Δεν σου εβαλα τυχαια την 2η φωτο. Στο BF4 η nvidia έχει θέματα στην Beta οπως και στο BF3 στα 1080p. Να στο πω καλυτερα. GTX780 BF4 BETA 1080p ultra ... gpu load 95-98% = χαλια GTX780 BF4 BETA surround ... gpu load 99% = κρεμα The Bottom Line After logging hours of play time in Battlefield 4 Beta using both the Radeon R9 280X and GeForce GTX 770, the AMD Radeon R9 280X appears to deliver a far superior gaming experience compared to the NVIDIA GeForce 770 GTX no matter what the framerate graphs show. Since the game is so new, there might be a significant amount of performance that could be unlocked with driver updates from both NVIDIA and AMD that could quickly change the observations that we have today. The full-version game could also change this game in big ways, as all the graphics options come into play. HARDOCP - Observations and Conclusion - Battlefield 4 Beta Performance Preview Bottom Line by zpaf Αν η πρασινη δεν κλειδωσει στο 99% το load στα 1080p οπως η κοκκινη κλαφτα.&-