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144Hz + Nvidia = αυξημένη κατανάλωση συστήματος;
GruntGR απάντησε στο θέμα του yanni topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
οι fermi εχουν επισης θεμα με τα 120hz απο τοτε που βγηκαν :/ παντα ειχα την οθονη 100hz και highest available στο NVCP για να μπαινει αυτοματα στα 120 (μονο που αυτο δεν δουλευε ποτε στο titanfall ) σε 5850 δεν ειχα τετοιο προβλημα ουτε στην 390 που εχω τωρα, ξεφτιλες -
29/10 για αλλους αυτη η ημερα ειναι επετειος - εκλεισε 2 χρονια (δυσ)λειτουργιας το καρκινιαρικο για εμενα ειναι ... σημερα θυμηθηκε να ξεμπλοκαρει και το 7ημερο trial στο origin καλα κρασα edit : bonus pic στο spoiler και anniversary vid απο κατω
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Game Update 37 Victory Conditions! 29 OCTOBER - DBG_RADARXVictory Points Continents will no longer be captured by alerts and territory control alone! Victory Points are a new method of scoring within the game. If your faction earns the required number of Victory Points, then the continent is yours! The continental VP scoreboard is shown at the top of the Map screen. Mousing over each faction will bring up the “Points to Victory” window, which breaks down progress and overall score. There are a numbers of ways to earn VP: Permanent Victory Points Link your warpgate to enemy warpgate = +1 VP Link your warpgate to both enemy warpgates simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock Capture all Techplants = +1 VP Capture all Amp Stations= +1 VP Capture all Biolabs = +1 VP Capture all major facilities (Amp, Bio, Tech) simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock Win Alerts = +2 VP Flux Victory Points Capturing more than 45% of a continent’s territory can earn you “Flux” Victory Points. Flux Victory Points count toward continental victory, but can be won/lost with the territory you control/lose. Percentage of Territory controlled: 45% = +1 VP 50% = +1 VP 55% = +1 VP 60% = +1 VP 65% = +1 VP 70% = +1 VP 75% = +1 VP 80% = +1 VP 85% = +1 VP 90% = +1 VP (Continental Victory) Continent Benefit Changes Hossin Benefit – 50% off MAXs has been removed, controlling Hossin will now provide vehicle and aircraft repairs at friendly ammo resupply towers/pads. Facility Benefit Changes AMP Station Benefit Allows facility turrets to fire for much longer before overheating; also allows facility turrets to auto repair over time. BioLab Benefit Auto heal rate has been increased significantly. New Bounty Directive Awards a “Bounty Hunter” title and the NS-15 Gallows LMG as the final tier reward. LMG Changes Orion ADS moving CoF remains 0.4 (same as Live) ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 Horizontal recoil to 0.22/0.22, from 0.2/0.225 Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 Standing hipfire to 2.5, from 2.75 Moving hipfire to 3.25, from 3.5 Projectile velocity to 540, from 570 Short and long reloads to 3.0/3.44, from 3.28/3.655 Betelgeuse ADS moving CoF remains 0.4 (same as Live) ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 Horizontal recoil to 0.22/0.22, from 0.2/0.225 Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 Standing hipfire to 2.5, from 2.75 Moving hipfire to 3.25, from 3.5 Projectile velocity to 540, from 570 Decreased heat bleedoff speed by 20% SVA-88 & SVA-88 GG ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 Horizontal recoil to 0.2/0.2, from 0.2/0.225 Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 Vertical recoil to 0.4, from 0.44 Pulsar LSW Can now equip Extended Magazines First Shot Multiplier to 1.6, from 2.45 ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 VX29 Polaris Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m Recoil angle to 17/17, from 17/20 Ursa Moving ADS CoF to 0.35, from 0.4 Flare Horizontal tolerance to 0.6, from 0.75 Vertical recoil to 0.4, from 0.44 Anchor First Shot Recoil Multiplier to 2.2, from 2 Horizontal recoil to 0.18, from 0.175 Standing hipfire to 2.75, from 3 Moving hipfire to 3.5, from 3.75 Projectile velocity to 570, from 600 EM1 Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m Horizontal recoil to 0.18/0.18, from 0.2/0.2 NC6 Gauss Saw Moving Aim Down Sights CoF to 0.4, from 0.5 MSW-R Standing hipfire to 2.75, from 3 Moving hipfire to 3.5, from 3.75 T16 Rhino Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m First Shot Recoil Multiplier to 1.5, from 2 TMG-50 Moving ADS CoF to 0.35, from 0.4 T32 Bull Reserve ammunition to 240, from 180 Horizontal recoil to 0.18, from 0.2 T9 CARV-S Horizontal tolerance to 0.7, from 0.8 T9A Butcher Added Spinup - Rate of Fire from 750 to 780 over 0.3 seconds. Crouching hipfire to 3, from 3.5 Crouching moving hipfire to 3.5, from 4 Standing hipfire to 3.5, from 4 Moving hipfire to 4, from 4.5 Misc You can now set multiple bounties on a target at once. Skill line trees are back! (*there is a known issue where some weapons are listed multiple times and/or bring up a different weapon to unlock then what is listed*) All facilities and outposts should now be using the new capture UI that went live on large outposts a few weeks ago. Fixed an issue that would cause the bounty counter on the HUD to display "x0". Fight for Flight decals are now only viewable in the inventory of the appropriate faction. Deployed Sunderers should once again properly display their no deploy zones to other friendly Sunderers and show on their minimaps.
