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Everything posted by hondo1

  1. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    τα bots το TPPK ή τα άπειρα spam? θα σου πώ σε γενικές γραμμές πόσο καλό ήταν το classic.. έκτος απ'τα από πάνω που ανέφερα..το lvl-ing στα 99 ήταν πολύ πιο δύσκολο και αυτό το έκανε πιο challenge, τα affix-prefix ήταν σαφώς πιο λίγα άρα και περισσότερες πιθανότητες για καλά items..άρα και gambling όπως και όσο καλό gear και να είχες είχες πολλές πιθανότητες για ψόφο...πράγμα που το είχε κάνει niche community... κάτι όπως είναι και το path of exile τώρα:worship: με το LoD ήρθαν τούμπα όλα αυτά :suicide2:
  2. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    τα μπεδεύεις λιγάκι.. το ανάποδο ήταν ... και όχι έχω πολύ καλή μνήμη :whistling
  3. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    ναι βρε καλέ μου άνθρωπε το ξέρω καιρό από σενα τώρα ότι με skype είναι άλλη φάση αλλά όταν βλέπεις τεράστιες ταμπέλες γενικά και πόσο μάλλον απ'την activision ξέρεις από πριν ότι πρέπει να κρατάς μικρό καλάθι! νόμος!
  4. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    μήπως εννοείς οτι τα έχεις δοκιμάσει; άλλο παίζω-αφιερώνω χρόνο και άλλο δοκιμάζω-βλεπω βιντεάκια youtube (νο οφενς)
  5. hondo1

    Diablo 3

    Dumpster 3: Reaper Of Wallets "Finally, Reaper of Souls will add a new game mode called Loot Run. This lets you and a few friends run an completely randomised 15-20 minute dungeon. Assets, layout, lighting, weather, monsters, loot and the end boss are all randomised. It’s designed to offer a fresh and profitable dose of Diablo 3 in a manageable chunk of time." ε ρε κάτι κλεφτρόνια που υπάρχουν...
  6. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    υπερβολές και που να δεις απο 80 σε 90 ... πέρα απ'την πλάκα όπως σου είχα πει είναι για hardcore community - οπότε λογικό να μην παίζουν πολλοί
  7. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    :fun: Version 0.11.4 Notes: This patch is a large download because it includes newer (smaller/faster) versions of most of the game's art. We have tried to ensure that there will only be one such large patch by combining many such changes into this one. Features: Some areas of Wraeclast now have environmental critters. Informational icons at the top left of the screen now have borders based on the nature of what is being shown. Buffs have a green border, debuffs a red border, flask effects have a golden border, other game play elements (like charges and skill counters) have a grey border. Minions still have have the older style bevelled border. League Banners now correctly display on the Social tab. As you move around, the edges of shadows no longer flicker or "swim" visibly. Incinerate now has an informational icon which displays what stage it is in when you continue to cast it. Substantial optimisation to the size of game art assets has been performed. This will reduce loading times, memory usage and associated stability issues. Several changes have been made to the Lunaris Temple area to reduce memory usage. Improved the performance of The Docks. Content: Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence skill - Reave: Attacks a small area in front of you. Each consecutive Reave that hits an enemy increases the area of effect. The area is reset after a short period without hitting anything. Only works with Daggers, Claws and One Handed Swords. Reave is available as a quest reward from the "Enemy at the Gate" quest in Normal difficulty for the Shadow and Ranger. Duelists and Witches can get it from "Mercy Mission" in Normal Difficulty and Marauders from "Delving into Sin" in Normal Difficulty. Added five new Unique items, including three which were designed by our community. One is only available through a vendor recipe. Added two new cosmetic microtransaction effects: Lightning Weapon Effect and Skull Hood Helmet Skin. The Weaver fight has been improved. The Weaver has a new skill based on Ethereal Knives. There are also additional spiders. It's significantly more challenging at higher difficulties. Spiders now drop from the ceiling as they climb down webs. The following Unique items now have their own 3D art - Rime Gaze, Bringer of Rain, Marohi Erqi and Chober Chaber. The Plate Vest 2D and 3D art has been improved. The Vaal Ruins have been updated with torches that light up when outsiders approach. Quivers now have 3D art to match their 2D art. Vaal Fallen now wear appropriate late Atziri period Vaal armour and wield two handed weapons. Improvements have been made to the lead-up music of the Vaal Oversoul fight. The statues in the Marketplace chokepoint are now much harder to avoid triggering. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. Balance: Inner force increased from 12% to 15%. Shaggy Monstrosities now perform flat life degeneration based on their level, rather than a percentage based degeneration. Changed the mod on the unique Soul Taker from "Melee attacks can't fail based on cost" to "Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks". This means it will no longer have any effect when using Blood Magic. Instead of killing you, the skill will fail. Vaal Fallen are no longer classified as undead, so cannot be raised by Necromancers. While these constructs contain a skeleton, it is not the skeleton in the construct that has a life force. Monsters other than Kraityn now have a cooldown on their Flicker Strike. Freeze mine can now be supported by Cold Penetration. Tempest shield can now generate more than one charge per skill use. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where auras would not update when you changed area with a different aura level and setup than that which you cast the aura with. Door nameplates have been unhidden, reverting a problem from a previous patch. Improved the placement of totems, preventing a case where the skill could execute in a location where a full totem wouldn't fit. Zahndethus' Cassock has had its material updated so that it correctly casts a shadow. Fixed a bug where boss monster lights would appear on hidden monsters. Fixed a bug with Ethereal Knives that would cause you to walk closer than needed if the range was affected by projectile speed. Fixed a bug where Infernal Blow and Dominating Blow could still apply to targets if the attack missed. Fixed a bug where you could gain leeched Energy Shield after death. Fixed an error where butterflies would inappropriately spawn on your enemies. (No, really, this was a thing.) Fixed a bug where minions would grant you flask charges when they time out. Fixed an issue where moving out of the path of Whirling Blades would not prevent damage. Fixed a minor bug in the Character Panel displaying off-hand accuracy. Fixed the stat description on Melee Splash support being wrong. If Oak makes his way out of his camp, he now teleports back to his camp. Fixed a bug where replacing a gem that prevented an equipped item from being enabled with a gem of a lower level would not check to reenable the item. Fixed a bug with the Coward's Trial Boss's mass revive skill. Fixed a bug where weapons that should have no physical damage could have damage through quality. Fixes an instance server crash related to Arctic Armour. Fixed an instance server crash related to Searing Bond. Fixed an instance server crash related to Minion Instability. Fixed an instance server crash related to pathfinding. Fixed an instance server crash related to auras. Fixed a rare client crash with Explosive Arrow.
