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Everything posted by LocoDiceGR

  1. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.1 Highlights Support For Call of Duty®: WWII Up to 5% faster performance on Radeon™ RX Vega64 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.3 at 2560x1440. (1) AMD XConnect™ Technology Now supported on Radeon RX Vega56 series graphics products for select eGPU enclosures. Fixed Issues Radeon Software may intermittently cause an application crash on limited numbers of DirectX®11 or OpenGL applications on their first run. Some gaming or productivity applications may experience a random hang or application crash when performing task switching. Radeon WattMan reset and restore factory default options may not reset graphics or memory clocks. Radeon WattMan reset and restore factory default options may not reset graphics or memory clocks. Oculus™ Dash may experience a random application hang. Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied. Radeon Settings may experience overlapping text or corruption in the Multi GPU profiles page. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon®: Wildlands may experience minor corruption with Anisotropic Filtering (AF) enabled. Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ may experience ghosting or distortion in gameplay on Multi GPU enabled system configurations. AMD XConnect™ Technology products may not be detected/enabled on reconnection if previously disconnected during system sleep A limited number of system devices such as printers may be removed during Radeon Software uninstallation. Known Issues Some desktop productivity apps may experience latency when dragging or moving windows. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege may experience an application hang when breaching walls with grenades or explosives. Rise of the Tomb Raider™ may experience an intermittent application hang during gameplay. A random system hang may be experienced after extended periods of use on system configurations using 12 GPU’s for compute workloads. The GPU Workload feature may cause a system hang when switching to Compute while AMD CrossFire is enabled. A workaround is to disable AMD CrossFire before switching the toggle to Compute workloads. Resizing the Radeon Settings window may cause the user interface to stutter or exhibit corruption temporarily. Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. OverWatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. Disabling Radeon ReLive as a temporary workaround may resolve the issue.
  2. https://videocardz.com/73842/xfx-teases-custom-radeon-rx-vega - - @Vasot Κανεις πλακα ετσι? 6 Fps διαφορα απο την 'καινουρια ti'..πωπω ναι καταστραφηκε η AMD.
  3. LocoDiceGR

    Spam mails

    Παλια ειχα σχεδον καθε μερα...απλα τα μπλοκαρα αμεσως..σιγα σιγα εχουν αρχισει και σταματανε...block & delete αμεσως.
  4. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    One more beta of MSI Afterburner 4.4.0 is available. There are some minor but very useful tweaks inside, most of them are GUI/usability related and were suggested and discussed a few postsabove. It is release candidate and most likely we'll publish it as official 4.4.0 a few days later. http://download-eu2.guru3d.com/afterburner/[Guru3D]-MSIAfterburnerSetup440Beta21.zip Changes list includes: · Minimum voltage offset has been extended to -200mV for AMD Fiji and Ellesmere GPU families · Improved drag and drop implementation for the list of active hardware monitoring graphs. Now it is possible to drag and drop items below the bottom edge of the list to move the graphs to the end of the list · Improved multiple selection functionality in monitoring properties: · When multiple graphs are selected you may press <Ctrl>+<M> inside group name edit field to apply group name changes synchronically to all selected graphs · Now “Override graph name” and “Override group name” checkboxes are also affected by multiple selection functionality, so you may hold <Shift> when toggling those options to toggle it synchronically for all graphs or hold <Ctrl> when toggling those options to toggle it synchronically for all selected graphs · Now group names support macro definitions (the same as prolog/epilog in OSD layout editor), so for example you may override group name for GPU temperature and set it to %GPU% to utomatically display your GPU name as a group name in OSD · Added %GPU1%..%GPU8% and %FullGPU1%..%FullGPU8% macro names support for mGPU systems · Now alarm zone is visualized on monitoring graph instead of displaying just the threshold. This simplifies visual identification of min/max thresholds · Now you can define closed alarm range if specified maximum alarm threshold is less than minimum Stay tuned! P.S. MSI digital signatures are finally renewed, so both MSIAfterburner.exe and installer are signed by it instead of my own certificate.
  5. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Αυτο με τα ηχεια το εκανε παντα σε εμενα, δεν ειναι κατι.
  6. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Link: https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu-v17077-released (DDU) V17.0.7.7 ChangeLog: -Fixed Task Scheduler cleanup in safe mode. (Fall creator update) -additional NVIDIA cleanup -Small fixes / enhancement
  7. Παλι σε λαθος θεμα το εβαλα.
  8. https://www.wagnardsoft.com/content/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu-v17077-released (DDU) V17.0.7.7 ChangeLog:-Fixed Task Scheduler cleanup in safe mode. (Fall creator update)-additional NVIDIA cleanup-Small fixes / enhancement
  9. LocoDiceGR

