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Everything posted by hondo1

  1. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    mOOOOARrrrr!!!! :worship: Path of Exile's Race Season Three starts next weekend! We've designed a new signature event for this season - the Descent league that PC Gamer announced over the weekend. Today's news post goes into more detail about the development of this league and how it works. Path of Exile race leagues are short duration events where players compete in a fresh economy to win prizes. With durations ranging from minutes to one week, they allow players to demonstrate mastery of the game. We group them into Seasons and have run two of these Seasons since entering Open Beta in January. For more information, please check out the announcements of Seasons One and Two. After the last two seasons, we surveyed our racing community and took a lot of feedback on board. During the design of Decent races, we tried to take into account the following pieces of feedback: Players asked for leagues that didn't filter back into the regular leagues upon death. This would mean that we could potentially change item drop rates and how items are given out. Many players said they felt that the choice between using currency items in the race or keeping them for regular play diminished the fun of a race. Hardcore racers really loved signature races. Being able to improve on a record throughout the season was very popular. Players asked for races with different starting locations and area progressions. To reduce the RNG effects of shops (and attrition strategies related to using waypoints/portals to fill flasks), a common request was disabling town. Some players wanted difficulty through means other than crazy combinations of league mods. A frequent request was a steeper level progression so that players were discouraged from just skipping monsters. Some players asked for no instance management so that the player has to push forward and can't just farm a safe area. In the first two seasons, players competed by racing through the standard Path of Exile game as quickly as they could, trying to gain more experience than other players. We occasionally added interesting properties (special game modifiers, super fast monsters, random ancestral totems) to these races. These events have been very popular, but when designing Season Three, we wanted to offer an experience that differed from running through the core Path of Exile plot. Our random level generation system allowed us to easily string together a new set of levels and build a minigame around it - the Descent league. It's an alternate shorter version of Path of Exile designed specifically for our race events. In a Descent event, you start in the outskirts of the Phrecian Forest and must search out a forgotten cathedral. As you descend into its depths and explore dungeons, caves, ruins and more, you encounter challenging combinations of monsters and bosses from all areas of Path of Exile. There is no town to return to. There are no waypoints or portals for travel. Players cannot party up with each other - they start out alone and will perish alone. The only way to restore flask charges is to kill monsters or to level up. You can't backtrack to previous areas or re-run an area that you have completed. At the end of each Descent level is a pair of a special chests. Each contains a different set of predetermined items that help focus your character build in specific ways. The catch is, you can only choose to open one of these chests per level. While almost all of the resultant items are useful, the choices that are made can drastically change how the event is played. For example, the chests at the end of the first level contain a choice of either Life Flasks or Quicksilver Flasks (which increase movement speed when consumed) and Scrolls of Wisdom. As the event is timed, a decision to focus on survivability over racing speed can have large consequences. The predetermined items from chests (and lack of NPC shops) reduce the random variance that players often experience in traditional races. In Descent leagues, the normal hardcore rules (where hardcore characters just become non-hardcore ones on death) do not apply. Characters and their items are permanently destroyed once a Descent event ends, regardless of whether they survived or died. We wanted to design Descent as a standalone experience where we don't have to worry about items making their way back into the regular Path of Exile economy. This freedom allows us to structure how characters receive items so that there are interesting choices as they progress. We're able to give out complex crafting items at certain levels without it being unfair to players who don't play the Descent events. Because the goal of Descent isn't to accumulate wealth, we've designed it almost like a traditional single player RPG where the fun is working out what character build for each class stands the best chance of surviving through the difficult content. Descent events last for one hour each and are the Signature Event of Race Season Three. This means that we'll be running approximately fifty of them over six weeks, spread over a variety of timezones. We'll be keeping track of the players who have reached the highest levels with each character class over the whole season so that we can give them prizes at the end. Allowing players to replay the same event every few days is really interesting from a game design point of view. We've designed the Descent events so that they're difficult at first but get easier as players work out better strategies. The contents of the special chests are not known in advance, so players can pool their community knowledge to work out which ones are best for their own play styles. We expect that as players work out the best ways to build characters to handle the challenge we've constructed, they'll get deeper and deeper into the cathedral. Because there's no backtracking or repeating areas in Descent, there are many tough choices when deciding which monsters or bosses to kill on each level. We provide support for skipping areas by having a choice of Quicksilver Flasks early on and by not restricting entry to the next level based on any criteria other than discovering the entrance. The higher levels are very hard and scale up quickly (as well as technically being designated as Cruel and later, Merciless), so you're going to want all the experience you can get from previous levels. Note that because Descent races are the Signature Events of Season Three, there will be alternate-art Demigod's Stride items given to the top-three characters of each class at the end of the season, based on overall experience. Only the highest result of each character class on an account is compared. Race Season Three runs from Saturday June 29 (New Zealand Time) for approximately six weeks. We'll be posting a schedule on events within the next few days! Forum - Announcements - Descent Races - Path of Exile
  2. hondo1

    ARMA 3

    @GFFermari - δοκίμασε τα παρακάτω σε 1920x1080 - BASIC visibility : overall 3000 με 3800 , object 1500 με 1800 , shadow 200 - RENDERING vsync on AA 8x PPAA SMΑA ULTRA ή FXAA ULTRA ATOC All trees+grass ή All trees PostProcesses Low HDR Standard Aniso filter High εως Ultra PIP Standard εως High Dynamic Lights High εως Ultra - QUALITY Texture High εως Ultra Objects High εως Ultra (εδώ δοκίμαζε με το visibility object) Terrain High εως Ultra Cloud High εως Ultra Shadow High εως Ultra Particles High εως Very High Παίξε λίγο με τις ρυθμίσεις αυτές μέχρι να βρεις ποιά είναι η καλύτερη για το συστημά σου
  3. hondo1

    ΧΒΟΧ ΟΝΕ vs PS4 - H μάχη

    μόνο να αγοράσω το ps4 -που τόσο υμνείτε- και να έχει τα massive fps drops του ps3... ε ρε ξύλωμα και πέταμα απ'τον 3ο όροφο :banging:
  4. hondo1

    ΧΒΟΧ ΟΝΕ vs PS4 - H μάχη

    όπου ακούς πολλά κεράσια, κράτα και μικρό καλάθι...
