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πριν 4 λεπτά, το μέλος colt3003 έγραψε:

πώς αλλάζει η προοπτική της κάμερας στα spg μαμότεν ?? θέλει κάποιο patch  mod


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πήγα να δω ένα replay μου, από την προηγούμενη έκδοση (είχα παίξει 28/9), και δεν το άνοιγε, με ρώταγε αν θέλω να συνεχίσω, και μετά με πέταγε στο desktop. Καμιά ιδέα για το πως το βλέπουμε;


"So guys,Wargaming has decided to put an end to forbiden mods, it will first be done on RU server for now, from 15. October many players will get banned, and they even won't get away if they delete mods right now, bcs all the info has been gathered. Clans that have high percentage of players with forbiden mods will be disbaned! All of this you could read in our talks with developers, but noone expected that Wargaming is going to hit so fast and so hard, we can only hope that this will come fast on EU. Let's play fair!"





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No modifications shall be created which, according to Wargaming.net, bring undesirable changes to the gameplay of Wargaming.net Games. The list includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Transparent textures on game objects penetrated by game armament.
  2. Replacement of game models with collision models.
  3. Explicit highlighting of game objects that may seem dangerous as non-hazardous (e.g., white textures on destroyed tanks).
  4. Any changes to auto-aim (e.g., leading targets, automatic targeting of vulnerable areas).
  5. Fixing for the player the position of the other players that are not visible by the rules of the game visibility (locking the position of the player that disappeared from sight on map by tracer flares, display of the name of an enemy player that inflicted a non-critical hit remaining out of sight, etc.).
  6. Fixing the destruction of destructible objects on the minimap.
  7. Camera which is not attached to the position of a player, a “free” camera, able to move in three dimensions, and the use of artillery mode for other types of vehicles.
  8. Using keyboard macros in game situations (e.g., automation of work of “manual fire extinguisher”, except for an automatic shot from a reloaded weapon).
  9. Indication of an aiming point of other players which is different from its visual representation based on the position of a standard, unmodified 3D vehicle model operated by the player.
  10. Full or partial automation sending a vehicle to battle, its operating and firing (use of bots).

Εγώ θα έλεγα να σταματήσει τις μαλακίες η WG και να συνεργαστεί με όλους τους modders και να ενσωματώσει τα mods τους στο παιχνίδι δίνοντάς τους 1 από τα κέρδη ξέρωγω, ανάλογα με τη δημοτικότητα του mod.

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Από τη στιγμή που άφησαν τόσα χρόνια το παιχνίδι free to mode τι περίμεναν?Συμφωνάω με τον άστρο,να αφήσουν έναν αριθμό σκοπευτικών γιατί το vanilla είναι για κλωτσιές,

να ενσωματώσουν το win8 ή το win9 με επιλογή ενεργοποίησης,το carousel που έβαλαν τώρα και + 'ενα σωστό info panel που να λέει στους άλλους ότι τους έχω φλομώσει στις apcr και τελειώνει η μπουγάδα.
H WG τόσα κωφεύει απένανατι στους παίχτες,διαρροή κερδών λέγεται αυτό και λίγο αργά το πήρε χαμπάρι

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29 minutes ago, astrolabos said:
  • Transparent textures on game objects penetrated by game armament. Σωστό
  • Replacement of game models with collision models. οκ
  • Explicit highlighting of game objects that may seem dangerous as non-hazardous (e.g., white textures on destroyed tanks). Σωστό
  • Any changes to auto-aim (e.g., leading targets, automatic targeting of vulnerable areas). Σωστότατο
  • Fixing for the player the position of the other players that are not visible by the rules of the game visibility (locking the position of the player that disappeared from sight on map by tracer flares, display of the name of an enemy player that inflicted a non-critical hit remaining out of sight, etc.). ???
  • Fixing the destruction of destructible objects on the minimap. Αδιάφορο
  • Camera which is not attached to the position of a player, a “free” camera, able to move in three dimensions, and the use of artillery mode for other types of vehicles. Σωστό (υπήρχε τέτοιο πράγμα; lol)
  • Using keyboard macros in game situations (e.g., automation of work of “manual fire extinguisher”, except for an automatic shot from a reloaded weapon). Αδιάφορο
  • Indication of an aiming point of other players which is different from its visual representation based on the position of a standard, unmodified 3D vehicle model operated by the player. ???
  • Full or partial automation sending a vehicle to battle, its operating and firing (use of bots). Ε-ΠΙ-ΤΕ-ΛΟΥΣ


τα ??? σημαίνει ότι δεν καταλαβαίνω τι κάνουν

Μία ώρα πριν, το μέλος raziel έγραψε:

 λέει στους άλλους ότι τους έχω φλομώσει στις apcr

Δεν παίζει να γίνει αυτό. To είπε εμμεσα ο ίδιος ο Kisliy πολλές φορές.

Eπισης και ενσωμάτωση του WNχ δε θα γίνει γιατί δε νομίζω να ξοδεψουν εργατοώρες απ τη στιγμή που έρχεται το Balance 2.0 που πλεον δε θα έχουν ολα αυτά νόημα.


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