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Παιδιά φοβερό το Game! έχουμε βγάλει φοβερό γέλιο με τον κολλητό μου! τα Heist Mission είναι απίστευτα! το μονο θέμα είναι ότι χρειαζόμαστε και αλλα άτομα... γράψτε εδώ το Nickname σας να σας κάνω add Nickname: Cguevara -
Windows phone- πόσο έχει ωριμάσει το λειτουργικό;
Cguevara απάντησε στο θέμα του panos444 topic στην ενότητα Smartphones
Έχω το Lumia 930 (Icon) με Windows 8.1 και έχω να αναφέρω ότι δεν πρόκειται να ξανά γυρίσω στο Android άμα η Microsoft συνεχίσει έτσι!! Πολύ light λειτουργικό μου δίνει όλα όσα ζητάω! το κινητό δεν κολλάει σχεδόν καθόλου! απίστευτη ποιότητα! Έχω βρει επίσης την υγεία μου με το OneDriveκαι το Outlook που χρησιμοποιώ για e-mail μου αυτή η κίνηση τις Microsoft ένα λειτουργικό για όλα θα βοηθήσει παρα πολύ Επίσης τελευταία άρχισα να χρησιμοποιώ το Bing ως τώρα έχει και τα θετικά και αρνητικά του... θα δούμε τι θα αλλάξει με τα Win10 Ps: Επίσης το προηγούμενο smartphone που είχα ήταν το Oneplus One το πούλησα για να πάρω το Lumia 930 και πιστεύω έκανα παρα πολύ καλή κίνηση!! μου έχει λύση τα χερια απίστευτη ποιότητα και Camera! Ps2: Έχω όλες τις εφαρμογές που είχα και στο Android του Oneplus one(LL Custom Rom) εκτος από το Gmail και το GoogleDrive (δεν καίγομαι και όλας), εάν έχεις παραπάνω ερώτησης γράψτε μου να στις απαντήσω στο θέμα του Lumia 930 -
Έψαξα λίγο στο forum και είδα ότι δεν υπάρχει topic για το συγκεκριμένο game, οποτε κάνω μια αρχή. Warframe - Mesa Update NINJAS PLAY FREE Tον τελευταίο καιρό, free-to-play και ΑΑΑ είναι δύο κατηγορίες παιχνιδιών που έρχονται όλο και πιο κοντά, χάρη σε τίτλους όπως το πολυαναμενόμενο Warface της Crytek. Κάτι αντίστοιχο κάνει και η Digital Extremes με το επίσης εντυπωσιακό Warframe, το οποίο είναι free-to-play co-op action game, με sci-fi θεματολογία. Στο παιχνίδι, αναλαμβάνετε το ρόλο μελών της φυλής Tenno, που μετά από χρόνια σε cryo-ύπνο, ξυπνούν σε ένα ηλιακό σύστημα σε εμπόλεμη κατάσταση. Εκμεταλλευόμενοι τις ειδικές πανοπλίες Warframe, που σας δίνουν μοναδικές επιθετικές και αμυντικές δυνάμεις, αντιμετωπίζετε την καταπιεστική Grineer Empire, σε συνεργασία με άλλους παίκτες. Το Warframe χρησιμοποιεί την Evolution Engine, και, σύμφωνα με την Digital Extremes, φέρνει ποιότητα επιπέδου ΑΑΑ στην F2P αγορά. πηγή: http://game20.gr/ About This Game They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more. The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you. Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers. Come Tenno, you must join the war. Πληροφορίες που περιέχει το Steam System Requirements MINIMUM: OS:Windows XP SP 3 or higher Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo e6400 or AMD Athlon x64 4000+ Memory:2 GB RAM Graphics:Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT or ATI Radeon HD 3600 DirectX®:9.0c Hard Drive:10 GB HD space Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection Title: Warframe Genre: Action, Free to Play Developer: Digital Extremes Publisher: Digital Extremes Release Date: 25 Mar, 2013 Awards ZAM 2013 Action Game of the Year IncGamers 2013 Reader's Awards - Best Free to Play Metacritic User Score: 8.1 Metascore: 68 User reviews: Very Positive (45,845 reviews) Positive (42,314)Negative (3,531) Best of steam reviews: Graphics: + spectacular effects + nice animations + varied areas + additional physx effects Sound: + rapid music + great weapon sounds + great sound effects Balance: + warframes and weapons very different + variant warframes work good in team + many missions can be played solo Atmosphere: + outlandish, dark scenario + very fast gameplay, feel like a ninja + own spaceship as base - weak storyline Control: + easy shooter control + good tutorial + basic skills are easy to learn - warframe and weapon function will barely explained Game Size: + many planets and moons + many warframes + big assortmant of weapons and equipment + different mission types + pvp mode - long farming for new equipment - few enemy factions Level Design: + every area has a own flair + outdoor levels + random obstacles - some maps to big (walk to much) - areas repeat a lot Combat System: + fast shooter combat system + enemys hide and attack from flanks + acrobatic moves - fights sometimes to hectic Weapons and Extras: + crazy weapon systems + every warframe has unique specials + many upgrades + combat dog companion - pistoles little bit weak - only a few weapons has a secondary shoot mode Character Creation:You have a choice between 3 Warframes (ninja suit like robot killing machines AKA; YOU). Each warframe is unique in look and abilities. Excalibur, has a slash dash ability and stun ability. The others use stealth and or mob manipulation. This is something I enjoy about the game as well. You are not into a role or other limitations most shooter have. You can still build weapon from sniper to assault rifles. Once you have a character chosen you can modify it's colors on several layers of the warframe suit. F2P are locked in basic color scheme. But there is enough there to get creative. My sword used a nice red and white. To start, you will be happy with what you have. But you will run across some great looking warframes and that alone makes me want to put some money into customize! The Size of costomize is very good for a FPS game. Most games give you uniforms or character choices. Warframe has logical purchases and very nice looks. You can also change