  5. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Ενα update στα patches..και με το πρόσφατο 0.11.0e να διαλύει τα RMT sites! Version 0.11.0 (Open Beta Phase Two) Notes: Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives" button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away. The new leagues don't start until the weekend of June 8. We're deploying the patch a few days beforehand so that problems can be sorted out before the leagues start. Leagues and Challenges: Two new four-month leagues (Anarchy and Onslaught) will start at at 1pm Saturday June 8 (NZ time). This is 6pm Friday PST. They will run until October 8. The Anarchy league contains hostile Rogue Exiles you will occasionally encounter. They use player skills and drop a lot of items on death (including one for each equippable slot). The Onslaught league is a hardcore league with 20% increased monster attack, cast and movement speeds. These stack with Map mods, so Onslaught is quite a lot more difficult than regular Hardcore. Characters that die in Onslaught are moved to Standard, not to Anarchy. At the end of the four months, characters in Anarchy are moved back to the Standard league. Characters in Onslaught are moved back to the Hardcore league. New base type items have been added that only appear in the new leagues: Moonstone Ring, Amethyst Ring, Diamond Ring, Turquoise Amulet, Agate Amulet and Citrine Amulet. Six Unique items have been added for the new leagues. Two only drop in Anarchy, two only drop in Onslaught and two can drop in either league. These items will not drop in the Anarchy or Onslaught leagues: Prismatic Ring, Onyx Amulet, Thief's Torment, Lori's Lantern, Astramentis, Carnage Heart, Eye of Chayula and Kaom's Heart. The new leagues contain eight difficult challenges. These can be viewed and tracked on the Challenges panel (H). When the leagues end, if all eight challenges are complete, we'll ship you an exclusive t-shirt. Note that you have to play in both Anarchy and Onslaught leagues to complete all the challenges, as one challenge is specific to each league. The challenge that requires you to obtain a set of 90 Unique items requires that you hold those until the leagues end to keep the challenge. If you complete the challenge and then trade a Unique item away, it will un-complete until you obtain it again. Other Content: Added a new currency item - Eternal Orb: Creates an imprint of an item for later restoration. Right click an Eternal Orb then left click on an item to create an imprint. This imprint can later be used to restore this specific item to that imprinted state. Added three new cosmetic microtransaction effects - Ebony Footprints, Infernal Footprints and Radiant Footprints. Added a quest item (Thaumetic Emblem) that opens the blocked path in the Way Forward quest. New vendor recipes have been added. Weathered Stones that describe elements of Karui history have been added to many Act One areas: the Terraces, Tidal Island, Mud Flats, Ledge, Rocky Climb, Ship Graveyard and Coves. The Blacksmith (the boss of the Dunes and Spider Forest maps) has been redesigned with new stats, skills and AI. New vendor recipes have been added, some of which only work in the new leagues. The vendor recipe for Onyx Amulet does not work in Anarchy or Onslaught leagues. Onyx Amulets have been removed from quest rewards of all leagues. The Mortem Morsu and Silverbranch Unique items have been given 3D art. Features: A party leader can choose an item allocation mode for the party: Free for All, Short Allocation or Permanent Allocation. This is applied to new areas as they are created and is locked in for that area. If you join a party and find that it has an area open with a different mode than the party is currently set to, then just wait for the next area or find a different party. In all item allocation modes, normal rarity (white) Maps permanently allocate to the creator of the Map area. There are now options to display mini life bars on allies and/or enemies. The Orb of Fusing and Jeweller's Orb now consume all the quality on an item to increase the chances of rolling more sockets/links. Once you're right clicked on a currency item, you can now shift-left click on an item repeatedly to apply that type of currency item multiple times. The Energy Shield display on the life orb is now a lot larger if you have a lot of Energy Shield. Upcoming race events are now shown on the character selection screen. The "/remaining" command will now tell you how many monsters remain to kill in the current area. This is useful for some of the new challenges. Adjusted the height of nameplates on ground items so that they no longer cover the 3D item art. A consequence of the item allocation changes is that if you're playing alone, the labels of valuable items that drop will appear for a few seconds even if you're not currently showing the item labels. The friends list is now sorted by account name. Estimated stats on character sheet now cap out at level 77 monsters. We've added some experimental code that triggers a local position resync if you are stunned while desynced by more than around 2 metres. The goal of this change is to catch the situations where you are pinned by monsters on the server without being able to see them on the client. This is a low-impact change that should prevent some avoidable character deaths. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments. Audio Updates: Added an ambient sound volume option to the options panel. Completely overhauled basic weapon impacts. Added impact sounds for when a target has Energy Shield. Added new weapon swinging sounds. Dual wielding with different weapon types now plays the appropriate sound for both types. Improved Tempest Shield audio. Improved Sweep audio. Changed the way volume fades. You can now hear sounds in a smaller area. Improved Extra Gore audio. Fixed a gain multiplier issue with certain dialogue. Previous audio environments should no longer persist into the character creation screen. More environment and reverb tweaks. General Balance: Monster damage has been reduced in all difficulties to accompany the general reduction of Life and Energy Shield passive skills. Monster life has been increased in early levels and decreased in later levels. Endurance Charges now only provide 4% elemental and physical damage reduction per charge. The attack range of all melee weapons and many monsters has been increased to better match their animations. Damage reflection mods for monster auras and maps have been reduced from 20% to 18%. The Alchemist Poison Bomb has been reduced in damage in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). Skeleton elemental projectile spells have been reduced in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). Puncture used by monsters has been significantly reduced in damage in Normal and Cruel difficulties (beyond the general monster damage rebalance). Unrighteous Fire has been reduced to reflect the different relationship between Life and Damage in monsters. Hillock now correctly restores a percentage of his maximum life when he draws his sword. This life restoration increases in higher difficulties. Cruel bandit quest rewards: changed to 18% Physical Damage for Oak and 8% Attack Speed for Kraityn. Adjusted the player spawn location in the Crematorium Map boss room. The safety of the Marketplace waypoint has been improved. Item Balance: Granite Flasks have been reduced to providing 3000 armour. The drop rate of Life, Mana and Hybrid flasks has been reduced due to the addition of flask-upgrade vendor recipes in a previous patch. The amount of mana recovered by high level flasks has been increased. For mana flasks this includes Giant and above. For hybrid flasks, Sacred and Hallowed. The Rustic Belt implicit mod has been increased from 3-5% to 12-24%. The 40% quality Flask vendor recipe now takes precedence over the Flask Fusing vendor recipe. Increased the physical damage mod on The Magnate unique belt. This item now generates with +25%-40% Physical Damage (up from +25%). Existing belts will be unchanged, but their values can be rerolled within the new range with a Divine Orb. Skill Balance: Mana recovery from the Clarity aura has been increased. The damage progression of Ethereal Knives has been reduced. The base critical strike chance of Spark has been reduced from 6% to 4%, in