χορεψτε και οσοι δεν προλαβε να σας (ξανα)βολεψει ο σαμαρας http://news247.gr/eidiseis/oikonomia/ergasia/mpalaki-oi-katharistries-h-kyvernhsh-tis-paei-se-thesh-grammatea-sta-dikasthria.3744244.html
The Containment War Update is almost here, and out of gratitude to all of our players that have been continuing to play dirty and provide their feedback, we're giving everyone that logs into Dirty Bomb in the week after the release of the Containment War Update a special gift. Every single player that logs in during that time will receive one of the hardest to kill medics out there, Phoenix. He's an expert at healing everyone around him while under heavy fire with his Healing Pulse ability, and he can even revive himself when incapacitated, helping your team keep the pressure on. If you have already unlocked Phoenix by the time the Containment War update arrives, you'll get a special reward of your own: 1x Elite Case A, 1x Elite Case B and a unique Obsidian Loadout Card for Phoenix! This will end a week after the release of the Containment War during the week of October 28th, so be sure to grab your free Phoenix while you can!
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43 σελιδες ειναι μωρε, οταν δεν ειχαμε smartphone ξερετε ποσες φορες διαβαζα το manual της μητρικης ενω ξαλαφρωνα στην χεστρα ? kidz these dayz ....
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Conquer Update Changelist October 27, 2015 27 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΊΟΥ - MIKEE This update includes a new map, Linux support, new weapons, a new coop game mode, new AI, spectator improvements, grenade launcher sights, and more. This update will be a large download because we have reworked our coop maps and merged them into our main maps. This means we now have support for Outpost Night, Hunt Day, Survival Day. There are now over three times the amount of cooperative scenarios, and the game takes up 1.5 gigabytes less space. Insurgency is also being featured in the latest Humble Bundle[www.humblebundle.com]. If you are interested in further supporting us, you can donate to the bundle and select “Developers” and then “Insurgency” in the sliders below. New Engine Features: SteamOS and Linux support Added official Steam Controller profile New Game Features New Conquer Cooperative mode. Secure and hold three objectives, while seeking out enemy weapon caches to cripple their supply. New navigation mesh spawning system allowing the game to have three times more coop scenarios while reducing the game by 1.5gb on your hard drive. New coop scenarios which were previously not supported include Conquer (day and night), Hunt (day), Outpost (night) and Survival (day). All new AI behaviors including use of cover, retreating, weapon based stances, bipod usage, pistol swap, arousal system; improved combat logic, use of grenades and targeting system New environment interaction features including sprinklers, breakable radios, cash registers, breakable pots, improved breakable vehicle windows. New Maps Kandagal. Layout for Contact expanded, with day and night versions. Weapons and Upgrades Galil assault rifle. Sterling sub machine gun. Model 10 revolver. Grenade launcher sights. Extended magazines. Updated M1 Carbine & L1A1 SLR models. Updated first person pistol animations. New M4A1, M16A4 & MK18 first person animations. New Grenade, Molotov, C4 & IED first person animations. 7x scope is now available on the M16A4 for the designated marksman. Gameplay Improvements Extended grenade functionality: With cookable grenades, left click will release the spoon on the grenade and will start cooking immediately. Right click will prime a grenade without cooking and the left mouse button can be used to start cooking. Middle mouse button will prime a lob without cooking. Clicking either the left or right mouse button will begin cooking. New C4 “plant” function.Holding right click will stick the C4 to a surface you’re looking at if you’re close enough. Improved blinding effect of flashbangs, they