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Everything posted by astrovasilis

  1. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    AMD Catalyst Target-Independent Rasterization (TIR): TIR is a new rendering path that enables superior anti-aliasing in Direct3D driver applications Optimized GPU power consumption Καλυτερο AA se WIn 8 και διαχειριση ενεργειας;
  2. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

  3. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    [MENTION=9179]atiman[/MENTION] κατι αντιστοιχο με το adaptive Vsync θα φτιαξει η ΑΤΙ;
  4. astrovasilis

    Show your desktop

    [MENTION=21908]dimi123[/MENTION] Ωραιο http://www.thelab.gr/attachments/genika-gia-tous-i-y-80/49352d1334580385-show-your-desktop-screenshot-.jpg Εκει που λεει εγραφα εφαρμογες κτλ πως το κανες; Επισης εκει πανω που λεει youtube κτλ πως τοκανες; Επισης αυτο με το καιρο ποιο ειναι;
  5. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    Απο 6950 και πανω...
  6. astrovasilis

    Official Battlefield 3 Thread

    Παιδια καλησπερα, μια απορια εχω ... Θελω να πουλησω το BF3 LE αλλα δεν ξερω αν με ενα SERIAL μπορεις να εχεις δυο λογαρισμους στο origin η στο battlelog.. ( να εχει ο αλλος δικο του ονομα ) Διαβαζα οτι μονο ενα δικαιουσαι.. Ξερετε;
  7. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    Highlights of the AMD Catalyst™ 11.11 Windows release includes: NEW FEATURES Adobe Flash Player 11 support * Enables full support of the GPU accelerated Stage 3D API and Stage 3D applications * Supported on the AMD Radeon HD Series of GPUs, A-Series APU and E-Series APU RESOLVED ISSUES Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst™ 11.11 software suite for Windows 7. These include: * Images and textures are no longer corrupted (Blue) in Rage. * Bezel compensation now works correctly with Far Cry 2. * Screen tearing is no longer randomly observed while moving a window on the desktop while in Clone mode or Eyefinity mode. * A black screen is no longer observed when extending displays. * Homefront no longer crashes randomly when Crossfire is enabled. * DC – Universe Online no longer hangs soon after selecting a character and entering the game. KNOWN ISSUES Known issues under the Windows 7 operating system The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst™. These include: * Screen tearing may be observed occasionally while playing Portal 2 in DirectX 9 mode. * Shogun 2 may exhibit screen corruption while playing on low resolution settings in 2x1 Eyefinity mode. * Choppy playback may be observed playing interlaced DVD content in full screen mode using PowerDVD 11. * A BSOD error may occur while playing Call of Duty – Black Ops in Multiplayer mode with Crossfire enabled. * Video corruption may be observed while playing World of Warcraft in windowed mode and AVI file simultaneously. * Dragon Age II may exhibit corruption during in game cinematics when run in DirectX 9 mode. * Lost Planet 2 my display random corruption and flickering when run in DirectX 9 mode. * Lost Planet 2 may crash randomly when Crossfire is enabled. * The following games may experience random flashing textures during gameplay : o Homefront o Metro 2033 o Far Cry 2 o S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat Known Issues under the Windows Vista Operating System The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst™. These include: * Windows Aero options may be missing after installing the driver. * A ‘ghost’ cursor may be observed when playing Dragon Age 2 in Crossfire mode. * The character avatar in Dragon Age 2 may display random flickering. * H.A.W.X. 2 may experience random system reboots when run in Eyefinity mode. * Civilization V may experience random crashing when run at medium or high in game settings. * Bulletstorm may experience random flashing during gameplay. * Dead Space 2 may hang occasionally soon after game launch. Think these are the notes [Twitter] AMD 11.11 Catalyst Drivers Release on 15st
  8. astrovasilis

    Atiman Catalyst Uninstaller software

    ΒΓΗΚΑΝ οπως ειχε πει ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ http://twitter.com/#!/CatalystMaker/status/135008159885574145 ATI Radeon
  9. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    ΒΓΗΚΑΝ οπως ειχε πει ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ ATI Radeon
  10. astrovasilis

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    [MENTION=16876]Catalyst[/MENTION]Maker Terry Makedon @horsebr Cat 11.11 is to be released on next Tuesday is what they tell me http://twitter.com/#!/CatalystMaker/status/135008159885574145 Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ catalist manager sto twitter prin ligo...
  11. astrovasilis

    Official Battlefield 3 Thread

    Εκατσα σημερα και διαβασα lab μπας και μαθω καμια πληροφορια... Ιδου η δικια μου συνομιλια...
  12. astrovasilis

    Official Battlefield 3 Thread

    O επισημος οδηγος της ΑΤΙ θα βγει καποτε; Εχει παει 29... Ξερει καποιος; Η να βαλαω τον Β3;
  13. astrovasilis

    Official Battlefield 3 Thread

    Να κανω μια ερωτηση: Το προπαρηγγγειλα σημερα απο το getitnow.. Τους πηρα τηλεφωνο και ειπαν οτι μολις βγει και ερθει σε αυτους θα πρεπει να γινει η πληρωμη για τον συγκεκριμενο τιτλο.. Με αλλα λογια οσοι προπαραγγελνουν δεν χρεωνονται κατι και δεν λαμβανουν κατι και τελη Οκτωβρη με την αφιξη θα πρεπει να γινει η πληρωμη;
  14. astrovasilis

    Official Battlefield 3 Thread

    Για να παιξει καλα θα θελει λενε 6950 AMD ; Αληθευει; Τι εννοουνε καλα; Ολα στο φουλ;
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