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!!!SOS!!! Cannot Connect to Windows Live


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Έχω αυτό το πρόβλημα με το BETA τοθ Dawn of war 2, τι συμβαίνει η ελλάδα δεν είναι μέσα στο windows live? είχα το ίδιο πρόβλημα με το gears of war, έχω Connex και είμαι από αθήνα.

To firewall είναι off.

Βοήθεια είμαι απελπισμένος!



Δεν παίζει στην Ελλάδα απ' ότι λένε δυστυχώς :(

Και μετά σου λενε γιατί δεν τα αγοράζει ο κόσμος τα παιχνίδια :TD:

Δηλαδή εντοπίζει το ip μου? δεν υπάρχει ελπίδα? ειναι απίστεφτο περίμενα αυτό το game 1 χρόνο........

Με έχουν κάνει έξαλο νομίζουν ότι είμαστε Μπανανία?


Ρε παιδιά αν έχετε χρόνο ρίξτε λίγο SUpport στα φόρουμ τους.

έστειλα το παρακάτω Είναι λίγο Μελίνα Μερκούρη(respect) δηλαδή μελόδραμα φέρτε μας τα μάρμαρα πίσω και λοιπά, αλλά τι να κάνουμε.....

Hello everyone,

I am Dimitris I was borned , raised and I live in Greece. During my lifetime of thirty years I have seen my country to make progress. We Became a core part of the European Union , we built roads and the Rio-Antirio bridge, hey we even Hosted the Olympic Games....

But I suppose we are not concidered worthy of Microsoft Windows Live. Specifically I am not worthy of playing GTA4, I am not worthy of playing Dawn of War 2 .

Why should I want to play these games after all eh? Its Greece Right?

------->Do they Have Pc's in Greece? lol<------

Well actually we do.....

...Actually before games for windows live we could play pc games also.

So now we should probably sell our pc.s buy something that Does Not have the Microsoft tag on it?

Do not mistake me, I love Microsoft products, I used to prefer their products I have four Machines with prebuiltmicrosoft operating system. I even paid the premium to by the windows version of my eeepc, on which I am typing this. I use only microsoft office suites and I used to talk positively about Microsoft to people I knew.

Well I am felling seriously let down now.

I dont think this is the visio of Bill Gates and the other founding members, I think they would like all there products to be available globaly for all the people to enjoy the benefits, "a pc on every office"...

So what went wrong? Why MWL is a step back and not a step forward. Why should my Country and my people be so cruelly offended and deemed NOT worthy of MWL, well its old joke but "....the only built the Parthenon! right?"

I have lost hope. I dont believe anything will change.

I just needed to make you see my point of view, feel my feelings which I am sure I share with inumberable people out there whose countries have benn deemed "3rd world" by Microsoft's Marketing Department.


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