will also suppress enemies who are blinded. New headshot sounds. Updated Classic cooperative playlist’s starting supply and enemy strength to be more of a mid-way point between Elite and Hardcore. New burned and blown-up skins for players who get killed in the corresponding way. Laser sights and flashlights can now be used when using the underbarrel grenade launcher. Lowered arm distance on launched smoke grenades. Laser sight is now shown during the weapon draw animation. Allow getting up from prone in water. In some rare occurrences a player could be stuck in prone underwater. User Experience Redesigned menu user interface New Community menu featuring Insurgency social networks New Help menu for customer support, mod making, and guides. New Solo menu for creating offline games against bots. Note: This is just the first small step towards overhauling all menus. Improved in-game controller support: Controller-specific recoil handling to make it more manageable. Added bindable combined actions: +stance: Press to toggle crouch, hold to prone. +usereload: Press to reload, hold to use. toggleprimarysecondary, togglemeleeexplosives for switching between those two weapon slots. Updated default Xbox 360 controller binds. Objective dock on the bottom of the screen better highlights the objective you are in. When switching to a weapon or gear item that would otherwise put you over the weight limit, the previous item in the same slot is no longer sold when the purchase is denied. Insurgent weapons now use the Security-style suppressors in coop. End-game map voting now shuffles the map selection by default. Server admins can revert to the old behavior by setting sv_map_voting_shuffle to 0. Added server cvar sv_alltalk_intermission so all talk at the start of the game and between rounds can be disabled (disabled by default in the Competitive Match theater). Added server cvar sv_alltalk_endgame for doing the same when the game ends. Workshop menu is now sorted alphabetically, separates published and subscribed files and is a lot more responsive. Spectating features Added x-ray overlay which can be toggled with the firemode key (default X). Camera smoothing for the free fly spectator camera, disabed by default. To enable it enter the following commands. The amount of smoothing is configurable for every setting and the maximum banking angle can be adjust as well using spec_bank_angle (negative values make it bank in the other direction) spec_interpolate 1 (smooths mouse movement) spec_interpolate_position 1 (smooths out camera position changes) spec_bank 1 (enables yaw-based camera roll) Stability Improvements Replaced Chromium HTML implementation with the one provided by Steam. This should resolve an issue that a limited number of users were having where the game would freeze on exit. Bug Fixes Fixed crouch and stand transitions when leaning. Fixed grenade launcher not being dropped when a weapon with a grenade launcher was swapped with another. Firefight will now trigger the hero cap voice over. Full changelist here[newworldinteractive.com]. And check out our official roadmap[trello.com] to see what's in store for the future. Enjoy, we'll see you in the servers.
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ασε το '41 και πιασε το '96 τοτε που ο σημιτης παρελαβε χρεος 9 δις και φευγοντας απο την καρεκλα το 2004 αυτο ειχε ηδη παει στα 180. μετα ο τουρκοσπορας με το playstation μεσα σε 5 χρονια το πηγε 340. ο ενας μου βαζει λογια και λεει για συνταξιουχους 1200 ευρω ο αλλος λεει για το '40 θα πεταγα ενα fuck this thread τωρα αλλα βαριεμαι να ψαχνω για gif
κι ομως το ψωμομενο χερακι ειναι σημαντικος δεικτης για το αν μια γυναικα τα εχει τα κιλακια της ή οχι, οπως και η γραμμη κατω απο την μασχαλη ! εφοσον ντρεπονται να βαλουν ξωκοιλα bikiniα κλπ απο καπου θα πρεπει να βγαλω κι εγω τα συμπερασματα μου συγνωμη αλλα μεγαλο "τροφοδοτικο" και μεση δαχτυλιδι δεν πανε μαζι, ειναι κοντρα στους νομους της φυσης, ακομα και η Petra Verkaik (google at your own discretion) εχει λιγα ψωμακια γυρω απο την μεση ( και κλεινει 49 σε μια βδομαδα, holy cow )
