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Conky Configuration Tutorial


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Στον παρακάτω οδηγό θα δούμε τι είναι το conky και πως θα μπορούσαμε να το παραμετροποιήσουμε ώστε να το φέρουμε στα μέτρα μας:)

Τι είναι το conky?

Είναι ενα ελεύθερο , ελαφρύ system monitor για την παρακολούθηση των λειτουργειών του Χ στην επιφάνεια εργασίας σας. Ειναι ελεύθερο λογισμικό που τρέχει στο Χ σε *NIX και *BSD based συστήματα.

Ας το γνωρίσουμε λίγο καλύτερα..

Αρχικα ο κώδικας του βρισκόταν υπο την άδεια χρήσης του BSD foundation ενώ ο νέος του κώδικας τίθεται υπό την άδεια χρήσης GPL 3.0. Από την έναρξη του project μέχρι σήμερα, το Conky έχει αλλάξει σημαντικά από τον προκάτοχό του, διατηρώντας ταυτόχρονα την απλότητα και την παραμετροποίηση ως κύρια χαρακτηριστικά του.Με το conky μπορείται να εμφανίσεται στο desktop σας σχεδόν τα πάντα , είτε ενσωματομένα στην επιφάνεια εργασίας, είτε σε δικό του παράθυρο μεμονομένα. Έχει αρκετά built-in αντικείμενα, αλλά μπορεί επίσης να χρησιμοποιήσει scripts και άλλα εξωτερικά προγράμματα για την εμφάνιση κάθε είδους πληροφορίας.

Παρόλο που το Conky είχε σχεδιαστεί αρχικά για το Χ, οι νεότερες εκδόσεις μπορούν επίσης να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να αποθηκεύσουν πληροφορίες σε αρχεία καταγραφής(log files), απεικόνιση σε GNU οθόνες κ.α.

Το όνομα του προέρχεται από ένα χαρακτήρα μιας παράστασης της καναδικής τηλεόρασης με τίτλο "Trailer Park Boys". Περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την παράσταση μπορείτε να βρείτε στο άρθρο της Wikipedia.

Περιέχει πάνω απο 250 built-in αντικείμενα συμπεριλαμβανομένου της υποστήριξης

  • πληθώρας στατιστικών για το OS (uname, uptime, CPU usage, mem usage, disk usage, "top" like process stats, network monitoring κ.α.)
  • υποστήριξη IMAP και POP3
  • υποστήριξη για πολλά δημοφιλή προγράμματα αναπαραγωγής μουσικής (MPD, XMMS2, BMPx, Audacious)

Για την αναπαράσταση των πληροφοριών μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν progress bars , γραφήματα , διαφορετικά χρώματα και fonts ώστε οποιοσδήποτε να μπορεί να φτάσει σε ενα εικονικό αποτέλεσμα που να το ικανοποιεί.

Αρχείο ρυθμίσεων - Configuration File

Όλες αυτές οι πληροφορίες αποθηκεύονται σε ένα αρχείο με όνομα .conkyrc που βρίσκεται μέσα στο /home/user φάκελο του συστήματος σας. (εάν δεν το βλέπεται ειναι λόγο του οτι είναι κρυφό - αυτο υποδηλώνει και η τελεία μπροστά απο το όνομα του.Για να το δείτε πρέπει μεσα απο την κονσολα να δώσεται ls -lf η αλλιώς απο περιβάλλον gnome να πατήσεται τον συνδιασμό των πλήκτρων ctrl+h.Παρακάτω θα δούμε πως μπορούμε να δημιουργήσουμε ενα τέτοιο αρχείο , μέχρι τότε όμως μπορούμε να σώσουμε στο home μας έτοιμα configuration files με το όνομα .conkyrc

Πώς θα εγκαταστήσω το conky?

Ανάλογα με την διανομή :

  • Για debian/ubuntu: sudo apt-get install conky
  • Για gentoo : emerge conky ή paludis -i conky
  • Για Arch : pacman -S conky (ως root)

Ας αναλύσουμε ενα configuration file.

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont cure:size=6 -> Γραμματοσειρά και μέγεθος που θα χρησιμοποιηθέι

# Minimum size of text area
#minimum_size 280 5 ->Ελάχιστο μέγεθος
maximum_width 100 ->Μέγιστο πλάτος

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1 -> ρυθμός ανανέωσης των πληροφοριών

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0 ->ποσες φορες θα τρεξει το conky (το αφηνουμε 0 για να τρεχει παντα)

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes ->χρήση ή οχι αυτόνομου παραθύρου
own_window_transparent yes ->διάφανο παράθυρο
own_window_type widget
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
#minimum_size 280 5
maximum_width 100

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no ->περιγράμματα στα fonts

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders yes ->περιγράμματα γυρω απο το παραθυρο

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
border_margin 5

# border width
border_width 1

# Default colors and also border colors
default_color 303030 -> χρώμα γραμματοσειράς
#default_shade_color white
#default_outline_color black
own_window_colour 262524 -> χρώμα παραθύρου

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right ->σε ποιο σημείο της οθόνης θελόυμε να εμφανίζεται
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 20 ->μετακίνηση του παραθύρου κατά τον οριζόντιο άξονα
gap_y 45 ->μετακίνηση του παραθύρου κατά τον κάθετο άξονα

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 2

# number of net samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
net_avg_samples 2

# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale yes

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer yes


Αναλυτηκότερα για το πρώτο κομμάτι του configuration file

Variable Explanation
TEXT After this begins text to be formatted on screen. Backslash (\) escapes newlines in the text section. This can be useful for cleaning up config files where conky is used to pipe input to dzen2.

alignment Aligned position on screen, may be top_left, top_right, top_middle, bottom_left, bottom_right, bottom_middle, middle_left, middle_right, or none (also can be abreviated as tl, tr, tm, bl, br, bm, ml, mr). See also gap_x and gap_y.

append_file Append the file given as argument.

background Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started.

border_inner_margin Inner border margin in pixels (the margin between the border and text).

border_outer_margin Outer border margin in pixels (the margin between the border and the edge of the window).

border_width Border width in pixels.

colorN Predefine a color for use inside TEXT segments. Substitute N by a digit between 0 and 9, inclusively. When specifying the color value in hex, omit the leading hash (#).

cpu_avg_samples The number of samples to average for CPU monitoring.

default_bar_size Specify a default width and height for bars. Example: 'default_bar_size 0 6'. This is particularly useful for execbar and execibar as they do not take size arguments.

default_color Default color and border color

default_gauge_size Specify a default width and height for gauges. Example: 'default_gauge_size 25 25'. This is particularly useful for execgauge and execigauge as they do not take size arguments

default_graph_size Specify a default width and height for graphs. Example: 'default_graph_size 0 25'. This is particularly useful for execgraph and execigraph as they do not take size arguments

default_outline_color Default outline color

default_shade_color Default shading color and border's shading color

diskio_avg_samples The number of samples to average for disk I/O monitoring.

display Specify an X display to connect to.

double_buffer Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker) It is highly recommended to use own window with this one so double buffer won't be so big.

draw_borders Draw borders around text?

draw_graph_borders Draw borders around graphs?

draw_outline Draw outlines?

draw_shades Draw shades?

extra_newline Put an extra newline at the end when writing to stdout, useful for writing to awesome's wiboxes.

font Font name in X, xfontsel can be used to get a nice font

format_human_readable If enabled, values which are in bytes will be printed in human readable format (i.e., KiB, MiB, etc). If disabled, the number of bytes is printed instead.

gap_x Gap, in pixels, between right or left border of screen, same as passing -x at command line, e.g. gap_x 10. For other position related stuff, see 'alignment'.

gap_y Gap, in pixels, between top or bottom border of screen, same as passing -y at command line, e.g. gap_y 10. For other position related stuff, see 'alignment'.

if_up_strictness How strict should if_up be when testing an interface for being up? The value is one of up, link or address, to check for the interface being solely up, being up and having link or being up, having link and an assigned IP address.

imap Default global IMAP server. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-f folder] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 143, default folder is 'INBOX', default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

imlib_cache_flush_interval Interval (in seconds) to flush Imlib2 cache.


Imlib2 image cache size, in bytes. Defaults to 4MiB. Increase this value if you use $image lots. Set to 0 to disable the image cache.

