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Star Wars: The Οld Republic


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Free-to-play η μοίρα των MMO που δεν έχουν κόσμο (συνήθως μετά τις ενοποιήσεις servers).To τελευταίο έχει γίνει εδώ ή όχι ακόμα?

To μονο που ξερω ειναι οτι πλεον μπορεις να παιξεις μεχρι το lvl15 τζαμπε, ντεν παιζω μορπιτζι καρντια μου, απλα ηθελα να τρολλαρω λιγο σαν γνησιος ΕΑ hater :p

  • 2 weeks later...

Matthew Bromberg, GM of BioWare Austin said:

“Players want flexibility and choice. The subscription-only model presented a major barrier for a lot of people who wanted to become part of The Old RepublicTM universe.”

Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer of Star Wars: The Old Republic added:

“Since launch, we’ve been listening to feedback from our fans and adding new content and refining The Old Republic at a breakneck pace. We believe we are in a position to help improve the service even more, not only by continuing to add new content, but also by expanding the game to many more Star Wars fans, increasing the populations on worlds and the vibrancy of the community.”

Starting this fall, there will be two different ways to play Star Wars: The Old Republic:

•Subscription – A service designed for players who want unrestricted access to all the game features via ongoing subscription or by redeeming a Game Time Card. In addition to gaining access to all game content as our current subscribers do now, subscribers will receive ongoing monthly grants of Cartel Coins, the new virtual currency that will be introduced later this fall. Cartel Coins can be used to purchase valuable in-game items including customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience.

•Free-To-Play – The first 50 levels will be Free-to-Play, with restrictions on access to new content and advanced player features. Some restrictions can be “unlocked” with Cartel Coins.

Αλλο ενα "wow killer" παει f2p....Neeeeeext

Μεγαλύτερη μούφα δεν έχω παίξει ποτέ μου, είχε τα φόντα αλλά το έθαψαν οι Devs.

Στο καλό.

Ενα patch, ούτε κάν expansion, του wow ολόκληρη η ζωή του!!!

Τραγική η τόσο γρήγορη πτώση για ένα τόσο πολύ μεγάλο franchise, με ένα mmo που έπεσαν τρελά λεφτά.

Sent from my IDEOS X5 using Tapatalk

A μωρέ τους ξεφτίλες,εδώ η Funcom θα βγάζει expansion κάθε μήνα και ολόκληρη Bioware μας έγραψε στα τεφτέρια τους και το έπαιζαν elite.


Είχα την εντύπωση ότι έβγαλαν αρκετό extra content με τα τελευταία patch (content worth of xpack) ή τουλάχιστον έτσι λέγαν στα forums όσοι παίζαν ακόμα ή σκέφτονταν να δοκιμάσουν πάλι.

Sent from my IDEOS X5 using Tapatalk

  • 3 months later...

Παραξενεύτηκα που δεν βρήκα κανένα thread εδώ μέσα για το SWTOR.

Μια και έγινε πλέον f2p σκέφτομαι να του ρίξω μια ματιά... Υπάρχει κανείς που να ασχολείται?

Το έπαιξα 5 μήνες , ήμουν beta tester και πήρα και την phsycial CE edition (έσκασα 150 Ευρώ αλλά είχε αρκετά καλούδια μέσα!!!)...σήμερα μετά από ένα χρόνο σχεδόν απραγίας, το έκανα reactivate...ε.... /delete και άμε στο καλό!

Παραμένει μία μέγα αποτυχία της BW/EA...ένα εκατομμύριο φορές προτιμότερο το Galaxies...κάκιστο clone του WoW με ακόμη άλυτα bugs...διαβάστε μόνο στο forum τι κράξιμο έχουν φάει.

Τους πρώτους μήνες το game έχασε απίστευτο αριθμό subs....έπιασε πάτο, απέλυσαν το μισό προσωπικό και τώρα πάνε να φάνε κάτι για να επιβιώσει το game αυτό, με ftp failed μέθοδο

Στο διάκο να πάνε:suicide:

Για FTP προτίμησε το LoTR

  • 2 months later...

Διαβάζω αυτό το άρθρο:

Why SWTOR's F2P Model Needs Help

Star Wars: The Old Republic went free-to-play last November, and with it came changes to accounts and access restrictions. As someone who has played a lot of F2P games, this is by far the most restricted one I've seen yet, in that it's more like an extended trial than anything.

Really, the only free thing you have full access to is the story content. This allows you to play through each of the story lines to the maximum level, learning the lore and such as you go. While this is unrestricted, everything else has tight restrictions on it. Let's take a look at the biggest restrictions and their problems.

Important Limits

Credit Cap. There is a credit cap of only 200,000 for F2P players, essentially hurting both paying and free players. A lot of things that can be bought via the Cartel shop are able to be sold, but the only people who really need them are the F2P ones. As a result, inflation is kept down (contrary to most items) and there is a cap on what players are able to charge. If they charge more than 200,000 for anything, no F2P player can buy it and it won't sell. If they charge less, their earnings are low.

Operations. F2P players can't do any operations at all. This is group content, and the more available players there are the more groups there are for paying players to enter with. Disallowing the Operations altogether keeps the number of eligible players (and groups) lower than it would be otherwise.

Warzones and Flashpoints. These really go along the same lines as the Operations, although not to quite the same extent. At least with Warzones and Flashpoints you are able to take part in some every week. The number is still pretty low, however, for things that are a somewhat big part of the game for a lot of us.

Item Equipping. This one is very restrictive, in that you can't equip most purple items. Not only does this limit your own ability to enhance your character, but it also hurts any paying players that group with you, as you aren't able to gear yourself up as well.