  8. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Τα "teasing" που μας κάνει η GGG με ένα καινούριο dex/int melee skill, που απ'ότι φένεται να είναι dagger aoe με buff - ίσως να κάνει και για claws :banging: 0.11.4 patch incoming! - The skill we teased yesterday is Reave. It's a Dexterity/Intelligence skill available to Shadows from low levels. It works with Claws, Daggers and One Hand Swords (including Dual Wielding). Using the skill causes you to attack a small area in front of you. Each attack that hits an enemy increases the area of effect. The area is reset if you don't hit anything for a short time. If you use a skill other than Reave, the area is also reset. You can move around between Reaves as long as you hit an enemy frequently. It's designed to synergise with players building around attack speed, area of effect bonuses and on-hit effects. It'll be included in 0.11.4, which is due for deployment in less than two weeks.
  9. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Το τελευταίο 0.11.3 μπαίνει σήμερα βραδάκι... :nuke: Version 0.11.2b Fixed a bug where our integrated Twitch streaming did not work under Windows XP. This actually prevented Windows XP clients from running at all - very sorry about that! In response to this issue we're moving the Windows XP quality assurance step to occur after everything else, just in case last minute changes break that version. Version 0.11.2c Fixed a client crash that could occur while streaming if users sent specific chat messages. Version 0.11.2d This patch tests a new deployment process that allows us to deploy a client-only patch without a server restart. Twitch Streaming now strictly obeys the resolution that you select. You can now also select a maximum bitrate. Both of these options are set to auto-detect by default. Changed the video encoding settings on Twitch streams to improve their quality. This patch was deployed without a realm restart. If you were playing when it happened, you should be able to continue playing using the old one until you launch the client again. Version 0.11.2e Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Iron Maiden Helmet Effect and Black Cat Pet. Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when pressing the up arrow while in chat. Fixed a pathing error in the passive skill tree - the two 8% nodes in the Primal Spirit cluster were incorrectly connected. Fixed bug where you couldn't stream while playing in certain aspect ratios. Added an error message to the streaming tab for better feedback when problems occur. Fixed a bug in automatic bitrate detection when streaming. Fixed a bug where selecting the "Auto" options for streaming quality wouldn't save in the settings. Version 0.11.3 We have revamped the global chat system. You stay in the same channel throughout your session, even if you move between areas. Trade chat has been separated from global. You're told what chat channel you're in (they have numbers) and you can join a specific one if you want to (for example, /global 8 or /trade 3). You can be in up to one Global and one Trade channel at once. Channels are still separated by leagues. You can join a specific high channel number if you want a quiet place to talk to your friends. Added a new cosmetic microtransaction effect - Arctic Weapon Effect. The /trade command that trades with another player has been changed to /tradewith. All items with six sockets are now included in the set that are allocated to players when loot allocation is on. The experience penalty has been reduced by a third, down to 5% on Cruel and 10% on Merciless. Searing Bond: Increased its damage and made it more likely to hit monsters standing quite close to the totem. Incinerate: Now progresses through the damage stages faster and does more damage at later stages. The mana cost has been reduced at higher skill levels. Increased the drop chance of Maps from scroll racks. Fixed a bug where hitting enter to login to Twitch also opened the chat box. Fixed a bug where you couldn’t change title, quality or bitrate of a stream until the current stream had completely stopped.
