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νιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιιι....τι ωρα?

Τη γνωστή...κάπου εκεί μετά τις 9.00:triniti:

παίδες, δεν ξέρω αν είναι ο ΟΤΕ ή το patch (client + server), άλλα παίζω με 20ms λιγότερα :happy2: . Εκεί που στους δικούς μας έπαιζα με 95, τώρα παίζω με 75 (μέσο όρο).

Αμφιβάλλω πάντως να είναι θέμα ΟΤΕ, γιατί χθες έπαιζα μέχρι ~4.00 και αν θυμάμαι καλά 95ms ήτανε το ping.

Super Duper ΦΑΙΛ...Έτοιμο το PC αλλά δεν έχω πάστα και έχει σηκώσει 80άρια ο επεξεργαστής:dots:

Το νινιιιιιιιι σερνει bradley :hehe: μεσα κι εγω για το βραδυ

Να και η αναλυτικη λιστα, ΒΕΝΤΟΥΖΑ ΤΑ LMG και 40mm ΕΤΣΙIIII !!! :D


αναμενουμε νεα graphs απτους γνωστους καμμενους για πρωινη μελετη :p

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Ακολουθει highlights και σχολιασμος!

Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.Αυτο σημαινει οτι τα shotguns θα γινουν MUST!

Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

Increased the zoomed burst accuracy of LMGs and decreased LMG accuracy when moving to reduce LMG run and gun.

Decreased the base damage of the M60 and XM8 LMGs to bring them in line with the other LMG damage values.

Decreased the damage of the PKM over long range to balance it with other LMGs.

Increased the base damage of the Type88 LMG to balance it with other LMGs.

Ή πολυ απλα αχρηστεψαμε τον Medic

Slightly reduced the base damage] of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.

Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles. ΑΝΕΒΗΚΕ ΤΟ DAMAGE TOY ABAKAN!!!!

Reduced the lethal blast range of the 40mm grenade and M2CG to highlight their role as a secondary weapon against infantry. ~ Nerfing QQ

Slightly Reduced the max range of the 40mm shotgun to balance it with other shotguns.

Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance. No more Neostead sniper style?

Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.

Increased the damage of the 9A91 over long range to balance its lower magazine size.

Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon. Ουαο

Increased the range of the MP443 pistol to make it more desirable as a secondary weapon. - λογικο αφου δεν παλευεται γενικα.Αδυναμο,αστοχο.ΓΤΠΚ.

Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire. ~ χαρα που θα κανει ο Νανος...

Slightly reduced the rate of fire of the M1911 pistol to balance it with other pistols. ~ καπου εδω κλαιει ο GruntGR.

Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating. ~ ανουσιο...

Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes. ~ Ανουσιο παρτ 2

Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets. ~ αρα δικιο ειχατε οτι παει πιο γρηγορα!Νταξει θα δουμε τι λεει αυτο.

Increased the reload time of the Mortar Strike and reduced the damage it does to heavily armored vehicles. ~ ΜΟΥΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ

Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore. ~ FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

Slightly increased the Health of soldiers in Hardcore for better Kit Balance.~ Εδω ο Αθανασιος λεει FFFFFUUU

Increased the benefit from the Medkit Heal+ specialization to make it more desirable as a Specialization. ~ Nice

Decreased the benefit from Vehicle Reload Speed to balance it against other Vehicle Specializations. ~ OYΣT

Slightly decreased the benefit from accuracy specializations to balance the changes to range and accuracy tweaks.

Fixed a bug where the BMD3 would take extra damage to the front armor.

Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons.

Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets. The AA gun should be much more effective against infantry on Port Valdez.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Nephiλiμ
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As spank_thru101 pointed out in a topic made last night on Gamefaqs, there's a possible fix for the hitboxes. So I spent an hour or so testing out all sorts of values and came to a conclusion that it does in fact make the hitboxes much more precise for people with faster (5mb/s+...) connections.

Here's a video explaining how in the description with demonstrations:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erZPhcwkSw0]YouTube - Bad Company 2's hitboxes and how to fix them[/ame]

Copied from the description:

Are you tired of shooting people in Bad Company 2 but they don't take any damage? So was I. One poster on Gamefaqs (spank_thru101) posted a possible solution to the problem so I decided to test it out. Upon further investigation, this was also something you could edit in previous battlefield games.

Basically, add these two lines;

SettingsManager.floatSet GSDefaultLatencyCompensation 0.0450000

SettingsManager.U32Set GSInterpolationTime 45

to your gamesettings.ini and settings.ini file in the BFBC2 folder.

In gamesettings.ini, add them between the lines;



In settings.ini, just add it to the end of the list. Save both files.

BEFORE YOU TRY THIS, change the value to your general server ping. For me, when I refresh the list, most servers are 31-45 ping. So, I change the values to .045 and 45 for 45 ping.

Say most of your servers are 73 ping, you'll want to change the values at the end of the previously stated changes to .073 and 73 respectively because you're generaly playing on 73 ping servers.

Upon further testing, lowering the value below the server ping results in even more accuracy, and lowering it much more makes the hitboxes in front of the target.

Apparently the battlefield series tries to compensate for an average of 100ms latency by default and so the hitboxes appear to "lag behind" the actual player model you're seeing in game. This fix changes it so that the models are where the hitboxes actually are by adjusting to your average ping instead.