line with the critical strike rate of other lightning skills. Freezing Pulse's damage has been reduced. Life values for minions and totems has been reduced to reflect new damage values for monsters. Molten Shell armour and threshold values have been adjusted for new monster damage scaling. Arctic Armour has had its damage reduction adjusted for new monster damage scaling. Multistrike damage penalty reduced from 40% to 36%. Melee Splash damage penalty reduced from -20% to -16%. Passive Balance: Notable passives with non-unique names have been renamed to their own names. Life percentage passives and most Energy Shield percentage passives have been reduced in line with the changes to monster damage. General and weapon-specific physical damage bonuses have been increased throughout the tree. Axe physical damage notable passives have been increased further than other weapon physical damage passives. Weapon and melee specific critical strike chance passives have been significantly improved. Acrobatics now halves your Energy Shield and Armour, rather than removing them entirely. Elemental Adaptation has been reduced to 2% maximum resists. More changes to maximum resistances are coming in the future. The intention is that players cannot hit 100%. Diamond Skin and the renamed Diamond Flesh notable passives have been reduced from 15% to 12% resistances. Static Blows: the shock duration bonus has been reduced from 45% to 20%. Inner Force has been reduced from 18% increased buff effect to 12%. The other increased buff effect passives have been reduced from 6% to 3%. The Savant notable passive in the Witch start area has been changed to Elemental Dominion. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20% Spell Elemental Damage. The Agility notable passive in the Shadow starting area has been changed to Coordination. This provides +20 Dexterity, 3% Attack Speed and 3% Cast Speed. The Savant notable passive in the Templar starting area has been changed to Secrets of the Order. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20 Mana. The Strength bonus on Heart of the Gladiator (in the Marauder start area) has been reduced to +10. +10 Strength has been added to the following early Marauder notable passives: Armour Mastery, Troll's Blood, Raw Power and Butchery. The Soul Raker, Essense Raker and Spirit Raker notable passives have been increased to 4% leech each. Spirit Raker now includes 20 flat Energy Shield. The Flaying notable passive now includes +6% Maximum Life. Wicked Blade (the notable passive previously called Cruel Blade, directly south of the Duelist) now includes 6% Attack Speed. The other Cruel Blade notable passive has not been changed. Renamed the Arrow Dodging keystone passive to Ondar's Guile. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where items would sometimes not drop from monsters killed by Fire Trap. Fixed a bug where Spell Totems casting Molten Shell would keep recasting the skill. Fixed a bug where summoned zombies and skeletons could not enter tight spaces that characters could. Fixed a bug where Spectres and Zombies could explode during zone transition between town and the Eternal Laboratory. Fixed a bug where the Letters of Exile could repeat the same letter twice in a row. Fixed a bug with the Midnight Bargain Unique item. You can no longer reserve 100% of life in conjunction with buffs and not die. Fixed a bug where skill popups showed off-hand stats when there was no off-hand weapon equipped. Fixed a bug where Rain of Arrows would treat missed targets as though they had entered the area during the delay and hit them anyway. Fixed a rare crash related to minion instability and area transitions of minions on low life. Fixed bugs related to projectiles that chained or forked tracking their distance travelled incorrectly. Fixed a bug where Shield Charge would deal no damage if used very close to a monster. Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield stun avoidance check would not apply in the case of a shield block. Fixed a bug where monsters that channel lightning could still hit targets that had moved out of line of sight or distance during the warmup period. Fixed a bug where your minions were able to damage a monster you had recently used Dominating Blow on if their attack started before the monster was converted. Fixed a bug related to raising a Spectre of a monster type that normally starts inactive. Updated Patch Notes added the next day: The Energy Shield display on the life orb is now a lot larger if you have a lot of Energy Shield. New vendor recipes have been added. Monster life has been increased in early levels and decreased in later levels. Skeleton elemental projectile spells have been reduced in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). A consequence of the item allocation changes is that if you're playing alone, the labels of valuable items that drop will appear for a few seconds even if you're not currently showing the item labels. We've added some experimental code that triggers a local position resync if you are stunned while desynced by more than around 2 metres. The goal of this change is to catch the situations where you are pinned by monsters on the server without being able to see them on the client. This is a low-impact change that should prevent some avoidable character deaths. Version 0.11.0b Increased Melee Splash radius by 17%. Fixed a bug where Projectile Speed bonuses did not apply to Spark when used with a Spell Totem. Fixed a client crash related to mini life bars. Fixed a bug introduced in 0.11.0 where Passive Skill Refund Points would not be saved when changing areas. Fixed a realm crash introduced in 0.11.0. Version 0.11.0c Characters who die in Hardcore and Onslaught leagues are now permanently shown on the ladder they died in, marked in grey. The in-game character still becomes a Standard character, as usual. Fixed a bug where Blood Rage would not get modifications such as duration increases when the buff reset due to monster kill. Fixed a bug that would allow the boss of The Coward's Trial to drop Anarchy or Onslaught Unique items. The Holy Resolve notable has been renamed to Riddle of Steel. Combat sounds are no longer played when the Ambient Sound volume slider is changed. Improved the upcoming information about events shown on the character screen. Players will get a chat icon indicating how many challenge categories they have completed when chatting in Anarchy and Onslaught leagues. Fixed a bug where you create (frozen) characters in leagues before their registration period started by using the league selection drop down on the character screen. Fixed a bug where holding shift with any item would put it into reuse mode even if not a currency item. Fixed a bug where release of shift was not always detected when reusing currency items. Fixed a client crash related to NPC audio. Version 0.11.0d Rogue Exiles now start appearing from The Prisoner's Gate in Normal difficulty. Rogue Exiles are now more common. Increased the rarity of item drops from Rogue Exiles. Brutus and Kole have had their damage reduced. Might, Beef, Physique and Instability have been changed to the correct names on the Challenge list. The character selection screen now displays the correct banners for leagues. Weapon effects from Open Beta Supporter Packs now appear on the off-hand weapon as well, if it doesn't have its own effect. Fixed a bug where microtransaction effects could be lost when using an Eternal Orb. Fixed a bug where the Vaal Oversoul's life bar was visible when it was hidden. Fixed several bugs related to remaining monster count. Fixed an issue where Restless Dead and the music would continue after the deaths of the bosses of Acton's Nightmare. Fixed a client crash when changing areas with unapplied passive skill changes. Version 0.11.0e Trading Currency Items away to other players is now blocked until you have a level 25+ character on your account. This rule does not apply to existing accounts created before this patch. It does not affect Scrolls of Wisdom or Portal Scrolls. This change is designed to disrupt RMT and should not affect legitimate players very much. Fixed an instance crash related to the Vaal Oversoul. Fixed a bug where you could restore an Imprinted item to an equipped item slot. Fixed a bug where linking an item in chat would sometimes link the wrong item.