  10. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Καλή είναι και η κόπια αν δεν θες να σπαταλίσεις χρόνο για να μάθεις τα passive του tree, skills κλπ μέχρι να κάνεις το δικό σου build (που εκεί είναι το νόημα) Από 'κει και πέρα οκτόβρη-νοέμβρη μπαίνει το καινούριο act3xx..ενώ για τα επόμενα 5-10χρόνια θα βγαίνουν act..καινούρια leagues..και πολλά ακόμα που δεν ξέρουμε..:smoke: Πλέον για endgame έχεις τα maps (Map - Path of Exile Wiki) - ατελείωτο και ...πολύ δύσκολο... - εκεί είναι όλο το fun
  11. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    add-αρε με να σου μάθω τα κατατόπια... Dune_II και όποιος άλλος θέλει... hardcore&standard, maps, races κλπ
  12. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    νέο patch με rework στην περιοχή του ranger Version 0.11.2 Notes: The Ranger starting area has been extensively reworked. Characters who have passive trees that are not compatible with the new layout have had all their passive skill points refunded. This will occur if a skill has been moved to a location that is now not connected to your other passives. If the location or name of a Notable passive skill has been changed, it will still count towards the appropriate challenge in the Anarchy/Onslaught leagues. If you have already allocated that Notable, you will not need to allocate it again for the challenge. Any new Notable passives that we have added are not part of the challenge. Twitch Streaming: Path of Exile now allows Twitch streaming from inside the game client, including full support for streaming webcam footage. Twitch channel chat is integrated directly with the game client. Streamers can chat to their viewers in real time without having to check a separate chat window. In Path of Exile, Twitch chat appears as another chat type alongside global, local, party and trade chat. Path of Exile and Twitch accounts can be linked (there's a button in-game and on your profile page on the website to do this). Once they're linked, users viewing the Path of Exile website will be able to see little Twitch icons next to account names wherever they appear on the site while streaming. Clicking the logo takes you to the user's stream. While a Path of Exile race event is in progress, the leading streamer for that event is shown on the race page. All streamers are marked on the leaderboard so that players can switch between them and watch them play directly on the race page. Other Features: "Map to Maker" in loot allocation now includes Magic and Rare Maps. In a Map instance, all Maps aside from unique Maps will allocate permanently to the creator of the Map area. Monster Evasion and Accuracy has been changed throughout the game. The progressive increase of Accuracy and Evasion per level has been reduced. This allows characters stacking Evasion or Accuracy to receive more benefit, rather than competing to keep their to hit or evade chances at a consistent level. Dexterity-based monsters no longer get an Accuracy bonus. This prevents these monsters from being a hard counter to Evasion based characters. The bonus Evasion that dexterity-based monsters receive has been increased. Reflected damage has been reduced outside of Maps. It has been improved so that all the mechanisms that should affect reflected damage do. Details on this are expanded on in the balance section below. The Energy Shield display ratios have been changed. The largest Energy Shield display will now only happens when your maximum Energy Shield is at least ten times larger than your maximum Life. Energy Shield impact sounds and notifications won't play if your total ES is less than 20% of your total life. Content: Flavour text has been added to map pins in the world panel. The currency notification audio now has three drop sounds that play, depending on the rarity of the currency item. Added three new Unique items, including one which was designed by our community. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Brilliant Crown Helmet Effect and Extra Gore Weapon Effect. Cosmetic microtransactions that can be applied to items now list a microtransaction type. Items can have more than one microtransaction applied, as long as they are of different types. For example, a helmet can have both a skin and an attachment. Added 3D Art for the Lightbane Raiment unique item. Undying Grapplers have been changed so they lose the lightning effect on their head after death. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. General Balance: Damage reflection has been reworked. All forms of damage mitigation should now work against it. Spell Block and Spell Dodge now apply to reflected Spell damage. Ondar's Guile now applies to reflected projectile attack damage. Modifiers to damage taken, such as Shock, will also affect reflected damage. The Reflect mods have been reduced to only reflect 17% of damage. The Reflect Map mods have not been changed. Bramblemist (the boss of the Wharf Map) has had its AI adjusted. Bramblemist also appears in the Descent race. The damage done by the Firestorm spell when used by all versions of Ambrosia and Merciless Fire Fury has been increased. Merciless Gravicius's Firestorm has been very slightly increased in damage. Increased Flask Charges now increases charges gained from all sources, not just monster kills. Melee Splash now has a line of sight check. You will not be able to Splash past walls or other objects that block line of sight from the target point of the attack. Passive Tree Balance: The pathing and passives of the Ranger starting area have been significantly changed. Perfect Aim has changed to Ballistic Mastery and it now also includes 20% Projectile Speed. Greater Impact has been changed to Aspect of the Eagle, and it now offers 20% Physical Damage with Bows (was 24%), 20% increased Accuracy, 10 Maximum Life and 4% Movement Speed. Finesse now offers 20 Dexterity instead of 30, 8% Attack Speed instead of 4% and also has 20% increased Accuracy Rating. Weapon Artistry now offers 4% additional Block Chance instead of 3%, 20% Melee Physical Damage instead of 10% and also offers 20 Dexterity. Heart of the Panther has been changed to Aspect of the Panther and now offers 16% Physical Damage with One Handed Weapons instead of 4%, 6% Attack Speed with One Handed Weapons instead of 4%. It no longer offers Dexterity, but instead offers 10 maximum Life and 4% Movement Speed. Shield Wall has been renamed to Precise Interception and now offers 30% increased defences from your equipped Shield, instead of 20%. A new notable, Primal Spirit, has been added to the Ranger starting area. It offers 20 Strength, 20 Intelligence, 20% Mana Regeneration rate, and 20% increased Mana recovery from flasks. A new notable, Heart of Oak, replaces the old stun avoidance passives in the Ranger starting area. It offers 4% increased maximum Life, 30% chance to avoid being Stunned and 1% Life Regenerated per Second. The large life cluster just north of the Ranger area has been changed to an Evasion and Life cluster. It includes a new notable, Revenge of the Hunted, which offers 4% increased Physical Damage, 16% Evasion Rating and 10% increased maximum Life. The Brutal Blade notable has been changed to 20% Physical Damage with Swords instead of 24% and also has +20 Strength. The Lethality Cluster has been moved. The Chaos Resistance node has been moved closer to the Duelist. The early Evasion nodes in the Ranger tree have been changed to include life bonuses. The three increased maximum Energy Shield passives after Chaos Inoculation have been reduced to 6% from 8%. Infused Shield has been reduced from 20% more maximum Energy Shield to 12%. Iron Reflexes now no longer includes your Dexterity bonus to Evasion from your Evasion before it is converted to Armour. Avoid Freeze and Avoid Chill increased to 40% in the Crystal Skin cluster. Accuracy on Versatility increased to 20%. Heartseeker has been increased from 30% to 40% increased critical multiplier. The Pressure Points cluster has had its critical strike chance nodes increased from 15% to 25%. Two of the life nodes near the ranger start have been increased from 6% to 10% maximum life. The accuracy node at the start of ranger has been changed from 12% to 20%. The Gymnastics notable has been moved closer to the Ranger start area. The Alchemist notable has been renamed to Herbalism. Damage While Dual Wielding passives near the Duelist increased from 6% to 8%. The Gemini notable has increased to 16% damage while dual wielding. The Dual Wielding Damage bonus node in the Arena Lord cluster has been changed from 10% to 12% to match the node on other half of the same cluster. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where most Life and Mana Flasks were not recovering the full amount. Added a very short delay to Lightning Warp, to prevent a situation where rapidly casting Lightning Warp could play its visual effect without actually casting. Objects in prison areas have been adjusted to avoid getting items caught in them. Fixed the layout of wagons in the Warehouses to avoid monsters getting caught between them. Fixed some cases of being able to abusively swap to a melee weapon while a projectile is in flight. Fixed some rare cases where zoom locked in and could only be fixed by pressing Page Down. Fixed a case where the Act 2 darkness could come back after you banish it. Fixed another bug where characters would still have the darkness persist in Act 2. Screen shake no longer persists past an area change. Fixed some issues where kills due to degeneration damage could be assigned to the wrong player. Fixed a bandit fight bug where players could end up on the monster's team after the bandit fight was resolved. Further fixes have been made to monster count, to cover rare cases of inaccurate counts related to Dominating Blow and The Coward's Trial map. Fixed a bug where the duration of the Dominating Blow skill added to the duration of skills being used by dominated monsters. Fixed an issue where event registration time was not properly checked serverside, allowing players to join (but not play in) an event prior to the intended registration time. Fixed a bug where damage conversion to Chaos damage could be incorrect. Fixed a rare crash involving Temporal Chains and Puncture or Arctic Armour. Fixed a bug where requirements imposed by gems socketed into it did not cause the short form of the requirement name to be used.
