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Everything posted by LocoDiceGR

  1. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    για οποιον παιζει ακομα diablo ΙΙ βγηκε σημερα το Sequel του Median XL. Median XL Ultimative XII Released! :-O
  2. LocoDiceGR

    Diablo 3

    Επειδη δεν βρηκα diablo II thread θα το ποσταρω εδω. M E D I A N - X L : U L T I M A T I V E - XII (Live today!)
  3. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    βρηκα το σιτε με τo mod που εχει φτιαξει thanks for the tip!
  4. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    ποιος ειναι αυτος? πρωτη φορα ειδα το ονομα του!
  5. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    We're expecting update 1.0.5 to include at least the following: A new support gem, Enlighten (part of the Enhance/Empower series). Several new microtransactions, including the animated Medusa Helmet Skin. More vendor recipes to hunt for. There's one that's going to be very useful for high level players. New Unique items, including (most likely) two designed by Brother Laz. New achievements. Balance tweaks to some skills such as Flame Totem, Punishment and Freeze Mine. The final list may be different though.
  6. LocoDiceGR

    Star Citizen

    Δεν μπορω να βρω πουθενα το 'REGISTER' :suicide2: για να γραφτω και να βλεπω τα forums. edit: το βρηκα 'Enlist Now' .
  7. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Εγω μετα της 29 του μηνα θα ειμαι και παλι online in game!
  8. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 1.0.4 Major Features/Content: You can now challenge another player or party to a duel! Right click on them and select "Challenge to Duel". If they accept, you'll immediately be teleported to a PvP arena. If you challenge another party, the parties will fight each other. If you challenge someone in your party, only the two of you will fight. The resistance penalties used for the arena are those of the difficulty that the challenger was in. Added a new Intelligence skill - Flameblast: Channels to build up a large explosion. The longer you channel, the larger the area of effect and damage of the explosion. The explosion occurs after using another skill or after a short period without casting. Flameblast is first available to the Witch, Templar and Scion from the "The Caged Brute" quest in Normal Difficulty and to the Shadow from "Delving into Sin". Added five new Unique items, two of which are designed by supporters. A special item has also been added for a supporter. Added three new cosmetic microtransactions: Olmec Totem Skin, Tribal Storm Call and Holiday Present Sack. Added two new Achievements: Specialist and Full Clear: The Catacombs. Added four new vendor recipes. Minor Features/Content: Resistances on the character screen now show your uncapped total in brackets. Your resistances appear in red if you have less than 0%. Added a new Heavy Strike animation for Marauders wielding Two Handed Swords. Updated the Scion block animations, to deal with shield flipping. Players must now be level 2 or higher before they can use global or trade chat, unless they have previously had a level 25 character on their account. Balance: Fireball: The area of effect has been increased by 12%. Damage has been increased at all levels (by around 20% at level one and around 23% at level 15). Firestorm: The radius of the area that fireballs land in has been increased by 39%. The delay between strikes has been reduced from 0.15 seconds to 0.10 seconds. Damage has been increased by 35%. The quality bonus has been reduced by 33.33% to match the reduced projectile delay. Incinerate: Now has a cast time of 240 milliseconds instead of 160. Damage has been increased by 77% per cast and damage effectiveness for supports has been adjusted from 20% to 30%. The number of stacks required to progress through a stage has been reduced to four casts. Added Cold Damage has been increased by 15% at level 1, up to 100% at level 15. Added Lightning Damage has been increased by 15% at level 1, up to 100% at level 15. Added Chaos Damage has been increased by 7% at level 1, up to 69% at level 15. Modified the Torture Chamber boss room with several changes. The exit is disabled during the boss fight. A pillar has been added close to exit, to better signal that the beam attack can be interrupted by breaking line of sight. Sallazzang in the Labyrinth now correctly spawns with a magic monster pack in addition to the normal Devourers that spawn in his arena every few seconds. The Barrage skill has been added for the Ranger in Descent Champions. The Storm Call skill has been added for the Witch in Descent Champions. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where you could shoot wand projectiles that received unarmed damage bonuses. Fixed an issue where some achievements with only one criterion showed that criterion as partial completion in the description. Fixed the text on Demon King Horns to correctly describe it as a replacement skin, rather than an additional effect. Fixed an interaction between the Headhunter unique item and the Proximity Shield Nemesis mod, where the Proximity Shield did not expire.
  9. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjrnVdLMF8w]Path of Exile - Content Update 1.0.4 Preview - YouTube[/ame]
  10. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Ετσι πορωση , Θελουμε και αλλα video στο μελλον και απο τον [MENTION=11722]hondo1[/MENTION] και απο εσενα!:worship:
  11. LocoDiceGR