This function, if defined, will be called by Conky through each iteration after drawing to the window. Requires X support. Takes any number of optional arguments. Use this hook for drawing things on top of what Conky draws. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

This function, if defined, will be called by Conky through each iteration before drawing to the window. Requires X support. Takes any number of optional arguments. Use this hook for drawing things on top of what Conky draws. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.
lua_load Loads the Lua scripts separated by spaces.

mail_spool Mail spool for mail checking

max_port_monitor_connections Allow each port monitor to track at most this many connections (if 0 or not set, default is 256)

max_specials Maximum number of special things, e.g. fonts, offsets, aligns, etc. (default is 512)

max_user_text Maximum size of user text buffer, i.e. layout below TEXT line in config file (default is 16384 bytes)

maximum_width Maximum width of window

minimum_size Minimum size of window

mpd_host Host of MPD server

mpd_password MPD server password

mpd_port Port of MPD server

music_player_interval Music player thread update interval (defaults to Conky's update interval)

net_avg_samples The number of samples to average for net data

no_buffers Substract (file system) buffers from used memory?

out_to_console Print text to stdout.

out_to_stderr Print text to stderr.

out_to_x When set to no, there will be no output in X (useful when you also use things like out_to_console). If you set it to no, make sure that it's placed before all other X-related setting (take the first line of your configfile to be sure). Default value is yes

override_utf8_locale Force UTF8? requires XFT

overwrite_file Overwrite the file given as argument.

own_window Boolean, create own window to draw?

own_window_class Manually set the WM_CLASS name. Defaults to "Conky".

own_window_colour If own_window_transparent no, set a specified background colour (defaults to black). Takes either a hex value (#ffffff) or a valid RGB name (see /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt)

own_window_hints If own_window is yes, you may use these window manager hints to affect the way Conky displays. Notes: Use own_window_type desktop as another way to implement many of these hints implicitly. If you use own_window_type override, window manager hints have no meaning and are ignored.

own_window_title Manually set the window name. Defaults to "<hostname> - conky".

own_window_transparent Boolean, set pseudo-transparency?

own_window_type if own_window is yes, you may specify type normal, desktop, dock, panel or override (default: normal). Desktop windows are special windows that have no window decorations; are always visible on your desktop; do not appear in your pager or taskbar; and are sticky across all workspaces. Panel windows reserve space along a desktop edge, just like panels and taskbars, preventing maximized windows from overlapping them. The edge is chosen based on the alignment option. Override windows are not under the control of the window manager. Hints are ignored. This type of window can be useful for certain situations.

pad_percents Pad percentages to this many decimals (0 = no padding)

pop3 Default global POP3 server. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

short_units Shortens units to a single character (kiB->k, GiB->G, etc.). Default is off.

show_graph_range Shows the time range covered by a graph.

show_graph_scale Shows the maximum value in scaled graphs.

stippled_borders Border stippling (dashing) in pixels

temperature_unit Desired output unit of all objects displaying a temperature. Parameters are either "fahrenheit" or "celsius". The default unit is degree Celsius.

templateN Define a template for later use inside TEXT segments. Substitute N by a digit between 0 and 9, inclusively. The value of the variable is being inserted into the stuff below TEXT at the corresponding position, but before some substitutions are applied:

* '\n' -> newline
* '\\' -> backslash
* '\ ' -> space
* '\N' -> template argument N

text_buffer_size Size of the standard text buffer (default is 256 bytes). This buffer is used for intermediary text, such as individual lines, output from $exec vars, and various other variables. Increasing the size of this buffer can drastically reduce Conky's performance, but will allow for more text display per variable. The size of this buffer cannot be smaller than the default value of 256 bytes.

top_cpu_separate If true, cpu in top will show usage of one processor's power. If false, cpu in top will show the usage of all processors' power combined.

top_name_width Width for $top name value (defaults to 15 characters).

total_run_times Total number of times for Conky to update before quitting. Zero makes Conky run forever

update_interval Update interval in seconds

uppercase Boolean value, if true, text is rendered in upper case

use_spacer Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things around. Arguments are left, right, and none (default). The old true/false values are deprecated and default to right/none respectively. Note that this only helps if you are using a mono font, such as Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.

use_xft Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff)

xftalpha Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0.

xftfont Xft font to use.

Το παραπάνω κομμάτι μπορει να βρεθεί και εδώ

Ότι αναγράφεται στον τομέα text εμφανίζεται στην οθόνη μας .Εδώ θα τοποθετησουμε τις δικές μας ρυθμίσεις για το τι θα θέλαμε να μας πληροφορεί ο conky.Οι πιθανές επιλογές μας θα είναι ενα συνοθήλευμα των παρακάτω εντολών.

Variable Arguments () = optional Explanation
acpiacadapter ACPI ac adapter state.

acpifan ACPI fan state

acpitemp ACPI temperature in C.

addr (interface) IP address for an interface, or "No Address" if no address is assigned.

addrs (interface) IP addresses for an interface (if one - works like addr). Linux only.

adt746xcpu CPU temperature from therm_adt746x

adt746xfan Fan speed from therm_adt746x

alignc (num) Align text to centre

alignr (num) Right-justify text, with space of N

apcupsd host Sets up the connection to apcupsd daemon. Prints nothing, defaults to localhost:3551

apcupsd_cable Prints the UPS connection type.

apcupsd_charge Current battery capacity in percent.

apcupsd_lastxfer Reason for last transfer from line to battery.

apcupsd_linev Nominal input voltage.

apcupsd_load Current load in percent.

apcupsd_loadbar Bar showing current load.

apcupsd_loadgauge (height),(width) Gauge that shows current load.

apcupsd_loadgraph (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) History graph of current load.

apcupsd_model Prints the model of the UPS.

apcupsd_name Prints the UPS user-defined name.

apcupsd_status Prints current status (on-line, on-battery).

apcupsd_temp Current internal temperature.

apcupsd_timeleft Time left to run on battery.

apcupsd_upsmode Prints the UPS mode (e.g. standalone).

apm_adapter Display APM AC adapter status (FreeBSD only)

apm_battery_life Display APM battery life in percent (FreeBSD only)

apm_battery_time Display remaining APM battery life in hh:mm:ss or "unknown" if AC adapterstatus is on-line or charging (FreeBSD only)

audacious_bar (height),(width) Progress bar

audacious_bitrate Bitrate of current tune

audacious_channels Number of audio channels of current tune

audacious_filename Full path and filename of current tune

audacious_frequency Sampling frequency of current tune

audacious_length Total length of current tune as MM:SS

audacious_length_seconds Total length of current tune in seconds

audacious_main_volume The current volume fetched from Audacious

audacious_playlist_length Number of tunes in playlist

audacious_playlist_position Playlist position of current tune

audacious_position Position of current tune (MM:SS)

audacious_position_seconds Position of current tune in seconds

audacious_status Player status (Playing/Paused/Stopped/Not running)

audacious_title (max length) Title of current tune with optional maximum length specifier

battery (num) Battery status and remaining percentage capacity of ACPI or APM battery. ACPI battery number can be given as argument (default is BAT0).

battery_bar (height),(width) (num) Battery percentage remaining of ACPI battery in a bar. ACPI battery number can be given as argument (default is BAT0).

battery_percent (num) Battery percentage remaining for ACPI battery. ACPI battery number can be given as argument (default is BAT0).

battery_short (num) Battery status and remaining percentage capacity of ACPI or APM battery. ACPI battery number can be given as argument (default is BAT0). This mode display a short status, which means that C is displayed instead of charging, D for discharging, F for full, N for not present, E for empty and U for unknown.

battery_time (num) Battery charge/discharge time remaining of ACPI battery. ACPI battery number can be given as argument (default is BAT0).

blink text_and_other_conky_vars Let 'text_and_other_conky_vars' blink on and off.

bmpx_album Album in current BMPx track

bmpx_artist Artist in current BMPx track

bmpx_bitrate Bitrate of the current BMPx track

bmpx_title Title of the current BMPx track

bmpx_track Track number of the current BMPx track

bmpx_uri URI of the current BMPx track

buffers Amount of memory buffered

cached Amount of memory cached

color (color) Change drawing color to color

colorN Change drawing color to colorN configuration option, where N is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusively.

