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Φανι εντ αξιόλογο τουγκέδα

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxyhfiCO_XQ]First World Problems Anthem - YouTube[/ame]

EDIT: Διαφήμιση της Diesel



Ανοίγω την πόρτα κύριε δικαστά και την βλέπω γυμνή...

Μου λέει "χτύπα ρε μαλάκα", της έριξα κι εγώ τρία χαστούκια...

Που να καταλάβω ότι εννοούσε την πόρτα...;;!!

-Μαμά στο σχολείο με λένε γκέι και με χτυπάνε...

-Ποιοί σε χτυπάνε αγόρι μου???

-Οι γόβες...

Πήγα σήμερα στη κηδεία ενός πάμπλουτου επιχειρηματία. Εκεί που είχα πλαντάξει στο κλάμα, με ρωτάει ένας:

- Της οικογενείας;

- Όχi, γι αυτό κλαίω

Πως λέγονται οι γυναίκες που δεν φοράνε στρινγκ;

- Στρίγκ-λες

Χτες έκαψα 2.400 θερμίδες σε δύο λεπτά.

- Πώς το κατάφερες;

- Ξέχασα την πίτσα στον φούρνο.

ποια είναι η πιο τραβεστί γραμματοσειρά?

- Verdana International.

Τι έγινε Mαράκι; Καληνύχτα δεν έχει; Τι είμαι 'γω κάνας τυχαίος;

- Η Κωνσταντίνα είμαι.

- Τι έγινε Κωνσταντίνα???? Δε μας συμφέρει κι αλλάζουμε θέμα;

-Ναι, γεια σας. Θα ήθελα να δηλώσω μια βλάβη ....

-Το όνομα σας παρακαλώ..

-Παπαδόπουλος λέγομαι...

-Το μικρό σας...


Όλη την μαθητική ζωή μου την πέρασα αναλώνοντας τον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου σε ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα ορθογραφίας, ανεπιτυχώς.

Πιστεύεις ότι θα κάνεις το θαύμα;

Όλη την μαθητική ζωή μου την πέρασα αναλώνοντας τον ελεύθερο χρόνο μου σε ιδιαίτερα μαθήματα ορθογραφίας, ανεπιτυχώς.

Πιστεύεις ότι θα κάνεις το θαύμα;

Για θαυματα στον Jesus..



ετσι ακριβως!

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie

to the hiphip hop, a you dont stop

the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumpedthe boogie

to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

now what you hearis not a test--i'm rappin to the beat

and me, the groove, and my friends aregonna try to move your feet

see i am wonder mike and i like to say hello

to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow

but first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie

say up jump theboogie to the bang bang boogie

let's rock, you dont stop

rock the riddlethat will make your body rock

well so far youve heard my voice but i broughttwo friends along

and next on the mike is my man hank

come on, hank,sing that song

check it out, i'm the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-a

and the restis f-l-y

ya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mix

and thesereasons i'll tell ya why

ya see i'm six foot one and i'm tons of fun

andi dress to a t

ya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress soviciously

i got bodyguards, i got two big cars

that definitely aint thewack

i got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillac

so after school,i take a dip in the pool

which really is on the wall

i got a color tv soi can see

the knicks play basketball

hear me talkin bout checkbooks,credit cards

more money than a sucker could ever spend

but i wouldntgive a sucker or a bum from the rucker

not a dime til i made it again

yago hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)