  13. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Μαθήματα Ιστορίας... History of Wraeclast - Path of Exile Wiki
  14. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 0.11.1b Fixed a crash with Shield Charge and Melee Splash. Fixed Rain of Arrows not getting projectile damage bonuses. Fixed a bug where spell damage bonuses did not affect skills immediately. Fixed a bug with how Attack Speed was applied on some monsters and minions. Added support for Signature Race top three accounts by class to be shown on a ladder on the website. Version 0.11.1c Fixed a bug introduced in 0.11.1 where magic/rare/unique monsters did too much damage. The Demon King Horns microtransaction effect now fully replaces the existing helmet art of the character. The unique item Tipua Kaikohuru has had its name changed to The Goddess Bound. Hellbringer has been changed to Voidbringer. Old items will still have the old name, while new ones that drop will have the new one. Fixed a bug with the Energy Shield depletion sound repeating when degenerating and regenerating simultaneously. Volume adjustments have made to Energy Shield sounds based on community feedback. Fix a bug where Shield Charge Multistrike hits after the first did no damage. Note: The challenge for Tipua Kaikohuru/The Goddess Bound will still list the old name, but will work with the item with either name Version 0.11.1d Fixed a bug with damage conversion in Immolation Races. Fixed a rare bug where the Sarn Slums could generate in a non-completable state. Fixed various problems related to the Energy Shield depletion sounds playing at the wrong times. Fixed problems with the Templar's head showing through the Great Helmet. Fixed several instance crashes. και το σημερινό... Version 0.11.1e Added four new Unique items, all of which were designed by our community. Added four new cosmetic microtransactions: Ferret Pet, Serrated Mohawk, Arctic Footprints and Gore Footprints. The monster life degeneration aura now shows on affected targets. Fixed an instance crash related to bandit fights. Fixed a bug where some bonuses to armour applied twice to shields. Fixed a bug where Chaos damage could be affected by elemental damage increases. Fixed a bug where the DPS display for secondary damage would not update when stats changed. Ebony Footprints now look better in a variety of lighting conditions.
  15. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    δοκίμασε αυτό εδώ το build στην witch σου... Passive skill tree build μπορώ να πω με σιγουριά πλέον ότι είναι viable στο hardcore :big_boss: Σύνοψη των γενικών skills: 18 minions παρεάκι (raise zombie-summon skeletons-chance to ignite-elemental prolif-added fire dmg) 2 spark totems (spark-spell totem-faster casting-fork) 2 curses (conductivity-flammability) 2 fire traps (increased area of effect-concentrated effect-increased burning dmg) 5 Auras (Purity-Clarity-Discipline-Determination-Grace) + Arctic Armour (χτυπάει γύρω στα 20-25k armour με granite+mod armour/eva flasks) Γενικά items: energy shield/evasion ή armour mana regen (είναι must) spell dmg cast speed και αρκετό life..αφού δεν έχει energy shield λόγω eldritch battery Flasks: 2 Life Flasks - Bubbling (life recovering to minions) και Seething (removes bleeding) 1 Quicksilver - Iron skin (%Armour mod) 1 Granite - Iron skin (%Armour mod) 1 Amethyst - (%Reflexes mod) Κτήνος σκέτο η witch Επίσης μπορείς να δοκιμάσεις τα race events στο season 3..και συγκεκριμένα το descent mode race... ή τα 4μηνα leagues που έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει.. ή να κάνεις 28αρι char για το low pvp cap.. ή να φτάσεις στο επίπεδο να κάνεις extreme maps.. - έχω καταστραφεί..επίσημα..
  16. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Race Season 3! Ξεκινώντας από 29 Ιουνίου μέχρι 11 Αυγούστου:happy2: https://www.pathofexile.com/seasons
  17. hondo1

    ARMA 3

    εντυπώσεις κανείς; (στo hardware) προσωπικά μου κάνει κάτι σαν input lag ... όχι frame drop (πχ όταν ανεβαίνει σκάλες ή σε κάποιο εμπόδιο - ενώ έχω ήδη γυρίσει τον πόντικα η κίνηση αργεί αισθητά) επίσης το αλλό κουλό...με vsync on - ενώ στην alpha ήταν όλα ομαλά..τώρα απλά αν δεν βάλω vsync off "χάνω" καμιά 15-20 fps! Από θερμοκρασίες στην κάρτα-ες πως τα πάτε; χτυπάω 85+ :shout: ενώ πριν λίγες μέρες στην alpha 70-75 σταθερά...