combine var1 var2 Places the lines of var2 to the right of the lines of var1 seperated by the chars that are put between var1 and var2. For example: ${combine ${head /proc/cpuinfo 2} - ${head /proc/meminfo 1}} gives as output "cpuinfo_line1 - meminfo_line1" on line 1 and "cpuinfo_line2 -" on line 2. $combine vars can also be nested to place more vars next to each other.

conky_build_arch CPU architecture Conky was built for

conky_build_date Date Conky was built

conky_version Conky version

cpu (cpuN) CPU usage in percents. For SMP machines, the CPU number can be provided as an argument. ${cpu cpu0} is the total usage, and ${cpu cpuX} (X >= 1) are individual CPUs.

cpubar (cpuN) (height),(width) Bar that shows CPU usage, height is bar's height in pixels. See $cpu for more info on SMP.

cpugauge (cpuN) (height),(width) Elliptical gauge that shows CPU usage, height and width are gauge's vertical and horizontal axis respectively. See $cpu for more info on SMP.

cpugraph (cpuN) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) CPU usage graph, with optional colours in hex, minus the #. See $cpu for more info on SMP. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use the -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

curl url interval_in_minutes

Download data from URI using Curl at the specified interval. The interval may be a floating point value greater than 0, otherwise defaults to 15 minutes. Most useful when used in conjunction with Lua and the Lua API. This object is threaded, and once a thread is created it can't be explicitely destroyed. One thread will run for each URI specified. You can use any protocol that Curl supports.
desktop Number of the desktop on which conky is running or the message "Not running in X" if this is the case.

desktop_name Name of the desktop on which conky is running or the message "Not running in X" if this is the case.

desktop_number Number of desktops or the message "Not running in X" if this is the case.

disk_protect device Disk protection status, if supported (needs kernel-patch). Prints either "frozen" or "free " (note the padding).

diskio (device) Displays current disk IO. Device is optional, and takes the form of sda for /dev/sda. Individual partitions are allowed.

diskio_read (device) Displays current disk IO for reads. Device as in diskio.

diskio_write (device) Displays current disk IO for writes. Device as in diskio.

diskiograph (device) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Disk IO graph, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

diskiograph_read (device) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Disk IO graph for reads, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph. Device as in diskio. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

diskiograph_write (device) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Disk IO graph for writes, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph. Device as in diskio. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

downspeed (net) Download speed in suitable IEC units

downspeedf (net) Download speed in KiB with one decimal

downspeedgraph (netdev) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Download speed graph, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

draft_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as draft in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

else Text to show if any of the above are not true

endif Ends an $if block.

entropy_avail Current entropy available for crypto freaks

entropy_bar (height),(width) Normalized bar of available entropy for crypto freaks

entropy_perc Percentage of entropy available in comparison to the poolsize

entropy_poolsize Total size of system entropy pool for crypto freaks

eval string Evalutates given string according to the rules of TEXT interpretation, i.e. parsing any contained text object specifications into their output, any occuring '$$' into a single '$' and so on. The output is then being parsed again.

eve api_userid api_key character_id Fetches your currently training skill from the Eve Online API servers (http://www.eve-online.com/) and displays the skill along with the remaining training time.

exec command Executes a shell command and displays the output in conky. warning: this takes a lot more resources than other variables. I'd recommend coding wanted behaviour in C and posting a patch.

execbar command Same as exec, except if the first value return is a value between 0-100, it will use that number for a bar. The size for bars can be controlled via the default_bar_size config setting.

execgauge command Same as exec, except if the first value returned is a value between 0-100, it will use that number for a gauge. The size for gauges can be controlled via the default_gauge_size config setting.

execgraph (-t) (-l) command Same as execbar, but graphs values. Uses a logaritmic scale when the log option (-l switch) is given (to see small numbers). Values still have to be between 0 and 100. The size for graphs can be controlled via the default_graph_size config setting. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see). If -t or -l is your first argument, you may need to preceed it by a space (' ').

execi interval command Same as exec but with specific interval. Interval can't be less than update_interval in configuration. See also $texeci

execibar interval command Same as execbar, except with an interval

execigauge interval command Same as execgauge, but takes an interval arg and gauges values.

execigraph interval (-t) (-l) command Same as execgraph, but takes an interval arg and graphs values. If -t or -l is your first argument, you may need to preceed it by a space (' ').

execp command Executes a shell command and displays the output in conky. warning: this takes a lot more resources than other variables. I'd recommend coding wanted behaviour in C and posting a patch. This differs from $exec in that it parses the output of the command, so you can insert things like ${color red}hi!${color} in your script and have it correctly parsed by Conky. Caveats: Conky parses and evaluates the output of $execp every time Conky loops, and then destroys all the objects. If you try to use anything like $execi within an $execp statement, it will functionally run at the same interval that the $execp statement runs, as it is created and destroyed at every interval.

execpi interval command Same as execp but with specific interval. Interval can't be less than update_interval in configuration. Note that the output from the $execpi command is still parsed and evaluated at every interval.

flagged_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as flagged in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

font (font) Specify a different font. This new font will apply to the current line and everything following. You can use a $font with no arguments to change back to the default font (much like with $color)

forwarded_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as forwarded in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

freq (n) Returns CPU #n's frequency in MHz. CPUs are counted from 1. If omitted, the parameter defaults to 1.

freq_g (n) Returns CPU #n's frequency in GHz. CPUs are counted from 1. If omitted, the parameter defaults to 1.

fs_bar (height),(width) fs Bar that shows how much space is used on a file system. height is the height in pixels. fs is any file on that file system.

fs_bar_free (height),(width) fs Bar that shows how much space is free on a file system. height is the height in pixels. fs is any file on that file system.

fs_free (fs) Free space on a file system available for users.

fs_free_perc (fs) Free percentage of space on a file system available for users.

fs_size (fs) File system size.

fs_type (fs) File system type.

fs_used (fs) File system used space.

fs_used_perc (fs) Percent of file system used space.

goto x The next element will be printed at position 'x'.

gw_iface Displays the default route's interface or "multiple"/"none" accordingly.

gw_ip Displays the default gateway's IP or "multiple"/"none" accordingly.

hddtemp dev, (host,(port)) Displays temperature of a selected hard disk drive as reported by the hddtemp daemon running on host:port. Default host is, default port is 7634.

head logfile lines (next_check) Displays first N lines of supplied text file. The file is checked every 'next_check' update. If next_check is not supplied, Conky defaults to 2. Max of 30 lines can be displayed, or until the text buffer is filled.

hr (height) Horizontal line, height is the height in pixels

hwmon (dev) type n (factor offset) Hwmon sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). Parameter dev may be omitted if you have only one hwmon device. Parameter type is either 'in' or 'vol' meaning voltage; 'fan' meaning fan; 'temp' meaning temperature. Parameter n is number of the sensor. See /sys/class/hwmon/ on your local computer. The optional arguments 'factor' and 'offset' allow precalculation of the raw input, which is being modified as follows: 'input = input * factor + offset'. Note that they have to be given as decimal values (i.e. contain at least one decimal place).

i2c (dev) type n (factor offset) I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). Parameter dev may be omitted if you have only one I2C device. Parameter type is either 'in' or 'vol' meaning voltage; 'fan' meaning fan; 'temp' meaning temperature. Parameter n is number of the sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on your local computer. The optional arguments 'factor' and 'offset' allow precalculation of the raw input, which is being modified as follows: 'input = input * factor + offset'. Note that they have to be given as decimal values (i.e. contain at least one decimal place).

i8k_ac_status If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays whether ac power is on, as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware that this is by default not enabled by i8k itself.

i8k_bios If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the bios version as listed in /proc/i8k.

i8k_buttons_status If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the volume buttons status as listed in /proc/i8k.

i8k_cpu_temp If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the cpu temperature in Celsius, as reported by /proc/i8k.

i8k_left_fan_rpm If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the left fan's rate of rotation, in revolutions per minute as listed in /proc/i8k. Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.

i8k_left_fan_status If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the left fan status as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.

i8k_right_fan_rpm If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the right fan's rate of rotation, in revolutions per minute as listed in /proc/i8k. Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.

