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Posts posted by Athanasios2104

  1. Το παιχνιδι ειλικρινα θα μπορουσε να ειναι 10 φορες καλυτερο αν υπηρχαν ατομα με ιδεες και ικανοτητες εκει μεσα.

    νομίζω το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα είναι ότι πρέπει να μειώθηκε το team μετά το launch και από 100 άτομα να έμειναν πχ 20-30

    μπορεί να κάνω και λάθος βέβαια, άλλα η SOE έχει ανακοινώσει αρκετούς ΜΜΟ τίτλους τελευταία που θέλουν συνεχή δουλειά, από την άλλη πρόσφατα απέλυσε κόσμο... κοινώς αυτοί που έμειναν καλούνται να βγάζουν επιπλέον δουλειά


  2. Hey all -

    As many of you have probably already heard - our next live update is going to be a pretty big one. We have a lot of outfit features, such as Outfit Recruitment, Outfit Base Capture and Outfit decals coming, and we've also decided that it's about damn time to release Hossin and Continent Locking live.

    I wanted to drop by today to let you all know what you can expect from these features both in the short and long term, since they are being approached in a slightly different way than we've done in the future - especially for...


    You may or may not know that Hossin has actually been in development since before we launched PS2, so for us it's literally been a 2 year process to get this continent live. Since launching the game, and going through the process of redoing our facilities and outposts on all 3 of our launch continents, we've learned a tremendous amount about how to make levels that work for our game. Anyone who looks at the state of the Amerish levels (our most recent revamps) now compared to the Indar levels (our first revamps) should be able to see the improvements overall quality of the levels/bases we're generating now, those newer bases are our new quality bar, and we're committed to match or exceed that level of quality with all our future outposts. Along the way, we've figured out that creating a "good" outpost in Planetside 2 takes about 2-3 weeks of level design, art playtesting and iteration time minimally, per outpost. Multiply that by 80 or so, and you'll get a good idea of how much work is required for a high-quality continent.

    There isn't any other way to say it except to say that Hossin is not finished. If we wanted to "finish" Hossin without sacrificing the quality level we've established, it would probably be 3 months before it was ready to go live - we don't want to wait that long, and we don't think you want to either.

    So what is going live with the next update then?

    Right now about 50% of the bases on Hossin are "done" to the point that we're completely satisfied with the quality of the level design and visuals, about 25% of the bases are first pass - you'll be able to recognize these bases by their naming scheme, and another 25% are bases which are more or less staging areas, or stamped bases, identical to each other - this is an outpost we know works well, so we've put them in as placeholders. We expect these bases to function correctly, provide all the necessary utilities to make the game work - they're just not 100% up to our standards of level design quality quite yet - essentially they feel more like the bases on Indar than the bases on Amerish. Over the next few months, the level design and environment art team is going to continue to iterate the bases on Hossin and every couple weeks you'll see more and more of the continent getting completed and patched to live. In the meantime we're considering Hossin to be a beta, or Early Expedition continent. The continent will be fully functional, but the content is not 100% complete. Of course during this time we'll be especially interested in hearing feedback, suggestions and bug reports on the continent.

    Another reason we're going with this Early Expedition approach, besides just getting the continent to you earlier, is we know that we won't really discover what works and doesn't work in the continent until it's live. We've had to go back and redo a lot in our other continents once they were exposed to the masses and we expect Hossin will be similar. It makes a lot of sense to us to be doing that while we're actively developing the continent, instead of waiting for it to be 100% finished, before redoing all the stuff that didn't work exactly right. Some people are sure to ask "isn't that what PTS is for?", yes and no. PTS has been great for determining if features worked or not, if things are fun to use or not, but it's not great for figuring out large scale balance or flow issues. Players just aren't on PTS enough or playing legitimately there, even during events, for us to really figure out if some of these more complex balance changes or level flows are working well or not.

    Hossin might be the biggest single feature in this update, but everything else in it is really cool too, and since there have been a lot of questions about the other features - here's a brief rundown of what they are:

    Continent Locking - 1st Phase:

    In the first phase, continent locking will piggyback on the current continent domination rules. When a continent is captured, it will be locked to spawns and interactions of all kinds, and it will provide a benefit to the locking empire, similar to the benefit you get from domination now. This will limit the available continents in play down to the unlocked continents, no players, even the ones with the locked continent, will have access to that continent for the duration of the lock. Once another continent is dominated and locked, the lock of the previously locked continent will be broken, the warpgates will be rotated, and the territory set back to defaults. Players on the locking empire are now effectively defending their lock (and benefit) by ensuring that another empire does not lock one of the open continents.

    We have some more functionality in store for continent locking, including tying in alerts, and eventually making warpgates part of the capturable facilities along with home continents. We want to see how the basic mechanic of locking out continents from play based on player conquests will work and then build out from there.

    New Outfit functionality:

    Nothing makes Planetside 2 more fun to play than teamwork, and getting new players into outfits, and keeping outfit leaders flush with troops to fill their platoons is critical to the entire game working well. Outfit recruitment is a fairly simple system that allows leaders to list their outfits, and allows players to apply and be accepted to the outfit in an simple interface - we hope this will reduce the barrier to joining outfits for the approximately 50% of players who never do.

