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Everything posted by Ripper18

  1. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Deus Ex Human Revolution Hard Difficulty stealth mode:)
  2. Ripper18

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    Aυτη η επιλογη υπηρχε στους προηγουμενους?
  3. Ripper18

    3DMark 11

    Αsus gtx570 900/4400@1.175v Core i5 2500k@4800Mhz
  4. Αsus gtx570 900/4400@1.175v Core i5 2500k@4800Mhz
  5. Ripper18

    Intel OC Database

    Tωρα το εστησα P8p67pro i5 2500k,ολα καλα εκτος απο ενα προβλημα στο DirectX http://www.thelab.gr/windows-platform/provlima-directx-sta-windows-7-a-89498.html
  6. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Baldur's Gate Trilogy(mod παιζεις Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, και BG2 Shadows of Amn σαν ενα συνεχομενο παιχνιδι),μιλαμε για πολλες-πολλες ωρες καψιματος.
  7. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    BioShock 2:devil::devil:
  8. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Mass Effect 2:hehe:
  9. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Kings Bounty Armored Princess.Mιλαμε για πολυ καψιμο
  10. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Pro Evolution 2010,Batman Arkham Asylum.
  11. Ripper18

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    191.07 WHQL http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us This is a WHQL-certified driver for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200-series desktop GPUs and ION desktop GPUs. New in Version 191.07 * Adds support for OpenGL 3.2 for GeForce 8, 9, 100, and 200-series GPUs and ION GPUs. * Accelerates performance in several gaming applications. The following are examples of improvements measured with version 191.07 drivers vs. version 190.62 drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings): o Up to 12% performance increase in ARMA 2 o Up to 8% performance increase in Batman: Arkham Asylum with GPU PhysX enabled o Up to 50% performance increase in Call of Juarez: Blood in Bound with SLI enabled o Up to 14% performance increase in Fallout 3 (indoor scenes) with antialiasing enabled o Up to 10% performance increase in Far Cry 2 (DX9 version) with antialiasing enabled o Up to 34% performance increase in Prototype with antialiasing enabled * Adds SLI support for Aion, Darkfall, Dawn of Magic 2: Time of Shadows, Dreamkiller, Fuel, Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Need for Speed: Shift and more. * Includes numerous bug fixes, including the following key fix (additional bug fixes can be found in the release notes on the documentation tab): For graphics cards supporting multiple clock states, 3D clocks correctly return to 2D clocks after exiting a 3D application. * Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here. New in Release 190/191 Drivers * Installs PhysX System Software version 9.09.0814. * Supports CUDA 2.3 for improved performance in GPU Computing applications. See CUDA Zone for more details. Existing Support: * Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards. * Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on a dedicated GeForce graphics card. Use one card for graphics and dedicate a different card for PhysX processing for game-changing physical effects. Learn more here. * Supports GeForce Plus Power Pack #3. Download these FREE PhysX and CUDA applications now! * Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software. *Note: The following SLI features are only supported on Windows Vista and Windows 7: Quad SLI technology using GeForce 9800 GX2 or GeForce GTX 295, 3-way SLI technology, Hybrid SLI, and SLI multi-monitor support.
  12. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Καλο ειναι?
  13. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Eτσι κολλησα και εγω με το King's Bounty τα χριστουγεννα ,απο την εποχη του Baldur's gate 2 ειχα να το παθω αυτο.:hehe:
  14. Ripper18

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    GeForce Driver Release 182.06 WHQL με full support for OpenGL 3.0 http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_182.06_whql.html
  15. Ripper18

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    Με AA ειναι 6-7% καλυτεροι απο τους 180.48. http://www.hardware-infos.com/tests.php?test=52&seite=11
  16. Ripper18

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    Η Nvidia έβγαλε νέους beta forceware οδηγούς GeForce 185.20 με Ambient Occlusion setting. http://forums.vr-zone.com/showthread.php?t=374191
  17. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

  18. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Χειμωνας.καιρος για RPG,Νeverwinternights 2 mask of the betrayer + Νeverwinternights 2 Storm of Zehir:pleasantry:
  19. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne:hehe::hehe:
  20. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    King's Bounty. The Legend πολυ καψιμο
  21. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Brothers in Arms - Hell's Highway:T:
  22. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Tελειωσα το Prince of persia 2T και αρχισα το Lost Planet.
  23. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Πηρα το σετακι Baldur's Gate 4 in 1 Boxset για να θυμηθω τα παλια.Αξεπεραστο gameplay, φοβερος ηχος.Το προτεινω σε ολους.Για να θυμουνται οι παλιοι και να μαθαινουν οι καινουργιοι. ;)
  24. Ripper18

    Intel OC Database

    Cpu: P4 3.0Ε D0, Motherboard:Asus P4C800E-DELUXE rev.2 BIOS 1018 Ram:Adata vitesta DDR500 Cooling system:SP-94+Enermax 92mm
  25. Ripper18

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Sid's Meiers Pirates.Φοβερο
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