i8k_right_fan_status If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the right fan status as listed in /proc/i8k (translated to human-readable). Beware, some laptops i8k reports these fans in reverse order.

i8k_serial If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays your laptop serial number as listed in /proc/i8k.

i8k_version If running the i8k kernel driver for Inspiron laptops, displays the version formatting of /proc/i8k.

ibm_brightness If running the IBM ACPI, displays the brigtness of the laptops's LCD (0-7).

ibm_fan If running the IBM ACPI, displays the fan speed.

ibm_temps N If running the IBM ACPI, displays the temperatures from the IBM temperature sensors (N=0..7) Sensor 0 is on the CPU, 3 is on the GPU.

ibm_volume If running the IBM ACPI, displays the "master" volume, controlled by the volume keys (0-14).

iconv_start codeset_from codeset_to Convert text from one codeset to another using GNU iconv. Needs to be stopped with iconv_stop.

iconv_stop Stop iconv codeset conversion.

if_empty (var) if conky variable VAR is empty, display everything between $if_empty and the matching $endif

if_existing file (string) if FILE exists, display everything between if_existing and the matching $endif. The optional second paramater checks for FILE containing the specified string and prints everything between $if_existing and the matching $endif.

if_gw if there is at least one default gateway, display everything between $if_gw and the matching $endif

if_match expression Evaluates the given boolean expression, printing everything between $if_match and the matching $endif depending on whether the evaluation returns true or not. Valid expressions consist of a left side, an operator and a right side. Left and right sides are being parsed for contained text objects before evaluation. Recognised left and right side types are:

* double - Argument consists of only digits and a single dot.
* long - Argument consists of only digits.
* string - Argument is enclosed in quotation mark or the checks for double and long failed before.

Valid operands are: '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '==', '!='.

if_mixer_mute (mixer) If mixer exists, display everything between $if_mixer_mute and the matching $endif. If no mixer is specified, "Master" is used.

if_mounted (mountpoint) if MOUNTPOINT is mounted, display everything between $if_mounted and the matching $endif

if_mpd_playing if mpd is playing or paused, display everything between $if_mpd_playing and the matching $endif

if_running (process) if PROCESS is running, display everything $if_running and the matching $endif. This uses the ``pidof'' command, so the -x switch is also supported.

if_smapi_bat_installed (INDEX) when using smapi, if the battery with index INDEX is installed, display everything between $if_smapi_bat_installed and the matching $endif

if_up (interface) if INTERFACE exists and is up, display everything between $if_up and the matching $endif

if_updatenr (updatenr) If it's the UPDATENR-th time that conky updates, display everything between $if_updatenr and the matching $endif. The counter resets when the highest UPDATENR is reached. Example : "{$if_updatenr 1}foo$endif{$if_updatenr 2}bar$endif{$if_updatenr 4}$endif" shows foo 25% of the time followed by bar 25% of the time followed by nothing the other half of the time.

if_xmms2_connected Display everything between $if_xmms2_connected and the matching $endif if xmms2 is running.

image <path to image> (-p x,y) (-s WxH) (-n) (-f interval) Renders an image from the path specified using Imlib2. Takes 4 optional arguments: a position, a size, a no-cache switch, and a cache flush interval. Changing the x,y position will move the position of the image, and changing the WxH will scale the image. If you specify the no-cache flag (-n), the image will not be cached. Alternately, you can specify the -f int switch to specify a cache flust interval for a particular image. Example: ${image /home/brenden/cheeseburger.jpg -p 20,20 -s 200x200} will render 'cheeseburger.jpg' at (20,20) scaled to 200x200 pixels. Conky does not make any attempt to adjust the position (or any other formatting) of images, they are just rendered as per the arguments passed. The only reason $image is part of the TEXT section, is to allow for runtime modifications, through $execp $lua_parse, or some other method.

imap_messages (args) Displays the number of messages in your global IMAP inbox by default. You can define individual IMAP inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-f folder] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 143, default folder is 'INBOX', default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

imap_unseen (args) Displays the number of unseen messages in your global IMAP inbox by default. You can define individual IMAP inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-f folder] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 143, default folder is 'INBOX', default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

include path

Loads the configfile at path, places the configsettings behind the configsettings in the orginal config and places the vars where the includevar stood.
ioscheduler disk Prints the current ioscheduler used for the given disk name (i.e. e.g. "hda" or "sdb")

kernel Kernel version

laptop_mode The value of /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode

lines textfile Displays the number of lines in the given file

loadavg (1|2|3) System load average, 1 is for past 1 minute, 2 for past 5 minutes and 3 for past 15 minutes.

loadgraph (1|2|3) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Load1 average graph, similar to xload, with optional colours in hex, minus the #. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use the -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

lua function_name (function parameters) Executes a Lua function with given parameters, then prints the returned string. See also 'lua_load' on how to load scripts. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you put you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

lua_bar (height, width) function_name (function parameters) Executes a Lua function with given parameters and draws a bar. Expects result value to be an integer between 0 and 100. See also 'lua_load' on how to load scripts. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you put you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

lua_gauge (height, width) function_name (function parameters) Executes a Lua function with given parameters and draws a gauge. Expects result value to be an integer between 0 and 100. See also 'lua_load' on how to load scripts. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you put you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

lua_graph function_name (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Executes a Lua function with and draws a graph. Expects result value to be any number, and by default will scale to show the full range. See also 'lua_load' on how to load scripts. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see). Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you put you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

lua_parse function_name (function parameters) Executes a Lua function with given parameters as per $lua, then parses and prints the result value as per the syntax for Conky's TEXT section. See also 'lua_load' on how to load scripts. Conky puts 'conky_' in front of function_name to prevent accidental calls to the wrong function unless you put you place 'conky_' in front of it yourself.

lua_read_parse This function is deprecated. Please use the conky_parse() Lua function instead.

machine Machine, i686 for example

mails (mailbox) Mail count in the specified mailbox or your mail spool if not. Both mbox and maildir type mailboxes are supported. You can use a program like fetchmail to get mails from some server using your favourite protocol. See also new_mails.

mboxscan (-n number of messages to print) (-fw from width) (-sw subject width) mbox Print a summary of recent messages in an mbox format mailbox. mbox parameter is the filename of the mailbox (can be encapsulated using '"', ie. ${mboxscan -n 10 "/home/brenden/some box"}

mem Amount of memory in use

membar (height),(width) Bar that shows amount of memory in use

memeasyfree Amount of free memory including the memory that is very easily freed (buffers/cache)

memfree Amount of free memory

memgauge (height),(width) Gauge that shows amount of memory in use (see cpugauge)

memgraph (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Memory usage graph. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use the -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

memmax Total amount of memory

memperc Percentage of memory in use

mixer (device) Prints the mixer value as reported by the OS. Default mixer is "vol", but you can specify one of the following optional arguments: "vol", "bass", "treble", "synth", "pcm", "speaker", "line", "mic", "cd", "mix", "pcm2", "rec", "igain", "ogain", "line1", "line2", "line3", "dig1", "dig2", "dig3", "phin", "phout", "video", "radio", "monitor". Refer to the definition of SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES in <linux/soundcard.h> (on Linux), <soundcard.h> (on OpenBSD), or <sys/soundcard.h> to find the exact options available on your system.

mixerbar (device) Displays mixer value in a bar as reported by the OS. See docs for $mixer for details on arguments.

mixerl (device) Prints the left channel mixer value as reported by the OS. See docs for $mixer for details on arguments.

mixerlbar (device) Displays the left channel mixer value in a bar as reported by the OS. See docs for $mixer for details on arguments.

mixerr (device) Prints the right channel mixer value as reported by the OS. See docs for $mixer for details on arguments.

mixerrbar (device) Displays the right channel mixer value in a bar as reported by the OS. See docs for $mixer for details on arguments.

moc_album Album of the current MOC song

moc_artist Artist of the current MOC song

moc_bitrate Bitrate in the current MOC song

moc_curtime Current time of the current MOC song

moc_file File name of the current MOC song

moc_rate Rate of the current MOC song

moc_song The current song name being played in MOC.

moc_state Current state of MOC; playing, stopped etc.

moc_timeleft Time left in the current MOC song

moc_title Title of the current MOC song

moc_totaltime Total length of the current MOC song

monitor Number of the monitor on which conky is running or the message "Not running in X" if this is the case.

monitor_number Number of monitors or the message "Not running in X" if this is the case.

mpd_album Album in current MPD song

mpd_artist Artist in current MPD song must be enabled at compile

mpd_bar (height),(width) Bar of mpd's progress

mpd_bitrate Bitrate of current song

mpd_elapsed Song's elapsed time

mpd_file Prints the file name of the current MPD song

mpd_length Song's length

mpd_name Prints the MPD name field

mpd_percent Percent of song's progress

mpd_random Random status (On/Off)

mpd_repeat Repeat status (On/Off)

mpd_smart (max length) Prints the song name in either the form "artist - title" or file name, depending on whats available

mpd_status Playing, stopped, et cetera.

mpd_title (max length) Title of current MPD song

mpd_track Prints the MPD track field

mpd_vol MPD's volume

nameserver (index) Print a nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf. Index starts at and defaults to 0.

new_mails (mailbox) Unread mail count in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Both mbox and maildir type mailboxes are supported.

nodename Hostname

nvidia threshold Nvidia graficcard support for the XNVCtrl library. Each option can be shortened to the least significant part. Temperatures are printed as float, all other values as integer.

