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Posts posted by ultraex2005

  1. εχει κυκλοφορησει το Beta Patch 2.0 !! για να δουμε τι θα γινει και με αυτο !!

    Patch notes:

    Technical and Performance Issues

    Campaign performance optimisations.

    Campaign AI round time improvements (greatest effect during early game).

    A new "Limited" option has been added to the "Show ιινει καAI Player Moves" settings in Single Player an Multiplayer Campaign modes, this enables the player to see all movement of enemy factions, all movement within the players regions, and all movement within sea that the player has ports in during the AI turns.

    Improved AI recruitment decisions in Campaign modes. Further improvements planned for subsequent patches.

    Pathfinding optimisation on the Campaign Map.

    Fix for "Level of Detail" distances scaling incorrectly when the "Field of View" is changed which reduces the chance of the "Intelligent Zoom" [N] key, causing "zombie like” low quality textures on unit faces in battles.

    A new warning message has been added to loading screen to inform the player when graphics memory is running low, and the game is downgrading the players graphics settings. This can be overriden, allowing the game to use system memory for graphics (VRAM) by ticking the "Unlimited video memory" option in the graphics menu.

    Increased the frame rate and reduced frame stuttering in battles on certain GPUs.

    Improved compatibility for graphics cards with multiple GPUs.

    Added earlier Multiplayer Campaign resyncronisation detection, upon loading save games which allows resyncronisation in more cases.

    More conservative out-of-the-box graphics settings and resolution for DirectX 10 and 11 on Mobile GPUs

    Improved the processing speed of the default deployment placement, reducing battle loading times on some battle maps.

    Fixed battle crash bug caused by the default deployment placement.

    Crash fix for when the player placed the mouse over a garrison force of a region in Campaign mode.

    Fix for crash loading save games that were created on the "settlement captured" screen in Campaign modes.

    Fix for a crash when holding the [sHIFT] and [CTRL] keys down, and selecting a unit card, when no unit cards where previously selected in Campaign and Battle modes.

    Fix for crash caused by forming a Confederation in Campaign modes.

    Some desyncronisations have been fixed in multiplayer city / port assault battles.

    Crash fix for when multiple AI reinforcements arrive in a single player siege battle in Campaign mode.

    Fix for crash when selecting Custom Battle mode after fighting several different Multiplayer battles.

    Fix for a crash in 4v4 custom or multiplayer battles caused by the battle AI.

    Fix for crash when cancelling a game request for a password protected game whilst in a Multiplayer battle lobby.

    Fix some crashes in multiplayer campaign mode, when one player quit the game, it would cause the other player to crash.

    Fixed a Multiplayer crash which happened when a client joined a lobby and was being allocated to the wrong slot.

    Fix for a very rare crash when launching a new campaign.

    Fixed rare battlefield loading lockup.

    Fix for a rare crash caused by animal handlers in battles.

    Fix for crash that happens when AI unit triggers raise banner special ability when no human units are selected in battles.

    Gameplay Improvements

    Reduced infantry run speed, charge speed and acceleration in battles.

    The low level casualty moral penalties have been significantly reduced in battles.

    Improved balancing for Food and Squalor in Campaign Mode.

    Campaign AI is more likely to make a stand when defending its final settlement, but may still seek out another home, if they fear losing the final battle.

    Encampments battles are no longer incorrectly merged with Coastal battles, which lead to forts floating in the air when a friendly navy reinforced an army in the Fortification stance.

    Improved ship movement speeds in battles.

    Shock cavalry run speed and charge speed have been increased in battles.

    Increased flanking morale penalties.

    Added icons to indicate activity in the Technology and Faction screens during a campaign.

    Fix for the boarding/ramming button which showed the incorrect state in certain circumstances in battles.

    Fix for a bug that sometimes made it impossible to exchange units between a transported land force and another land force on the Campaign map.

    Fix for armies on the sea getting stuck in patrol stance in Campaign modes.

    Fixed splitting an embedded army from a navy which sometimes caused the player to get stuck in the Prologue Campaign.

    Some missions in single player and multiplayer Campaign have been fixed and now execute correctly.

    When a settlement is captured via a siege battle, with a friendly naval fleet blockading its port, the ownership of the port is now changed correctly to the friendly navy fleet on capture.

    Fix for AI taking inappropriate sized siege equipment into battle when the user changed the settlement wall height, via the map selection settings, in Custom Battle mode.

    Fix for defending armies under AI control grouping together at the edge of their deployment zone, during Ambush battles when the player choses to wait before attacking them.

    Improved AI and scripting in the Raphia Historical Battle.

    Fixed a bug preventing the player from progressing in The Invasion of Samnium prologue chapter, if they had spent all of their funds before being instructed to recruit a General (and therefore having no funds to do so).

