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Everything posted by EraserheadX

  1. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    έχω δύο φίλους στο teamspeak που προσπαθούν να μπουν. Τους λέω οτι προσπαθώ να κάνω κι εγώ login και ας μην έχω key για να ζορίσω τους server και με βρίζουν.
  2. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Guest passes δίνουν μόνο με την collectors ή και με την απλή έκδοση;
  3. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Στις 1 τοπική ώρα ανοίγουν οι servers.
  4. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Έγινε dispatch από το amazon.. τώρα περιμένω να φτάσει. Αν κάνεις έχει extra guest pass για να ξεκινούσα από σήμερα θα το εκτιμούσα.
  5. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Είχες μπει στην beta; Απ' ότι κατάλαβα όσοι μπήκαν στην beta πήραν access στο starter edition. Δεν ξέρω όμως αν θα μπορείς να παίξεις σήμερα με αυτό... edit: 1 το βράδυ
  6. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Μας τη έκανε το Amazon. Ακόμα να κάνουν dispatch το order...
  7. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Αύριο τέτοια ώρα θα κάνουμε click σαν τρελοί...
  8. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    New Downloaders for English and German - Diablo III Όσοι είχατε κατεβάσει το client (όπως εγώ) ξανακατεβάστε το (ένα μέρος τουλάχιστον).
  9. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Σίγουρα μπορείς να βρεις τον installer από κάπου να τον κατεβάσεις. Νομίζω κι εδώ μπήκε link από κάποιον μερικές σελίδες πριν.
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mODqQvlrgIQ]Cool Sound and Water Experiment! - YouTube[/ame]
  11. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    100 ώρες ακόμα.
  12. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    So, any word on US day 1 D3patch size? I've seen a response from a Brazilian Blue and I didn't see that as a "small" patch. I'd need to check on what the exact size ended up at, but I know it's less than 100MB. Ωραία.
  13. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEAPxgMCEA8]Diablo III: Wrath - YouTube[/ame]
  14. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Blizzard's Top Tips for Inferno Mode - Diablo 3 (PC) - IGN Video
  15. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Από το Diablofans.com
  16. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    SOON! 10 days 261 hours 15708 minutes 942528 seconds
  17. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    12 days 288 hours 17321 minutes 1039278 seconds κοντοζυγώνει....
  18. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Global play για το Diablo III Introducing Global Play for Diablo
  19. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgAoVpBohas]Diablo 3 - The Wizard Spotlight Video - YouTube[/ame]
  20. EraserheadX

    Ποια τηλεοπτική σειρά παρακολουθείτε 2.0 (TVLab)

    Δεν παίζει. Ήταν σίγουρα.
  21. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-ZA7NLSRhg]Diablo III Evil is Back TV Spot - YouTube[/ame]
  22. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Δεν μπορείς να κάνεις εγκατάσταση την pre-load ακόμα. edit: too slow
  23. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    We’re inviting you to join us for the midnight launch of Diablo III! In addition to local retail shops’ midnight launches, we’re holding a number of demonically charged worldwide launch events in major cities where you can join Blizzard to celebrate the release of Diablo III and pick up your copy of the game. Each event will have its own activities, giveaways, and contests, so see the press release for further details and be sure to check the launch event site for more info on the one nearest you. Diablo III Midnight Launch Events Whether you’re attending a launch event, grabbing the game at a local store, or waiting patiently at home for your digital version to unlock, you’ll want to be ready to jump in right when the servers open. For the European region, the game servers will go live at 00:01 CEST on May 15. As a reminder to our Russian players, the Russian-language version of the game will be available digitally and at retail starting June 7. Don’t forget to create your BattleTag — it's important to do so now if you haven't already, as it’s REQUIRED TO PLAY DIABLO III. Also note that if you’d like to receive a digital copy of Diablo III free, there are still a few days left to sign up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass. We hope to see you at one of our Diablo III launch events and we look forward to seeing you in-game on May 15! Αν δεν έχω κάνει λάθος αυτό σημαίνει ότι στις 01:01 πμ παίζουμε!
  24. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    Διαθέσιμος ο Witch Doctor για να ξεκλειδώσετε το sigil του.
  25. EraserheadX

    Diablo 3

    σχετικά με τα γραφικά: We're not particularly interested in pushing graphical limits with Blizzard games. Our intent is always to provide a timeless stylized aesthetic, while allowing for a broad range of machines to view the game with similar results. The art style for Diablo III is specifically intended to appear as a moving painting, which in general avoids very crisp textures or hard lines. More importantly though we specifically separate background from foreground by using by using a visually unobtrusive canvas and sharper and more saturated enemies and spell effects in the foreground to elevate the gameplay. We actually specifically call it the 'canvas' because the foreground and midground elements and action are painted on top. With the screen full of enemies, spell effects, minions, and players you don't want a busy background, because it actually detracts from the ability to quickly and easily make important skilled choices during combat. Being able to quickly and effortlessly read what's going on is more important than almost everything else, because if you can't do that then the depth of a combat system is being thwarted by the visual bells and whistles. It's more important for us to serve the gameplay as well as design a timeless game. "Realism" in games is really only as real as the next version of DirectX or video card product cycle. By approaching with a stylized and painterly approach, we intend for Diablo III to be playable and visually appealing for as long as possible. Πηγή: Are the graphics amped down for the beta? - Forums - Diablo III
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