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Καλά η Tehran Highway - AKA του recon ο παράδεισος - δεν παλεύεται. Πιστεύω ότι καλό θα ήταν, αν είναι εφικτό, να μπει περιορισμός στον αριθμό recon ανά ομάδα. Γιατί με αυτή τη λογική παίρνουμε όλοι sniper από base, αφήνουμε τα points χωρίς σημαίες και κάνουμε διαγωνισμό για longest headshot (που είναι ο [MENTION=5325]Zenor[/MENTION] του εδωσα ιδέα). :p

Ένα ωραίο ματσάκι που παίξαμε απόψε με τα παιδιά, είχα και μέρες να παίξω :p




In our continuing coverage of Senior Alan Kert’s dialog with Battlefield fans, he reveals DICE’s thoughts behind the implementation of destruction in Battlefield 3.

In terms of sound and visuals, the destruction in Battlefield 3 has seem much improvement since Battlefield: Bad Company 2. However, many fans are commenting on the noticeable step backwards in terms of scale. You may remember that almost any building in BFBC2 could be completely levelled. While there are many buildings in BF3 that can be completely demolished as well, it is not to the same extent as recent, previous titles. While talking to fans on reddit, Mr. Kertz revealed DICE’s thoughts behind their decisions made in Battlefield 3.

“With Battlefield 3 we wanted to get back to some of the Urban fighting that we had in 1942 and BF2, that requires a shift of focus on destruction from taking down a building to taking down the Facade of the building. I think it has worked quite well, and in the open environments there’s a larger scale of destruction similar to BC2. Of course, we’d love to see more and better destruction.”

Brought up in the ongoing discussions were issues of the javelin unable to consistently hit tanks, even under the guidance of a SOFLAM. Additionally noted was its seemingly weak damage output. Kertz answered briefly but clearly, “both will be addressed.”

Also mentioned was the status of the input lag/response time bug that PS3 users are currently experiencing when it comes to aiming. Kertz answered that “we’re aware of it, and smarter people than me are looking at it. I don’t have more info than that.”

What do you think about the destruction in Battlefield 3? Would you like to see changes made to it? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to follow MP1st on Twitter and Facebook for more Battlefield 3 coverage.

Battlefield 3 has been out for a few weeks and DICE has gotten a ton of feedback from players, but we still haven’t heard anything specific about a patch. According to DICE’s Community Manager Daniel Matros, via EA Forums, a full list of patch notes will be released “sometime this week or at the latest early next week”.

Over the past few weeks, DICE has hinted at what’s coming in the new patch: from jets that will be made more effective against infantry, to flashlights which will be toned down. Here’s the list of what’s confirmed to be in the works in the new patch:

  • Jets will be made more powerful, most likely against infantry
  • Flashlights will be toned down
  • Squad joining and squads will be fixed
  • Mortar spam will likely get countered by MAVs

A release date for the patch is still pending, but keep in mind that patches have to go through a certification process on consoles, which can take a week or two. This could possibly mean that PC gamers will get the patch earlier, but DICE could also chose to roll out the patch on all platforms, like they did with the beta.



Last post

-αυριο θα τα κανω merge μωρε μη γκρινιαζετε-


This is a comprehensive wish list of the changes the BF3 community would really like to see. I haven't seen one of these on the first few pages of /r/battlefield3 in a while. Dice made a beautiful and thrilling game, but there are some minor (and a few major) glaring issues standing between BF3 and perfection.

In-Game VOIP: an essential element of the Battlefield experience. Part of what makes this game so great is the incredible potential for teamwork and the advantage a tightly knit squad has over the disorganized masses

Spawning on teammate who dies, objective which is lost, or vehicle which is taken: DO NOT automatically spawn us at deployment! This is earth-staggeringly frustrating. If the point you have selected is taken, clear the spawn selection entirely so that NO location/person is selected until the player clicks something. I don't know how many times I've suicided to avoid a long run from deployment to get to the action

Squads and Spawning (cont.):

-Add more of them (for PC players). Having a team of 8 squads which are all full makes it very difficult to get into a squad with a friend or group of friends. Add 4 squads per team

-More obvious "Join Squad" button - perhaps put it in the column with the "Leave Squad" and "Find Squad" buttons

-When spawning, don't list teammates in a full vehicle as an option for spawning - gray those squadmates out

Minimap Changes:

-Current zoom levels/size options are inadequate. Closest doesn't show enough, medium and furthest are too cluttered

-It can be very difficult to tell where you're trying to spawn considering objective locations blink on the minimap when they're under attack - make the objectives clickable on the minimap during spawn selection

-Label objectives by letter on the minimap

-Save zoom/size settings of minimap so that they don't reset at respawn / new game (this should apply independantly to vehicles too - many pilots prefer a wider zoom than they use as infantry)