* threshold - The thresholdtemperature at which the gpu slows down
* temp - Tives the gpu current temperature
* ambient - Gives current air temperature near GPU case
* gpufreq - Gives the current gpu frequency
* memfreq - Gives the current mem frequency
* imagequality - Which imagequality should be choosen by OpenGL applications

offset (pixels) Move text over by N pixels. See also $voffset.

outlinecolor (color) Change outline color

pb_battery item If running on Apple powerbook/ibook, display information on battery status. The item parameter specifies, what information to display. Exactly one item must be specified. Valid items are:

* status - Display if battery is fully charged, charging, discharging or absent (running on AC)
* percent - Display charge of battery in percent, if charging or discharging. Nothing will be displayed, if battery is fully charged or absent.
* time - Display the time remaining until the battery will be fully charged or discharged at current rate. Nothing is displayed, if battery is absent or if it's present but fully charged and not discharging.

platform (dev) type n (factor offset) Platform sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). Parameter dev may be omitted if you have only one platform device. Platform type is either 'in' or 'vol' meaning voltage; 'fan' meaning fan; 'temp' meaning temperature. Parameter n is number of the sensor. See /sys/bus/platform/devices/ on your local computer. The optional arguments 'factor' and 'offset' allow precalculation of the raw input, which is being modified as follows: 'input = input * factor + offset'. Note that they have to be given as decimal values (i.e. contain at least one decimal place).

pop3_unseen (args) Displays the number of unseen messages in your global POP3 inbox by default. You can define individual POP3 inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

pop3_used (args) Displays the amount of space (in MiB, 2^20) used in your global POP3 inbox by default. You can define individual POP3 inboxes seperately by passing arguments to this object. Arguments are: "host user pass [-i interval (in seconds)] [-p port] [-e command] [-r retries]". Default port is 110, default interval is 5 minutes, and default number of retries before giving up is 5. If the password is supplied as '*', you will be prompted to enter the password when Conky starts.

pre_exec shell command Executes a shell command one time before conky displays anything and puts output as text.

processes Total processes (sleeping and running)

read_tcp (host) port Connects to a tcp port on a host (default is localhost), reads every char available at the moment and shows them.

replied_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as replied in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

rss uri interval_in_minutes action (num_par (spaces_in_front))

Download and parse RSS feeds. The interval may be a floating point value greater than 0, otherwise defaults to 15 minutes. Action may be one of the following: feed_title, item_title (with num par), item_desc (with num par) and item_titles (when using this action and spaces_in_front is given conky places that many spaces in front of each item). This object is threaded, and once a thread is created it can't be explicitely destroyed. One thread will run for each URI specified. You can use any protocol that Curl supports.
running_processes Running processes (not sleeping), requires Linux 2.6

scroll length (step) text Scroll 'text' by 'step' characters showing 'length' number of characters at the same time. The text may also contain variables. 'step' is optional and defaults to 1 if not set. If a var creates output on multiple lines then the lines are placed behind each other separated with a '|'-sign. If you change the textcolor inside $scroll it will automatically have it's old value back at the end of $scroll. The end and the start of text will be seperated by 'length' number of spaces.

seen_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as seen in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

shadecolor (color) Change shading color

smapi (ARGS) when using smapi, display contents of the /sys/devices/platform/smapi directory. ARGS are either '(FILENAME)' or 'bat (INDEX) (FILENAME)' to display the corresponding files' content. This is a very raw method of accessing the smapi values. When available, better use one of the smapi_* variables instead.

smapi_bat_bar (INDEX),(height),(width) when using smapi, display the remaining capacity of the battery with index INDEX as a bar.

smapi_bat_perc (INDEX) when using smapi, display the remaining capacity in percent of the battery with index INDEX. This is a separate variable because it supports the 'use_spacer' configuration option.

smapi_bat_power INDEX when using smapi, display the current power of the battery with index INDEX in watt. This is a separate variable because the original read out value is being converted from mW. The sign of the output reflects charging (positive) or discharging (negative) state.

smapi_bat_temp INDEX when using smapi, display the current temperature of the battery with index INDEX in degree Celsius. This is a separate variable because the original read out value is being converted from milli degree Celsius.

sony_fanspeed Displays the Sony VAIO fanspeed information if sony-laptop kernel support is enabled. Linux only.

stippled_hr (space) Stippled (dashed) horizontal line

swap Amount of swap in use

swapbar (height),(width) Bar that shows amount of swap in use

swapfree Amount of free swap

swapmax Total amount of swap

swapperc Percentage of swap in use

sysname System name, Linux for example

tab (width, (start)) Puts a tab of the specified width, starting from column 'start'. The unit is pixels for both arguments.

tail logfile lines (next_check) Displays last N lines of supplied text file. The file is checked every 'next_check' update. If next_check is not supplied, Conky defaults to 2. Max of 30 lines can be displayed, or until the text buffer is filled.

tcp_portmon port_begin port_end item (index)

TCP port monitor for specified local ports. Port numbers must be in the range 1 to 65535. Valid items are:

* count - Total number of connections in the range
* rip - Remote ip address
* rhost - Remote host name
* rport - Remote port number
* rservice - Remote service name from /etc/services
* lip - Local ip address
* lhost - Local host name
* lport - Local port number
* lservice - Local service name from /etc/services

The connection index provides you with access to each connection in the port monitor. The monitor will return information for index values from 0 to n-1 connections. Values higher than n-1 are simply ignored. For the "count" item, the connection index must be omitted. It is required for all other items.


* ${tcp_portmon 6881 6999 count} - Displays the number of connections in the bittorrent port range
* ${tcp_portmon 22 22 rip 0} - Displays the remote host ip of the first sshd connection
* ${tcp_portmon 22 22 rip 9} - Displays the remote host ip of the tenth sshd connection
* ${tcp_portmon 1 1024 rhost 0} - Displays the remote host name of the first connection on a privileged port
* ${tcp_portmon 1 1024 rport 4} - Displays the remote host port of the fifth connection on a privileged port
* ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 14} - Displays the local service name of the fifteenth connection in the range of all ports

Note that port monitor variables which share the same port range actually refer to the same monitor, so many references to a single port range for different items and different indexes all use the same monitor internally. In other words, the program avoids creating redundant monitors.
templateN (arg1)

Evaluate the content of the templateN configuration variable (where N is a value between 0 and 9, inclusively), applying substitutions as described in the documentation of the corresponding configuration variable. The number of arguments is optional, but must match the highest referred index in the template. You can use the same special sequences in each argument as the ones valid for a template definition, e.g. to allow an argument to contain a whitespace. Also simple nesting of templates is possible this way.