  18. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    λογικά σήμερα το βράδυ..
  19. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 0.11.1 Features: Helmets have been updated with new names and art. There are no longer any repeats of helmet art in the progression. Note: Existing helmets have had their name and art updated, but higher tier ones (that previously had repeated art) will show new art from the lower tier. This will be fixed in a future patch. To fix your helmet manually, put it on the cursor and type /fixmyhelmet Support for the upcoming Descent race league has been added. Stats refactor - The way in which damage is calculated has been changed, to make future expansion easier. Most of this is internal and won't affect gameplay. The following effects will be seen in game: Melee skills with Damage Effectiveness have been changed to having a "Deals % of Base Damage" stat. Spells with Damage Effectiveness no longer have their own damage affected by Damage Effectiveness. Damage values on these skills have been updated to reflect this. Physical damage on items is now scaled by physical damage bonuses (in a similar way to how elemental damage worked before). Content: Diamond Utility Flasks have returned! They make your Critical Strike Chance "Lucky" for 3.5 seconds (that is, your Critical Strike Chance is rolled twice, with the best result taken). Added five new Unique items, three of which were designed by our Diamond supporters. One of them is a Unique flask. The fifth unique is the new race reward item, Demigod's Stride. Added alternate art items for Season 3 race rewards. Added four new cosmetic microtransactions effects: Raise Mummy Skin for the Raise Zombie skill gem, Necrotic Footprints, Vampiric Footprints and Lightning Footprints. Added 3D art for the Zahndethus' Cassock, Heartbreaker, Nycta's Lantern and The Supreme Truth unique items. New audio has been added for currency item drop sounds and various impact sounds, including Energy Shield impacts. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. Balance: Increased Flask drop rate slightly. Torr Olgosso's damage, survivability and AI has been reworked to make him a more challenging Rogue Exile. The Melee Splash support gem now works with Shield Charge. Shield charge can now be evaded. Rebalanced the damage Infernal Blow deals when exploding a monster. It was affected by the Stats refactor and now needs to be calculated differently. It should still be the same overall damage as before. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where Knockback could force a monster into an inaccessible area. Fixed a bug where Melee Splash did not always apply to all monsters in the radius. Vendors now assess stacks of currency items correctly and offer full price based on their contents. Selling items with 80+ total quality now correctly separates two 40 quality sets if possible. Fixed a recent bug where Raised Zombies had 75% resistance to all elements. Fixed a bug where hidden monsters showed buff effects Fixed an issue where the Divine Weapon Effect on claws looked like the Regal Weapon Effect. Minions of player minions no longer count towards monster count and no longer receive the monster buff for multiple players in the instance. Fixed a bug where Energy Shield regeneration through Zealot's Oath worked in Maps that restricted life regeneration. Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield recharge timer would still pass even when the ring that suppresses it was equipped. Fixed several crashes. Fixed a case where a kill from a totem or minion might not be assigned correctly. Fixed a bug where monsters killed by converted monsters would not grant experience. Fixed a minor bug with extra gore where critical strikes were not causing extra gibs. Fixed several issues related to skills greying out at the wrong times. Footprints will no longer make sounds when you're not walking around. Fixed a bug where footprints left decals on the ground in town areas.
  20. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    mOOOOARrrrr!!!! :worship: Path of Exile's Race Season Three starts next weekend! We've designed a new signature event for this season - the Descent league that PC Gamer announced over the weekend. Today's news post goes into more detail about the development of this league and how it works. Path of Exile race leagues are short duration events where players compete in a fresh economy to win prizes. With durations ranging from minutes to one week, they allow players to demonstrate mastery of the game. We group them into Seasons and have run two of these Seasons since entering Open Beta in January. For more information, please check out the announcements of Seasons One and Two. After the last two seasons, we surveyed our racing community and took a lot of feedback on board. During the design of Decent races, we tried to take into account the following pieces of feedback: Players asked for leagues that didn't filter back into the regular leagues upon death. This would mean that we could potentially change item drop rates and how items are given out. Many players said they felt that the choice between using currency items in the race or keeping them for regular play diminished the fun of a race. Hardcore racers really loved signature races. Being able to improve on a record throughout the season was very popular. Players asked for races with different starting locations and area progressions. To reduce the RNG effects of shops (and attrition strategies related to using waypoints/portals to fill flasks), a common request was disabling town. Some players wanted difficulty through means other than crazy combinations of league mods. A frequent request was a steeper level progression so that players were discouraged from just skipping monsters. Some players asked for no instance management so that the player has to push forward and can't just farm a safe area. In the first two seasons, players competed by racing through the standard Path of Exile game as quickly as they could, trying to gain more experience than other players. We occasionally added interesting properties (special game modifiers, super fast monsters, random ancestral totems) to these races. These events have been very popular, but when designing Season Three, we wanted to offer an experience that differed from running through the core Path of Exile plot. Our random level generation system allowed us to easily string together a new set of levels and build a minigame around it - the Descent league. It's an alternate shorter version of Path of Exile designed specifically for our race events. In a Descent event, you start in the outskirts of the Phrecian Forest and must search out a forgotten cathedral. As you descend into its depths and explore dungeons, caves, ruins and more, you encounter challenging combinations of monsters and bosses from all areas of Path of Exile. There is no town to return to. There are no waypoints or portals for travel. Players cannot party up with each other - they start out alone and will perish alone. The only way to restore flask charges is to kill monsters or to level up. You can't backtrack to previous areas