  6. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    χαχαχα Μάριε..αν είναι να χωρίσεις..τότε προτείνω να μην ξεκινήσεις :P
  7. hondo1

    ARMA 3

    έμειναν 2 arma 3 lite gifts για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται.. απλά ισχύουν μέχρι 18 ιουνίου
  8. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Οι τύποι ... είναι... ΤΙΤΑΝΟΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΟΙ :worship: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/400347 Path of Exile 0.11.0 We're now halfway through Path of Exile's Open Beta and have deployed 9 major patches and 24 minor patches in the 0.10.x series. For a while, we've been planning a major patch to herald the second phase of the Open Beta. This patch is 0.11.0 and it contains new four-month leagues with special rules, exclusive Challenges with prizes, major balance changes relating to monster damage and player life values, the introduction of item allocation options, toggleable mini health-bars, a new currency item and many other changes. Please note that this page is not the 0.11.0 patch notes! It's a list of various features we're including (which may change slightly by the time the patch is deployed). Full patch notes will be posted before deployment and linked from here when available. The following topics are discussed in this article: Four-month Onslaught and Anarchy Leagues New Base Items and Uniques Challenges Substantial Rebalance One-off Full Passive Reset New Currency Item: Eternal Orb Item Allocation Options Optional Mini Life Bars Deployment Timeline Four-month Onslaught and Anarchy Leagues The most prominent new feature in the 0.11.0 patch is a pair of four-month leagues that are due to start on June 8, NZ time. The Anarchy and Onslaught leagues each have their own properties that make them distinct from the Standard and Hardcore leagues you've been playing in so far. They also contain slightly different items! Some base types only drop in Anarchy or Onslaught and some base types can't drop there. Certain Unique items are not available in Anarchy/Onslaught leagues and if you're lucky, you can find Anarchy-specific and Onslaught-specific Uniques. We're also introducing a system of difficult goals specific to these new leagues called Challenges. They're designed to take a lot of effort, but we're sure many people will complete them all before we release Act 3X in October! In the Anarchy League, the corruption of Wraeclast has spread to the minds of many exiles, turning them against one another. As you journey through the world, you will occasionally run into these exiles - deadly computer controlled enemies who use the skills and items available to player characters. If you manage to kill one, they drop a lot of items including a magic or above for each equippable slot. The Onslaught league is a hardcore league designed for players who found our existing hardcore gameplay too easy. We've increased the attack, cast and movement speed of monsters. It's like a lighter version of the Turbo race events that we run, only it lasts for four months. Note that just as the Anarchy league doesn't contain these difficulty increases, the Onslaught league doesn't have the rogue exiles. It's likely we'll try them out in hardcore leagues in the future. The Anarchy and Onslaught leagues last for four months, before all the characters are moved back to the Standard and Hardcore leagues respectively. Characters that die in the Onslaught league do not move back to the Anarchy league, but to Standard instead. This has a few consequences: Players in the Anarchy league do not have to worry about Onslaught players dying and appearing above them in the ladder. They also do not have to worry about an inflow of items from dead Onslaught characters. Items such as the new base types and Onslaught uniques can be transported to the Standard league before Anarchy ends by dying in Onslaught. They cannot be transported to the Hardcore league until Onslaught ends. Obviously the Anarchy-specific uniques can never make their way into the Hardcore league. New Base Items and Uniques Anarchy and Onslaught leagues have six new base types of items to find - three rings and three amulets. It's not possible to obtain Onyx Amulets or Prismatic Rings in Anarchy or Onslaught leagues. The new leagues contain some new Unique items that can only drop in Anarchy or Onslaught leagues. Two can drop in either league, two can only drop in Anarchy and two can only drop in Onslaught. They also have a few old Uniques disabled - those on Onyx Amulets, Prismatic Rings as well as the unique Glorious Plate (Kaom's Heart). The addition and removal of certain items and Uniques on a per-league basis not only makes them slightly different from a gameplay perspective but gives us valuable feedback on how the game will function with a different set of items available. Many people have commented that they'd love to see a metagame without Kaom's Heart. Now's your chance to experience that. Challenges Players have been asking us for an achievements system for years. We're not quite ready to add a full one, but we are going to run an experiment during these two new leagues. We've put together a set of very difficult goals and called them Challenges. While most of the Challenges can be done in either new league, a few are specific to Anarchy or Onslaught. To truly master these Challenges, a player needs to achieve great things in both leagues during the same four-month period. We've added a Challenges screen which will help you track what goals you have left to complete. The eight Challenges are: Slay the 13 rogue exiles (Anarchy only). Reach level 60 on each character class (Onslaught only). Use a Map of every type in the Map Device. Allocate all of the notable and keystone passives. Receive 34 specific items from vendor recipes. Full-clear each non-Map area in any difficulty. Use all currency items (excluding Mirror of Kalandra). Own a specific set of 90 Unique items at the same time. If you trade any away before the end of the league, you'll need to get them again for the challenge to count. The number of Challenges you've completed is tracked. We're planning to display it on your forum posts and next to your name when chatting in these leagues. If you complete all eight Challenges and hold them until the leagues end on October 8, we'll ship you an exclusive t-shirt! Other than the Challenges and small item changes mentioned in this leagues section, every other part of the 0.11.0 patch is available to players in the existing Standard/Hardcore leagues. We will add an overall achievement system in the future that affects all leagues. Substantial Rebalance Several areas of the game have been significantly rebalanced. We've reduced all monster damage and have made corresponding reductions to player Life and