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Everything posted by snaptin

  1. snaptin

    Οι Στιχοι αγαπημένων μας τραγουδιών

    Tool - Reflection (για να μαθαινουν οι παλιοι οι καινουργιοι και γενικα ολοι) I have come curiously close to the end, down beneath my self-indulgent pitiful hole defeated, concede and move closer i may find comfort here i may find peace within the emptiness how pitiful it's calling me... And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping the moon tells me a secret, my confidant "as full and bright as i am this light is not my own a million light reflections pass over me its source is bright and endless she resuscitates the hopeless without her we are lifeless satellites drifting..." And as i pull my head out i am without one doubt dont wanna peer down here serving my narcissism i must crucify the ego before its far too late i pray the light lifts me out before i pine away... So crucify the ego before its far too late to leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical and you will come to find that we are all one mind capable of all thats imagined and all conceivable so let the light touch you and let the words spill through just let them pass right through bringing out our hope and reason
  2. snaptin

    Από που προέκυψε το nickname σας;

    And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me to a place of blue and red and infinite purple. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear. And terror possesed me then. And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, " Μπαμπη μεγαλε και καραμπουζουκλη, these are not the fearful screams, you see these are the voices calling your divine name and Snaptin shall it be from now on" οποτε δεν ειχα και πολλες επιλογες
  3. snaptin

    Δείξτε το κουτί σας...

    snaptin ρε αγραμματε Ρε maglaras γιατι με σαμποταρεις ετσι? EDIT: το εσβησες ρε? και παλι αγραμματος εισαι
  4. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    axxaaxaxaxax ζει-παι ποτα-τι ρε αλανι? η κοπελια ειναι δεσμευμενη! (τωρα, οχι τοτε) αστειακι πηγα να κανω αποτυχημενο τελειως προφανως :sorry:
  5. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    πριν απο 4 χρονια διακοπες στη σκιαθο
  6. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    μην την βλεπεις ετσι... εχει παρει 2-3 κιλακια απο τοτε που χωρισαμε
  7. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    αχχαχαχαχαχχχχα με προσβαλεις το ξερεις?
  8. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    Δε θα ποσταρω δικη μου αλλα θα ποσταρω της πρωην μου αν θελετε το τηλεφωνο της στειλτε πμ
  9. snaptin

    Post yer picz!

    μαν υποπτο μου ακουγεται αυτο @DJD ρε ομορφαντρα δε θα ποσταρεις εσυ τη δικια σου? μουαχαχααχχααχχαχα @rootx δε περιμενα να εισαι τοσο γεροντι τι εχανα τοσο καιρο που δεν εμπαινα στο thelab.gr (...τιποτα)
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