ya say im gonna get a flygirl gonna get some spankin

drive off in a def oj

everybody go, hotelmotel holiday inn

say if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friend

master gee, am I mellow

its on you so what you gonna do

wellit's on n on n on on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

isaid m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double e

i said i go by the unforgettable name

of the man they call the master gee

well, my name is known all over theworld

by all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls

i'm goin down inhistory

as the baddest rapper there could ever be

now i'm feelin thehighs and ya feelin the lows

the beat starts gettin into your toes

yastart poppin ya fingers and stompin your feet

and movin your body whileyoure sittin in your seat

and the damn ya start doin the freak

i saiddamn, right outta your seat

then ya throw your hands high in the air

yarockin to the rhythm, shake your derriere

ya rockin to the beat without acare

with the sureshot m.c.s for the affair

now, im not as tall as therest of the gang

but i rap to the beat just the same

i dot a little faceand a pair of brown eyes

all im here to do ladies is hypnotize

singin onn n on n on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

singin on nn on n on on n on

like a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie

pop da pop pop ya dont dare stop

come alive yall gimme what ya got

iguess by now you can take a hunch

and find that i am the baby of the bunch

'but that's okay i still keep in stride

cause all i'm here to do is justwiggle your behind

singin on n n on n on n on

the beat dont stop untilthe break of dawn

singin on n n on n on on n on

rock rock yall throw iton the floor

im gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya there

im gonna moveyou outta this atmosphere

cause im one of a kind and ill shock your mind

ill put t-t-tickets in your behind

i said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get onthe floor

a-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya got

cause im guaranteed tomake you rock

i said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for?

i said a hip hop the hippie to the hippie

the hip hip hop, a you dontstop

the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie

to therhythm of the boogie, the beat

skiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie doo

and guess what america we love you

cause ya rock and ya roll with somuch soul

you could rock till you're a hundred and one years old

i dontmean to brag i dont mean to boast

but we like hot butter on our breakfasttoast

rock it up baby bubbah

baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang daboogie

to the beat beat, its so unique

come on everybody and dance tothe beat

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie

to the hiphip hop, a you dont stop

rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang

the boogie to the boogie da beat

i said i cant wait til the end ofthe week

when im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat

and attempt toraise your body heat

just blow your mind so that you cant speak

and do athing but a rock and shuffle your feet

and let it change up to a dancecalled the freak

and when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beat

rest a little while so ya dont get weak

i know a man named hank

hehas more rhymes than a serious bank

so come on hank sing that song

tothe rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bong

well, im imp the dimp theladies pimp

the women fight for my delight

but im the grandmaster withthe three mcs

that shock the house for the young ladies

and when youcome inside, into the front

you do the freak, spank, and do the bump

andwhen the sucker mcs try to prove a point

we're treacherous trio, we'rethe serious joint

a from sun to sun and from day to day

i sit down andwrite a brand new rhyme

because they say that miracles never cease

i'vecreated a devastating masterpiece

i'm gonna rock the mike til you cantresist

everybody, i say it goes like this

well i was comin home late onedark afternoon

a reporter stopped me for a interview

she said she'sheard stories and she's heard fables

that i'm vicious on the mike and theturntables

this young reporter i did adore

so i rocked a vicious rhymelike i never did before

she said damn fly guy im in love with you

thecasanova legend must have been true

i said by the way baby what's your name

said i go by the name of lois lane

and you could be my boyfiend yousurely can

just let me quit my boyfriend called superman

i said he's afairy i do suppoose

flyin through the air in pantyhose

he may be verysexy or even cute

but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit

isaid you need a man who's got finesse

and his whole name across his chest

he may be able to fly all through the night

but can he rock a party tilthe early light

he cant satisfy you with his little worm

but i can bustyou out with my super sperm

i go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , doit

an i'm here an i'm there i'm big bang hank, im everywhere

just throwyour hands up in the air

and party hardy like you just dont care

let'sdo it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stop

go hotel motel whatyou gonna do today(say what)