    Αγορά Headset μεχρι 150€

    Εχεις καρτα ηχου, και ψαχνεις να παρεις ασυρματα ακουστικα η με usb...ανουσιο...η καρτα ηχου παει χαμενη δηλαδη.. Οπως ειπε και ο γιωργος παρε ακουστικα με jack για να τα συνδεσεις στην καρτα. Απο ολα αυτα που εβαλες δεν θα επαιρνα κανενα....κοιτα για Sennheiser.. Τι επαθαν τα HyperX?
  10. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Στο επομενο μεγαλο driver update, θα γινει και καινουριο θεμα... Click here to download Radeon Software Crimson Relive Edition 17.10.2 Driver. Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.2 Highlights Support For Windows®10 Fall Creators Update This release provides initial support for the Windows®10 Fall Creators Update. For more information please visit here. Wolfenstein™ II: The New Colossus Up to 8% faster performance on Radeon™ RX Vega56 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 2560x1440. (RS-188) Up to 4% faster performance on Radeon RX 580 (8GB) graphics card than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 2560x1440. (RS-189) Destiny 2™ Up to 43% faster performance on Radeon™ RX Vega56 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 2560x1440.(RS-184) Up to 50% faster performance on Radeon RX 580 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 2560x1440.(RS-185) Assassin’s Creed™: Origins Up to 16% faster performance on Radeon™ RX Vega56 (8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 2560x1440.(RS-186) Up to 13% faster performance on Radeon RX 580(8GB) graphics than with Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 at 1920x1080. (RS-187) GPU Workload A new toggle in Radeon Settings that can be found under the “Gaming”, “Global Settings” options. This toggle will allow you to switch optimization between graphics or compute workloads on select Radeon RX 500, Radeon RX 400, Radeon R9 390, Radeon R9 380, Radeon R9 290 and Radeon R9 285 series graphics products. Compute Support Radeon Software now supports compute workloads for up to 12 installed Radeon RX 400, Radeon RX 500 or Radeon RX Vega series graphics products on Windows®10 system configurations. Fixed Issues Radeon Software may not appear in the uninstall options under “Apps and Features” on Windows® operating systems after a Radeon Software upgrade. Minor corruption may appear in PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS™ in some game locations when using Ultra graphics settings in game. Radeon Wattman may fail to apply user adjusted voltage values on certain configurations. AMD XConnect™ Technology enabled system configurations may not be detected when plugged in or connected to a system after being previously unplugged during system sleep or hibernation. Hearts of Iron™ IV may experience a crash or system hang during some scenario gameplay. Radeon Settings gaming tab may not automatically populate games detected on the users system. Known Issues A random system hang may be experienced after extended periods of use on system configurations using 12 GPU’s for compute workloads. Assassin’s Creed™: Origins may experience an intermittent application or system hang when playing on Windows®7 system configurations. The GPU Workload feature may cause a system hang when switching to Compute while AMD CrossFire is enabled. A workaround is to disable AMD CrossFire before switching the toggle to Compute workloads. Resizing the Radeon Settings window may cause the user interface to stutter or exhibit corruption temporarily. Corruption may be experienced in Forza Motorsport™ 7 on some HDR displays with HDR enabled in game. Radeon WattMan reset and restore factory default options may not reset graphics or memory clocks and unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. OverWatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. Disabling Radeon ReLive as a temporary workaround may resolve the issue. When recording with Radeon ReLive on Radeon RX Vega Series graphics products GPU usage and clocks may remain in high states. A workaround is to disable and then re-enable Radeon ReLive.
  11. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Την αλλη βδομαδα θα βγει και αλλος σιγουρα.. Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Windows®10 Fall Creators Update Important Notes This driver is provided as a beta level support driver and should be considered "as is". Support For Beta level support for Windows®10 Fall Creators Update. For more information on Windows®10 Fall Creators Update visit here. Known Issues Mixed Reality headsets may fail to render when running in Hybrid Graphics system configurations. A limited number of displays may exhibit brief signal loss periodically. System hang may occur during Mixed Reality 360 videos playback on Radeon RX Vega series graphics products. An HDCP error code may be observed while playing Blu-Ray content on a secondary attached display. Radeon WattMan profiles and settings may not persisting after resuming from sleep. A system restart or hang may be observed when launching DX12 applications on Multi GPU enabled system configurations with Radeon ReLive enabled. Link: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-Beta-for-Windows-10-Fall-Creators-Update-Release-Notes.aspx
  12. LocoDiceGR

