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Καλουλης ειναι, πηρα εναν χθες και ασχολιεμε, αλλα αδυναμη κλαση και ψιλοδυσκολη.. Γενικα εχεις να ριξεις πολυ μπινελικι μεχρι να τον μαθεις, αλλα αξιζει η ευχαριστιση με τα μαχαιρακια-εκπληξουλα που μπορεις να ριξεις.. :hehe:

Σαν heavy έχω δώσει ΠΟΛΛΑ άκυρα σε infiltrators :hang3:, σαν medium/light όμως αν ο inf παίζει έξυπνα μπορεί όντως να σου κάνει το βίο αβίωτο :wall:

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Σαν heavy έχω δώσει ΠΟΛΛΑ άκυρα σε infiltrators :hang3:, σαν medium/light όμως αν ο inf παίζει έξυπνα μπορεί όντως να σου κάνει το βίο αβίωτο :wall:

Ναι εχεις δικιο, ο heavy και να τον βαρεσεις με πιστολι-μαχαιρι το πολυ πολυ να παει 50% χωρις το perk για το backstab.. Και μολις σε δει, εισαι ενα δισκακι.. Γενικα οταν πλακωνουν πολυ heavies αλλαζω class και κανω κατι αλλο, μεχρι να πεσει το "heat"..

Επισης το ιδιο προβλημα ειναι για τον inf, καποιος που ξερει την κλαση καλα (ειτε εχει inf ο ιδιος ή εχει μαθει να αμυνετε) και ιδιως αν εχει raider και βαζει ασπιδες... Κλαφτα χαραλαμπε.. Γενικα ο inf ειναι πολυ "ευκεριακος"..

Τελος παντων, απ οτι φαινετε με το νεο patch μειωσανε τιμες στους INF, PTH, TCN & JUG.. Και δωσανε επιστροφες σε οσους ειχανε αγορασει (που σημαινει οτι αγοραζω και δευτερη κλαση συντομα :hehe: )

Δεν ξερω αν αυτο θα πρεπει να ειναι ανυσηχιτικο βεβαια.. Αν το main selling point του παιχνιδιου ειναι τα loadouts, τι καλο θα κανει να τα μειωνουν συνεχως ξανα και ξανα, και μαλιστα απο την closed beta κιολας... Εχω αρχισει να εχω αμφιβολιες οτι κατι premium-only θα ξεφυτρωσει σιγα σιγα...

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Τελος παντων, απ οτι φαινετε με το νεο patch μειωσανε τιμες στους INF, PTH, TCN & JUG.. Και δωσανε επιστροφες σε οσους ειχανε αγορασει (που σημαινει οτι αγοραζω και δευτερη κλαση συντομα :hehe: )

Δεν ξερω αν αυτο θα πρεπει να ειναι ανυσηχιτικο βεβαια.. Αν το main selling point του παιχνιδιου ειναι τα loadouts, τι καλο θα κανει να τα μειωνουν συνεχως ξανα και ξανα, και μαλιστα απο την closed beta κιολας... Εχω αρχισει να εχω αμφιβολιες οτι κατι premium-only θα ξεφυτρωσει σιγα σιγα...

Έπαιξα χθες με το νέο patch, έχουν αλλάξει και το εφφε του mortar, πολύ δύναμη τώρα.

Για την επιστροφή δεν το ήξερα, και αναρωτιόμουνα που βρέθηκαν 11k tokens :D. Τσίμπησα ήδη τον Technician (btw, μόνο αυτός μπορεί να healαρει τους συμπαίκτες -και προσπαθούσα να healαρω με το απλό repair tool όπως στο παλιό Tribes άλλα φαίνεται μόνο ο "μάστορας" μπορεί :D) και οδεύω για Sniper. Να δω πότε θα ξοδεύσω τα 3000 gold.

Για τα loadouts κτλ, o βασικότερος λόγος που το κάνουν είναι το beta testing (προφανώς) και αφετέρου, όπως έχουν δηλώσει, θέλουν στο release να υπάρχει ποικιλία classes. Όντως αν το σκεφτείς, δεν θα έλεγε στο release να παίζουν όλοι Soldiers.

Κατα τ'άλλα, το Premium κομμάτι έχουν δηλώσει ότι θα είναι τύπου Private servers (PvP), όπου θα μπαίνεις με συγκεκριμένο rank και πάνω ή κάτι τέτοιο. Ακόμη ψάχνονται σε αυτό το κομμάτι. Ίδωμεν.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ξεχάστηκα με το Back to Karkand, άλλα το παιχνίδι προοδεύει αργά και σταθερά!

Στο νέο patch επιτέλους τα ξενέρωτα nooboskilled hitscan όπλα γίνονται projectiles!! :dance3:

Tribes Closed Beta Version 0.1.619.0 and Version 0.1.621.0

Note: A small patch 0.1.621.0 was deployed on Friday, Dec. 16, 2011, to fix a small handful of bugs.