Energy Shield passive skills. Physical damage nodes (both general and weapon-specific) have been substantially increased. As a result of these changes, characters rely less on life than they did previously. Defensive options such as armour are substantially stronger now, more than offsetting the lower life totals. In response to those core changes, we've rebalanced many other areas of the game. Some examples include: Acrobatics now halves Energy Shield and Armour rather than removing them. Rustic Sashes now provide 12-24% Physical Damage instead of 3-5%. The Savant node in the Witch starting area has been changed to Elemental Dominion which gives +20 Intelligence and +20% Spell Elemental Damage. We've also addressed the power of some of some passive skills that were basically mandatory in previous versions. Melee characters gain the most from these changes, but many previously underpowered builds have also improved. One-off Full Passive Reset Due to substantial balance changes in this patch, we decided to give people a full reset of their passive skills. In the past, players used to log in after balance patches and find their characters respecced with no indication of what skills they used to have. To address this problem, we've added a single-use button that can refund all your passives. You should carefully examine your current build before deciding to respec. This button will go away if you allocate or refund a skill before using it. We don't intend for players to save it forever. At this stage we don't have a mechanism for undoing bandit quest choices, but are working on it for a future patch. New Currency Item: Eternal Orb We've added a new high-tier currency item! Eternal Orbs are extremely rare but provide a very useful function in the crafting system. When you use an Eternal Orb on an item, it stores the properties of the item in an Imprint which you can later apply to the original item, retrieving the saved properties. The imprint can only be applied to the original item and cannot be traded to other players. Here are three examples of how to use an Eternal Orb: You've saved up the 1500 or so Orbs of Fusing to potentially six-link an item that you currently use, but are worried that if you use all the orbs you might end up with less sockets than you started with, rendering your character unusable. If you use an Eternal Orb on it, you're able to lock in your current sockets and restore them if the fusing operation is unsuccessful. You're trying to craft an item using the Transmutation/Regal/Exalted method but are worried that, after significant currency investment, your last Exalted Orb will add a mod you don't want. The Eternal Orb would allow you to (at a cost) back up your progress for restoration after an undesired result. You have an excellent item that someone wants you to Mirror for them, but with a different socket colour configuration. You can now back up your existing sockets, roll the ones they want, Mirror it for them, then restore your socket colours. Item Allocation Options A party leader can choose from the following item allocation modes for his party in 0.11.0: Free for All: Items are not allocated to players and can be picked up immediately. Short Allocation: The exact system we have at the moment. Valuable items allocate to a random nearby player for a short duration. There is a small bonus if you're far away from the item. Permanent Allocation: Valuable items allocate to a random nearby player. Allocated items are still visible to everyone, but greyed out. Valuable items are the ones that currently get allocated to players - Rare items, Unique items, Currency, Gems and Maps. We've also added items with four, five or six linked sockets to the valuable items list. Base types of the level of your world area or higher are also allocated. This only applies to level 60+ world areas. The item allocation mode takes effect when an area is spawned. We wanted to avoid abuse cases where the party leader can change the allocation mode while their party is currently in an area. If you accidentally create an area with the wrong allocation settings, just make another. A frequently requested change is a "Map to Maker" system. Traditionally, players who want to play Maps with strangers run the risk of having the Map drops grabbed by people who didn't pay the cost to create the area. In 0.11.0, white Maps allocate to the creator of the Map for all types of parties. This will mean that it's safer to allow friends or strangers into an area that you have spent a Map or currency on. Magic/Rare/Unique maps follow the normal loot allocation rules so it's still possible to find Maps if you are playing in someone else's area. In all cases, items de-allocate if the allocated player leaves the area or if five minutes pass. Optional Mini Life Bars In 0.11.0, you can optionally toggle the display of mini life bars on allies, enemies, or both. We've been experimenting with this change for a while based on player feedback and feel we've got it to a state where it doesn't unnecessarily clutter the playfield. The life bars of enemies are only shown when they've taken damage, so you can use it to see which ones are near to death and focus fire on those. It's also very useful for summoners who want to keep track of the health of their minions easily. Deployment Timeline We'll be deploying 0.11.0 on Wednesday, June 5 (NZ time). Anarchy and Onslaught leagues will start at 1pm on Saturday, June 8 (NZ time) and will run until October 8. Remember, the changes mentioned in this article are not the full patch notes! There are many other improvements to read about in a few days when we post the final 0.11.0 patch notes. We're extremely excited about this patch. It has taken an immense amount of effort and is really fun to play. If you've been waiting for a fresh league to play some new characters, tell your friends and join us on June 8. See you there!
  9. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    το "start game" ειναι το AH και το "end game" είναι το RMAH μείνε εκεί που είσαι
  10. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    τελευταίο "μικρό" πριν το 0.11.0 patch :smoke: Version 0.10.8c Act and map bosses now have reduced effect of curses on them. Block reduction is now a multiplicative rather than subtractive stat. Added one unique item, designed by a Diamond supporter. Allowed for the Dialogue volume to be louder relative to other volumes. Tweaked various uses of audio reverb. Added buff icons for Consecrated and Desecrated ground effects. Fixed a bug where some monster skills did not scale up in the very highest map levels. Fixed the interaction between Dominating Blow and the kill count of The Coward’s Trial. Increased the safe zone around the marketplace waypoint and prevented statues from spawning in the waypoint area.
