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Everything posted by LocoDiceGR

  1. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JJUh6H2U9s]The Path of Exile Survival Guide #33: Weapon Upgrades & Clearing the Roots - Act 2 Merciless - YouTube[/ame]
  2. LocoDiceGR

    Dayz Greek Community

    παιδια εγω εχω το standalone την τελευταια εκδοση, γινεται να μπω?
  3. LocoDiceGR

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    LocoDiceGR#2161 <---- ειναι το battletag μου οποιος θελει με κανει add για κανα matchaki!!! see you in game!
  4. LocoDiceGR

    The nVidia ForceWare Driver Thread

    https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/550192/geforce-drivers/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu-v11-1-released-01-23-14-/ ενα πολυ καλο εργαλειο (απο τα καλυτερα) για απεγκατασταση των drivers (NVIDIA/AMD)!
  5. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Version 1.0.5b Added support for the Fracturing mod in races. The Cast On Death Support Gem no longer supports minion skills. Trigger Support Gems no longer support Trapped or Remote Mined skills. Storm Call and Ethereal Knives have been added to the provisions chest in the Endless Ledge. Flameblast has been added as a chest reward for Witches in Descent: Champions. Fixed an issue where portals were not closed when logging out of a character via the character selection screen. Fixed an issue where degeneration damage of other players would not display correctly. Fixed an issue where Auras and Tempest Shield could be applied without the reservation succeeding. Fixed a bug where the Raise the Bar achievement could be completed incorrectly by using resistance flasks multiple times. We've recently finished some technology that will allow us to make serverside updates to Path of Exile without needing downtime. It's likely to be in the 1.0.6 or 1.1.0 patch (after being sufficiently tested). Once this is deployed, we'll be able to hotfix server problems (like bugs or balance issues) in a non-disruptive way. This will probably mean that we deploy small updates more regularly and will be extremely valuable after large patches where it's extremely important to be able to deploy minor fixes quickly and without rebooting all the servers. I also wanted to clarify that Act 4 is not part of March's 1.1.0 content update. There is a pile of new content, including some new game areas, but an entire Act takes way more than four months to create. While most of the community understand that Acts can take over a year to produce (depending on how much funding we have available), I've been seeing posts where people were confused about the word "expansion" that I used to describe the March update. While we think of it as an expansion because it contains so many different things, it doesn't have the new character class or new act that people seem to expect from the word. Because of this, we've moved away from using that language. What's something called that's a lot larger than a regular content update but smaller than the gigantic update that will introduce Act 4? A mini-expansion? Either way, the March update has its own name and you'll find out information starting in early February Αυτα ειναι νεα! Αιντε να δουμε..
  6. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    The new trading changes aren't in the March 1.1.0 patch - there are two reasons: a) We're keen to deploy them as soon as they're ready. There's no real need to wait for the next four-monthly patch. The new trading stuff is not ready yet. It's a major system overhaul and we're still working on it. I'm really sorry about the delay. As for how it works, the current plan is a combination of public stash tabs (to make it easier to find items) and separately, an asynchronous cross-instance-website trading system. You can basically trade (without buyouts) across the game and website. The trades and offers are still there when you log in later, so it's possible to trade with offline people or people who aren't in your game area or are on their phone or work PC.
  7. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

  8. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Forum - Announcements - One Week Nemesis Race Infographic - Path of Exile [ame] [/ame]
  9. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYAQtrcK43M]Path of Exile: ZiggyD's Nemesis One Week Race Highlights Reel - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfsUteiIRAM]One Week Rambling and Highlights ! - YouTube[/ame]
  10. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    5 Μαρτιου το μεγαλο patch 1.1.0! :clap: After the successful deployment of 1.0.5 yesterday, we only have one interim content update (1.0.6) before the large 1.1.0 update (currently scheduled for March 5, NZ time). More information on 1.1.0 will be available in February, but today I'm able to post a rough outline of what to expect in content update 1.0.6. 1.0.6 has a summoning theme and contains: Four new skills, all useful to summoners. One of them is a new type of (short-lived) minion, and the other three are utility skills. Various adjustments to the progression of other summoning skills. Two new skull-themed cosmetic microtransactions. Two new achievements. Four new Unique items. New vendor recipes. Hopefully the ability to test some PvP tournaments (if it's not ready sooner). We estimate that we'll be deploying 1.0.6 on around January 29, NZ time. Astute readers may notice that we aren't releasing a 1.0.7 patch any more. It was initially planned for mid-February, but we've rolled its content into 1.1.0 to make it even larger. It fits much better with the new four month leagues and frees up a lot of time we need for the big push towards 1.1.0. @Captenred παρε και αυτα να τα τσεκαρεις! Τι ονομα εχεις ingame? http://poe.xyz.is/ http://poexplorer.com/ http://pathofpoe.com/ http://poegreece.com/ http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/ http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki http://www.poebuilder.com/ http://exilestats.com/ex/ http://poe.hoffmann-it.com/
  11. LocoDiceGR