im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankdrive off in a def oj

everybody go hotel motel holiday inn

you say ifyour girl starts actin up then you take her friend

i say skip, dive, whatcan i say

i cant fit em all inside my oj

so i just take half and bustthem out

i give the rest to master gee so he could shock the house

itwas twelve o'clock one friday night

i was rockin to the beat and feelin allright

everybody was dancin on the floor

doin all the things they neverdid before

and then this fly fly girl with a sexy lean

she came into thebar, she came into the scene

as she traveled deeper inside the room

allthe fellas checked out her white sasoons

she came up to the table, lookedinto my eyes

then she turned around and shook her behind

so i said tomyself, its time for me to release

my vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece

and now people in the house this is just for you

a little rap to makeyou boogaloo

now the group ya hear is called phase two

and let me tellya somethin we're a helluva crew

once a week we're on the street

justa-cuttin' the jams and making it free

for you to party ya got to have themovies

so we'll get right down and give you the groove

for you to danceyou gotta get hype

so we'll get right down for you tonight

now thesystem's on and the girls are there

ya definitely have a rockin affair

but let me tell ya somethin there's still one fact

that to have a partyya got to have a rap

so when the party's over you're makin it home

andtryin to sleep before the break of dawn

and while ya sleepin ya start todream

and thinkin how ya danced on the disco scene

my name appears inyour mind

yeah, a name you know that was right on time

it was phase twojust a doin a do

rockin ya down cause ya know we could

to the rhythm ofthe beat that makes ya freak

come alive girls get on your feet

to therhythm of the beat to the beat the beat

to the double beat beat that itmakes ya freak

to the rhythm of the beat that says ya go on

on n on intothe break of dawn

now i got a man comin on right now

he's guaranteed tothrow down

he goes by the name of wonder mike

come on wonder mike dowhat ya like

like a can of beer that's sweeter than honey

like amillionaire that has no money

like a rainy day that is not wet

like agamblin fiend that does not bet

like dracula with out his fangs

like theboogie to the boogie without the boogie bang

like collard greens that donttaste good

like a tree that's not made out of wood

like goin up and notcomin down

is just like the beat without the sound no sound

to the beatbeat, ya do the freak

everybody just rock and dance to the beat

have youever went over a friends house to eat

and the food just aint no good

imean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed

and the chicken tastes likewood

so you try to play it off like you think you can

by sayin thatyoure full

and then your friend says momma he's just being polite

heaint finished uh uh that's bull

so your heart starts pumpin and you think ofa lie

and you say that you already ate

and your friend says man there'splenty of food

so you pile some more on your plate

while the stinkyfoods steamin your mind starts to dreamin

of the moment that it's time toleave

and then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottin

into something that looks like cheese

oh so you say that's it i got toleave this place

i dont care what these people think

im just sittin heremakin myself nauseous

with this ugly food that stinks

so you bust outthe door while its still closed

still sick from the food you ate

andthen you run to the store for quick relief

from a bottle of kaopectate

and then you call your friend two weeks later

to see how he has been

and he says i understand about the food

baby bubbah but we're stillfriends

with a hip hop the hippie to the hippie

the hip hip a hop a youdont stop the rockin

to the bang bang boogie

say up jump the boogie tothe rhythm of the boogie the beat

i say hank can ya rock

can ya rock tothe rhythm that just dont stop

can ya hip me to the shoobie doo

i saidcome on

i go to the halls and then ring the bell

because i am the manwith the clientele

and if ya ask me why i rock so well

a big bang, i gotclientele

and from the time i was only six years old

i never forgot whati was told

it was the best advice that i ever had

it came from my wisedear old dad

he said sit down punk i wanna talk to you

and dont say aword until i'm through

now there's a time to laugh a time to cry

a timeto live and a time to die

a time to break and a time to chill

to actcivilized or act real ill

but whatever ya do in your lifetime

ya neverlet a mc steal your rhyme

so from sixty six til this very day

ill alwaysremember what he had to say

so when the sucker mcs try to chump my style

i let them know that i'm versatile

i got style finesse and a littleblack book

that's filled with rhymes and i know you wanna look

butthere's a thing that separates you from me

and that's called originality

because my rhymes are on from what you heard

i didnt even bite and not agod d--m word

and i say a little more later on tonight

so the suckermc's can bite all night

a tick a tock yall a beat beat yall

a lets rockyall ya dont stop

ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)

yasay im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin

drive off in a def oj

everybody go hotel motel holiday inn

ya say if your girl starts actin upthen you take her friends

a like that yall to the beat yall

beat beatyall ya dont stop

a master gee am I mellow?