Here are some examples of template definitions:

* template0 $\1\2
* template1 \1: ${fs_used \2} / ${fs_size \2}
* template2 \1 \2

The following list shows sample usage of the templates defined above, with the equivalent syntax when not using any template at all:
using template same without template ${template0 node name} $nodename ${template1 root /} root: ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /} ${template1 ${template2\ disk\ root} /} disk root: ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}
texeci interval command Runs a command at an interval inside a thread and displays the output. Same as $execi, except the command is run inside a thread. Use this if you have a slow script to keep Conky updating. You should make the interval slightly longer then the time it takes your script to execute. For example, if you have a script that take 5 seconds to execute, you should make the interval at least 6 seconds. See also $execi. This object will clean up the thread when it is destroyed, so it can safely be used in a nested fashion, though it may not produce the desired behaviour if used this way.

time (format) Local time, see man strftime to get more information about format

to_bytes size If 'size' is a number followed by a size-unit (kilobyte,mb,GiB,...) then it converts the size to bytes and shows it without unit, otherwise it just shows 'size'.

top type, num This takes arguments in the form:top (name) (number) Basically, processes are ranked from highest to lowest in terms of cpu usage, which is what (num) represents. The types are: "name", "pid", "cpu", "mem", "mem_res", "mem_vsize", "time", "io_perc", "io_read" and "io_write". There can be a max of 10 processes listed.

top_io type, num Same as top, except sorted by the amount of I/O the process has done during the update interval

top_mem type, num Same as top, except sorted by mem usage instead of cpu

top_time type, num Same as top, except sorted by total CPU time instead of current CPU usage

totaldown (net) Total download, overflows at 4 GB on Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't seem to be a way to know how many times it has already done that before conky has started.

totalup (net) Total upload, this one too, may overflow

trashed_mails (maildir) Number of mails marked as trashed in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

tztime (timezone) (format) Local time for specified timezone, see man strftime to get more information about format. The timezone argument is specified in similar fashion as TZ environment variable. For hints, look in /usr/share/zoneinfo. e.g. US/Pacific, Europe/Zurich, etc.

unflagged_mails (maildir) Number of mails not marked as flagged in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

unforwarded_mails (maildir) Number of mails not marked as forwarded in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

unreplied_mails (maildir) Number of mails not marked as replied in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

unseen_mails (maildir) Number of new or unseen mails in the specified mailbox or mail spool if not. Only maildir type mailboxes are supported, mbox type will return -1.

updates Number of updates for debugging

upspeed (net) Upload speed in suitable IEC units

upspeedf (net) Upload speed in KiB with one decimal

upspeedgraph (netdev) (height),(width) (gradient colour 1) (gradient colour 2) (scale) (-t) (-l) Upload speed graph, colours defined in hex, minus the #. If scale is non-zero, it becomes the scale for the graph. Uses a logarithmic scale (to see small numbers) when you use the -l switch. Takes the switch '-t' to use a temperature gradient, which makes the gradient values change depending on the amplitude of a particular graph value (try it and see).

uptime Uptime

uptime_short Uptime in a shorter format

user_names Lists the names of the users logged in

user_number Number of users logged in

user_terms Lists the consoles in use

user_times Lists how long users have been logged in for

utime (format) Display time in UTC (universal coordinate time).

voffset (pixels) Change vertical offset by N pixels. Negative values will cause text to overlap. See also $offset.

voltage_mv (n) Returns CPU #n's voltage in mV. CPUs are counted from 1. If omitted, the parameter defaults to 1.

voltage_v (n) Returns CPU #n's voltage in V. CPUs are counted from 1. If omitted, the parameter defaults to 1.

weather URI locID data_type (interval_in_minutes)

Download, parse and display METAR data.

For the 'URI', there are two possibilities:

* http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/
* http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/

The first one is free to use but the second requires you to register and obtain your partner ID and license key. These two must be written, separated by a space, into a file called .xoaprc which needs to be placed into your home directory.

'locID' must be a valid location identifier for the required uri. For the NOAA site this must be a valid ICAO (see for instance https://pilotweb.nas.faa.gov/qryhtml/icao/). For the weather.com site this must be a valid location ID (see for instance http://aspnetresources.com/tools/locid.aspx).

'data_type' must be one of the following:

* last_update -

The date and time stamp of the data. The result depends on the URI used. For the NOAA site it is date (yyyy/mm/dd) and UTC time. For the weather.com one it is date ([m]m/[d]d/yy) and Local Time of the station.
* temperature -

Air temperature (you can use the 'temperature_unit' config setting to change units)
* cloud_cover -

The highest cloud cover status
* pressure -

Air pressure in millibar
* wind_speed -

Wind speed in km/h
* wind_dir -

Wind direction
* wind_dir_DEG -

Compass wind direction
* humidity -

Relative humidity in %
* weather -

Any relevant weather event (rain, snow, etc.). This is not used if you are querying the weather.com site since this data is aggregated into the cloud_cover one

'delay_in_minutes' (optional, default 30) cannot be less than 30 minutes.

This object is threaded, and once a thread is created it can't be explicitely destroyed. One thread will run for each URI specified.

Note that these variables are still EXPERIMENTAL and can be subject to many future changes.
wireless_ap (net) Wireless access point MAC address (Linux only)

wireless_bitrate (net) Wireless bitrate (ie 11 Mb/s) (Linux only)

wireless_essid (net) Wireless access point ESSID (Linux only)

wireless_link_bar (height),(width) (net) Wireless link quality bar (Linux only)

wireless_link_qual (net) Wireless link quality (Linux only)

wireless_link_qual_max (net) Wireless link quality maximum value (Linux only)

wireless_link_qual_perc (net) Wireless link quality in percents (Linux only)

wireless_mode (net) Wireless mode (Managed/Ad-Hoc/Master) (Linux only)

words textfile Displays the number of words in the given file

xmms2_album Album in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_artist Artist in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_bar (height),(width) Bar of XMMS2's progress

xmms2_bitrate Bitrate of current song

xmms2_comment Comment in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_date Returns song's date.

xmms2_duration Duration of current song

xmms2_elapsed Song's elapsed time

xmms2_genre Genre in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_id XMMS2 id of current song

xmms2_percent Percent of song's progress

xmms2_playlist Returns the XMMS2 playlist.

xmms2_size Size of current song

xmms2_smart Prints the song name in either the form "artist - title" or file name, depending on whats available

xmms2_status XMMS2 status (Playing, Paused, Stopped, or Disconnected)

xmms2_timesplayed Number of times a song was played (presumably).

xmms2_title Title in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_tracknr Track number in current XMMS2 song

xmms2_url Full path to current song

Το παραπάνω κομμάτι μπορει να βρεθεί και εδώ

Πώς θα 'τρέξω' το conky με το δικο μου αρχείο ρυθμίσεων που μπορεί και να μην ειναι στο /home?

Δίνοντας στην κονσόλα:

conky -c /path/blabla/blablabla/configurationfile &

όπου /path/blabla/blablabla/ το μονοπάτι που είναι αποθηκευμένο το configuration file μας.

Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω παραπάνω απο έναν conky ?

φυσικά και μπορώ! αλλά για να μην κάνω την ζωή μου δύσκολη φτιάχνω ενα scriptακι που να τα ανοίγει όλα απο να το κάνω χειροκίνητα.

ανoίγω τον text editor που χτησιμοποιω - (vi , nano , pico , gedit , emacs , etc..) και κάνω copy-paste τα παρακάτω

conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_1 &
conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_2 &
conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_3 &
conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_4 &
conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_5 &
conky -c ~/path/conkyrc_X &

στην συνέχεια το αποθηκεύω ως conky_start

Για να το κανω εκτελέσιμο δίνω στην κονσολα

chmod +X /path/conky_start 

Screenshots απο διάφορα configuration files



επισυνάπτω το configuration file και τα scripts που χρησιμοποιω τώρα:



ευχαριστώ για την ανάγνωση του άρθρου και ελπίζω να μην σας κουρασα :upside::p:upside:

Όποιος θέλει μπορεί να επισυναψει και το δικο του conky μαζι με ενα screenshot και λιγα λογακια γι'αυτο:innocent:

ώστε μελλοντικά να μπορούμε να ανταλλάσουμε ιδέες για τις δημιουργίες μας..

καλο απόγευμα:p

  • 3 months later...

Ωραίο tutorial

Θα βάλω κι εγώ το screenshot και το conf αρχείο μου.