    The Attribute increases for an agent accompanying an army now activate its associated effects on the general of that army in Campaign modes.

    Improved AI collision detection with Deployables in battle.

    In Multiplayer Campaign mode, one player can no longer cancel recruitment during the other players turn.

    The order of events leading up to the Battle of Bovianum in the prologue have been re-scripted. The player now gets multiple turns to construct siege equipment.

    Fixed issues with not enough time being given for certain advisor lines to play in different languages in the prologue.

    Fix for units floating in the air while climbing siege towers in battle, when the tower is placed on a slope.

    Attacking siege ladders will no longer clip through the gate house in the siege on Bovianum battle during The Invasion of Samnium chapter in Prologue Campaign.

    The victory screen in Multiplayer Campaign mode now shows the correct title for both players.

    The Basilica of Vulcan religious building now applies the correct bonus to recruitment cost reduction in Campaign Mode.

    Added level indicators to the Sanctuary of Austro & Sanctuary of Fraujaz shrines in Campaign mode and the Encyclopaedia.

    Fix for settlement expansion trapping / blocking units movement on the campaign map in very rare cases.

    Improved the terrain in a small Barbarian city battle map.

    Minor bug fixes for Roman and Barbarian siege battle maps.

    During battles, players are no longer able to un-pause the game while in the options menus.

    Usability improvements

    In Campaign mode, exempting a province from tax will no longer incorrectly adjust the food number in the province info panel left side of the screen.

    Improved multiplayer lobby discovery, reducing the chance of finding *multiplayer lobbies with the wrong battle type.

    Removed the red tint from the sky in battles.

    Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.

    The "Quaestor" achievement should now unlock correctly, when completing the Prologue campaign

    Fixed the inability to select the previous faction, when an army is automatically loaded due to a battle type change during battle setup.

    Improved the clarity of stats displayed for Slaves Economic Effect when placing the mouse over "Slaves" in the Province Details panel on the Campaign map.

    Fix for rare cases of broken save games in Campaign mode.

    Fix for Campaign mode bug, where a hostile agent and the players' ship became stuck in the same position, with neither one able to move.

    Fix for very rare agent pathfinding issue, which caused the game progression to become impossible in Campaign modes.

    Removed the ability to loading the wrong type of units into a battle from a saved army pre-set in Custom Battle mode.

    In Multiplayer battle setup, unit restrictions related to "Battle type" are no longer desynchronised between the host and client, so only the correct units can be chosen.

    Defending armies in an Ambush Battle can no longer load an army containing *Fixed Artillery and other Siege Equipment.

    Fixed the tooltip displayed when placing the mouse over the garrison in enemy settlements, while the settlement is under siege.

    The Public Order "Change per turn" stat is now displayed as the sum of all of its "Contributing Factors" on the Province Info panel in Campaign mode.

    Right-clicking on the Aggressive, Balanced and Protective stance buttons when Autoresolving a battle in campaign mode will now take the player to the Encyclopedia, where these stances are explained in more detail.

    More detailed descriptions added to the tooltips for the "Occupy, Loot and Raze" buttons after successfully capturing a settlement on the Campaign map.

    Improved icons for Province Effects in Campaign mode.

    Fixed an error with uploading stats when a multiplayer battle was ended prematurely.

    The "Force March" movement effect on the campaign map (looks like a whirlwind) are now correctly removed from the screen when the AI move their army.

    Correction to the Assault Hexeres unit card in the Parthia faction during battles, which had no colour mask and appeared black.

    The buttons to change pages in the Leaderboards menu have been fixed, so more players can be seen on the Leaderboards.

    The Provinces list in Campaign mode can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel.

    Units in a recruitment queue, in a province with its capital under siege, now have an "infinity sign" icon to indicate that the "turns to recruit" is infinite while the siege is maintained in Campaign mode.

    In the "Controls" menu under the "Settings" option in the main menu, when the player modifies the keyboard controls, and saves them, the new name for these controls is now replaces the "Classic Total War" name.

    Added a tooltip to say "Left-click to remove unit from recruitment queue" for units that are queued for hire in Campaign mode.

    Added a tooltip to make ruined buildings more obvious in Campaign mode.

    Added tooltips to "Weather" and "Time of Day" settings in the Custom Battle menu.

    Fixes and corrections for text in the encyclopaedia have been made.

    Minor text and grammar corrections in Campaign Modes.

    Fix for some German text not fitting into the available text space in the campaign mode user interface.

    Improved text formatting in the Objectives panel in Campaign mode.

    Added some localisation text fixes for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.

    Fixed some missing text on the Diplomacy screen in Campaign modes.