its on you so whatcha gonnado

well like johnny carson on the late show

a like frankie croker instereo

well like the barkay's singin holy ghost

the sounds to throw downthey're played the most

its like my man captain sky

whose name heearned with his super sperm

we rock and we dont stop

get off yall imhere to give you whatcha got

to the beat that it makes you freak

andcome alive girl get on your feet

a like a perry mason without a case

like farrah fawcett without her face

like the barkays on the mike

like gettin right down for you tonight

like movin your body so ya dontknow how

right to the rhythm and throw down

like comin alive to themaster gee

the brother who rocks so viciously

i said the age of one mylife begun

at the age of two i was doin the do

at the age of three itwas you and me

rockin to the sounds of the master gee

at the age of fouri was on the floor

givin all the freaks what they bargained for

at theage of five i didnt take no jive

with the master gee its all the way live

at the age of six i was a pickin up sticks

rappin to the beat my stickwas fixed

at the age of seven i was rockin in heaven dontcha know i went off

i got right on down to the beat you see

gettin right on down makin allthe girls

just take of their clothes to the beat the beat

to the doublebeat beat that makes you freak

at the age of eight i was really great

cause every night you see i had a date

at the age of nine i was right ontime

cause every night i had a party rhyme

goin on n n on n on on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

a sayin on n n on n on on non...

like a hot buttered de pop de pop de pop

a saying on n n on n onon n on

cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike

i am the definatefeast delight

cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike

i am thedefinate feast delight

come to the master gee you see

the brother whorocks so viciously

:p ποιημα!

ετσι ακριβως!

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie

to the hiphip hop, a you dont stop

the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumpedthe boogie

to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

now what you hearis not a test--i'm rappin to the beat

and me, the groove, and my friends aregonna try to move your feet

see i am wonder mike and i like to say hello

to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow

but first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie

say up jump theboogie to the bang bang boogie

let's rock, you dont stop

rock the riddlethat will make your body rock

well so far youve heard my voice but i broughttwo friends along

and next on the mike is my man hank

come on, hank,sing that song

check it out, i'm the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-a

and the restis f-l-y

ya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mix

and thesereasons i'll tell ya why

ya see i'm six foot one and i'm tons of fun

andi dress to a t

ya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress soviciously

i got bodyguards, i got two big cars

that definitely aint thewack

i got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillac

so after school,i take a dip in the pool

which really is on the wall

i got a color tv soi can see

the knicks play basketball

hear me talkin bout checkbooks,credit cards

more money than a sucker could ever spend

but i wouldntgive a sucker or a bum from the rucker

not a dime til i made it again

yago hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)

ya say im gonna get a flygirl gonna get some spankin

drive off in a def oj

everybody go, hotelmotel holiday inn

say if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friend

master gee, am I mellow

its on you so what you gonna do

wellit's on n on n on on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

isaid m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double e

i said i go by the unforgettable name

of the man they call the master gee

well, my name is known all over theworld

by all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls

i'm goin down inhistory

as the baddest rapper there could ever be

now i'm feelin thehighs and ya feelin the lows

the beat starts gettin into your toes

yastart poppin ya fingers and stompin your feet

and movin your body whileyoure sittin in your seat

and the damn ya start doin the freak

i saiddamn, right outta your seat

then ya throw your hands high in the air

yarockin to the rhythm, shake your derriere

ya rockin to the beat without acare

with the sureshot m.c.s for the affair

now, im not as tall as therest of the gang

but i rap to the beat just the same

i dot a little faceand a pair of brown eyes

all im here to do ladies is hypnotize

singin onn n on n on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

singin on nn on n on on n on

like a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie

pop da pop pop ya dont dare stop

come alive yall gimme what ya got

iguess by now you can take a hunch

and find that i am the baby of the bunch

'but that's okay i still keep in stride

cause all i'm here to do is justwiggle your behind

singin on n n on n on n on

the beat dont stop untilthe break of dawn

singin on n n on n on on n on

rock rock yall throw iton the floor

im gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya there

im gonna moveyou outta this atmosphere

cause im one of a kind and ill shock your mind

ill put t-t-tickets in your behind

i said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get onthe floor

a-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya got

cause im guaranteed tomake you rock

i said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for?