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    Αυτο ειναι πριν 10 μηνες, μια χαρα δουλευει τωρα. Η καρτα τι θερμοκρασιες εχει?
  13. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    New MSI Afterburner beta is available: http://office.guru3d.com/afterburner/MSIAfterburnerSetup440Beta20.rar - Downvoltage limits have been increased from -100mV to -200mV for AMD Vega series - Added new "Graph separator" properties to OSD layout. Similar to existing "Group separator" properties, they allow you to insert custom text (e.g. a few new line symbols) right before any displayed graph and this way easily separate some graphs vertically in OSD if necessary - Improved PerfCounter plugin configuration file, units of "Network download rate" and "Network upload rate" have been changed from KB/s to MB/s. Also now the plugin supports displaying network download and upload rate performance counters for up to 4 network interfaces instead of the first network interface in the previous version config - Bundled RTSS distributive have been upgraded to 7.0.0 beta 30 with "Middle Earth : Shadow of War" OSD support, beta 30 installer has been slightly updated (a few more built-in profiles added)
  14. LocoDiceGR

    The ATi Catalyst Driver thread.

    DDU και περνα 17.10.1 ξανα.
  15. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.1 Highlights Support For Evil Within 2 Radeon Chill profile added Middle Earth: Shadow of War Radeon Chill profile added Fixed Issues Bezel compensation in mixed mode Eyefinity cannot be applied. DiRT 4™ may experience flickering tire graphics during gameplay or under certain terrain conditions when using Multi GPU enabled system configurations. Known Issues On Windows®7 when using Radeon RX Vega series graphics in Multi GPU system configurations, users may experience a system hang or crash when upgrading their installation of Radeon Software. A work around is to do a clean install of Radeon Software. Corruption may be experienced in Forza Motorsport™ 7 on some HDR displays with HDR enabled in game. Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang. A workaround is to launch Radeon WattMan after reboot and restore settings to default. Wattman may fail to apply user adjusted voltage values on certain configurations. Radeon Settings may not populate game profiles after Radeon Software's initial install. Overwatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations. GPU Scaling may fail to work on some DirectX®11 applications. Secondary displays may show corruption or green screen when the display/system enters sleep or hibernate with content playing. When recording with Radeon ReLive on Radeon RX Vega Series graphics products GPU usage and clocks may remain in high states. A workaround is to disable and then re-enable Radeon ReLive.
  16. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    @Dj_ALeX @koukoubetses New beta 19 is online: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/msi-afterburner-beta-download.html Changes list includes: · Added low-level AMD Vega 10 graphics processors family support. This means that now MSI AB can access this GPU directly without AMD ADL API, so more powerful voltage control (no longer limited by AMD ADL API) and extended and more efficient low-level hardware monitoring are available for Vega now · Core voltage control for reference design AMD Vega series cards is now performed via low-level access on-die SMC microcontroller. Voltage is adjusted in offset form now, applied to all P-states (just like it was on Fiji/Polaris) and full -100..+100 range is available now · Added GPU power draw graph to hardware monitoring module for AMD Vega series graphics cards · Added HBM memory temperature graph to hardware monitoring module for AMD Vega series graphics cards · Improved voltage offset calculation accuracy for AMD Fiji, Ellesmere and Baffin GPU families · Improved voltage offset programming reliability on AMD Ellesmere and Baffin GPU families · Fixed stuck GPU usage and memory controller usage monitoring on AMD Radeon RX 500 series under 17.6.1 and newer drivers - Fixed issue with opening wrong graph properties under certain conditions when right clicking a graph in hardware monitoring window and selecting “Properties” command from the context menu - Fixed issue with wrong alarm threshold visualization on the graph label in OSD for monochrome OSD layouts - Improved plugins: + Data sources exported by plugins no longer share the same MONITORING_SOURCE_ID_UNKNOWN data source identifier, which means that now you can define independent custom formatting (e.g. group colors) for plugin specific data sources in OSD layout editor + PerfCounter plugin has been improved to handle corrupted registry performance counters list on some systems and to be able to access at least the part of performance counters available on the system in such case - I've temporarily signed both installer and application executable with my own signature.
  17. Τουμπανο ωραιος.
  18. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Ο 17.9.3 εγινε WHQL. (10/4/2017)
  19. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    Αυτο ειχα βαλει και εγω χτες, απλα το εκανε public
  20. LocoDiceGR