or re-run an area that you have completed. At the end of each Descent level is a pair of a special chests. Each contains a different set of predetermined items that help focus your character build in specific ways. The catch is, you can only choose to open one of these chests per level. While almost all of the resultant items are useful, the choices that are made can drastically change how the event is played. For example, the chests at the end of the first level contain a choice of either Life Flasks or Quicksilver Flasks (which increase movement speed when consumed) and Scrolls of Wisdom. As the event is timed, a decision to focus on survivability over racing speed can have large consequences. The predetermined items from chests (and lack of NPC shops) reduce the random variance that players often experience in traditional races. In Descent leagues, the normal hardcore rules (where hardcore characters just become non-hardcore ones on death) do not apply. Characters and their items are permanently destroyed once a Descent event ends, regardless of whether they survived or died. We wanted to design Descent as a standalone experience where we don't have to worry about items making their way back into the regular Path of Exile economy. This freedom allows us to structure how characters receive items so that there are interesting choices as they progress. We're able to give out complex crafting items at certain levels without it being unfair to players who don't play the Descent events. Because the goal of Descent isn't to accumulate wealth, we've designed it almost like a traditional single player RPG where the fun is working out what character build for each class stands the best chance of surviving through the difficult content. Descent events last for one hour each and are the Signature Event of Race Season Three. This means that we'll be running approximately fifty of them over six weeks, spread over a variety of timezones. We'll be keeping track of the players who have reached the highest levels with each character class over the whole season so that we can give them prizes at the end. Allowing players to replay the same event every few days is really interesting from a game design point of view. We've designed the Descent events so that they're difficult at first but get easier as players work out better strategies. The contents of the special chests are not known in advance, so players can pool their community knowledge to work out which ones are best for their own play styles. We expect that as players work out the best ways to build characters to handle the challenge we've constructed, they'll get deeper and deeper into the cathedral. Because there's no backtracking or repeating areas in Descent, there are many tough choices when deciding which monsters or bosses to kill on each level. We provide support for skipping areas by having a choice of Quicksilver Flasks early on and by not restricting entry to the next level based on any criteria other than discovering the entrance. The higher levels are very hard and scale up quickly (as well as technically being designated as Cruel and later, Merciless), so you're going to want all the experience you can get from previous levels. Note that because Descent races are the Signature Events of Season Three, there will be alternate-art Demigod's Stride items given to the top-three characters of each class at the end of the season, based on overall experience. Only the highest result of each character class on an account is compared. Race Season Three runs from Saturday June 29 (New Zealand Time) for approximately six weeks. We'll be posting a schedule on events within the next few days! Forum - Announcements - Descent Races - Path of Exile
  21. hondo1

    ARMA 3

    @GFFermari - δοκίμασε τα παρακάτω σε 1920x1080 - BASIC visibility : overall 3000 με 3800 , object 1500 με 1800 , shadow 200 - RENDERING vsync on AA 8x PPAA SMΑA ULTRA ή FXAA ULTRA ATOC All trees+grass ή All trees PostProcesses Low HDR Standard Aniso filter High εως Ultra PIP Standard εως High Dynamic Lights High εως Ultra - QUALITY Texture High εως Ultra Objects High εως Ultra (εδώ δοκίμαζε με το visibility object) Terrain High εως Ultra Cloud High εως Ultra Shadow High εως Ultra Particles High εως Very High Παίξε λίγο με τις ρυθμίσεις αυτές μέχρι να βρεις ποιά είναι η καλύτερη για το συστημά σου
  22. hondo1

    ΧΒΟΧ ΟΝΕ vs PS4 - H μάχη

    μόνο να αγοράσω το ps4 -που τόσο υμνείτε- και να έχει τα massive fps drops του ps3... ε ρε ξύλωμα και πέταμα απ'τον 3ο όροφο :banging:
  23. hondo1

    ΧΒΟΧ ΟΝΕ vs PS4 - H μάχη

    όπου ακούς πολλά κεράσια, κράτα και μικρό καλάθι...
  24. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Ενα update στα patches..και με το πρόσφατο 0.11.0e να διαλύει τα RMT sites! Version 0.11.0 (Open Beta Phase Two) Notes: Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives" button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away. The new leagues don't start until the weekend of June 8. We're deploying the patch a few days beforehand so that problems can be sorted out before the leagues start. Leagues and Challenges: Two new four-month leagues (Anarchy and Onslaught) will start at at 1pm Saturday June 8 (NZ time). This is 6pm Friday PST. They will run until October 8. The Anarchy league contains hostile Rogue Exiles you will occasionally encounter. They use player skills and drop a lot of items on death (including one for each equippable slot). The Onslaught league is a hardcore league with 20% increased monster attack, cast and movement speeds. These stack with Map mods, so Onslaught is quite a lot more difficult than regular Hardcore. Characters that die in Onslaught are moved to Standard, not to Anarchy. At the end of the four months, characters in Anarchy are moved back to the Standard league. Characters in Onslaught are moved back to the Hardcore league. New base type items have been added that only appear in the new leagues: Moonstone Ring, Amethyst Ring, Diamond Ring, Turquoise Amulet, Agate Amulet and Citrine Amulet. Six Unique items have been added for the new leagues. Two only drop in Anarchy, two only drop in Onslaught and two can drop in either league. These items will not drop in the Anarchy or Onslaught leagues: Prismatic Ring, Onyx Amulet, Thief's Torment, Lori's Lantern, Astramentis, Carnage Heart, Eye of Chayula and Kaom's Heart. The new leagues contain eight difficult challenges. These can be viewed and tracked on the Challenges panel (H). When the leagues end, if all eight challenges are complete, we'll ship you an exclusive t-shirt. Note that you have to play in both Anarchy and Onslaught leagues to complete all the challenges, as one challenge is specific to each league. The challenge that requires you to obtain a set of 90 Unique items requires that you hold those until the leagues end to keep the challenge. If you complete the challenge and then trade a Unique item away, it will un-complete until you obtain it again. Other Content: Added a new currency item - Eternal Orb: Creates an imprint of an item for later restoration. Right click an Eternal Orb then left click on an item to create an imprint. This imprint can