The reason I had captions for serverlist ping and in-game ping value is because I tried with both options. You can see that the serverlist ping was the right one to choose for the value edit and caused the hitboxes to be entirely more accurate, while the in-game value arguably made them even worse.

So far over 30 people have reported much more accurate response-time and hit detection, while I haven't had a single person tell me that it didn't work. Test it out, let me know in this topic how it works for you.

to add, I said to add it between those two entires in the gamesettings.ini because it didn't work in 2 other places I tried it. (beginning and end), so I'm guessing you can have it anywhere in the middle, that's just where I chose.

Sticked - zerk

Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles. ΑΝΕΒΗΚΕ ΤΟ DAMAGE TOY ABAKAN!!!!

Μια χαρά παίζει(φτου φτου). Μ-60 δεν έχω δοκιμάσει αλλά το abakan μου φαίνεται το κάναν καλύτερο...

Άρα σωστά μου φάνηκε καλύτερο...



Ακολουθει highlights και σχολιασμος!

Increased the base range of all Automatic and Semiautomatic weapons for more consistent close range combat.Αυτο σημαινει οτι τα shotguns θα γινουν MUST!

Slightly increased the damage of Semiautomatic rifles over long range for more consistent damage output.

Ή πολυ απλα αχρηστεψαμε τον Medic

Δεν τον αχρηστέψαμε, τον απο-Ραμποποιήσαμε, άλλη είναι η δουλειά του.

Slightly reduced the base damage] of the M16 and G3 to balance the increased range.Το Μ16 δεν είχε τόση δύναμη, έλεος.

Slightly increased the damage of the AEK971, F2000, AN94, and AUG over long range to balance them with other Assault Rifles. ΑΝΕΒΗΚΕ ΤΟ DAMAGE TOY ABAKAN!!!!Πολύ θα χαρούν, αλλά: το ΑΝ ήταν ήδη πολύ δυνατό, το ΑΕΚ οκ του χρειαζόταν, το F2000 είναι πιο spray όπλο, δεν έχει νόημα είναι για πιο close combat.

Γενικά πιστεύω ότι οι assault rifles ήταν σωστές.

Slightly increased the base damage of shotgun rounds and reduced their range to clarify ideal shotgun combat distance. No more Neostead sniper style?Ε, έλεος με τα bugs και όσους τα εκμεταλεύονται.

Reduced the base damage of the PP2000 to balance the increased range.Καλά του έκαναν

Increased the damage and range of the M9, M93 pistols to make them more desirable as a secondary weapon. ΟυαοΈχουν κάτι clip size μούρλια αυτά

Increased the damage of the MP412 over long range to balance its low rate of fire. ~ χαρα που θα κανει ο Νανος...Yey!!!!

Increased the maximum number of Motion Sensors that can be carried from 2 to 3 and increased the speed which new sensors are acquired from ammo boxes. ~ Ανουσιο παρτ 2 Ανούσιο είναι το μάτι σου, δεν έχεις παίξει μαζί μου αρκετά ως φαίνεται :p

Significantly increased the speed of the Tracer Dart projectile to make it more effective against airborne targets. ~ αρα δικιο ειχατε οτι παει πιο γρηγορα!Νταξει θα δουμε τι λεει αυτο. yey!

Decreased the range of Bolt Action Sniper and Pump Shotgun Slug rounds when using Magnum Ammo for better Kit Balance, especially in Hardcore. ~ FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU, πάλι θέλει skill το snipo ρε άχρηστη, τα πιο δυνατά όπλα στον κόσμο είναι και αυτός είναι ο λόγος

Reduced the explosive damage from Attack Helicopter cannons. Ε ναι πια, έλεος ο Optimus να έμπαινε στην πίστα λιγότερη ζημιά θα έκανε.

Increased the damage of AA guns against all targets.Καιρός ήταν.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από jpavly

Το F2000 με το perk δεν κουναει ΜΙΑ και βαραει σαν τη διαρροια του τυπα απο τον Ηλιθιο Κ Πανηλιθιο!

Νταξ λογικο το nerf του Medic αλλα ενα round επαιξα και απλα δεν μπορεις να ριξεις αντιπαλο λεμε.

δηλαδη αναλογα τον σερβερ που ειμαστε θα αλλαζουμε και τις 2 γραμμες?

θα βαλουμε ενα νουμερο κοντα στο συνηθες ping που παιζουμε?

Θα το δοκιμασω αργοτερα.

Πληζ μην σπαμμαρετε το θεμα,να το κρατησουμε καθαρο και ομορφο (σαν τον Πειραια ενα πραμα...)

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ωραια,δηλαδη απο και περα εχω 2 επιλογες

1ον θα κανω απλα τον Ιησου και εσυ με τον Lazy θα ειστε οι λαζαροι μου...

2ον θα παρω και εγω ακαμπαν κ οποιον παρει ο Χαρος...

Increased the repair and overheat speeds of the Power Tool. Now overheats sooner but repairs the same amount before overheating. ~ ανουσιο...

Γιατι ανουσιο? Αν καταλαβα καλα, κανεις το ιδιο repair με πριν αλλα σε λιγοτερο χρονο.

Το m16 τις τους εφταιξε και του ριξαν το damage? :hm: Μαλλον θα το γυρισω παλι σε ΑΝ94 και εγω...

Όλο φτιάχνουν-φτιάχνουν, αλλά τα σημαντικά δεν τα ακουμπάνε... να δούμε πότε θα ακουμπήσουν (και αν) το server-client κομμάτι...

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