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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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To τελείωσα χθες το single player campaign...Καλό ήταν ...

Όλα τα λεφτά ο Price στο τέλος που κάθεται και ανάβει το πούρο...

Χαχαχα και εγω καραγουσταρα στην σκηνη στο τελος.Αρχισα να φωναζω "F@ck Yeahhhh":p

Καλη φαση στο τελος ναι...γενικα αρκετα καλο το campaign...θελω να το ξαναρχισω καποια στιγμη στο δυσκολο.:T:

Βρηκα γιατι το παιχνιδι πουλαει σαν τρελο ενω παραμενει ο ορισμος της σαπιλας.


[MENTION=10676]Hydra[/MENTION] για πες.

Βρηκα γιατι το παιχνιδι πουλαει σαν τρελο ενω παραμενει ο ορισμος της σαπιλας.


@Hydra για πες.


Δεν το έπιασα αν ήταν κάτι αυτονόητο..


Δεν το έπιασα αν ήταν κάτι αυτονόητο..

Το συμβολο των PMC (Private Military Company) μοιαζει πολυ με το συμβολο των Ελευθεροτεκτονων:p




Πάντως αν δεν υπήρχαν όλα αυτά τα cheat θα ηταν πολύ καλό στο multi γιατί είναι πιο γρήγορο.

Πιστεύω η σύγκριση του με το battlefield είναι σαν να συγκρίνετε ένα arcade racing NFS με το gran turismo που είναι καθαρό sim.

To πήρα και το battlefield και πιστεύω στις διακοπές να ασχοληθώ και με αυτό.

τα cheat και τα akimbo..όλα τα σπαστικα του Mw2 τα βγάλανε όπως το gl k semtex που πεθαινες γελοια.. Ξέρει κανείς κανένα dedicated που να μην έχει τοσους cheaters?

Επίσης να ρωτήσω κάτι άλλο, πρέπει να κάνεις τα challenges μέ όλα τα attachements ενός όπλου? (gl shotgun therma sight κλπ) για να ξεκλειδώσεις εικονίδια κλπ?

Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling has revealed what’s been fixed in Modern Warfare 3 thus far and what to expect in terms of patches and hotfixes in the near future.

Robert Bowling has posted, on the official Call of Duty forums, all the patch notes of the first five title updates. Also, he reveals what patch 1.06 (title update #6) will address. Unfortunately, there’s no ETA on when patch 1.06 will go live. However, we now know what the team behind MW3 is working on beyond the upcoming patch.

Keep in mind, patches have to go through Sony and Microsoft’s certification processes in order to be available to download on your console; meanwhile, hotfixes can be pushed at any time without the need to be downloaded.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Patches 1.01-1.05)

Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day.

Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements.

Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.

Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay.

Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay.

Hot Fix Updates

No Recoil glitch

Infinite Laptop killstreak glitch (Stealth Bomber Glitch)

Map Exploits (Getting into trucks, under maps) Fix

Prevent Slow-mo and Super Fast lobbies

Patch 1.06

Additional improvements to address lag. Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags). Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat Loss.

Incoming Hot Fixes

Weapon Rebalancing (Dual FMG-9, Type-95, CM-901 Attachments)

Hitmarker Sound on Ps3

Reticle fix for certain weapons.

Feedback in Discussion

Updates to the Spawn system

Further “lag compensation” or “host advantage / disadvantage” updates plus ability for on-going hot fixes based on feedback.

Default :30 Round Start timer for System Link only, while looking into adjustable timer for System Link games for Competitive Play.

Options to allow System Link players to ‘unlock all’ for competitive play in System Link only.

  • 2 weeks later...
It’s well known that PC gamers demand these days a FOV option from pretty much every game. We’ve discussed countless times the importance of a FOV option so we won’t be bothered answering your question as to why it is so important. And since Modern Warfare 3 is one of the most played games at the moment, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games decided to finally give us – in the next patch – the option of editing and changing on the fly our FOV.

As Sledgehammer Games’ Community Manager, Guy Beahm, tweeted:

“I’ve gathered a lot of feedback regarding FOV for PC and we now have a good argument to make it more ‘customizable’…”

This basically translates to in-game options for FOV. Good call guys, it was about time. Until then, everyone should use AgentRev’s FOV fixer as it’s compatible with the latest version of the game!

Zpaf ακουει?


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