    Added white outline to Armoured Legionaries unit cards in battle.

  2. το ξεκινησα δειλα δειλα σε 1600Χ900 ελειψει καλης καρτας (αναμενω τις εξελιξεις)!!

    το ωραιο ειναι μεσα στα μενου και στις ρυθμισεις (video)μεταβαλεται στα δεξια τα fps αναλογα τι βαζεις-βγαζεις!!


    προς το παρον παιζω διαλεγοντας οτι θελω απο αυτες τις επιλογες!!




  3. κυκλοφορησε για οσους ενδιαφερονται το demo του FiFa 2014


    με αυτες τις ομαδες θα μπορεις να παιξεις !

    FIFA 14 Demo Teams

    Borussia Dortmund

    AC Milan

    Paris Saint-Germain F.C

    FC Barcelona

    Boca Juniors

    Tottenham Hotspur F.C

    Manchester City FC

    New York Red Bulls

    αν και δε παιζω ποδοσφαιρακια κανα σουτακι-γκολακι μπορω να πω τοριξα !!!

    καλο μου φανηκε σε γενικες γραμμες !! τωρα οι ειδημονες καλουνται να ριξουν σχολια!!


  4. κυκλοφορησε το 1.02 patch αλλα χρειαζεται και το 1.01 να ειναι εγκαταστημενο !!!



    * Fix for crash on startup on DX11 with certain monitors

    * Fix memory leak in DX11 constant buffer system

    * Fix for hang on controller disconnect in loading screens

    * Fix for hang in customize gear screen

    * Fix rare crash with host disconnect

    * Fix crash in loading screen after getting killed in the tunnel

    * Fix hang in coop after checking computers and disconnecting

    * Fix crash when equipping tri-rotor in customize gear menu

    * Fix coop crash in loading screen

    * Fix popup crash in lobbies

    * Fix potential audio crash in preload

    * Fix crash with exclusive skins in co-op

    * Fix for potential hang after pausing cutscene

    * Fix frag grenade crash


    * Fix issues with rogue agent scoring

    * Fix input for interrogation scenes

    * Fix co-op interactions with missing prompts

    * Fix for players reaching out of world location in certain missions

    * Fix for player getting stuck in kobin back alley

    * Fix capture the intel objectives when maximum intel is acquired by one team

    * Fix bad spawns during transitions

    * Fix getting stuck in door on a specific point on a map

    * Fix for exploits in SvsM

    * Fix for spy getting out of map

    * Fix for merc getting stuck

    * Fix for intel getting stuck on gun

    * Fix door replication on a specific map in co-op

    * Fix some invisible collisions

    * Fix some crate collisions

    * Fix for objects falling out of world

    * Fix getting stuck in corner with crossbow

    * Fix for spy weapon abuse

    * Fix for getting stuck in transition area in co-op

    * Fix for getting stuck in co-op on disconnect

    * Balance tweaks for frontal attacks


    * Reduce host migration failures

    * Fix clients getting stuck in sessions with multiple simultaneous host migrations

    * Improvements to game migration

    * Improve speed of getting into game


    * Fix controller detection when multiple input devices are connected

    * Allow gamepad input even if window has no focus

    * Debounce use key so holding it down doesn't trigger sequence of actions

    * Fix issue where player can get stuck in sprint mode


    * Fix trirotor explosion

    * Fix visible scope during cinematics

    * Support for super widescreen aspect ratios

    * Fix character rendering on customization screens on high resolution displays

    * Optimise flash depth stencil buffer allocations

    * Fix broken tv state

    * Fix for targets appearing in bind pose

    * Fix merc animation

    * Fix issue with unknown resolutions


    * Remove duplicated back button in dead drops sub menu

    * Fix erroneous Joy1/Joy2 button prompts when using keyboard

    * Fix incorrect message displayed after deploying tri rotor

    * Fix mouse auto centering when buying items

    * Fix for hud sometimes missing during mark & execute

    * Fix with UI getting stuck in customize gear screen whilst upgrading a weapon

    * Fix controller selection wheel flicker when you don't have focus

    * Fix mouse clipping issue when lowering resolution below monitor's native resolution

    * Fix loadout screen missing locks

    * Fix weapon placement in customize gear screen

    * Fix preview in coop lobby

    * Fix view match settings during countdown

    * Fix gone dark hint display

    * Fix for leaderboard display corruption


    * Fix sound loop for mouse over animations in the SMI

    * Fix for trirotor sounds in co-op

    * Fix lost sound on pause menu in coop

    * Fix for audio during controller reconnection


    * Make file save system more robust

    * Gracefully handle corrupted save game files

    * Optimise engine to improve performance on older AMD CPUs

  5. με βοηθησε ωστε να εξαλειψω τα grafikal glitses που ειχα και ειδικα στο terain !!!