Το αρχείο conf είναι το εξής:

# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background yes

cpu_avg_samples 1
net_avg_samples 2

out_to_console no

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes

# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=7
#xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8

# Create own window instead of drawing to desktop.
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour navyblue
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_type normal

# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 0.8

# wm_class_name Conky

# mail spool
# mail_spool $MAIL

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 3

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
#minimum_size 330 10
#maximum_width 350

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 2

# border margins
#border_margin 4

# border width
border_width 2

# Default colors and also border colors
#default_color lightblue
default_color lightslategrey
default_shade_color white
default_outline_color white

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#minimum_size 10 10
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer none

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# drawn 1 pixel border around graphs or not
draw_graph_borders no

# Allow for the creation of at least this number of port monitors (if 0 or not set, default is 16)
# min_port_monitors 8

# Allow each port monitor to track at least this many connections (if 0 or not set, default is 256)
# min_port_monitor_connections 64

# none, xmms, bmp, audacious, infopipe (default is none)
# xmms_player audacious

# With explanation
# ${color #0077ff}File systems: free/total % used

${color #0077ff}Info / Time ${alignc}${color #0077ff}$nodename
${color #0077ff}Uptime:$color $uptime
${color #0077ff}OS:$sysname $color $kernel
${color #0077ff}Current conditions:$color ${execi 300 ~/scripts/weather.sh "EUR|GR|GR007|ATHENS"}
${color #0077ff}${stippled_hr 2 1}
${color #0077ff}CPU$color Centrino ${color #0077ff}@ $color${freq_g}Ghz ${alignr}${color #0077ff}Cpufreq:$color ${execi 20 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor}
${color #0077ff}Load:$color $loadavg ${alignr}${color 0077ff}Temp: $color${execi 20 sensors | grep "temp1" | cut -c15-21}
${color #0077ff}Usage (avg): $color ${cpu cpu}% ${alignr}${color 0077ff}Battery:$color $battery
${color #0077ff}${stippled_hr 2 1}
${color #0077ff}Memory
${color #0077ff}RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${color #0077ff}$membar
${color #0077ff}Swap Usage:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% ${color #0077ff}${swapbar}
${color #0077ff}${stippled_hr 2 1}
${color #0077ff}File systems:
${color #0077ff}/ $color${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${alignr}${color #0077ff}${fs_bar 5,140 /}
${if_mounted /media/data} ${color #0077ff}/media/data $color${fs_free /media/data}/${fs_size /media/data} ${alignr}${color #0077ff}${fs_bar 5,140 /media/data} $endif
${color #0077ff}Disk Activity: Read:${color}${diskio_read} ${alignr}${color #0077ff}Write:${color}${diskio_write}
${color #0077ff}${stippled_hr 2 1}
${color #0077ff}Processes:$color $processes ${color #0077ff}Run:$color $running_processes
$color NAME $alignr PID CPU
${color #0077ff}${top name 1} $color$alignr ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
${color #0077ff}${top name 2} $color$alignr ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
${color #0077ff}${top name 3} $color$alignr ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
$if_mpd_playing$color MPD - $mpd_status
${color #0077ff}$mpd_smart $alignr $mpd_percent %
$endif${color #0077ff}${stippled_hr 2 1}
${color #0077ff}Network
${if_up eth0}${color #0077ff}Ethernet
${color #0077ff}Down:$color ${downspeed eth0}/s${color #0077ff} ${offset 62}Up:$color ${upspeed eth0}/s
$endif${if_up eth1}${color #0077ff}Wifi
${color #0077ff}Down:$color ${downspeed eth1}/s${color #0077ff} ${offset 62}Up:$color ${upspeed eth1}/s $endif
${color #0077ff}Connections:
$color In: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Out: ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}

Γενικά είναι βασισμένο σε ένα άλλο config αλλά δεν θυμάμαι απο ποιό φόρουμ το είχα βρει, νομίζω του Arch-linux.

Κάτι που πρέπει να σχολιάσω είναι το script για τον καιρό:

#AccuWeather (r) RSS weather tool for conky
#USAGE: weather.sh <locationcode>
#(c) Michael Seiler 2007

METRIC=1 #Should be 0 or 1; 0 for F, 1 for C

if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "USAGE: weather.sh <locationcode>"
exit 0;

curl -s http://rss.accuweather.com/rss/liveweather_rss.asp\?metric\=${METRIC}\&locCode\=$1 | perl -ne 'if (/Currently/) {chomp;/\<title\>Currently: (.*)?\<\/title\>/; print "$1"; }'

είναι γραμμένο για laptop (γι'αυτο θα παρατηρήσετε και το CPUFREQ) και πρέπει να έχετε εγκατεστημένα τα lm-sensors (για την θερμοκρασία) και PERL για το script του καιρού.


  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

σε αυτο το forum βρηκα αρκετο υλικο για ψαξιμο.

οταν με το καλο τελειώσω με την εξεταστικη θα γραψω και εγω ενα:p

Configuration settings, ένας μεγάλος αριθμός μεταβλητών του conky αν όχι όλες και η επεξήγηση δίπλα.


Έτοιμο ελπίζω να σας αρέσει :p




# .conkyrc

update_interval 2.0

use_xft yes

xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8

cpu_avg_samples 2

default_color white

alignment top_right

draw_outline no

draw_borders yes

uppercase no

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)

double_buffer yes

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)

own_window yes

own_window_transparent yes

own_window_type normal

own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

#Size of text area

minimum_size 170 0

maximum_width 170


${alignc 17}${font Arial Black:size=20}${time %H:%M}${font}

${alignc}${time %A %d %B %Y}

${color #ffcb48}System${hr 1}

${color lightgrey}Uptime:$color $uptime $alignr${color lightgrey}

${color lightgrey}Processes:$color $processes ${color lightgrey}Running:$color $running_processes

${color #ffcb48}CPU${hr 1}

$color${cpugraph F57900 FCAF3E}

${color lightgrey}Cpu: $color ${freq} Mhz $alignr${color lightgrey} Usage:$color $cpu%

${color #ffcb48}Temperatures ${hr 1}

${color lightgrey}Cpu: $color${acpitemp}°C $alignr ${color lightgrey}HD: $color${execi 10 hddtemp /dev/sda |cut -c23-26}

${color #ffcb48}Data storage${hr 1}

${color lightgrey}Ram:$color $mem / $memmax

$memperc% ${membar}

${color lightgrey}Swap:$color $swap/$swapmax

$swapperc% ${swapbar 4}

${color lightgrey}Root: $color${fs_used /} of ${fs_size /}

${fs_used_perc /}% ${fs_bar 6 /}

${color lightgrey}Home: $color${fs_used /home} of ${fs_size /home}

${fs_used_perc /home}% ${fs_bar 6 /home}

${color #ffcb48}Ethernet KiB/s ${hr 1}

${color red}Down:$color ${downspeedf eth0} $alignr ${color green} Up:$color ${upspeedf eth0}

Για να εμφανίζονται οι θερμοκρασίες πρέπει να έχετε το im-sensors και hddtemp, ο κώδικας δοκιμάστηκε και λειτουργεί σε Lxde.

  • 3 weeks later...

ενα προχειρο δικο μου:cool:

# conky configuration
# The list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
# of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
# Check http://conky.sf.net for an up-to-date-list.
# For ideas about how to modify conky, please see:
# http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/59/my-conky-config/
# For help with conky, please see:
# http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/2047/conky-help/
# Enjoy!
# Settings
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 200 200
maximum_width 240
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 12
gap_y 12
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
# Output
Swap usage:$alignr$swap/$swapmax
Disk usage:$alignr${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
CPU0 usage:$alignr${cpu cpu0}%
CPU1 usage:$alignr${cpu cpu1}%

${alignc 28}${font Trebuchet MS:size=26}${time %H:%M}${font}
${alignc}${time %a %d %b %Y}

Up:${alignr}${upspeed wlan0}Kb/s
Down:${alignr}${downspeed wlan0}Kb/s
Upload:${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
Download:${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
Local IP:${alignr}${addr wlan0}
Public IP:$alignr ${execi 3600 wget -O - http://whatismyip.org/ | tail}

${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top mem 1} %
${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top mem 2} %
${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top mem 3} %
${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${top mem 4} %
${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${top mem 5} %
${top_mem name 6}${alignr}${top mem 6} %
${top_mem name 7}${alignr}${top mem 7} %
${top_mem name 8}${alignr}${top mem 8} %
${top_mem name 9}${alignr}${top mem 9} %

Super+t$alignr Terminal
Super+f$alignr File Manager
Super+e$alignr Editor
Super+m$alignr Media Player
Super+w$alignr Web Browser
Super+g$alignr Graphics Editor
Super+v$alignr Volume Control
Super+u$alignr System Update
Super+x$alignr Logout


  • 2 weeks later...

