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Everything posted by LocoDiceGR
strategy Age of Empires 2 Defintive Edition / Age of Empires IV
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Proteas topic στην ενότητα PC Gaming
Το 2 και το 3 θα βγουν σε definitve edition - check! Ανακοινωθηκε και το 4! - Check! -
Windows 10 δεν δέχεται τον κωδικό
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Darap21 topic στην ενότητα Λειτουργικά Windows
Δεν μπορουμε να ξερουμε τι εγινε...και δεν νομιζω να εχει σχεση το adobe creative cloud με τον κωδικο του χρηστη του υπολογιστη. Κοιτα μηπως εχεις αλλαξει γλωσσα στο πληκτρολογιο. -
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.8.1 Highlights Support For: Radeon RX Vega Series Graphics Quake™ Champions Early Access Agents of Mayhem Fixed Issues: Some protected content applications may experience an HDCP error code while playing Blu-ray content. A limited number of HDR enabled TV's may experience intermittent HDMI signal loss. Grand Theft Auto V may experience an intermittent application crash. With Enhanced Sync enabled Video playback on desktop or YouTube playback in Google Chrome may cause tearing choppy playback. Forza Horizon 3 may experience long or extended load times. FreeSync displays may experience stuttering when watching fullscreen video content. FreeSync brightness or flickering issues have been resolved on a small amount of Samsung FreeSync enabled displays that may have been experiencing issues. Tekken™ 7 may experience a crash (Chapter 13) on some Radeon RX 380 Series graphics products. Known Issues: GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. Radeon WattMan may not reach applied overclock states on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products or may cause mouse stuttering when left running in the background. Windows Media Player may experience an application hang during video playback if Radeon ReLive is actively recording desktop. Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing. Unable to create Eyefinity configurations through the Eyefinity Advanced Setup option. The "Reset" option in Radeon Settings Gaming tab may enable the "HBCC Memory Segment" feature instead of setting it to the default disabled state. After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied. -
[ RX Vega 64 & 56 Official thread ] Reviews, OC, απορίες και προβλήματα.
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του idonthave topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
@JayzTwoCents: This whole thing has me wanting to also abandon my Threadripper build... but Intel isn't much better. So now I don't know how to proceed. Απλα κλαιω. Απο την AMD ειπαν , οτι δεν μπορουν να ελεγξουν τις τιμες. -
[ RX Vega 64 & 56 Official thread ] Reviews, OC, απορίες και προβλήματα.
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του idonthave topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Ενταξει ετσι και αλλιως 90% απο τα βιντεο που βγαζει μιλαει για nvidia. Who cares. -
[ RX Vega 64 & 56 Official thread ] Reviews, OC, απορίες και προβλήματα.
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του idonthave topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Μονο εμενα μου αρεσει τοσο πολυ η Vega 64 σε θεμα design/ομορφιας? -
Action/Role-Playing Path of Exile (PoE)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του hondo1 topic στην ενότητα PC Gaming
- 967 απαντήσεις
- free to play
- hardcore
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MMO/Role-Playing World of Warcraft
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του stamatas topic στην ενότητα PC Gaming
Στο legion + στο Argus που θα βγει σε λιγο καιρο...τα ''γραφικα'' ειναι μια χαρα...υπαρχει μεγαλη βελτιωση σχετικα με το παλιο content... -
We've got some boxes in our warehouse, can you guess what they are? They will be available from OcUK on Monday... At some point near midday!
17.8.1 is still one week away (8/14/17) to the public. reviewers will get 17.8.1 (Press Driver) this week to review RX Vega. SoonTM Φημες λενε ο επομενος driver θα εχει και OSD...ετοιμαζονται δυνατα απο θεμα software...απο hardware να δουμε τι θα δουμε..
