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Everything posted by LocoDiceGR

  1. Νεα για custom θα μαθουμε τελος του μηνα πιστευω.... Vega 11 αρχες του 18'? και Volta καλοκαιρι του 18'?
  2. LocoDiceGR

    Βάση για PCIe κάρτα ήχου

    Ετσι ακριβως εχω και εγω την καρτα ηχου, ακαριβως κατω απο την gpu...''κλεινει'' τον 1 ανεμιστηρα δηλαδη, δεν εχω κανενα προβλημα με τις θερμοκρασιες.
  3. http://www.pcgamer.com/microsoft-acknowledges-windows-10-stuttering-problem-a-fix-is-in-the-works/
  4. OCed // hbcc: on // oc.uk https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/the-rx-vega-64-owners-thread.18789713/page-101 διαβαστε απο τελευταια σελιδα και προς τα πισω, εχουν κανει πολλα τεστακια.
  5. βαλτο on, θα εχεις καλυτερα αποτελεσματα, απο οτι διαβαζω.
  6. @Geo_K HBCC on? - - - Σε 4K...mainstream test
  7. Για την τιμη φταινε τα καταστηματα οχι η amd. Πιστευω να συμφωνουμε σε αυτο.
  8. https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/the-rx-vega-64-owners-thread.18789713/ καλο διαβασμα Ειναι πολυ active και ενας REP της amd εκει, ανεβαζει και βιντεο απο τα τεστ του συνεχεια...
  9. 3 ακυρα καταστηματα, τα υπολοιπα ηθελα να ηξερα τι κανουν... ο @azazil1190 μιλαει για αυτη ομως... https://www.skroutz.gr/s/12602645/AMD-Radeon-RX-Vega-64-8GB-Liquid-Edition.html
  10. Ευχομαι να πεσεις σε καλο κομματι, πολλα liquid βγαινουν προβληματικα και τα στελνουν πισω για RMA Και εγω εχω φαει σκαλωμα με αυτο το design...ερωτας.. Αναμενω review
  11. LocoDiceGR

    Πρόβλημα update σε windows 10

    Ετοιμασου για μια καθαρη εγκατασταση τον οκτωβριο...θα ειναι καλυτερα.
  12. MindFactory Vega 64 - 499 ευρωπουλα...μονο για γερμανια νομιζω ομως.
  13. Ασχετα με τις αποδοσεις, η amd προσπαθει ειτε ματαια ειτε με επιτυχια να προωθηση νεες τεχνολογιες στην περιπτωση αυτη -> HBM... Δεν νομιζω να γυρισουν πισω στο GDDR5...αυτη ειναι η γνωμη μου. Και ειχα ξεχασει οτι θα βγει και mainstream vega...υπαρχουν τιποτα φημες για το ποτε θα βγουν?2018?
  14. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.1 Highlights Fixed Issues After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. Radeon ReLive Toolbar and Instant Replay features may experience issues or fail to work when playing Guild Wars 2™. Mouse stuttering may be observed on some Radeon RX graphics products when Radeon WattMan is open and running in the background or other third party GPU information polling apps are running in the background. Radeon Software Installer may shrink or appear very small when installing on some 4K HDTVs. Radeon Settings may sometimes experience a hang or crash when viewing the Display tab. Moonlight Blade™ may fail to launch on some Radeon Graphics Core Next series products. Titanfall™ 2 may experience a hang or crash on some Radeon GCN1.0 series graphics products. Random corruption may appear in Microsoft desktop productivity applications. Known Issues On a limited number of systems Radeon Software may display an erroneous "1603 Error" after installing Radeon Software. This error will not affect your Radeon Software installation. Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. A workaround is to launch Radeon WattMan after reboot and restore settings to default. Overwatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing. Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied.
  15. Σορρυ για το παραπανω ποστ, μπερδεψα τα thread.
  16. LocoDiceGR

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.1 Highlights Fixed Issues After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. Radeon ReLive Toolbar and Instant Replay features may experience issues or fail to work when playing Guild Wars 2™. Mouse stuttering may be observed on some Radeon RX graphics products when Radeon WattMan is open and running in the background or other third party GPU information polling apps are running in the background. Radeon Software Installer may shrink or appear very small when installing on some 4K HDTVs. Radeon Settings may sometimes experience a hang or crash when viewing the Display tab. Moonlight Blade™ may fail to launch on some Radeon Graphics Core Next series products. Titanfall™ 2 may experience a hang or crash on some Radeon GCN1.0 series graphics products. Random corruption may appear in Microsoft desktop productivity applications. Known Issues On a limited number of systems Radeon Software may display an erroneous "1603 Error" after installing Radeon Software. This error will not affect your Radeon Software installation. Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. A workaround is to launch Radeon WattMan after reboot and restore settings to default. Overwatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing. Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied.
  17. Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.9.1 Highlights Fixed Issues After resuming from sleep and playing back video content the system may become unresponsive on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. Radeon ReLive Toolbar and Instant Replay features may experience issues or fail to work when playing Guild Wars 2™. Mouse stuttering may be observed on some Radeon RX graphics products when Radeon WattMan is open and running in the background or other third party GPU information polling apps are running in the background. Radeon Software Installer may shrink or appear very small when installing on some 4K HDTVs. Radeon Settings may sometimes experience a hang or crash when viewing the Display tab. Moonlight Blade™ may fail to launch on some Radeon Graphics Core Next series products. Titanfall™ 2 may experience a hang or crash on some Radeon GCN1.0 series graphics products. Random corruption may appear in Microsoft desktop productivity applications. Known Issues On a limited number of systems Radeon Software may display an erroneous "1603 Error" after installing Radeon Software. This error will not affect your Radeon Software installation. Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. A workaround is to launch Radeon WattMan after reboot and restore settings to default. Overwatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing. Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied.
  18. χμμμ μηπως φταιει το firefox? Δεν ξερω.
  19. Πολυ ωραια η αλλαγη, και η γραμματοσειρα επισης, αλλαξε και το logo στο bookmark
  20. LocoDiceGR

    Tenkeyless Mechanical Keyboard

    Logitech εγγυηση.
  21. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    GPU-Z v2.3.0 (September 5th, 2017) Added support for AMD Radeon RX Vega Series Fixed incorrect/missing information AMD Catalyst 17.2.2 and newer Fixed GPU & memory activity monitoring on AMD Radeon RX 500 Series Fixed crash on startup in rare CrossFire configurations Fixed CrossFire detection for slave cards Addded VRM efficiency & VDDC/VDDCI power readings for Polaris Added support for AMD Radeon WX 7100, WX 3100 Addded support for NVIDIA Quadro M2200, GTX 1080 Mobile, GeForce MX150
  22. LocoDiceGR

    450-500 GPU

    400-450 ευρω κανει/αξιζει η 56, αμα ψαξεις λιγο θα την βρεις σε αυτη την τιμη...τελος σεπτεμβριου θα βγουνε και οι custom (σιγουρα της asus). αμα βλεπεις και ''δωρο'' παιχνιδια να ξερεις οτι τα παιχνιδια δεν ειναι δωρο, αλλα +100 ευρω. Και μην πιστευεις οτι μπουρδα διαβαζεις στο ιντερνετ.
  23. LocoDiceGR

    Rainbow Six: Siege

    μηπως εχει ξεκινησει το update? γιατι θελω να το ξανα κατεβασω το παιχνιδι, μην το κατεβασω τωρα και μετα κατεβαζει και το patch κριμα ειναι
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