Quickbars. This one is a bit in the air. For paying subscribers, there are a maximum of 6 quickbars. For F2P players, it's a maximum of 2. Many players have complained about this, being that quickbars are a major part of usability in the game, but really you should be able to get by pretty well with just two. Regardless, limiting them in the first place just doesn't make sense.

Race Choices. Being limited to only a couple of different races, and being forced to buy the rest (or subscribe) is another big problem. It would be understandable if, say, half of the races were available to everyone, but when there are as few as two available choices, that's when the problems come in.

Crew Skills. For free players, you are only able to have one crew skill at a time. This means if you want to have a scavenging skill, you won't be able to craft items. If you want to craft items, you won't be able to scavenge. This is, of course, without paying for either a subscription or an unlock from the Cartel market.

The Effects of Limits

The first impressions that games give have a massive influence on gamers and whether or not they end up sticking with a game (and therefore also whether or not they throw money into it). Because of how crippling the limits are on free-to-play accounts, many players don't even give the game a fair chance. Once you realize that you get the story for free but the essentials are blocked, it makes it hard to keep the desire to play. Sure, the goal is to get players to buy things from the Cartel store, but to do that players have to feel what they're getting is added value, rather than being forced to pay just to play the game like it's meant to be.

This isn't to say that all of the limits are bad. For example, lowering the experience rate for F2P players isn't that bad of a deal. Those players will level slower, but they're playing for free. On the same token, limiting chat isn't too big of a problem (and this is pretty common among F2P games anyways). The issues come in when players feel as if they're being punished because they aren't paying.

The Good Part of It All

While we've looked at the negatives to how watered down the benefits are for F2P players, it's also important to look at the good side. This is the fact that the majority of the game can be accessed either by buying the upgrades off of the Cartel market directly or by buying them from other players. While this doesn't quite help the fact that a lot of these things should not be as limited as they are, it's nice, given the circumstances, to be able to choose what you want to unlock and how you want to go about it. It's worth noting, however, that some things like Warzone and Operations unlocks are only for a week at a time, so it will require multiple purchases to keep them up. It is definitely doable to play for free, but it's much simpler to go with subscriptions if you're really interested in exploring all the game has to offer.







Αυτή είναι και η οδός που χρησιμοποιούν τα πιο πετυχημένα και

ακριβά F2P εδώ και χρόνια, με άπειρους τζαμπατζήδες users,

αλλά και με πάμπολα άτομα που σκάν χιλιάδες €/$ σε αυτά.


F2P με restrictions. (και μάλιστα τραγικές)


Εδώ δεν σε αφήνουν να μιλήσεις ή να κάνεις ανάρτηση στο forum τους σχετικά με τεχνικά ή οτιδήποτε θέμα έχεις με το παιχνίδι τους.

Προσωπικό παράδειγμα: Με έψησαν να το ξεκινήσω πάλι γιατί μου έδωσαν 4000 cartel points , επειδή είχα πάρει την Collectors Edition και ήμουν αρκετό διάστημα συνδρομητής.

Κάνω log in, στο f2p πλέον SWTOR και βλέπω μόνο 500 cartel points, κλασσικά η BW τα έχει σκατώσει για άλλη μία φορά.

Στέλνω ingame ticket αλλά και κάνω ανάρτηση στο forum τους (το οποίο κλασσικά είναι γεμάτο με τεχνικά προβλήματα συνδρομητών , οι οποίο δεν παίρνουν και απάντηση).

Μετά από 10 ημέρες...έλεος....βρίσκω ένα ingame ticket το οποίο μου αναγράφει ότι για να λάβω μία απάντηση και να κοιτάξουν το θέμα μου, θα πρέπει να σκάσω χρήματα για την μηνιαία συνδρομή....δεν είναι στην πολιτική τους να ασχολούνται με F2P players...

Uninstall και στα τσακίδια, απορώ πως υπάρχει η σαβούρα αυτή,ακόμη.

Φίλε μου και γω στην ίδια φάση ήμουν και τα έσκασα για ενα μηνα ακόμη για να πάρω τα cc και να δω το καινούριο content και τώρα είναι ο 3ος συνεχόμενος μήνας που είμαι σε συνδρομή.

Ας μην τα καταδικάζουμε όλα στο φτερό.

Φίλε μου και γω στην ίδια φάση ήμουν και τα έσκασα για ενα μηνα ακόμη για να πάρω τα cc και να δω το καινούριο content και τώρα είναι ο 3ος συνεχόμενος μήνας που είμαι σε συνδρομή.

Ας μην τα καταδικάζουμε όλα στο φτερό.

Προσωπικά το καταδικάζω , μιας και έπαιζα και ως beta tester αλλά και για αρκετούς μήνες μετά.

Το FtP που δίνει είναι αισχρό και το συγκρίνω με όλα τα ftp ΜΜΟ που κυκλοφορούν αυτήν την στιγμή στην αγορά.

Η τεχνική υποστήριξη είναι απαισιότατη και ευτυχώς δεν το καταδίκασα μόνο εγώ αλλά ολόκληρη η gaming community, με τις μαζικές απολύσεις των devs, το κλείσιμο δεκάδων servers κτλπ.

H απάντηση " Σκάσε τα φράγκα για να σου λύσω το πρόβλημα , το οποίο ΕΓΩ η FailBW σου δημιούργησα"....ε ...LOL

Μόνο το hype του Star Wars κρατάει το game μέχρι τώρα.

Υ.Γ. Και στα γράφει άτομο το οποίο υποστήριζε το game μέχρι θανάτου και έχει σκάσει 150 Ευρώ για την Collectors Edition.

  • 11 months later...


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