  11. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 0.10.8b Content and Balance: You can now play unidentified Maps by using them in the map device. There’s a 30% quantity bonus, but you can’t see what mods they have while playing them. This doesn’t apply to unique maps. Added three new Unique items, one of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. Reduced the damage from Lightning Thorns by 50% in Normal difficulty, 40% in Cruel difficulty and 30% in Merciless difficulty. The Frenzy Charge Duration reduction on Darkray Vectors has been changed from 75% to 50%. Using a Divine Orb on your old Darkray Vectors will update them to the new values. Megaera, the boss of the Crematorium map, has been redesigned with new stats, skills and AI. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where quality and quantity bonuses would not apply to unidentified maps. Fixed a bug with NPC dialogue after reading the Letters of Exile. The cooldown applied by the trap support gem will not apply if the skill is not trapped - this means totems created by the trap will not have a cooldown on their skill. The Detonate Mines skill is now tagged as a castable skill, which fixes speed display on the active skill pop up. Fixed a bug where a large golden statue failed to come to life. Fixed a bug where if you used Dominating Blow on The Coward's Trial unique map, and portaled out or died, the door to the next room would fail to open. Fixed a bug where the effects of curses from maps were not reduced by Thief's Torment. Fixed a bug where "Screenshot saved" did not appear when global chat was disabled.
  12. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Γενικά έχει μικρό αλλά καλό community για το λόγο ότι ακολουθεί το hardcore μονοπάτι.. και έχει αναφερθεί αρκετά ότι είναι σχεδιασμένο για hardcore παίχτες όπως και από την d2 era το race πριν λίγη ώρα που είχε καλό αποτέλεσμα ( 20ος ) αλλά "έχασα" σε progression στο a2 :fist: Forum - Beta Leagues/Events - Season Two, Event 96: 90 Min Fixed Seed Solo - Path of Exile
  13. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    GGG :worship: Version 0.10.8 Content: Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. There are new general mechanics that first appear on these items: - Consecrated Ground is a ground effect that provides life regeneration to allies. - Desecrated ground is a ground effect that does chaos damage to enemies. - Lucky/Unlucky indicates that the random check is performed twice and the better/worse outcome is selected. New vendor recipes have been added. These are for specific niche purposes rather than being general currency recipes. "Extra gore" effects granted by certain Unique items have been improved, along with slight changes to normal blood effects. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Demon Hand Cleave and Emerald Rain of Arrows. The Alternate Art Redbeak given out in the first race season has been given custom 3d art. Graphical Effects have been given to the 3D models for Quill Rain and Rathpith Globe. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments and audio. Features: Improved the forced delay on acceptance when other trader changed or removed items and rapidly accepted in single item trades. Reverb has been added to audio in selected areas. Some players may need to adjust their audio volumes in response to this. Boss music now stops on boss death. NPCs turn to face the player when dialogue is initiated. Website forum searches now allow time based queries and filters. Skill Gems now display Mana Multiplier instead of Mana Cost Multiplier. Added a letter from Piety to Arteri in the Western Forest, with a voice acted passage that explains more of the story related to The Way Forward quest. Added the Letters of Exile in Lioneye's Watch. This object can be clicked to show information about the history of some of Wraeclast's exiles. Merciless/Map Changes: The content levels for several Act 3 Merciless areas have been changed: - The Catacombs: 63 -> 67 - Battlefront: 61 -> 62 - Solaris Temple Level 2: 62 -> 63 - Solaris Temple Level 3: 62 -> 63 - The Docks: 62 -> 63 - Market Sewers: 62 -> 64 - Sewers Aqueduct: 62 -> 65 - Barracks: 62 -> 66 - Lunaris Temple Level 1: 63 -> 66 - Lunaris Temple Level 2: 63 -> 67 - Lunaris Temple Level 3: 64 -> 68 Non-map areas cannot drop Maps with a base level higher than 66. Each map type now contains a special monster pack based on the theme of the area. This creates a monster variety between map types that players can plan around and lets us adjust the challenge of different map types beyond their size and layout. The threshold level for currency penalty is unchanged. You will not treated as being higher than level 68 for purposes of the currency penalty. Merciless Piety now has a dedicated map drop slot with a chance to drop a level 66 map. The Catacombs now has a Scribe’s Rack chest that can drop scrolls or maps. The Marketplace waypoint has been moved to being outside Catacombs entrance. Previously, the item rarity bonuses of monsters would not affect any Maps that were dropped. This limitation has been removed, which means that bosses like Piety are likely to drop magic/rare Maps rather than white ones. Balance: Lightning Warp now has increased damage at high levels and it now has a 3% reduced skill effect duration per level after the first. Discharge now has increased damage at high levels. Freeze Mine has had its cast time for laying the mine decreased to 500ms from 1 second. The detonation time for all mines has been reduced to 200ms from 1 second. Puncture now has increased damage at high levels and Physical Damage % added to it that increases each level, to match other similar skills. Puncture may now be used with Two Handed Swords. The Life Leech Support gem now starts at 5% leech and progresses in smaller increments up to 8.8% leech at Level 20. The Mana Leech Support gem now starts at 2% and goes up in smaller increments, reaching 5.1% at Level 20. Asphyxia, the boss of the Reef map has been redesigned, with new stats, skills and AI. The notable passive Deep Thoughts near the Witch area has been changed to: +20% maximum mana, +20% mana regeneration, 20 Intelligence. The notable passive Deep Thoughts between the Ranger and Shadow start area has been changed to a Mana Flows notable passive. Bug Fixes: Town instances now have a 20 second ping timeout rather than 6 seconds. Fixed a bug where instances would sometimes crash when multiple players were entering a new map. Fixed a bug where Devouring Totem would attempt to raise a corpse on its own location which is then killed, causing an instance crash. Fixed a bug where projectiles could appear at the wrong height. Fixed a bug where Shield Charge consumes mana when frozen. Fixed a bug where a specific skeleton pack in map areas would always spawn as magic. Fixed a bug where characters wearing Icetomb were affected by chilled ground.