-Perhaps provide the ability to pull up a map that covers most of the screen fully zoomed out - separate from the minimap so we don't have to toggle through the intermediate sizes with the M and N keys

Text Chat Window - I've heard a lot of complaints about the chat window on smaller resolutions (< 1680x1050) covering too much of the screen. The chat screen should cover the same amount of the screen for every resolution and should in no cases hinder visibility

-Including the option to close/minimize it entirely would be appreciated

-When typing a message, the chat history isn't visible and probably should be

-Allow text chat between games, for smack talking purposes as well as for praising those few-and-far-between skillful pilots

-It's impossible to tell which team a person is on when they chat. Make teammate ALL chat that same bright blue, but enemy chat red

Score Screen/Between Games:

-Should be able to change loadouts at score screen between games, as well as at the death/killcam screen

-Display (and start loading) the next map at the score screen between games - maybe show the upcoming map name and score screen for 30 seconds, then start loading while still showing score screen for the remaining 30 seconds

-Can't join games while theyre inbetween games ("switching maps") - isn't this exactly when people would like to join? Before the start of a new game?

Fix Negative Mouse Acceleration

Server crashes rob us of all points gained in those games; rework how these things are saved so that when a 1000 ticket round crashes at 200 tickets left, we don't rage about the hour we just lost

Redesign Commo Rose: The current commo rose is almost completely unused. See here for a decent model: http://i.imgur.com/GYqeN.jpg (credit kojiflak)

Provide a visible number for mouse sensitivity, not just a slider bar

Bring back Server Queuing

Horns on vehicles!

Colorblind support

Jet shaking (as seen here:

- credit DesertFox57 and falcun)

The way the current Flight Ceiling works is really jarring and frustrating. Is there any reason we can't just make it out of bounds like the other map boundaries? If you don't want to extend the map's ceiling very much for balance reasons, make the out of bounds line a little lower than the current ceiling (except on Canals where the flight ceiling is ridiculously low)

BattleRecorder would be nice

Standing near an ammo crate after deploying EOD bot or MAV destroys the currently deployed version - perhaps allow the option to use, or deploy a new one, and don't destroy the old one until a new one is deployed

Same goes for mobile spawn - don't destroy mobile spawn upon spawning on it, we're just going to chuck it down again 90% of the time. This is needless - mobile spawn should survive until destroyed or a new one is planted

Let us know when someone destroys our equipment! (Mobile Spawn, SOFLAM, maybe even AT mines)

Accepting a revive shouldn't require standing up - any action at all should be sufficient for accepting a revive

When trying to join a game as a group, friends are often split to different teams. This should never happen - if it's impossible to get everyone on the same team, give players that message and don't place them in the game at all.

Ability to set an FPS cap in settings might be helpful to prevent overheating, especially in lower quality systems

Consider giving pilots of helicopters with no main guns (transport choppers with two mounted guns) more points per assist - there's currently no incentive to pilot one of these well unless you're just that altruistic

Various Bugs, including but not limited to: frequent client crashes; locking aircraft not showing red box, but making lock sounds; inconsistency/difficulty getting knife/defib to register on target; C4 sometimes won't detonate and instead deploys infinitely; claymores not properly detecting movement; stacked crosshairs (m320 crosshairs showing when primary weapon equipped); and many more

Fix TV Missiles from Choppers - these almost never explode on target even when guided to a direct hit (thanks Wordpad)

Allow independent sensitivity/inversion settings for each vehicle (thanks Bondator and mr1337)

Credit to jusksmit (and by extension, KeyboardChemistry) for previous lists

sorted by: best

In-Game VOIP - Known request. DICE is investigating

Spawning on teammate who dies - Been seeing more about this lately. Have passed to dev team.

Squads and Spawning (cont.): - Noted

Minimap Changes - Known request. DICE is investigating

Text Chat Window - Known request. DICE is investigating

Score Screen/Between Games - Known request. DICE is investigating

Fix Negative Mouse Acceleration - Known request. DICE is investigating

Server crashes rob us of all points gained in those games; - Known issue. DICE is investigating

Redesign Commo Rose - Known request. DICE is investigating

Provide a visible number for mouse sensitivity, not just a slider bar - Noted

Bring back Server Queuing - Known request. DICE is investigating

Horns on vehicles! - Will be added in a future patch

Colorblind support - Known request. DICE is investigating

Jet shaking - How prevalent is this issue? I've only seen it come up recently and seems to be a latency issue.

The way the current Flight Ceiling works is really jarring and frustrating.- Known request. DICE is investigating

BattleRecorder would be nice - Agreed. Known request. DICE is investigating

Standing near an ammo crate after deploying EOD bot or MAV destroys the currently deployed version - Can you rephrase this? I don't understand.