- 25.485 απαντήσεις
μπα πανε αυτα εδω ειπαμε ειδα jill που την ειχα χασει και δεν μπορεσα να χαζεψω το μπρατσακι της το αφρατο οι pic τραβηχτηκαν ιουνιο και ιουλιο
- 25.485 απαντήσεις
play the blame game λεμε εδω λεει το χαζοκουτι οτι γινεται "μαχη" για ισοδυναμα και ταυτοχρονα ο (γ)καμμενος χαλαει 6k ανα ωρα πτηση με το ελικοπτερακι του, εχει ωραια γευση το κοκκινο σανο. http://www.ienimerosi.gr/44ischiro-pligma-gia-tin-kivernisi-ta-skandala-flampourari-stathaki-elegchonte-gia-mavro-chrima-me-diadikasies-expres/
αυξημενες πιθανοτητες για 50αρικο they say ας το δοκιμασουμε και αυτο(ν) btw δεν ειναι τυχαιο που εχει τοποθετηθει η ξυστιερα απεναντι απο τον παγκο ραουρ
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οι τραπεζες κλεισανε επειδη καποια "ζωα" τρεξανε ενα σαββατο και σηκωσανε οτι μπορουσανε. επισης το παραδεχτηκε και τωρινος (θα ξερασω !) προεδρος της βουλης. http://www.newsrebel.gr/politika/scholio-krisi-ilikrinias-o-voutsis-paradechtike-oti-i-kivernisi-eklise-tis-trapezes/ το κλεισιμο και τα CC ηρθανε με ΠΝΠ, ειχαμε σημαντικες εκροες καταθεσεων επι αρκετους μηνες για τις οποιες η "καλυτερη κυβερνηση ολων των εποχων" δεν εκανε τιποτα, το σαβατιατικο bank run μεσω καρτων ητανε η χαριστικη βολη. επισης για τα λεφτα που φυγανε στο εξωτερικο και σκουζει ο "γραφικος υπερηλιξ αποτυχημενος γλειφτης" παλι δεν εχει γινει τιποτα, το μονο που κανανε πριν τα CC ητανε να βολεβουν τα σογια τους και να αδειαζουν τα αποθεματικα με ΠΝΠ. αλλα βεβαια μας αρεσει να τα ριχνουμε σε εναν κακομουτσουνο μονο και μονο επειδη βρισκεται σε αναπηρικη καρεκλα και τυχαινει να διαχειριζεται τα οικονομικα των "κακων" Γερμανων. let's play the blame game παλι, σε αυτη την χωρα παντα οι "αλλοι" φταινε.
- 25.485 απαντήσεις
πας να βγαλεις λεφτα απο το ΑΤΜ της πειραιως ζητας 420 που ειναι μια απο τις ετοιμες επιλογες "ΜΗ ΑΠΟΔΕΚΤΟ ΠΟΣΟ, ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΟΥΜΕ 400 ή 450" master level trolling αντε να βγουνε τα καινουργια 20ρικα μηπως και βαζουν περισσοτερα μεσα
- 25.485 απαντήσεις
http://tomischool.gr/%CE%B7-%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%B3%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B7-%CF%86%CF%85%CE%B3%CE%B7-%CF%84%CF%89%CE%BD-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1%CF%84%CF%81%CF%89%CE%BD-the-great-getaway-of-doctors/ http://www.reporter.gr/Eidhseis/Ygeia/271250-Theodwros-Tryfwn-H-troika-yponomeyei-thn-Ellhnikh-Farmakobiomhchania μπαμπης αυγοκεφαλος voice : αναπτυξη ! αναπτυξη !! 6:50 τσο και λο edit : να τανε μονο ο σταθης .... (ποιος μλκς ειναι αυτος παλι ?? ) ξυδακι
back to reality (oh there goes gravity)
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Τι mp3 ακούτε αυτή τη στιγμή; v2.0 (MusicLab)
GruntGR απάντησε στο θέμα του DJD topic στην ενότητα Off topic
ο υπαλληλος του δημου και το πανκιο -
τα πραγματα ειναι απλα, τα καναλια και οι αδειες υποσχεσεις του τζιφρα κανανε τον μισο κοσμο να για τον Α/Β λογο να ψηφισει απο τον καναπε, η ψηφος του αλλου μισου διαμορφωθηκε απο την αποψη του average joe ο οποιος ακουγοντας παπαδακηδες αυτιαδες χατζηνικολαδες και λοιπους "επαγγελματιες" - κατεληξε στο συμπερασμα οτι " ΝΔ και ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ειναι 50-50, μαλλον θα δωσω αλλη μια ευκαιρια στον αλεξη γιατι δεν θελω ξανα ΝΔ, εξαλλου το ζητησε και ο λαζοπουλος - ΕΚ ΛΑΕ ΕΠΑΜ δεν προκειται να το ριξω γιατι σαν γνησιος ελληναρας θελω να ειμαι με τον νικητη - ετσι κι αλλιως αυτα τα 3 κομματα συμφωνα με τις τελευταιες ειναι κατω απο 3% οποτε δεν μπαινουν και θα παει η ψηφος μου χαμενη (χοχο) " ποσες φυλλαδες πουλανε οι real - kontranews - εφσυν και (κρ)αυγη ? ποιοι τις αγοραζουνε ? γινεται να δινεις καθε κυριακη 1-2-3 ευρω για να διαβαζεις μια εφημεριδα οπου στα μισα αποσα γραφει διαφωνεις καθετα και διαγωνια ? οριστε ενα teaser απο το ποιον της τελευταιας http://www.petrolheads.gr/viewtopic.php?p=128900&sid=47c6bd61588f3e4a5ee906cd9d590cfd#p128900 manipulation παντα υπηρχε και παντα θα υπαρχει οσο βρισκεται μια τηλεοραση ανοιχτη σε καθε σπιτι, εδω μου εκανε ντου 60αρης αμετανοητος συριζαιος επειδη ειχα ξεχασει το ΣΚΑΙ να παιζει σε μια απο τις 11 TV (χωρις ηχο) ενω εδειχνε προ(κ)τοσαλτε ( αμα ειχε Σια Κοσιωνη και ελεγε τπτ θα τον ειχα φαει ζωντανο ) - να σου πω αυτο το βοθροκαναλο τι το θελεις ? - τι να βαλω ? ολοι ειναι ή με τον ενα ή με τον αλλο, δεν υπαρχει αντικειμενικοτητα. - τι λες ? υπαρχει η ΕΡΤ !!!