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    Path Of Exile & Diablo 3 Συντομα!
  12. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.FaceBrainProductions.POESkilltree Android PoE Skill Tree!
  13. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    καινουριο skill ''flameblast'' ερχεται στο 1.0.4 σε 3 μερουλες!!
  14. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Αυτα ειναι μακαρι να γινει ακομα πιο γνωστο το παιχνιδι, γιατι πολλοι δεν το ξερουν ακομα! Μπραβο και στους devs για τα συνεχομενα updates!
  15. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX_Qw56zwpg]The Path of Exile Survival Guide #26: Learning From My Errors! (Trading) - Act 3 Cruel - YouTube[/ame]
  16. SteamOS Has Just Been Released | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming http://steamdb.info/blog/35/
  17. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Forum - Announcements - Path of Exile and J!NX Shirt Design Contest - Path of Exile οποιος θελει ας παρει μερος στον διαγωνισμο
  18. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    100. αλλα για να φτασεις 100 χρειαζεται παρα (παρα) πολυ λιωσιμο. xtrmsnpr name in game??
  19. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0lJvKKt_D8]The Path of Exile Survival Guide #25: Piety Farming & Progression with Amy! - Act 3 Cruel - YouTube[/ame]
  20. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 1.0.3 Major Features/Content: Added a new Dexterity Skill - Barrage: After a short preparation time, you attack repeatedly with a ranged weapon. These attacks have a small randomised spread. Only works with Bows and Wands. Barrage is first available to the Duelist, Ranger, Shadow and Witch from the "The Caged Brute" quest in Normal difficulty. Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Physical Projectile Attack Damage. Projectile Physical Attack Damage is available to the Shadow, Ranger, Duelist, Witch and Scion from the "The Siren's Cadence" quest in Cruel difficulty. Added four new Unique items, three of which were designed by our supporters. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Infernal Fox Pet and Infernal Skull Helmet Skin. Added two new achievements: Beginner's Luck and Full Clear: Dread Thicket. Added three new Vendor Recipes. Minor Features/Content: The Blacksmith's (Dunes and Spider Forest Maps) Leap Slam has been given a cooldown and a new triggered effect has been added to it. Shock and Horror, the boss of the Torture Chamber, has had her Arc skill replaced with a new skill. The drop down stash tab list now shows the colours of the tabs. All slashing impact sounds have been replaced. Added a new category of sounds for bow impacts. Video adapters with the same display name are now distinguishable in the options panel by an added adapter number. Added a new buff icon for the Proximity Shield effect. Pressing "tab" on the login screen now changes between Email, Password and Gateway, for non-Steam users. Effects and/or 3D art have been added for the following items: Demigod's Touch, Lioneye's Glare, Geofri's Baptism, Taryn's Shiver, Rise of the Phoenix, Matua Tupuna, Atziri's Mirror and the alternate art Stormcloud. Kuduku has been restored to its correct art. Talking to Dialla on top of the Sceptre of God now gives the waypoint to the next difficulty. Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. Balance: Viper Strike: Damage progression has been increased. It is now around 15% better at level 15 than it was in 1.0.2. Poison Arrow: Damage progression has been increased. It is now around 15% better at level 15 than it was in 1.0.2. New groups of passives have been added for Chaos Damage and Damage over Time. The move speed and attack speed groups to the right side of the Scion have been merged. The weaker Movement speed nodes were removed, with the 3% movespeed nodes increased to 4%. Added two new map mods: "of Power" and "of Endurance". These give Endurance and Power charges respectively every 20 seconds. The map mod Enraged has been changed to a suffix - "of Frenzy" The "of Frenzy" map mod now triggers every 20 seconds instead of every 30. The five of a kind recipe has been moved up to just below the same names recipe in priority. Righteous Fire Totems will damage enemies based on their own life and ES, not their caster's life and ES. Spiders have been made invulnerable when climbing into areas from scenery. Bug Fixes: Fixed an instance crash with Molten Shell when linked with Cast when Damage Taken. Fixed a bug where the alt-hover that shows item level would not work in the chat window. Fixed a bug where you can hear other people move items around in a Guild Stash Tab that you have closed. Fixed a bug where screenshots could not be taken in the Escape menu or when a confirmation window was showing. Fixed a bug where you couldn't take screenshots with various text boxes selected. Fixed a bug where Tempest Shield could be activated with no reservation cost. Fixed a bug where you could sometimes not select different graphics adapters in the options. Fixed a bug where the visual display of a monster's resistances did not update if this status changed while you were hovering over it. Fixed a bug where the the wrong flask could be used if you moved the mouse with the button down. Fixed bugs with some non-US keyboard configurations not being bindable. Fixed audio problems with the Seraph Spectral Throw Effect and the Conqueror's Campaign Portal Effect. Fixed a bug where microtransactions would not show up on items linked in chat. Fixed a dupe method involving the Mirror of Kalandra. It no longer also duplicates an item that was skin transfered into the target item. Και ερχονται και αλλα πολλα
  21. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Our schedule of content updates looks like this. All dates are US dates: 1.0.3: December 10 (tomorrow!) 1.0.4: December 22 (moved forward by two days to avoid Christmas day in New Zealand) 1.0.5: January 7 1.0.6: January 21 1.0.7: February 4 αντε Merry Christmas!! :magic:
  22. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDF-SCltL1Q]Path of Exile - Content Update 1.0.3 Preview - YouTube[/ame]
  23. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Forum - Duelist - [1.0.2] How to Flicker. Two Handed Weapon Edition! - Path of Exile παρε και αυτο και διαλεξε οποιο θες!
  24. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    εγω εχω μπολικα uniques για πουλημα
  25. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    δεν νομιζω να κοστιζει 10 αυτο. 1-2 το πολυ. εκτος αν κανω και εγω λαθος! Εφτασα τα 80 level εγω, ωρα για διαλειμα!! περιμενω και το νεο patch να δω τι θα μας φερει και αυτο, εβγαλαν και ανακοινωση και για το pvp :mobile1:
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