Same goes for mobile spawn- - I'm guessing this is balance related. If you're going to chuck it down 90% of the time, then do so :) I think that this allows people who have located the mobile spawn to put some suppressing fire on that spot and prevent the re-deploy. Either way - noted.

Let us know when someone destroys our equipment! - Noted

Accepting a revive shouldn't require standing up - Known request. DICE is investigating

When trying to join a game as a group, friends are often split to different teams. This should never happen - Known request. DICE is investigating

Ability to set an FPS cap in - Noted

Consider giving pilots of helicopters with no main guns -Noted

Various Bugs, including but not limited to: frequent client crashes; locking aircraft not showing red box, but making lock sounds; inconsistency/difficulty getting knife/defib to register on target; C4 sometimes won't detonate and instead deploys infinitely; claymores not properly detecting movement; stacked crosshairs (m320 crosshairs showing when primary weapon equipped); - All Noted

Fix TV Missiles from Choppers - Known request. DICE is investigating

Allow independent sensitivity/inversion settings for each vehicle - Known request. DICE is investigating

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Nephiλiμ

Δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο είναι σωστά αυτά... Για ποιά πίστα μιλάει, με πόσο κόσμο; Εχθές στον Bazo που το άνοιξα, δεν έπεσα κάτω από 40 σε κανένα σημείο και συνήθως είχα 58-62 στην Grand Bazaar. Παίζω σε 6970/2GB 1920x1200 (και όχι 1080 όπως στις μετρήσεις), τα έχω ΟΛΑ στο Ultra και 8xANISO, PostAA OFF, 2xMSAA, HBAO.



Μήπως έχουμε πουθενά το excel να το έκανα διάγραμμα να είναι ορατό με μια ματιά; :rolleyes:

Nice vid..ακουστε σχολιασμο ο τυπος..

Το SniperοΣβουλακο δεν υπηρχε...στημενο ηταν μαλλον :hehe:

Πάντως, άλλη μία αλλαγή από πλευράς DICE που θα ήταν ευπρόσδεκτη θα ήταν η προσθήκη λεπτομερέστερης λίστας με τα taken dogtags. Μιας και έχει γίνει άψογη, κατ'εμέ, δουλειά στο battlelog, ας είναι ολοκληρωμένη. :T:

Αμάν! Κοιτάξτε πόσα kills έχω στην υπογραφή μου! Ουυυ ο αντίχριστος! Δεν το είχα δει χθες που έκλεισα, αν το έβλεπα θα έπαιζα ένα ακόμα round...


Χθες εγκατέστησα τους 11.11 whql και 11.11cap1 με render.ahead.limit 1 και πήγαινε όντως πολύ καλύτερα από τους προηγούμενους...

Συνέχεια πάνω από 90% και οι 3 πυρήνες. Έπαιξα ένα round caspian όλα στο ultra-max και έβλεπα συνέχεια πάνω απο 70 σε σέρβερ με 64 άτομα κατα μέσο όρο είχα 100fps.

Είχα κλείσει και το aero μπορεί να βοήθησε και αυτό...

Χθες εγκατέστησα τους 11.11 whql και 11.11cap1 με render.ahead.limit 1 και πήγαινε όντως πολύ καλύτερα από τους προηγούμενους...


ξερεις αν οι 11.11 δουλευουν καλυτερα και σε μονες καρτες???

Κανει μόνο για cf αυτό η και σε μονή θα δω διαφορα?

Δοκίμασε δεν έχεις να χάσεις τίποτα...

ξερεις αν οι 11.11 δουλευουν καλυτερα και σε μονες καρτες???

Από ότι διάβασα σε δίαφορα forums είναι καλύτεροι... Ιδίως το 11.11 cap1 βοηθάει πολύ...

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Nephiλiμ
Από ότι διάβασα σε δίαφορα forums είναι καλύτεροι... Ιδίως το 11.11 cap1 βοηθάει πολύ...

O driver ναι.. cap αυτο που εχει ο driver μεσα η το αλλο που κατεβάζουμε extra απο amd?

O driver ναι.. cap αυτο που εχει ο driver μεσα η το αλλο που κατεβάζουμε extra απο amd?

Το άλλο που κατεβάζουμε έξτρα από AMD, αυτό που έχουν ιο drivers είναι παλιότερο...

Σήμερα είχε στηθεί ένας στην ταράτσα του Β στο Noshahr Canals και θέριζε... [MENTION=5325]Zenor[/MENTION] like :p

Όταν λοιπόν έφαγε κι εμένα, βγήκα στο αεροπλανοφόρο σαν recon και τον έφαγα με headshot, 404m :D Η πρώτη μου καλή :) Έχω μέλλον φυσικά, αλλά ακόμα δεν έχω παίξει με recon, τον παίρνω μόνο σε τέτοιες περιστάσεις.

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