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Απο MP1st

About cheats

DICE’s Community Manager, Daniel Matros, has more news for those worried about, or affected by, the recent hacking attempts on Battlefield 3 players while Senior Designer, Fredrik Thylander, updates Battlefield 3 fans about incoming vehicle tweaks.

Daniel Matros recently mention to Battlefield fans that a brand new version of Punkbuster was released today and may help alleviate some problems. “Please update to this one as it might solve issues occurring for many users. Arigato!” If you’ve been in the dark recently, a group of hackers began banning innocent PC Battlefield players to protest DICE’s use of Punkbuster. For more details, read here.

Also of note is that DICE has recently posted a job opening for an Anti Cheat Administrator, most likely in an effort to ramp up protection against these types of attacks. “The administrator will compose an absolutely vital function to secure the online experience our games represent by actively be a part of the community and keep up to date with the current cheat exposure.” Their job is also to “Monitor and keep up to date with the cheating community online.”

Fans have recently been asking Senior Gameplay Designer, Fredrik Thylander to tweak vehicle scoring in Battlefield 3. In response, Thylander stated that the current “plan is to have driver assist at 50 next patch.” When asked if there was any chance of adjusting AMTRAC points, Thylander responded, “ill try. Can’t detect on spawn that it’s an amtrac but driver assist is going way up, which should help.” To add to this, he also mentioned that “pilot assists are going up as well.”

Do you think these changes will help promote vehicular teamwork even further? Also, how do you feel DICE is handling the Punkbuster/fake-banning situation? Let us know in the comments below!

About upcoming DLC

Today, we have a very interesting rumor coming from YouTuber, TheAustrianToast, regarding DICE’s plans for future Battlefield 3 DLC.

In a dual commentary with DCRUColin, TheAustrianToast revealed, ”I have a source telling me that there will be an all American DLC.” He added that these maps would be based on locations like “New York City, Miami, New Jearsey, and I think it was San Francisco.”

Before Battlefield fans get a little too excited, since his sources were never revealed, we have to consider this a fairly wild but rather likely rumor. Rather likely, because if we take a look at the recent Back to Karkand maps, they are already based on various cities in the Middle East. This also seems to be the overall theme with Battlefield 3 – environments within city limits, as opposed to Battlefield: Bad Comany 2′s more open environments. It would make sense for DICE to stick with what the Frostbite 2 engine seems to do really well.

TheAustrianToast later stated in this commentary, ”I mean, the all American DLC pack is a great idea and should actually come out middle, or in the beginning of summer.

Lastly, a while back, DICE mentioned that they weren’t into making “map packs,” but rather “expansions.” This would most likely mean that we would also see a new set of weapons, vehicles, and assignments much like the recent Back to Karkand expansion. On top of Battlefield 2143 rumors, DICE also considered the idea of a snow-themed expansion, something many Battlefield 3 fans have been craving since Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

Make sure to follow MP1st on Twitter and Facebook for more Battlefield 3 news!

Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Does this rumor seem likely to you? Would you love to drive a tank down the streets of New York City in an all American themed DLC?

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κοίτα να δεις, χθεςκαι ήμασταν 3 στη squad και όλοι στο tank. Ήταν ξένοι άλλα όλως περιέργως κάναμε τέτοιο squadplay, που το tank έζησε για τόση ώρα που δεν θυμάμαι :D . Έπεφταν javellings, smaws, grenades τα πάντα όλα, άλλα δεν ψοφάγαμε.

Για το reactive armor που δουλεύει σε gunner δεν το ήξερα, για το proximity ναι. :T:

Για ενημερώστε με plz. Αν μπω σε έναν server και η ομάδα που μπω έχει 20 tickets ακόμα τότε θα πάρω lose είτε κάτσω είτε πατήσω quit? Δεν υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να βλέπουμε απο πριν το progress του παιχνιδιού?

Καλά....μόλις μπήκα σε game και δεν είδα ούτε καν spawn screen, απλά your team has λοστ :slap:

Καλά....μόλις μπήκα σε game και δεν είδα ούτε καν spawn screen, απλά your team has λοστ :slap:

εγώ μόλις τέλειωσα από 10 ήττες σερί (squad rush HC), ΑΛΛΑ πήρα το ribbon "defend 4 mcoms in 1 round" που ήθελα :hehe:

Για τους μορτηδες...:)

-Mortar can launch smoke bombs and they do a little splash damage  against infantry.
Press 1-2 keys to alternate the type. Each round type has its own reload time so you
can create a bomb rain if you alternate them.

είχαμε που είχαμε τα mortar και σπέρνανε σε όλοι την "πίστα" τώρα θα έχουμε και καπνό........ωραία η discoball θα λείπει μόνο! :triniti:

Εγώ πάλι είμαι on line στο origin οπότε για τσέκαρε μηπως φταίει κάτι άλλο. Βέβαια δεν έκανα log out για να δω αν θα ξαναμπεί. :)

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