Major Highlights

Converted all fully automatic hitscan weapons to use projectiles. This includes the Ranger’s Assault Rifle, Technician’s TCN4, and Infiltrator’s Rhino SMG.

Significantly improved projectile inheritance.

A votekick option has been added. Open the console and type “/votekick <playername>” to initiate a vote to kick another player.

Significant improvements have been made to spectator functionality (see below). Further improvements are planned for future updates.

Added new accolades to reward flag grabs based on speed, e-grabs, vehicle destruction, flag defense, and generator defense.

Balance Items

Increased starting ammo on Soldier’s Spinfusor, Pathfinder’s Light Spinfusor, Jumper’s Bolt Launcher, and Juggernaut’s Heavy Spinfusor D.

The Pathfinder’s Iron Grip perk has been replaced by a new perk, Reach, which allows players to pick up flags at a larger distance. Players who had spent Pathfinder class XP to unlock Iron Grip will be refunded their XP.

Decreased time delay on Scrambler’s Arx Buster shot detonation.

Increased Scrambler’s default Health pool.

Adjusted skill order in the soldier’s skill tree.

Adjusted skills on the Infiltrator skill tree based upon the changes to the Rhino SMG.

The Shrike is now vulnerable to damage from all weapon types, and particularly vulnerable to standard projectile fire. Its health has been adjusted based on these new vulnerabilities.

Increased repair rates using repair tools on vehicles.

Implemented a brief “lock out” feature for inventory stations to help prevent players from rapidly revisiting them and exploiting various things.

Inventory Stations spawned from a call-in no longer kick starts health regen.

Spectator Changes

Enter and exit spectating through the Team Select window (default key bind is ‘P’) instead of through a console command.

Added the first part of a larger work-in-progress HUD overhaul to spectator -- an info pane with details of the viewed player. Additional panes will arrive in a later patch.

Fixed an issue where a spectating player was asked to select a team when the match ended.

Whiteout grenades no longer cause a spectator’s view to white out.

Damage post process effects no longer persist in spectator view.

When viewing a flag or flag base in spectate mode, players may zoom in and out.

Added spectator “bookmark” camera views throughout the maps. While spectating, hold ‘C’ and hit next/previous to cycle through the various views.

While spectating, toggling ‘O’ shows and hides objective markers.

While spectating, holding ‘R’ while clicking next or previous will snap to the fastest player.

Fixed win message at match conclusion when spectating.

When spectating a flag being captured, the camera now stays on the flag stand which received the capture rather than following the flag as it teleports back to its base.

When spectating a dropped flag being returned, the camera now enters free roam mode rather than following the flag as it teleports back to its base.

When spectating a flag carrier who drops the flag, the camera stays with the flag rather than the flag carrier.

Additional Items

The Ranger now costs 50 tokens. Most players should be able to unlock this class after their first full match. We hope this will help new users understand the class unlock process better.

Improved notification when Classes and Skills become affordable with Tokens and XP.

Locked classes are now ordered on the class screen based on their token price.

The game console has undergone major changes. Launching the console (default ~) will default into the “Say” menu, allowing users to type chat messages (even at match end). To execute a command, you must start your command with “/”. The currently supported commands are /report, /mute, /unmute, /votekick, /quit.

Vehicle improvements, including a HUD panel showing vehicle ammo and clip sizes.

Fixed an issue where skiing on a flat surface after previously skiing downhill could incorrectly compute velocity and cause projectiles that inherit the shooter’s velocity to veer off course.

Fixed Grav Cycle passenger floating off into oblivion.

Beowulf’s secondary gunner tracers now function properly.

Muzzle flashes now correctly work on all vehicles.

Fixed an issue where sometimes the Doombringer’s Saber Launcher missile particle effects were barely visible.

Fixed an issue where players standing on the flag stand and grabbing a flag thrown to them could not capture the flag unless they moved off the stand and back on.

Fixed an issue where players were stuck jetpacking when entering an inventory station while using the jetpack and releasing the jetpack button.

Fixed an issue where the first person arms mesh would sometimes not be correct on spawn or when changing classes to different armor types.

Fixed an issue where the call-in cooldown time was being reset when entering an inventory station or the player respawned.

Fixed an issue with the Sentinel’s Drop Jammer where, in some cases, it would continue the jamming effect on players who were outside of the range. This fix also addresses teammates being unable to remain cloaked when in the Jammer’s range.

Fixed an issue where certain keys were unusable in adding Friends.

The in-game login screen (not the Hi-Command login) has gone through a first pass of changes, preparing for future updates both to the game and Hi-Command. Significant further changes are planned.

