of us to choose such an idiotic date. There is nothing behind it, no legal stuff, nothing at all, just a forum section that was not doing what it was supposed to do. Nothing will be deleted, the original message has been updated. You can go on now fabricating your alien conspiracies theory behind a forum section closure now.. if that's the way you want people to know you on the internet I won't be the one to stop you. Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
  24. liakjim

    Assetto Corsa Multiplayer Racing [Greek Gatherings]

    Θέτω το ζήτημα του MR rating. Άποψη μου είναι να γίνει ο σέρβερ ΑΒ only. Ως αποτέλεσμα 1. Θα προσελκύει μόνο προσεκτικούς ξένους, άρα καλύτερη εμπειρία για εμάς. 2. Θα μας δώσει κίνητρο για πιο προσεκτική συμπεριφορά. Να πω, πως ο αλγόριθμος είναι πολύ σοφός και όλοι μας μπορούμε πολύ εύκολα να είμαστε στο ΑΒ. Αν δούμε πως δεν μας βγαίνει, το αλλάζουμε. Υπόψιν τώρα είναι ABC. Ψηφίστε http://doodle.com/poll/ekezn7nffcf9pa93 Ευχαριστώ
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