i said a hip hop the hippie to the hippie

the hip hip hop, a you dontstop

the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie

to therhythm of the boogie, the beat

skiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie doo

and guess what america we love you

cause ya rock and ya roll with somuch soul

you could rock till you're a hundred and one years old

i dontmean to brag i dont mean to boast

but we like hot butter on our breakfasttoast

rock it up baby bubbah

baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang daboogie

to the beat beat, its so unique

come on everybody and dance tothe beat

i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie

to the hiphip hop, a you dont stop

rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang

the boogie to the boogie da beat

i said i cant wait til the end ofthe week

when im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat

and attempt toraise your body heat

just blow your mind so that you cant speak

and do athing but a rock and shuffle your feet

and let it change up to a dancecalled the freak

and when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beat

rest a little while so ya dont get weak

i know a man named hank

hehas more rhymes than a serious bank

so come on hank sing that song

tothe rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bong

well, im imp the dimp theladies pimp

the women fight for my delight

but im the grandmaster withthe three mcs

that shock the house for the young ladies

and when youcome inside, into the front

you do the freak, spank, and do the bump

andwhen the sucker mcs try to prove a point

we're treacherous trio, we'rethe serious joint

a from sun to sun and from day to day

i sit down andwrite a brand new rhyme

because they say that miracles never cease

i'vecreated a devastating masterpiece

i'm gonna rock the mike til you cantresist

everybody, i say it goes like this

well i was comin home late onedark afternoon

a reporter stopped me for a interview

she said she'sheard stories and she's heard fables

that i'm vicious on the mike and theturntables

this young reporter i did adore

so i rocked a vicious rhymelike i never did before

she said damn fly guy im in love with you

thecasanova legend must have been true

i said by the way baby what's your name

said i go by the name of lois lane

and you could be my boyfiend yousurely can

just let me quit my boyfriend called superman

i said he's afairy i do suppoose

flyin through the air in pantyhose

he may be verysexy or even cute

but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit

isaid you need a man who's got finesse

and his whole name across his chest

he may be able to fly all through the night

but can he rock a party tilthe early light

he cant satisfy you with his little worm

but i can bustyou out with my super sperm

i go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , doit

an i'm here an i'm there i'm big bang hank, im everywhere

just throwyour hands up in the air

and party hardy like you just dont care

let'sdo it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stop

go hotel motel whatyou gonna do today(say what)