πραγματα που πολλοι ελληνες δεν τα ανεχονται καθολου στην κοινωνικη τους ζωη οπως η εξαπατηση η υποκρισια και ο ασωτος βιος οταν τα βλεπουν στα προσωπα των πολιτικων τα περνανε στο ντουκου, παμε αλλη μια : "μετα την απομακρυνση απο την καλπη ουδεν λαθος αναγνωριζεται" 4 χρονια ειναι, θα περασουν ( ; )
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/bossyGR/ [12:09:24 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: apo ta battlepacks [12:09:26 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: pou ne free [12:09:27 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: alla k pay [12:09:30 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: pairneis xp boost [12:09:31 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: ntaks [12:09:32 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: eleos [12:09:37 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: enatdm paizw [12:09:39 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: k pernw miso rank [12:09:43 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: ti miso [12:09:44 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: parapano [12:09:52 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: 17 lvl [12:09:57 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: to prwi imoun 14 [12:10:02 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: 10 wres [12:10:03 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: 17 lvl [12:30:00 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: xaxaxaxaax [12:30:06 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: lvl18 how is this possible [12:30:08 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: tou lew [12:30:09 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: what [12:30:12 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: u played before? [12:30:18 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: no i boiught it yesterday [12:30:21 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: u to good [12:30:26 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: im ghlobal on csgo [12:30:29 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: that explains everything [12:30:30 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: xaxaxa tl;dr αμα τον τρακαρετε καλυτερα να αλλαξετε server (εκτος αν εχετε δικαιωματα admin και ξαδερφο τον αδολφο ) ειναι ο μικρος μου padawan update : τον ματιαξα [4:17:14 μ.μ.] SoF{GR}@work: finalmouse stis 30 ipame ? [5:52:09 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: bossy http://CSGORumble.com TI MALAKEEEEES bossy http://CSGORumble.com 8EEEE M bossy http://CSGORumble.com POSO ZWA bossy http://CSGORumble.com http://i.imgur.com/cNyRJ6k.png [5:53:57 μ.μ.] SoF{GR}@work: get used to it [5:54:00 μ.μ.] SoF{GR}@work: skepsou oti to bf4 [5:54:06 μ.μ.] SoF{GR}@work: diatheti spectator mode [5:54:13 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: VRIKA TDM 12OBHZ [5:54:14 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: FAPFAP [5:54:45 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: nai [5:54:46 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: 120hz [5:54:47 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: l;oool [5:54:48 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: gia na doume [5:55:06 μ.μ.] bossy CSGORumble.com: 54ms
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το πρωτο που χανουμε ειναι η μνημη ^
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απολαυστε υπεύθυνα
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who needs drugs ??
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