    Τι παίζετε αυτόν τον καιρό;

    ingame name?
  12. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Currency Exchange Central
  13. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    δεν καταλαβαινω ομως τι ακριβως εννοει ο ποιητης Chris με αυτο που λεει
  14. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Race Season Six: https://www.pathofexile.com/seasons 1.0.5 Patch Notes: Version 1.0.5 Major Features/Content: Added a new Intelligence support gem - Enlighten: This is a world-drop-only gem with three levels that only performs its function at level two and above. It increases the experience gained by active skills that it supports. Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by supporters. Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Medusa Snakes Helmet Skin and Bell Lizard Pet. Added two new Achievements: Raise the Bar and Full Clear: Archives. Added one new vendor recipe. Minor Features/Content: Trade chat has been rate-limited to prevent message flooding. The speed that it is set to (3 seconds per message) is still faster than the amount that is classified as abusive. If this reduces the amount of repeated messages in trade chat then we may be able to make the trade channels larger, so that messages get more exposure. Added race rewards for Race Season Six. Added alternate Demigod's Touch art for special race rewards. The art for Exalted Orbs has been updated. The art for the Empower skill gem has been updated. Added a buff icon for being under the effects of Proximity Shield. Added some new slashing sounds. The buff name and description for Flameblast has been updated. Microtransaction helmet effects have had some names and descriptions updated to be consistent. Various improvements have been made to monster death animations. Balance: Freeze Mine now deals damage, increasing as it goes up in levels. It always freezes and the freeze duration is longer than the damage would normally cause. Punishment has had its base damage reflection increased by a flat 6%. Damage reflection against higher rarity monsters has been also been increased. For example, damage reflection against unique monsters has been increased by a flat 11%. Flame Totem has had its cast duration slowed from 80ms to 200ms. Its damage has been increased by 270% at level 1 of the gem, increasing to 294% at level 15 of the gem. Searing bond no longer stacks damage from multiple beams. The damage of Searing Bond has been increased by around 400%. Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown. The chance to cast supported skills has been increased by a flat 20%. If Multiple Traps supports a skill gem that can raise minions and those minions use traps, those traps are now supported by Multiple Traps. Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where not all Flame Totem attacks would deal damage. Physical percentage based damage reduction and Immortal Call now correctly mitigate damage from physical degeneration damage. Fixed more issues related to having an unarmed main hand with other offhand weapons. Fixed various issues with skill gem and skill bar descriptions. Fixed an issue with overlapping resistance auras where maximum resistance benefits were prioritised after resistance gains, and characters did not get the maximum resistance they could get from those auras. Fixed some issues with visual clipping with the Templar and some armours. Fixed an issue where you were unable to leave the Torture Chamber's boss room. Fixed an issue where Undying Incinerators with Soul Conduit did not correctly grant experience and loot when self-exploding. Fixed a bug where monsters could spawn in an inaccessible area in the Hedge Maze. Fixed a crash related to the Shock and Horror beam. Fixed a crash related to casting Portals. Fixed a crash related to Cyclone. Fixed a crash in the Courtyard map. Fixed an instance crash related to Proximity Shield. αυτα τα ωραια πρόσω ολοταχώς τωρα για 1.0.6 :alien:
  15. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjX5VbyxYRU]Path of Exile - Content Update 1.0.5 Preview - YouTube[/ame] Να κανονισουμε να παμε για κανενα μαπ ρε παιδια! -> alPacinoGR add me!
  16. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    currency please
  17. LocoDiceGR

    Star Citizen

    15,747 slots left Οταν τελειωσουν τι γινεται δεν υπαρχει χωρος για τους αλλους στην alpha build?? :/ εχουνε πει ποτε θα βγει η alpha/beta?:alien: επισης απο οτι ειδα σε θεμα γραφικων θα ειναι πολυ απαιτητικο ετσι? @acct δωσε μου τα φωτα σου!
  18. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsElSH4Z6W8]Path of Exile News: Helmann Banned for Cross League Trading (1 Week Race) - YouTube[/ame] δεν εκατσα να το δω μονο τιτλο διαβασα!
  19. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    There's this awesome 1.1.0 patch coming out in early March. It's got lots of cool stuff but we can't talk about it just yet. There will be lots of meaty news for you about it in February! To clarify, Act 4 is not included, it's far too early. by CHRIS. ξενερωσα τωρα!
  20. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

  21. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Γραψε λαθος
  22. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

  23. LocoDiceGR

    HTC One

  24. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Forum - Witch - Witch Builds List (release version) - Path of Exile εδω εχει πολλα! Στο φορυμ εχει τα παντα
  25. LocoDiceGR

    Path of Exile (PoE)

    Path of Exile Review - Path of Exile review, παρουσίαση Path of Exile - Enternity.gr 9.5 βαθμολογια πηρε και απο το Ελληνικο Enternity, αρχιζει και γινεται ακομα πιο γνωστη η παιχνιδαρα!
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