colors anytime in the game. Graphics:The animations create that dark space feel. It is not just corridors and tubes. There are open areas, small areas and Hangers. In Warframe, it is unique as well. The creators really developped a mark of it's own. The graphical setting are really unique and make you feel immersed in their world. You are sneaking in every mission, it also adds that "you are alien, and you are here in a wrong place. They could use just a LITTLE MORE interaction. More "living" elements to the game. Some spot feel abandoned or to cold. But all in all, it makes a great battlefield and perfect game setting. Game Play:You start in a planetary system and move along. As a space ninja, you sneak in at the start of each round and are given orders for your mission via com link. Each time you complete a mission the next path opens up. The missions include assassinating a target. Sabatoging the systems. Rescuing a prisoner. etc. One of my favorite things about Warframe is the map change. You can restart the map and it is a new map with new layout. Same mission! This randomization of maps is very nice. The UI is great. I could be assault that shoots and scoots. I could be mele and slash my way through. The UI is logical and makes use of your warframe. It is a compliment you and battle systems. And the other players Warframe builds compliment each other. That is the one word to summarize this game play: "Complimentary". A great shooter. The map progression is nice with a few places to stop and farm. A few bosses to stop and kill. A few events. You will be traveling the universe and looking for places. The leveling system unlocks new potentials and weapons for you. The game is based around Crafting. You can purchase to advance in the game, but over all it is F2P and requires you play and collect parts to CRAFT the items. Once the game takes you. You will be out to collect as many pieces to build as many warframes. There are several other warframes than the starter frames. To play them. You have to collect the blueprints, and then get the materials to craft each piece. This is true for weapons as well. Grouping is fun. Not just another body to zerg content. Some players can be jerks and just run and rush to the end and not care about the team. All in all. This is a great shooter that supports any kind of FPS role. Assault. Pistoler, bow and arrow. Sniper. Sword. Etc. I have not reached the end game, but my only worry is the rate of enhancements vs Content. If it requires all my cards are maxed and I cannot max them until I farm parts in the lower areas. But it seems everything is fine for the moment. The game seems to progress of the F2P and keeps you end gamers busy in crafting every frame and weapon available and testing it and tryoing out combos Sound:Wonderfull! The sound of the material of your suit sliding across the floor. The little "clink" of metal as you roll and your sword smacks the ground. The sounds of bullet casings dropping after firing. The sound of ambient voices and machinery. Economy and Crafting:Standard upgrades come in drops and rewards. They are like cards. You put this card into a slot on your gun. It has 4 rank slots. To increase the ranks you modify the card by FUSING it with other cards. You can purchase base weapons with in game currency as well but they are the base, the better weapons have to be built or purchased with cash. The enhancing of abilities starts to get difficult after 4 to 5 upgrades. I did not notice an auction house... But there is a trade channel... The currency seems balanced at the moment and the deals fare. You buy out right the parts in real cash, or build it yourself. Combos you add to your weapons. Cold + Poison gas = Poison shock. There are so many kinds of damage and effects to test and build, and try out on weapons. Some deal bonus damage to mutants. Others on robots. You can build in laser armor bonus to get resistant against laser fire. This helps with more laser dealing enemys.Or extra ammo builds for survival missions. Overall:I like this game. Rewarding, interesting, beautiful and a great space theme. It is not perfect. Has some unfair drops rates. Social aspect could be better. I would like to see more living elements in the maps. They already are doing a sort of base building and PvP structure... Archwing Update PvP Duel E3 2014
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Έκανα αναζήτηση στο forum και δεν βρήκα σχετικό topic για το game, υπάρχει κανεις που το αγόρασε εκτος από μένα? To Destiny είναι μια παράξενη περίπτωση παιχνιδιού. Δεν είναι ένα συνηθισμένο FPS, δεν είναι καν ένας κλώνος της σειράς Halo. Δεν είναι απλώς ένα online shooter, αλλά ούτε και ένα αμιγές MMO. Με το παράξενο αυτό εγχείρημα η Bungie προσπαθεί να ταξιδέψει στα επικίνδυνα και αχαρτογράφητα νερά μιας νέας κατηγορίας παιχνιδιών, την οποία όλο και περισσότερα παιχνίδια προσπαθούν να προσεγγίσουν το τελευταίο διάστημα (από το The Division μέχρι το Driveclub). Και ποια είναι αυτή η κατηγορία ακριβώς; Συγκεκριμένο όνομα δεν έχει ακόμα, αλλά πρόκειται για ένα υβρίδιο που συνδυάζει τη δομή ενός παραδοσιακού single player τίτλου, με έντονο, always online περιβάλλον και ξεκάθαρη “social” προσέγγιση. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clRpcIHpmoY]Official Destiny E3 Trailer -- New Beginnings - YouTube[/ame] Aπό: Destiny - GameOver
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