    NOTE: I also own a CrossfireX Dual 5770's rig that WORKS great for now using the steps below.

    -Steps to fix/workaround-

    Step 1. update to latest ATI beta driver AMD Graphics Drivers & Software

    Step 2. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War Rome II\redist\directx INSTALL DXSETUP.exe

    Step 3. open game then open graphics options then "check run in window" **take note of the resolution 1440/900 etc** save changes exit game

    Step 4. go to Gamers Window Relocator install this program. It allows a windowed game to be fullscreen when in "windowed mode"

    Step 5. **That note you took earlier of the resolution in the game** set your windows resolution to the same resolution (via right click desktop then click screen resolution) so the resolution in game is same as windows.

    Step 6. open the "gamers window relocator" program from step 4. open rome 2. tell "gamers window relocator" to "relocate" it will fullscreen game.

    Step 7. IMPORTANT! Keep changing graphics settings and running benchmark until you don't go lower than 35 frames per second for average score on benchmark (35-66 is best). (located in graphics options>advanced settings.) I had to start at medioum graphcis settings and slowly raise settings and do benchmark after each.*Looks like unit graphics takes the most power (lowers framerate the most) YOU MUST APPLY SETTINGS, THEN RE-ENTER GRAPHICS OPTIONS, THEN RUN BENCHMARK AFTER EACH CHANGE. I know it sucks but you have to get frame rate right for game to work. Took me 8-10 graphics adjustments to get 35-66 frames

    Step 8. ENJOY ROME 2!!! No more spending hours like I have reading through forums to play my game. This will at least allow you to play without lag/issues until they release driver update or patch.

  6. πολλα και ανεξηγητα graphical glitches ακομα δε παιζω χαζευω τo bench κομματι του παιχνιδιου !!!

  7. το max σε prime test 62 τα cores και 70 στο socket ? πρέπει να έχω? και περίπου για 24/7 εάν έχω καλές θερμοκρασίες τα voltage 1.46 κτλ είναι πολλά?

    εαν ενοοεις τα cores(package σε μενα) μεχρι 62 μια χαρα σε βλεπω εγω παιζω στα 4400 με 59 max με 1.46 full καρασταθερος περιπου για καθε μερα !!

    τωρα απο κει και περα μη τρελενεσαι με τα 62 max αυτα τα βλεπεις μονο σε full stress !!

    μεσα στα games πανω απο 45 δεν εχω δει ποτε και με τη καταραμενη ζεστη !!

  8. τον 8350 εχω.... νομίζω stock στα 1.380 είναι δεν είμαι σίγουρος..τωρα μαθαίνω overclock

    και μενα καπου εκει παιζει ο 8320 ετσι και αλλιως το ιδιο cpu ειναι ο πολλαπλασιαστης( και καλα) ειναι πιο ψηλα στημενος σε σενα !!

  9. παρε ενα γρηγορο λιγο πιο παλιο run στα 4432(24/7) με θερμοκρασιες στα 59 (max package)

    με τη cpu να παιζει ταβανι !!



  10. οι ληστειες πεφτουν συννεφο :cool: !!

    αλλα δε ειναι καθολου ευκολο θελει παρα πολυ προσοχη γιατι στη πεφτουν απο παντου :hm:!!






    EDIT : σε οσα παιδια κλειδωνει στα 23 ΗΖ το παιχνιδι στην αναλυση 1920x1080 οπως εμενα με αποτελεσμα να μη φαινεται σωστα !!

    πατε C:\Users\[YOU]\AppData\Local\PAYDAY\renderer_settings.xml

    και στο refresh_rate = "xx" πχ βαζετε 60 σε εμενα ειχε 23 κανετε (save) και τωρα ειναι μια χαρα σαν να εστρωσε και η κινηση !!


  11. Τελειωσε και το Catzilla 576p (Kitty) Bench

    ALLBenchmark July OC Relaxation Contest

    που διοργανωσε το Ηwbot .org για το μηνα ιουλιο !!

    καλουτσικα τα πηγα και φυσικα κατεβηκα με την ομαδα μου την ΗΟΤ (hellas overclocking team)

    προσωπικα επαιξα στην κατηγοριa 576p(Kitty)Αmd Cpu οπου και επιασα την 10 θεση της καταταξης !!

    ALLBenchmark July OC Relaxation Contest @ HWBOT


    και στη γενικη (overall) επιασα την 29η θεση απο 79 συνολικα ατομα !!

    ALLBenchmark July OC Relaxation Contest @ HWBOT


    αντε και του χρονου κατι καλυτερο και με πιο πολλες συμετοχες απο ελληνικης πλευρας!!

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