    Οι αγορές μας..!!

  21. Πολυ ακριβη, και δεν υπαρχει στον κωτσοβολο. Εκατσα και διαβασα στο dpgr για την olympus Mark II...και γραφουν τα καλυτερα, μαλλον προς τα εκει θα παω.
  22. LocoDiceGR

    AMD Radeon Software support & discussion (No legacy support)

    @azazil1190 @koukoubetses Σας ενδιαφερει νομιζω, Καινουρια Beta. https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/rtss-6-7-0-beta-1.412822/page-40#post-5477649 Changes list includes: - Partial AMD Vega support: + Fan control for Vega is supported now. Please take a note that Vega doesn’t provide native support for traditional PWM duty cycle based fan control (i.e. it doesn’t allow setting desired fixed fan speed in % directly). So fan speed percent scale in MSI Afterburner is internally linearly mapped to RPM scale. + Low-level voltage control via direct access to SMC is currently not implemented for Vega, so voltage is controlled via AMD ADL API. Which means that you cannot set voltages higher than allowed by Wattman’s. Honestly I’m not sure if it worth implementing low-level voltage control for those cards, they are really power hungry and power limited even on default clocks/voltages. - Now drag and drop is supported for multiple selected graphs in active hardware monitoring graphs list in “Monitoring” tab. So it is a bit easier to rearrange the graphs list now. - Now you may right click active hardware monitoring graphs list in “Monitoring” tab and select “Reset order” command from the context menu to reset default active graphs order. - Added Prolog and Epilog properties to “Separators” property node in OSD layout editor. Prolog and epilog allow you to display any custom text info above and below OSD (e.g. branding text, URL, your system specs etc). Both prolog and epilog support macro variables, allowing you to insert desired system specs automatically. The list of supported macro variables includes: %CPU%, %FullCPU%, %RAM%, %GPU%, %FullGPU%, %Driver% and %Time%. - Added new “Group separator” property node to OSD layout editor. Group separators can be used to vertically split the groups if necessary. - Added new “modern web” OSD layout to OSD. The layout is using new prolog and epilog to render branding text and system specs in OSD and group separators to split GPU, CPU/RAM and 3D application related statistics in OSD. - Both MSI Afterburner and RTSS installers are preserving installation path now.
  23. https://videocardz.com/newz/gigabyte-radeon-rx-vega-64-gaming-oc-pictured
  24. Street πιο πολυ....balanced φαση ομως γενικα, δεν εχω κατι συγκεκριμενο στο μυαλο... Θελω να δοκιμασω διαφορα με λιγα λογια... Απο οτι διαβαζω γενικα, η olympus θα ηταν οτι πρεπει για εμενα, μικρη σε μεγεθος, μπορω ευκολα να την παιρνω σχεδον παντου. Αυτο μου με σκαλωνει ειναι τα 600$ τα αξιζει? Σιγουρα θα την κρατησω χρονια, ετσι και αλλιως παιρνει και αλλα lens. Βγηκε και η mark 3...αλλα μετα ξεφευγουμε παρα πολυ
  25. φωτογραφια & βιντεο, λιγο απο ολα, για αυτο μου εχει κανει κλικ και η olympus, δεν το βλεπω επαγγελματικα, καθαρα χομπι...
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