im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankdrive off in a def oj

everybody go hotel motel holiday inn

you say ifyour girl starts actin up then you take her friend

i say skip, dive, whatcan i say

i cant fit em all inside my oj

so i just take half and bustthem out

i give the rest to master gee so he could shock the house

itwas twelve o'clock one friday night

i was rockin to the beat and feelin allright

everybody was dancin on the floor

doin all the things they neverdid before

and then this fly fly girl with a sexy lean

she came into thebar, she came into the scene

as she traveled deeper inside the room

allthe fellas checked out her white sasoons

she came up to the table, lookedinto my eyes

then she turned around and shook her behind

so i said tomyself, its time for me to release

my vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece

and now people in the house this is just for you

a little rap to makeyou boogaloo

now the group ya hear is called phase two

and let me tellya somethin we're a helluva crew

once a week we're on the street

justa-cuttin' the jams and making it free

for you to party ya got to have themovies

so we'll get right down and give you the groove

for you to danceyou gotta get hype

so we'll get right down for you tonight

now thesystem's on and the girls are there

ya definitely have a rockin affair

but let me tell ya somethin there's still one fact

that to have a partyya got to have a rap

so when the party's over you're makin it home

andtryin to sleep before the break of dawn

and while ya sleepin ya start todream

and thinkin how ya danced on the disco scene

my name appears inyour mind

yeah, a name you know that was right on time

it was phase twojust a doin a do

rockin ya down cause ya know we could

to the rhythm ofthe beat that makes ya freak

come alive girls get on your feet

to therhythm of the beat to the beat the beat

to the double beat beat that itmakes ya freak

to the rhythm of the beat that says ya go on

on n on intothe break of dawn

now i got a man comin on right now

he's guaranteed tothrow down

he goes by the name of wonder mike

come on wonder mike dowhat ya like

like a can of beer that's sweeter than honey

like amillionaire that has no money

like a rainy day that is not wet

like agamblin fiend that does not bet

like dracula with out his fangs

like theboogie to the boogie without the boogie bang

like collard greens that donttaste good

like a tree that's not made out of wood

like goin up and notcomin down

is just like the beat without the sound no sound

to the beatbeat, ya do the freak

everybody just rock and dance to the beat

have youever went over a friends house to eat

and the food just aint no good

imean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed

and the chicken tastes likewood

so you try to play it off like you think you can

by sayin thatyoure full

and then your friend says momma he's just being polite

heaint finished uh uh that's bull

so your heart starts pumpin and you think ofa lie

and you say that you already ate

and your friend says man there'splenty of food

so you pile some more on your plate

while the stinkyfoods steamin your mind starts to dreamin

of the moment that it's time toleave

and then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottin

into something that looks like cheese

oh so you say that's it i got toleave this place

i dont care what these people think

im just sittin heremakin myself nauseous

with this ugly food that stinks

so you bust outthe door while its still closed

still sick from the food you ate

andthen you run to the store for quick relief

from a bottle of kaopectate

and then you call your friend two weeks later

to see how he has been

and he says i understand about the food

baby bubbah but we're stillfriends

with a hip hop the hippie to the hippie

the hip hip a hop a youdont stop the rockin

to the bang bang boogie

say up jump the boogie tothe rhythm of the boogie the beat

i say hank can ya rock

can ya rock tothe rhythm that just dont stop

can ya hip me to the shoobie doo

i saidcome on

i go to the halls and then ring the bell

because i am the manwith the clientele

and if ya ask me why i rock so well

a big bang, i gotclientele

and from the time i was only six years old

i never forgot whati was told

it was the best advice that i ever had

it came from my wisedear old dad

he said sit down punk i wanna talk to you

and dont say aword until i'm through

now there's a time to laugh a time to cry

a timeto live and a time to die

a time to break and a time to chill

to actcivilized or act real ill

but whatever ya do in your lifetime

ya neverlet a mc steal your rhyme

so from sixty six til this very day

ill alwaysremember what he had to say

so when the sucker mcs try to chump my style

i let them know that i'm versatile

i got style finesse and a littleblack book

that's filled with rhymes and i know you wanna look

butthere's a thing that separates you from me

and that's called originality

because my rhymes are on from what you heard

i didnt even bite and not agod d--m word

and i say a little more later on tonight

so the suckermc's can bite all night

a tick a tock yall a beat beat yall

a lets rockyall ya dont stop

ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)

yasay im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin

drive off in a def oj

everybody go hotel motel holiday inn

ya say if your girl starts actin upthen you take her friends

a like that yall to the beat yall

beat beatyall ya dont stop

a master gee am I mellow?

its on you so whatcha gonnado

well like johnny carson on the late show

a like frankie croker instereo

well like the barkay's singin holy ghost

the sounds to throw downthey're played the most

its like my man captain sky

whose name heearned with his super sperm

we rock and we dont stop

get off yall imhere to give you whatcha got

to the beat that it makes you freak

andcome alive girl get on your feet

a like a perry mason without a case

like farrah fawcett without her face

like the barkays on the mike

like gettin right down for you tonight

like movin your body so ya dontknow how

right to the rhythm and throw down

like comin alive to themaster gee

the brother who rocks so viciously

i said the age of one mylife begun

at the age of two i was doin the do

at the age of three itwas you and me

rockin to the sounds of the master gee

at the age of fouri was on the floor

givin all the freaks what they bargained for

at theage of five i didnt take no jive

with the master gee its all the way live

at the age of six i was a pickin up sticks

rappin to the beat my stickwas fixed

at the age of seven i was rockin in heaven dontcha know i went off

i got right on down to the beat you see

gettin right on down makin allthe girls

just take of their clothes to the beat the beat

to the doublebeat beat that makes you freak

at the age of eight i was really great

cause every night you see i had a date

at the age of nine i was right ontime

cause every night i had a party rhyme

goin on n n on n on on n on

the beat dont stop until the break of dawn

a sayin on n n on n on on non...

like a hot buttered de pop de pop de pop

a saying on n n on n onon n on

cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike

i am the definatefeast delight

cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike

i am thedefinate feast delight

come to the master gee you see

the brother whorocks so viciously

:p ποιημα!

για την ακρίβεια αυτό θυμήθηκε:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IQ0snWgef0]Las Ketchup - Asereje (HD,16:9) - YouTube[/ame]

υγ που το θυμήθηκε;...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqzHloEQ9v0]Ferry VS maison en Alaska - FAIL- iSheep.fr - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjMnWdIWjWs]The Guy with the Train in his Basement - YouTube[/ame]


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