    Outfit decals allow you to select a decal for your outfit and your entire outfit to wear it. Simple as that. We're working on a way to allow outfits to use CUSTOM decals here too, but at first it will be based on the decals that the outfit leader has. Outfit decals are also used in a few places in the UI to show...

    Outfit Base Capture:

    With this update, whichever outfit has members that do the most in the course of capturing the base, earning kills, spawning troops, arming generators, etc. will be listed as the outfit that captured the base. This outfit will have it's name displayed on the map when you look at the region, on the tab screen, and their outfit decal will be added to the same banners that display the empire ownership right now (this part may be in a subsequent update, since it's coming in a bit hot). We are also discussing outfit benefits for "owning" the facility, such as reduced resource costs for vehicles, or reduced spawn times for infantry - although in the initial implementation it'll be bragging rights only.

    Whew, that was a lot to get through - hope you're still with me. In addition to these big ticket features, this update will contain the usual bug fixes and polish features. Our plan is to get this build up to PTS today following #MergerSmash, and to be ready to bring it live next week once we're confident things are working well - however, we will be keeping this build on PTS as long as we need to to ensure it's solid before it hits live servers.

    We're really excited to get these features and content out to you guys, and we're really looking forward to seeing your feedback on all the new hotness. Of course I want to heavily encourage anyone who is able to patch up PTS and kick the tires on these new features, the more folks we have check them out on PTS the better the update will be.

    If you made it all the way through, thanks for reading! If not, hopefully someone will post a good TLDR for you!

    See you on Hossin!


    Matthew Higby - @mhigby

    Creative Director - @planetside2


  3. ur plan as of right now is to get Hossin, continent locking, outfit recruitment & outfit base capture live with next week's update

    το έγραψε ένας στο outfit forum ότι το είπε ο Higgles, αν ισχύει και αν το κάνουν, θα αλλάξει το παιχνίδι ριζικά (προς το καλό)

    βέβαια αυτά έπρεπε να ήταν έτοιμα στο launch, άλλα κάλιο αργά παρά ποτέ

    ίδωμεν (δεν είναι η 1η φορά που παίρνουν αναβολή τα συγκεκριμένα)

  4. εκεί στη SOE αρχίζουν να το χάνουν, μιλάμε για NERF όχι αστεία

    και όλα αυτά για το κλάμα που ρίχνουν στα φόρα όσοι παίζουν infantry, το 99% των οποίων δεν μπορεί καν να σηκώσει από το έδαφος ESF/Lib

    ας αφαιρέσουν εντελώς τα όπλα από τα πετούμενα και να είναι απλώς transport vehicles να τελειώνουμε και να μην ξοδεύουμε certs τσάμπα :giveup:

  5. βασικά το πρόβλημα είναι τα διάφορα sales/offers που κάνει η SOE δεν τα κάνει η Prosieben και την κράζουν

  6. Βασικά το πήρα από το email που μου έστειλαν, αν σας βγάζει error, τσεκάρετε στα spam αν δεν σας ήρθε κάτι

  7. The new Implants system provides you the ability to customize your loadouts with each combat situation. Check out Implants with a free limited time offer 5-pack redeemed in game!


    This code will expire on M‌onday, J‌une 2 if not consumed.

  8. να σου πω, τουλάχιστον ως τώρα, δεν με χαλάει

    άλλωστε έτσι πρέπει να είναι, αλλιώς θα ήτανε P2W και αν πάρεις τον κατήφορο...

    είναι ένα μικρό customisation που κάνει ο καθείς στον παίχτη του, και βέβαια σαφώς δεν είναι το τεράστιο end-game cert sink hole που ψάχνουν. Εγώ όση ώρα έπαιξα χθες, είτε είχα implant είτε δεν είχα, ούτε με ένοιαζε. Προς το παρόν 2-3 αξίζουν, άλλα όπως είπα, και αυτά δεν είναι imba.

    Μην τα βλέπεις δλδ σαν τα perks του cod, δεν είναι αυτό το νόημα. Στο COD4 (μετά τα έδωσα όλα άκυρο) αν δεν έβαζες perks μπορεί να ήσουν καλός, αν πέταγες μέσα perks, γινόσουν superman.

  9. Μέχρι 11 του μήνα έχουν 12μηνη συνδρομή στα 90 ευρώ (7.50 ευρώ/μήνα).

    Με 500 SC/μήνα μόνο, σε 1 χρόνο βγαίνει 6000 SC = 50 ευρώ περίπου (τα 5000 SC = 43 ευρώ).

    Δεν ξέρω αν δικαιολογούνται τα επιπλέον 40 ευρώ για +50% XP.... πόσο πάει το +50% XP boost τώρα;

    Δεν ξέρω, το σκέφτομαι πάντως... αν και δεν παίζω καθημερινά άλλα συνήθως ΠΣΚ (και όχι πάντα), ωστόσο βλέπω ότι το PS2 είναι ένα παιχνίδι που με κράτησε από την αρχή και με κρατάει ακόμη και δεν βλέπω να το βαριέμαι σύντομα...