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Afterburner beta 16 + RTSS Beta 27. http://forums.guru3d.com/showpost.php?p=5459908&postcount=637 - - - ODN X2 overclocking API support introduced in the beta 16 made it incompatible with some older driver versions (e.g. 17.7.1), having partially implemented ODN X2 functionality. Now there are more sophisticated checks for selecting proper overclocking API, so it should be fixed now, clock control should be also restored on such drivers. - Fixed system freeze issues when starting MSI Afterburner on AMD Hawaii GPU while playing hardware accelerated video - "Properties" column of active hardware monitoring graphs list is now refreshed properly when enabling/disabling all graphs at once (i.e. when clicking checkbox next to graph name in the list and holding <Shift> pressed) RTSS distributive is updated to 7.0.0 beta 27 - Improved D3D11 state management, fixed possible resource leak issue in D3D11 applications in optimized state changes introduced in beta 24 - Added OSD profiles for theHunter : Call of the Wild - Updated built-in exceptions list - Updated SDK sample code, the sample manifest has been changed to require administrative rights, that is necessary to modify the profiles via profile management API -
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Παμε παλι, καινουριο afterburner beta 15 με crimson 17.7.2 support. http://forums.guru3d.com/showpost.php?p=5458447&postcount=629 -
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Τελος τα 3rd party προγραμματα για εμενα, ετσι και αλλιως μονο προβληματα προκαλουν! Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition - "Vega" Update will have OSD performance monitoring -
Action/Role-Playing Path of Exile (PoE)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του hondo1 topic στην ενότητα PC Gaming
To legacy league τελειωσε ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ, Και εχουμε και patch notes για 3.0 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1930316 2 μερουλες ακομα!- 967 απαντήσεις
- free to play
- hardcore
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1)Ενα 550w τροφοδοτικο ποιοτητας και οχι απο το ζιμπαμπουε μια χαρα θα παιζει και την VEGA λεω εγω... 2)Επισης καθε χρονο τα ιδια, αιντε να δουμε τι θα κανει η amd στις gpu κλπ κλπ, οτι και να κανει λοιπον ειτε +10% απο ti να ειναι, παλι κατι θα βρουμε να κραζουμε.. 3)θορυβος και θερμοκρασιες?? Aftermarket δεν αγοραζετε οι περισσοτεροι? Κακογουστο αστειο πλεον... Φιλικα παντα... Edit: και οσο για τους drivers, καμια σχεση πλεον, μια χαρα ειναι, εκτος αν ο υπολογιστης του αλλου ειναι γεματος bloatware και του φταινε η drivers της AMD, κλασσικα, παει και αυτη η καραμελα...
Εγω θελω να μαθω για το holocube και αν θα ειναι μονο για τις VEGA καρτες.
Afterburner Beta 14 - Ryzen CPU support. http://forums.guru3d.com/showpost.php?p=5456104&postcount=607
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Ναι και εμενα αλλαζει την επιλογη του ηχου, το αλλαζω απο το εικονιδιο κατω δεξια και τελος... https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/AMD/Radeon_Crimson_17.7.2_Preview/ Εγω χρησιμοποιησα DDU σε safe mode, και τους περασα χωρις κανενα απολυτος προβλημα απο χτες το βραδυ. -
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Μεγαλο update, θα προτεινα DDU και καθαρη εγκατασταση... Link: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-17.7.2-Release-Notes.aspx Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.2 Highlights New Features and Improvements Radeon Settings Radeon Additional Settings has been retired and its previously supported controls for Switchable Graphics, Color Depth and Pixel Format have all been moved into Radeon Settings. Radeon ReLive (1) Now supports bitrates up to 100Mbps for recording or capturing. Added new controls for camera transparency. Optimized memory usage for lower overhead while recording or capturing. Added new notifications for Instant Replay Saving, Recording Timers in Overlay Toolbar and Network Connectivity Issues when streaming. Enhanced Audio Controls: Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition now has support for customizable microphone volume controls, audio boost for captured replays and push to talk (mouse + keyboard) support for microphone. Radeon Chill(2) Now