Επειδή ήθελα ένα system monitor και το λαπτοπ δεν είναι και της τελευταίας γενεάς ξαναγύρισα στο conky που το είχα παρατήσει μετά την εγκατάσταση των ubuntu 10.04.

Διαβάζοντας διάφορα forums σχετικά κατέληξα στο



# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont Droid Sans:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
minimum_size 182 0
maximum_width 182

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no
default_color D6D6D6 #4D4D4D
# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
border_margin 5

# border width
border_width 1

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 10
gap_y 30

# -- Lua Load -- #
lua_load ~/.draw_bg.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg

SYSTEM ${hr 2}
${goto 6}${voffset 6}${font OpenLogos:size=22}u${font}${goto 36}${voffset -18}${pre_exec cat /etc/issue.net} $machine
${goto 36}Kernel: ${kernel}
${hr 2}

${goto 6}${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}CPU: ${cpu}% ${alignr}${cpubar cpu0 8,60}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}g${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}RAM: ${mem} ${alignr}${membar 8,60}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}x${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}DISK: ${diskio}${alignr}${diskiograph 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}j${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}SWAP: $swapperc% ${alignr}${swapbar 8,60}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font Devil inside:size=16}1${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}CPU Temp: ${alignr}${execi 1800 sensors | grep 'temp1' | cut -c15-16}°C / ${color #FCAF3E}${exec sensors | grep 'temp1' | cut -c33-35}°C$color
${goto 4.5}${voffset 2}${font Poky:size=15}y${font}${voffset -6}${goto 32}HD Temp:${alignr}${execi 1800 hddtemp /dev/sda -n --unit=C}°C / ${color #FCAF3E}65°C$color
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}q${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}Uptime: ${alignr}${uptime}
${goto 6}${voffset 4}${font StyleBats:size=16}k${font}${voffset -4}${goto 32}Processes: ${alignr}$processes ($running_processes running)

${voffset -1}HD ${hr 2}
${goto 3}${voffset 4}${font Poky:size=16}H${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Root: ${fs_used_perc /}%${alignr}${fs_size /}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /}${alignr}${fs_bar 8,60 /}
${goto 3}${voffset 8}${font Poky:size=16}H${font}${goto 29}${voffset -11} Home: ${fs_used_perc /home}%${alignr}${fs_size /home}
${goto 29} Free: ${fs_free /home}${alignr}${fs_bar 8,60 /home}

${voffset -1}NETWORK ${hr 2}
${if_up eth1}
${font Poky:size=14}Y${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}SSID: ${wireless_essid eth1}
${goto 32}Signal: ${wireless_link_qual eth1}% ${alignr}${wireless_link_bar 8,60 eth1}
${voffset 4}${font VariShapes Solid:size=14}q${font}${goto 32}${voffset -6}Up: ${upspeed eth1}${font} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${goto 32}Total: ${totalup eth1}
${voffset 4}${font VariShapes Solid:size=14}Q${font}${goto 32}${voffset -6}Down: ${downspeed eth1}${font} ${alignr}${downspeedgraph eth1 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${goto 32}Total: ${totaldown eth1}
${voffset 4}${font Poky:size=13}w${font}${goto 32}${voffset -8}Local IP: ${alignr}${addr eth1}
${goto 32}Public IP: ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/inglor/.wan_ip}
# |--ETH0
${else}${if_up eth0}
${voffset -13}${font VariShapes Solid:size=14}q${font}${goto 32}${voffset -6}Up: ${upspeed eth0}${font} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${goto 32}Total: ${totalup eth0}
${voffset -2}${font VariShapes Solid:size=14}Q${font}${goto 32}${voffset -6}Down: ${downspeed eth0}${font} ${alignr}${downspeedgraph eth0 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${goto 32}Total: ${totaldown eth0}
${voffset -2}${font Poky:size=13}w${font}${goto 32}${voffset -4}Local IP: ${alignr}${addr eth0}
${goto 32}Public IP: ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/inglor/.wan_ip}
${endif}${else}${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=12}4${font}${goto 32}Network Unavailable${endif}${endif}
${voffset -1}


Background by londonali1010 (2009)

This script draws a background to the Conky window. It covers the whole of the Conky window, but you can specify rounded corners, if you wish.

To call this script in Conky, use (assuming you have saved this script to ~/scripts/):
lua_load ~/.scripts/draw_bg.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg

+ v1.0 -- Original release (07.10.2009)

-- Change these settings to affect your background.
-- "corner_r" is the radius, in pixels, of the rounded corners. If you don't want rounded corners, use 0.


-- Set the colour and transparency (alpha) of your background.


require 'cairo'
function rgb_to_r_g_b(colour,alpha)
return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha

function conky_draw_bg()
if conky_window==nil then return end
local w=conky_window.width
local h=conky_window.height
local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, w, h)



Credits to : pinguy (check forums) or otherwise mentioned.


αυτο που χρησιμοποιω στο laptop μου


# Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
# Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
# All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
# Please see COPYING for details
# Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
# Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# conky configuration

# Settings

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment top_middle
#alignment middle_left
#alignment middle_right
#alignment middle_middle
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment bottom_middle

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
#own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0

# Minimum size of text area
minimum_size 200 200
#maximum_width 300

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
#border_margin 5

# border width
#border_width 1

# Default colors and also border colors
default_color 303030
#default_shade_color white
#default_outline_color black
#own_window_colour 262524

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 10
gap_y 35

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 2

# number of net samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
net_avg_samples 2

# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale yes

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer yes

# Output

${color white}TIME & DATE:${hr 2}
${alignc 28}${font Trebuchet MS:size=26}${time %H:%M}${font}
${alignc}${time %a %d %b %Y}

RAM usage:$alignr$memperc%
Swap usage:$alignr$swapperc%
Disk usage:$alignr${fs_used_perc /}%
CPU0 usage:$alignr${cpu cpu0}%
CPU1 usage:$alignr${cpu cpu1}%
APT:$alignr${execi 3600 ~/.conky/debupdates.sh}

Disk:$alignr${execi 10 hddtemp /dev/sda |cut -c34-35} °C

NETWORK:${hr 2}
Up:${alignr}${upspeed wlan0}/s
Down:${alignr}${downspeed wlan0}/s
Upload:${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
Download:${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
Local IP:${alignr}${addr wlan0}
Public IP:$alignr${execi 1800 wget -O - [url]http://whatismyip.org/[/url] | tail}

${top name 1}$alignr${top cpu 1} %
${top name 2}$alignr${top cpu 2} %
${top name 3}$alignr${top cpu 3} %
${top name 4}$alignr${top cpu 4} %
${top name 5}$alignr${top cpu 5} %

${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top mem 1} %
${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top mem 2} %
${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top mem 3} %
${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${top mem 4} %
${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${top mem 5} %


# Conky script for displaying available updates
# in Debian. This script assumes you are in the
# sudo group and require no password for root
# access. Add something as such to your conkyrc:
#${color}APT: ${color D7D3C5}${execi 28800 ~/bin/debupdates.sh}

sudo apt-get -qy update > /dev/null
NUMOFUPDATES=$(aptitude search "~U" | wc -l)
echo $NUMOFUPDATES Updates Available




# Conky script for displaying available updates
# in Debian. This script assumes you are in the
# sudo group and require no password for root
# access. Add something as such to your conkyrc:
#${color}APT: ${color D7D3C5}${execi 28800 ~/bin/debupdates.sh}

sudo apt-get -qy update > /dev/null
NUMOFUPDATES=$(aptitude search "~U" | wc -l)
echo $NUMOFUPDATES Updates Available

Αντί για το παραπάνω shell script μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις 2 εντολές μέσα στο conkyrc.

${execi 28800 sudo apt-get update > /dev/null}
Updates: ${execi 28800 echo `aptitude search "~U" | wc -l`}

Νομίζω ότι από θέμα resources είναι καλύτερα, και δεν έχεις και dependencies


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