  14. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    To 1month race που ξεκινάει σήμερα στις 12 το βράδυ... Το build.. tanky witch summoner :whistling Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile
  15. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Κατι για αυτούς που ξεκινούν τώρα το game... Path of Exile Wiki
  16. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    :-O :worship: Version 0.10.7 Content: Added a new Intelligence/Strength Support Gem - Summon Elemental Resistance. This is first offered to the Witch and Templar in Act Two of Normal difficulty, the Shadow and Marauder in Act Three of Normal difficulty and to Rangers and Duelists in Act One of Cruel difficulty. Added a new Strenth/Intelligence Support Gem - Increased Burning Damage. This is first offered to the Witch, Templar and Marauder at the Medicine Chest quest in Cruel difficulty and to the other classes in Act Three of Cruel difficulty. Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. One of these is a Unique Map. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Ebony Weapon Effect and Ivory Weapon Effect. Added a new Map mod - "of Ice": Area has patches of Chilled Ground (worth 8% quantity). Added a new Map mod - "Chaining": Monsters' skills chain two additional times (worth 18% quantity). Added a new Flask Mod - "of Staunching": Removes Bleeding. Added a new Flask Mod - "of Grounding": Dispels Shocked. Added new Item Mods - "of the Worthy" and "of the Apt": Reduced attribute requirements to equip an item. Added new Item Mods - "of Shining", "of Light" and "of Radiance": Increased accuracy and light radius. The following Unique items now have custom 3D art: Atziri's Mirror, Matua Tupuna, Prism Guardian, Crest of Perandus, Rise of the Phoenix, Lioneye's Remorse, Rathpith Globe and Daresso's Courage. The following alternate art Unique items that were given out as prizes for Race Season One now have custom 3D art: Facebreaker, Wanderlust, Goldrim, Atziri's Mirror and Demigod's Triumph. The Way Forward quest now requires you to kill a Unique blackguard called Captail Arteri who is guarding the blockage. Changed the mouse cursor to a larger one that is easier to see in a variety of environments and combat situations. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments and audio. Features: Skills bound to the middle and right mouse buttons can now be bound to a key instead. The middle mouse button, right mouse button and two additional buttons (mouse4/5) can now be bound to various functions like skills, flasks, item highlighting or opening the inventory. More keys are now available to be bound: insert, home, end, delete and the arrow keys. Keybindings for international keys are still being developed. We have standardised the TCP port that the game uses for instance server connections to one that is less likely to be affected by packet shaping. This may improve network performance with some ISPs. When creating a hardcore character, there's now a warning message explaining that we will not restore dead hardcore characters. Gems on the ground now do not show their level in their name if they are level one. Balance Changes: The Multistrike support gem's damage penalty is now "Less Attack Damage" rather than "Less Melee Damage". This affects Lightning Strike's projectiles which were not intended to have no penalty with this support gem. Increased the drop rate of Unique items. An Orb of Chance is now much more likely to create common Unique items and less likely to generate uncommon or rare Unique items. Map Mod Balance Changes: Armoured - quantity bonus increased from 6% to 8%. Capricious - quantity bonus increased from 8% to 14%. Grounded - quantity bonus increased from 6% to 8%. Incombustible - quantity bonus increased from 6% to 8%. Mirrored - quantity bonus increased from 12% to 18%. Molten - quantity bonus increased from 6% to 8%. Punishing - quantity bonus increased from 12% to 18%. Splitting - quantity bonus increased from 12% to 18%. Unwavering - quantity bonus increased from 6% to 12%. of Exposure - quantity bonus increased from 15% to 30%. of Smothering - quantity bonus reduced from 30% to 20%. of Vulnerability - quantity bonus increased from 18% to 25%. Bug Fixes: If there is no room for items to drop on the ground when a monster dies, they now stack on top of other items rather than not dropping. Fixed a bug where internal teleports inside levels could fail to change the environment. You can no longer close the options panel by opening another panel if there are unsaved changes to the options. Fixed a bug in cut-throat leagues where the experience death penalty would not be awarded to the killer correctly. Fixed a bug where the character says "It would be wrong to do that here" when using the move-only command in town. Fixed the Marauder passive skill that reduced extra critical damage so that it behaves correctly. Fixed a bug where the additional critical damage applied by the Critical Weakness curse didn't work correctly.
  17. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    τι εννοείς active μαγίες? - τα skill σου είναι τα gem που χρησιμοποιείς (αν εννοείς αυτό) και τα lvl-άρεις (ανεβάζεις) όταν πάρει xp, το εκάστοτε gem .. το passive tree είναι ουσιαστικά σαν -support- στο build που θες να κάνεις, όπως και κάποιες τεχνικές στο gameplay
  18. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    χεχε έτσι...τα αδέρφια schaefer απ'την runic έχουν μια κοντινή σχέση με GGG και PoE Στο θεμα... Πήγες για Iron Reflexes ε?..όποτε Unwavering stance μετά? Γιατί δεν δοκιμάζεις Arrow Dodging και να βγάλεις το Reflexes..? Παρε λίγο life τουλάχιστον
  19. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    Συμφωνώ απόλυτα μαζί σου και πολύ καλά κάνεις Στον καθένα θα άρεσε το d3 απ'την στιγμή που δεν ξέρει πως είναι τα "arpg games"
  20. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Λαϊκό προσκύνημα στο καλύτερο arpg αυτή την στιγμή..απλά.. Version 0.10.5 Content/Features: Added a new Strength Support Gem - Melee Splash: Adds an area of effect splash radius to a single target melee attack. Added a new Strength/Dexterity Support Gem - Multistrike: Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available. Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Power Charge on Critical: Critical strikes with the supported skill have a chance of granting you a Power Charge. Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. To improve performance, we have reduced the complexity of most visual aura effects. Friendly targets now have an effect showing that they are under the influence of any aura, rather than displaying all the full aura effects. The bandit waypoints have been moved away from their camps to prevent trivial boss farming. The Slums area has been modified so that it's easier to find objectives (and is less circular). All combinations of dual-wielded weapons on the Shadow class that didn't have their own animations now do. The burning effect has been visually improved. Elemental damage visual on-hit effects now only play for the highest damaging element of the hit (tiebreakers: chaos > fire > cold > lightning). Microtransaction effects now affect the entire length of a staff. Some monsters (such as Rhoas) have had their sounds redone. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments and audio. Balance: Incinerate: The mana cost progression has been reduced, so higher levels of Incinerate cost less mana to use. Viper Strike: Intentionally does not work with Melee Splash at the moment. The range of Arc used by Blackguard Arcmages has been reduced. On the Cemetery map, there's now more distance between monsters and the spawn point or the door. This makes it a little safer when transitioning into the area. The Voll's Protector unique item has been changed so that it grants a power charge per target critically struck. This does affect items generated in previous patches. The Silverbranch unique item has been changed so that it only grants +1 to bow skills. Old ones will not change unless you use a Divine Orb on them. Critical strikes have been standardised in how they interact with repeating actions. The critical roll is made only once per action, regardless of how many repeats that action does. Exceptions are Tempest Shield (which rolls each time you block), Piety's Ball Lightning (which rolls per target) and Infernal Blow/Explosive Arrow (which roll separately for the explosion). The Additional Accuracy support gem is now Dexterity/Strength rather than pure Dexterity. Melee Splash is first given as a quest reward in the "Sharp and Cruel" quest (Normal difficulty, despite the Cruel in the name) to the Templar, Marauder, Duelist, Shadow and Ranger. Witches receive it in the "Sever the Right Hand" quest (Cruel difficulty). Power Charge on Critical is first given to Witches and Shadows in the "Sharp and Cruel" quest (Normal difficulty) and to Templars in the "Sever the Right Hand" quest (Normal difficulty). Multistrike is currently a world drop support gem. Victario's hidden stashes now drop normal items as well as their quest items. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where some objects such as doors and portals were not clickable. Fixed a bug where ctrl+clicking a skill book quest reward did not work correctly. Fixed a bug where skill book quest rewards would act strangely when taken to other difficulties. Fixed a bug where "Quest Complete" would not be shown if you complete a quest from another difficulty. Fixed problems related to the rendering of some chat messages. Fixed bugs related to the display of quest notifications under some conditions. Fixed a bug with Conduit where some players would not get the shared charges under some conditions. Fixed a bug where Unique items that grant Conduit did not work correctly. Passive tree life regeneration nodes now have consistent art. Fixed a bug where Piety's portals would not disappear when she died. Fixed a bug where increased flask duration wasn't applied to utility flasks. Fixed a bug where you would move if you click on the health or mana orbs while on the passive skill screen. Fixed the world panel not showing correct quest when you click the ! (notification) button for a quest in another difficulty. Fixed a bug with Arctic Armour, mana regeneration, and reaching exactly 0 mana.
  21. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Patch με νέο σκιλλ (Arctic Armour) και buff/fix του cyclone Version 0.10.4 Content: Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence skill - Arctic Armour: Summons an icy shield that protects against physical and fire damage. It drains your mana while active and at a faster rate while you are moving. When you have no mana left, the skill turns off. While active, it leaves a trail of ground ice which lasts for a short duration. Added three new cosmetic microtransaction effects: Stormcloud Arctic Armour, White Cyclone and Silver Wings (helmet effect). These can be purchased in the shop on the website. Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by Diamond supporters. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments and audio. Features: Quest rewards that used to grant passive skill points or passive refund points now give you a book that does the same thing when right clicked. This quest item cannot be traded and has been added to make the reward more understandable to new players. Item drops from monsters are now calculated based on the number of players nearby rather than the number in the instance. The quantity of drops is based on the minimum of the number of players who were around at the start and end of the fight. This means that if you spawn a boss alone before bringing in friends to help (or if the friends leave during the fight) then it will only drop enough items for one person. You can now press Ctrl+C while hovering an item in chat to copy a description of the item (including itemlevel) to the clipboard. The Way Forward quest now appears in both Act One and Act Two after opening the passage. Special music has been added that plays when act bosses have been slain. When a player is teleported out of a bandit fight, their minions are now also. Their totems, traps and mines are now destroyed. All minion corpses, traps, totems, mines and player buffs are destroyed between PvP rounds. If you die after a PvP match ends, you now get the resurrect button, rather than having to log out. Balance: The new skill, Arctic Armour, has been added to the quest rewards as follows: Ranger and Shadow (Caged Brute quest), Witch and Duelist (Intruders in Black quest) and Templar (Lost in Love quest), all on Normal difficulty. The damage effectiveness of Cyclone has been increased from 35% to 40%. We have also reduced the minimum distance it travels, so that you have more control. This distance is now about a third of what it was previously. Shockwave Totem now casts Shockwaves faster. +5% maximum resistances now occurs at level 23 of the Purity aura, rather than level 22. Tempest Shield now has a 0.5 second cooldown similar to auras, to prevent it being turned off by rapidly recasting it. Projectile speed mods are now listed on the website correctly. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug with passive allocation by disabling the ability to Ctrl+click passives while there are other unapplied passive changes. Fixed a bug related to whether world map pins would be shown. Fixed a bug where clicking outside the vendor sell window would close it. The vendor looks in your first eight stash tabs for currency items when you're shopping. We have fixed it so that these are now your leftmost eight tabs. Fixed bugs related to monster life scaling in some party situations. Fixed a display bug with the experience bar's hover.
  22. hondo1

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    περίεργα πράγματα...αλλά ευχάριστα μέχρι στιγμής - από 12.6 σε 13.1 12.6 13.1
  23. hondo1

    Δείξτε το γραφείο σας!

    α. τα yamaha είναι μόνιτορ και τα samsung είναι απ'το mini-hifi - όταν μιξάρεις στα yamaha χρειάζεται να ακούσεις και σε "κανονικά" ηχεία (με φλατ eq) πως θα ακούγεται γενικά και τι διορθώσεις πρέπει να κάνεις β. είναι usb-powered (displaylink) - είναι μια χαρά για την δουλειά και για serf-άρισμα απλά στα 1080p video έχει ένα ελάχιστο lag - το μοντέλο είναι LT1421 (από αμαζόνα 150Ε :fist: )
  24. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

  25. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Ναι..και νομίζω πως κάτι τέτοιο δεν έχει νοήμα να γίνει.. Μια χαρά respec μπορείς να κάνεις με τα orbs και από τα quest που σου δίνει
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