  10. Μάστορα, θέλω:

    - το καλύτερο sub machine gun

    - το καλύτερο magnum πιστόλι

    - το καλύτερο 50αρι sniper rifle

    αν και δεν πατάω πολύ έδαφος, όταν πατάω όμως θέλω να έχω μερικά καινούργια εργαλεία. Τα του Alpha Squad τα έχουν βγάλει τα λεφτά τους.

    δεν αναφέρω εννοείται για τι empire ρωτάω :dirol:

  11. ένα ωραίο update!

    Μερικά σημαντικά imho:

    64-bit Client

    64 bit client is back! This should be a significant reduction in client crashes, but we still have more to fix.

    Server Crashes

    All known server crashes fixed.

    New Carbines

    The following Carbines have been added to fill existing holes in itemization.

    >> δείτε patch notes αναλυτικά

    Straight Pull Bolt Attachments

    New attachment have been added to bolt action sniper rifles that allow you to stay scoped while bolting the rifle. (Apparently a few of you wanted this released...)

    Quality of Life and Balance

    Lifespan of AV MANA turret projectile has been reduced from 10 seconds to 4.75 seconds. This makes the maximum range of the MANA turret around 450 meters.

    All ranks of TR MAX Lockdown now deploy and undeploy faster (Again, Nanites. Stop questioning why.)

    -Deploy times reduced from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds

    Vehicle Changes

    -All Vehicles Nanite Auto Repair

    Additional ranks no longer reduce the delay

    The delay is 12 seconds across all ranks (That is still going to feel like 10 minutes when you are under fire).


    --Harasser turbo now consumes 50% less fuel while active, allowing for a longer boost

    This is the pre-pu02 value

    --Turbo is now standard on all Harassers. (Now everyone can feel the need for speed!)

    This frees up the utility slot for other options. (No you still cannot add hydraulics.)

    The certification line still exists, but as a passive bonus

    Vehicle Weapon Tuning

    -M18 Needler:

    Increased magazine size

    Magazine size increased from 70 to 75

    Ammo resupply rate increased from 140 to 150 per tick

    Ammo capacity increased from 840 to 900

    Ammo per rank increased from 70 to 75

  12. scheduled update, νομίζω το πιο σημαντικό:

    btw, όποιος έχει detect application σε Logitech Setpoint, θα πρέπει να βάλει τα x64 ή x86 exes (το launchpad δεν αλλάζει)

    64-bit Client

    If you’re running a 64 bit operating system, you’ll be running with the 64 bit client. If you’re running a 32 bit operating system, you’ll be running with the 32 bit client. This should cut down on memory related client crashes. (If you are running a 16 bit processor, please put your original Super Nintendo back in the closet and load up PlanetSide 2).

  13. Mastora, εννοείς 1 SC στα daily deals για members only ή σε όλα τα αντικείμενα;;

    Για κράνος που λες, εγώ από την αρχή ήθελα του Stormtrooper, άλλα να δώσω 10$ για κράνος τα θεωρώ πολλά.

  14. σωστός ο προλαλήσας, ξέχασα να αναφέρω ότι εγώ είχα ήδη κάποιο boost από Alpha Squad (6μηνο +50%) για αυτό είχα SC να ξοδεύσω

    προσωπικά περιμένω να δω τι θα γίνει με το resource system και ίσως κάνω συνδρομή :)

  15. όπως έγραψαν οι προλαλήσαντες, certs αποκτάς μαζεύοντας XP in-game

    250 XP = 1 cert

    αλλιώς θα μιλούσαμε για καραμπινάτο pay-2-win

    επομένως τα XP boost κοιτάς

    resource boost πρακτικά δεν χρειάζονται στην παρούσα φάση, στην τελική πας σε ένα continent που ελέγχεται από εσάς το μεγαλύτερο κομμάτι, περιμένεις ~4 - 8 λεπτά και είσαι έτοιμος

  16. Mini-Galaxy φάση, μια χαρά. Άντε να πάρει σειρά και κανα update για οχήματα εδάφους..

    Colossus concept: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/so-uh-the-colossus.167048/


    όπως το πόσταρε ένα παιδί από διπλανό forum ;)

    με βάση το "εκθεσιακό" κανόνι, τότε μιλάμε για τανκ μεγέθους περίπου ενός Gal, ίσως και μεγαλύτερο

  17. amazon.co.uk, play.com, zavvi.com για ταινίες και παιχνίδια, γιατί απλά στην Ελλάδα οι τιμές είναι αστρονομικές

    Για τα υπόλοιπα, κάνω έρευνα αγοράς και αναλόγως πράτω. Γενικά προτιμώ να δώσω 20-40 ευρώ παραπάνω και να πάρω κάτι από Ελλάδα, ενισχύοντας την οικονομία και έχοντας μια πιο σίγουρη εγγύηση. Αν όμως πρόκειται για διεθνής εταιρείες (πχ. logitech, dell) με παγκόσμιο service και δεν βιάζομαι, τότε μπορεί να το πάρω και από έξω, ειδικά αν είναι μέρος μεγαλύτερης παραγγελίας.

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