supports DirectX®12 and Vulkan™. For more details on new and supported games visit http://www.radeon.com/chill. Now supports Multi-GPU. Now supports Hybrid Graphics system configurations. Now supports Radeon XConnect™ Technology system configurations. Enhanced Sync(3) Enhanced Sync is a display technology which helps minimize screen tearing while decreasing latency and stuttering at an unlocked frame rate. Enhanced Sync is available in Radeon Settings Game Manager under the "Wait for Vertical Refresh" drop down menu. Per-Display Color Controls(4) Per-Display Color Controls are now available in the display tab of Radeon Settings allowing users to configure Brightness, Hue, Contrast and Saturation. Game Responsiveness(5) Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.7.2 features optimizations for improved gaming responsiveness in DirectX®9 and select DirectX®11 gaming titles. Radeon WattMan(6) Now supports memory underclocking. Now supports power state controls. Frame Rate Target Control(7) Now supports DirectX®12 and Multi-GPU. Shader Cache(8) Shader Cache is now supported for select DirectX®9 titles Radeon Software Vanguard Beta Program The Radeon Software Vanguard Beta Tester program aims at opening a channel for selected participants to work directly with AMD, giving a voice and platform to share their passion for Radeon Software. For more information about Radeon Software Vanguard visit www.Radeon.com/Vanguard. Radeon.com Feedback and Feature Voting Radeon Software feedback and feature voting has been updated. Visit www.radeon.com/feedback to provide Radeon Software feedback and vote on future Radeon Software features. Fixed Issues Mass Effect™: Andromeda may experience incorrect colors when using an HDR display and a secondary SDR display connected in extended mode. Fan speeds when using Radeon WattMan may remain elevated and not drop back to idle states after 3D workloads. Some video playback applications may experience stutter in fullscreen with AMD FreeSync™ technology enabled. Radeon ReLive may exhibit corruption in recordings when capturing Microsoft Office applications. Radeon ReLive may experience recording or streaming issues when task switching using ALT+TAB. Known Issues Radeon WattMan fan settings may reset to defaults on Radeon Software upgrade to 17.7.2. Tekken™ 7 may experience a crash (Chapter 13) on some Radeon RX 380 Series graphics products. GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. 4x Multi-GPU system configurations may fail to enable AMD CrossFire technology mode due to a missing toggle in Radeon Settings. Some protected content applications may experience an HDCP error code while playing BluRay content. A workaround is to unplug and re-plug the connected display or turn the display off and then back on. -
AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του Dj_ALeX topic στην ενότητα Κάρτες Γραφικών
Ερχεται σημερα 17.7.2 με καινουρια πραγματακια... Enhanced Sync NVIDIA’s Fast Sync finally gets a competitor. With 17.7.2 driver AMD introduces an alternative to VSync called Enhanced Sync. I’m not going to explain how this works here, but what you need to know is that it will give you the advantages of VSync without the latency caused by synchronization with the display. No more tearing and no more lag. Relive at 100 MB/s Relive will now allow you to save the recordings at a higher bitrate. You will now be able to record at 100 Mb/s. The Relive in 17.7.2 driver will also allow you to add a webcam to the stream and boost the volume of the microphone from within the Radeon panel. Radeon Chill now on laptops Radeon Chill will now be enabled for mobile graphics cards, multi-GPU configurations and also external graphics cards. In case you don’t know what Radeon Chill is, it’s basically a frame limiting tool to lower power consumption and the heat. Full changelog will be released tomorrow. -
https://videocardz.com/71136/amd-radeon-rx-vega-reference-card-leaked Και αλλα leaks.
Warcraft: Legion.
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Και το ιδιο tease δεν εκαναν καμια παρουσιαση, μην μπερδευεστε παιδια, η παρουσιαση ειναι σε 8 μερες.
MMO/Role-Playing World of Warcraft
LocoDiceGR απάντησε στο θέμα του stamatas topic στην ενότητα PC Gaming
Παιζει κανεις? Καντε με add, LocoDiceGR#2161