Player Summary scene set as default after finishing a match. Some elements of the previous default XP summary have been incorporated into the Player Summary for quick accessibility.

Social Panel renamed to Friends Panel on footer in Menus.

Various bug fixes and enhancements for the Classes Scene.

End of Match chat is now done through the new console (see Major Highlights)

Fixed a bug allowing users to change what others see when they issue VGS commands.

Some under-the-cover network changes have been implemented, in preparation for future changes.

Known Issues

After being votekicked out of a match, some clients may experience a hang that requires a game restart.

Stealth players may show a small effect while skiing.

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Παιδιά είναι πολύ εύκολο να πάρεις key, απλά μπείτε facebook και κάντε Like, εγώ έτσι το πείρα, αλλά λέει busy το server status. Cheers m8s

Σε αυτό το link : http://apps.facebook.com/betakeytribestest/contests/176920

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  • 1 month later...

Χαμός στο ίσωμα! :hehe:

Tribes Closed Beta Version 0.1.742.0

CONVERSION NOTE: Due to the depth and breadth of changes in this update, users will start fresh in the game with no items purchased. Gold and XP will be refunded based on previously earned XP, Tokens and Gold in the game (such that your time in the game thus far is rewarded). This will allow each user to choose how to allocate their earnings optimally under the new system without being constrained by your previously made choices.

Major Highlights

● There is a new UI for all the front-end menus. Many aspects of the new UI are still a work in progress, so please forgive any issues or quirkiness.

● The class and purchase systems have undergone a major overhaul. The new system allows greater customization within a given class. Among the highlights:

○ There are now 9 classes instead of 12 (Pathfinder, Sentinel, Infiltrator, Soldier, Technician, Raider, Juggernaut, Doombringer, Brute).

○ New players receive the Pathfinder, Soldier and Juggernaut classes for free.

○ Each class has a default loadout associated with it that includes your Armor (Light/Medium/Heavy), a Primary Weapon, a Secondary Weapon, Belt item, a Pack, and two Perk Slots. You may unlock alternate weapons for each slot, using XP or Gold.

○ The class specific skill trees have been removed and replaced by a weapon-centric and armor-centric upgrade system. Upgrades are still unlocked using XP.

○ Perks have been overhauled. With this patch, there are 18 perks in the game -- nine assigned to Perk Slot 1 and nine assigned to Perk Slot 2. You now unlock Perks using XP or Gold. Once a perk is unlocked, it can be used on all classes.

○ Perks now have upgrades that can be purchased with XP, and contain additional functionality. (Example: The Pilot Perk gives +10% vehicle health, and has upgrades that provide +10% more health, with a final upgrade giving Ejection Seat).

● 16 new weapons have been added to the game.

● A new Crossfire Team Deathmatch map has been added. This map is an early iteration and is not in its final intended artistic or design state.

● Several new Rabbit maps have been added (using previously released Team Deathmatch maps as their base).

● Tokens have been removed from the game, and all purchases previously made through Tokens can now be made through XP (see CONVERSION NOTE).

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Let me in!

(κανά key και απο εδώ μεριά, με τρελένουν τα sci fi fps, βλέπε halo :dance3:)

δεν είμαι σίγουρος, άλλα αν κάνετε Like τη σελίδα τους στο facebook, σας δίνουν beta key

καλά μιλάμε, οι αλλαγές δεν παίζονται!!

ήδη έσταξα και 170k XP για το MIRV του Jaggernaut άλλα χαλάλι, το όπλο τα σπάει!!

θα ανεβάσω βίντεο αργότερα με το μενού. Θα μου πείτε :...: , άλλα οι τύποι προσέχουν τις λεπτομέρειες και το χιούμορ τους φαίνεται :T:

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Εγω για να πω την ακριβια δεν ξερω τι να παρω τωρα.. Απλως ξεκλειδωσα ολες τις κλασεις, και κοιταζω να δω ποια μου γεμιζει το ματι για upgrade..

Με βλεπω προς inf, raider και jagger/dmb.. και προς το τελος αντε και κανας techie..

Ατιμοι, και δινω 2 μαθηματα απανωτα, στη σχολη, αυριο.. :hehe:

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Αυτό που μου τι δίνει τώρα είναι οτι έχω κανα δυο μέρες που σχεδόν τελείωσα "και καλά" το διάβασμα για το battlefield(τι κάνει αυτό τι κάνει εκείνο, πώς να πετάς χειροβομβίδα στο αυτί του αντιπάλου, πώς να κάνεις γιουβαρλάκια) και τώρα άντε πάλι απ την αρχή να καταλάβω τους ranger και τους inflitrators με τα doombringer που κάνουν ski(να πω την αλήθειά μου έχει το γούστο του). Για τη σχολή να δω πότε θα διαβάσω :hang3:

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