later be used to restore this specific item to that imprinted state. Added three new cosmetic microtransaction effects - Ebony Footprints, Infernal Footprints and Radiant Footprints. Added a quest item (Thaumetic Emblem) that opens the blocked path in the Way Forward quest. New vendor recipes have been added. Weathered Stones that describe elements of Karui history have been added to many Act One areas: the Terraces, Tidal Island, Mud Flats, Ledge, Rocky Climb, Ship Graveyard and Coves. The Blacksmith (the boss of the Dunes and Spider Forest maps) has been redesigned with new stats, skills and AI. New vendor recipes have been added, some of which only work in the new leagues. The vendor recipe for Onyx Amulet does not work in Anarchy or Onslaught leagues. Onyx Amulets have been removed from quest rewards of all leagues. The Mortem Morsu and Silverbranch Unique items have been given 3D art. Features: A party leader can choose an item allocation mode for the party: Free for All, Short Allocation or Permanent Allocation. This is applied to new areas as they are created and is locked in for that area. If you join a party and find that it has an area open with a different mode than the party is currently set to, then just wait for the next area or find a different party. In all item allocation modes, normal rarity (white) Maps permanently allocate to the creator of the Map area. There are now options to display mini life bars on allies and/or enemies. The Orb of Fusing and Jeweller's Orb now consume all the quality on an item to increase the chances of rolling more sockets/links. Once you're right clicked on a currency item, you can now shift-left click on an item repeatedly to apply that type of currency item multiple times. The Energy Shield display on the life orb is now a lot larger if you have a lot of Energy Shield. Upcoming race events are now shown on the character selection screen. The "/remaining" command will now tell you how many monsters remain to kill in the current area. This is useful for some of the new challenges. Adjusted the height of nameplates on ground items so that they no longer cover the 3D item art. A consequence of the item allocation changes is that if you're playing alone, the labels of valuable items that drop will appear for a few seconds even if you're not currently showing the item labels. The friends list is now sorted by account name. Estimated stats on character sheet now cap out at level 77 monsters. We've added some experimental code that triggers a local position resync if you are stunned while desynced by more than around 2 metres. The goal of this change is to catch the situations where you are pinned by monsters on the server without being able to see them on the client. This is a low-impact change that should prevent some avoidable character deaths. Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects and environments. Audio Updates: Added an ambient sound volume option to the options panel. Completely overhauled basic weapon impacts. Added impact sounds for when a target has Energy Shield. Added new weapon swinging sounds. Dual wielding with different weapon types now plays the appropriate sound for both types. Improved Tempest Shield audio. Improved Sweep audio. Changed the way volume fades. You can now hear sounds in a smaller area. Improved Extra Gore audio. Fixed a gain multiplier issue with certain dialogue. Previous audio environments should no longer persist into the character creation screen. More environment and reverb tweaks. General Balance: Monster damage has been reduced in all difficulties to accompany the general reduction of Life and Energy Shield passive skills. Monster life has been increased in early levels and decreased in later levels. Endurance Charges now only provide 4% elemental and physical damage reduction per charge. The attack range of all melee weapons and many monsters has been increased to better match their animations. Damage reflection mods for monster auras and maps have been reduced from 20% to 18%. The Alchemist Poison Bomb has been reduced in damage in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). Skeleton elemental projectile spells have been reduced in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). Puncture used by monsters has been significantly reduced in damage in Normal and Cruel difficulties (beyond the general monster damage rebalance). Unrighteous Fire has been reduced to reflect the different relationship between Life and Damage in monsters. Hillock now correctly restores a percentage of his maximum life when he draws his sword. This life restoration increases in higher difficulties. Cruel bandit quest rewards: changed to 18% Physical Damage for Oak and 8% Attack Speed for Kraityn. Adjusted the player spawn location in the Crematorium Map boss room. The safety of the Marketplace waypoint has been improved. Item Balance: Granite Flasks have been reduced to providing 3000 armour. The drop rate of Life, Mana and Hybrid flasks has been reduced due to the addition of flask-upgrade vendor recipes in a previous patch. The amount of mana recovered by high level flasks has been increased. For mana flasks this includes Giant and above. For hybrid flasks, Sacred and Hallowed. The Rustic Belt implicit mod has been increased from 3-5% to 12-24%. The 40% quality Flask vendor recipe now takes precedence over the Flask Fusing vendor recipe. Increased the physical damage mod on The Magnate unique belt. This item now generates with +25%-40% Physical Damage (up from +25%). Existing belts will be unchanged, but their values can be rerolled within the new range with a Divine Orb. Skill Balance: Mana recovery from the Clarity aura has been increased. The damage progression of Ethereal Knives has been reduced. The base critical strike chance of Spark has been reduced from 6% to 4%, in line with the critical strike rate of other lightning skills. Freezing Pulse's damage has been reduced. Life values for minions and totems has been reduced to reflect new damage values for monsters. Molten Shell armour and threshold values have been adjusted for new monster damage scaling. Arctic Armour has had its damage reduction adjusted for new monster damage scaling. Multistrike damage penalty reduced from 40% to 36%. Melee Splash damage penalty reduced from -20% to -16%. Passive Balance: Notable passives with non-unique names have been renamed to their own names. Life percentage passives and most Energy Shield percentage passives have been reduced in line with the changes to monster damage. General and weapon-specific physical damage bonuses have been increased throughout the tree. Axe physical damage notable passives have been increased further than other weapon physical damage passives. Weapon and melee specific critical strike chance passives have been significantly improved. Acrobatics now halves your Energy Shield and Armour, rather than removing them entirely. Elemental Adaptation has been reduced to 2% maximum resists. More changes to maximum resistances are coming in the future. The intention is that players cannot hit 100%. Diamond Skin and the renamed Diamond Flesh notable passives have been reduced from 15% to 12% resistances. Static Blows: the shock duration bonus has been reduced from 45% to 20%. Inner Force has been reduced from 18% increased buff effect to 12%. The other increased buff effect passives have been reduced from 6% to 3%. The Savant notable passive in the Witch start area has been changed to Elemental Dominion. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20% Spell Elemental Damage. The Agility notable passive in the Shadow starting area has been changed to Coordination. This provides +20 Dexterity, 3% Attack Speed and 3% Cast Speed. The Savant notable passive in the Templar starting area has been changed to Secrets of the Order. This provides +20 Intelligence and +20 Mana. The Strength bonus on Heart of the Gladiator (in the Marauder start area) has been reduced to +10. +10 Strength has been added to the following early Marauder notable passives: Armour Mastery, Troll's Blood, Raw Power and Butchery. The Soul Raker, Essense Raker and Spirit Raker notable passives have been increased to 4% leech each. Spirit Raker now includes 20 flat Energy Shield. The Flaying notable passive now includes +6% Maximum Life. Wicked Blade (the notable passive previously called Cruel Blade, directly south of the Duelist) now includes 6% Attack Speed. The other Cruel Blade notable passive has not been changed. Renamed the Arrow Dodging keystone passive to Ondar's Guile. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where items would sometimes not drop from monsters killed by Fire Trap. Fixed a bug where Spell Totems casting Molten Shell would keep recasting the skill. Fixed a bug where summoned zombies and skeletons could not enter tight spaces that characters could. Fixed a bug where Spectres and Zombies could explode during zone transition between town and the Eternal Laboratory. Fixed a bug where the Letters of Exile could repeat the same letter twice in a row. Fixed a bug with the Midnight Bargain Unique item. You can no longer reserve 100% of life in conjunction with buffs and not die. Fixed a bug where skill popups showed off-hand stats when there was no off-hand weapon equipped. Fixed a bug where Rain of Arrows would treat missed targets as though they had entered the area during the delay and hit them anyway. Fixed a rare crash related to minion instability and area transitions of minions on low life. Fixed bugs related to projectiles that chained or forked tracking their distance travelled incorrectly. Fixed a bug where Shield Charge would deal no damage if used very close to a monster. Fixed a bug where the Energy Shield stun avoidance check would not apply in the case of a shield block. Fixed a bug where monsters that channel lightning could still hit targets that had moved out of line of sight or distance during the warmup period. Fixed a bug where your minions were able to damage a monster you had recently used Dominating Blow on if their attack started before the monster was converted. Fixed a bug related to raising a Spectre of a monster type that normally starts inactive. Updated Patch Notes added the next day: The Energy Shield display on the life orb is now a lot larger if you have a lot of Energy Shield. New vendor recipes have been added. Monster life has been increased in early levels and decreased in later levels. Skeleton elemental projectile spells have been reduced in all difficulties (beyond the general monster rebalance). A consequence of the item allocation changes is that if you're playing alone, the labels of valuable items that drop will appear for a few seconds even if you're not currently showing the item labels. We've added some experimental code that triggers a local position resync if you are stunned while desynced by more than around 2 metres. The goal of this change is to catch the situations where you are pinned by monsters on the server without being able to see them on the client. This is a low-impact change that should prevent some avoidable character deaths. Version 0.11.0b Increased Melee Splash radius by 17%. Fixed a bug where Projectile Speed bonuses did not apply to Spark when used with a Spell Totem. Fixed a client crash related to mini life bars. Fixed a bug introduced in 0.11.0 where Passive Skill Refund Points would not be saved when changing areas. Fixed a realm crash introduced in 0.11.0. Version 0.11.0c Characters who die in Hardcore and Onslaught leagues are now permanently shown on the ladder they died in, marked in grey. The in-game character still becomes a Standard character, as usual. Fixed a bug where Blood Rage would not get modifications such as duration increases when the buff reset due to monster kill. Fixed a bug that would allow the boss of The Coward's Trial to drop Anarchy or Onslaught Unique items. The Holy Resolve notable has been renamed to Riddle of Steel. Combat sounds are no longer played when the Ambient Sound volume slider is changed. Improved the upcoming information about events shown on the character screen. Players will get a chat icon indicating how many challenge categories they have completed when chatting in Anarchy and Onslaught leagues. Fixed a bug where you create (frozen) characters in leagues before their registration period started by using the league selection drop down on the character screen. Fixed a bug where holding shift with any item would put it into reuse mode even if not a currency item. Fixed a bug where release of shift was not always detected when reusing currency items. Fixed a client crash related to NPC audio. Version 0.11.0d Rogue Exiles now start appearing from The Prisoner's Gate in Normal difficulty. Rogue Exiles are now more common. Increased the rarity of item drops from Rogue Exiles. Brutus and Kole have had their damage reduced. Might, Beef, Physique and Instability have been changed to the correct names on the Challenge list. The character selection screen now displays the correct banners for leagues. Weapon effects from Open Beta Supporter Packs now appear on the off-hand weapon as well, if it doesn't have its own effect. Fixed a bug where microtransaction effects could be lost when using an Eternal Orb. Fixed a bug where the Vaal Oversoul's life bar was visible when it was hidden. Fixed several bugs related to remaining monster count. Fixed an issue where Restless Dead and the music would continue after the deaths of the bosses of Acton's Nightmare. Fixed a client crash when changing areas with unapplied passive skill changes. Version 0.11.0e Trading Currency Items away to other players is now blocked until you have a level 25+ character on your account. This rule does not apply to existing accounts created before this patch. It does not affect Scrolls of Wisdom or Portal Scrolls. This change is designed to disrupt RMT and should not affect legitimate players very much. Fixed an instance crash related to the Vaal Oversoul. Fixed a bug where you could restore an Imprinted item to an equipped item slot. Fixed a bug where linking an item in chat would sometimes link the wrong item.
  25. hondo1

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    χαχαχα Μάριε..αν είναι να χωρίσεις..τότε προτείνω να μην ξεκινήσεις :P
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