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περα απ το ah πρεπει να φτιαξουν το θεμα μα τα drop.

Δεν γινεται να κανω drop legendery bow me 878 dps lvl 60 + stats κτλ και να βλεπεις bow μπλε για 58 lvl me 1000+dps.

Αν επερναν το συστημα με τα drops του diablo 2 και το εμπλουτιζαν θα ταν jet

τι σκατα εφτιαχναν τοσα χρονια κ παρουσιασαν παιχνιδι με τοσα προβληματα δεν ξερω.Aσε που τα set ειναι τα περισσοτερα gtp αν βαλεις μπλε κ κιτρινα καλυτερα stats απ τα περισσσοτερα βγαζεις.

Τεσπα μπαινω να παιξω :sarcastic:

Eπρεπε να ειχε γινει απ την αρχη κ αυτο, αλλη μια επικη γκαφα...

Δεν εξηγειτε αλλιως, φοβηθηκαν μη μοιαζει πολυ με WoW...

Legendary Situation Explained, Item Levels Added to the Database - Diablo 3 Database (D3DB)

With Diablo III out for nearly two weeks now, millions of players around the world are storming Sanctuary and joining the battle against the Burning Hells. At the same time, we continue to work around the clock to make sure you have an epic online gaming experience.

As more and more players begin to perfect their character builds and progress into Diablo III’s higher difficultly levels, some of the most prominent feedback lately has been about game balance and design, and that’s what we’re here to talk about today. As with any new game, gameplay issues are inevitable, and we hear a lot of feedback regarding what‘s balanced, what’s not, and everything else in between. We recently made some decisions to adjust (or outright nerf) a few class skills, and today we wanted to explain our overall philosophy on design changes -- as well as give some insight into some more changes that are coming up.

Before we get to that, though, we thought it'd be fun to share a few interesting stats we've collected since Diablo III's release:

On average players have created 3 characters each

80% of characters are between levels 1 and 30

1.9% of characters have unlocked Inferno difficulty

54% of Hardcore players chose a female character

The majority of Hardcore deaths (35%) occur in Act I Normal

The most common level 60 build in the game is only used by 0.7% of level 60 characters of that class (not including Passive diversity)

The most used runes for each class at level 60 are Barbarian: Best Served Cold, Demon Hunter: Lingering Fog, Wizard: Mirror Skin, Monk: Peaceful Repose, Witch Doctor: Numbing Dart

When it comes to making game changes, in general, our intent is to react quickly to critical design and balance issues, bugs, and other problems that seriously conflict with our design intent through hotfixes. For issues which aren’t as severely out of line, we plan to react in a more measured fashion -- through client patches. We have a patch coming within the next week (patch 1.0.2) that has been in development since the game’s launch and is mainly aimed at addressing service issues. The first real game balance changes, outside of hotfixes, will be coming in patch 1.0.3. We expect that because the game is new, some other issues will arise that will need to be immediately addressed through hotfixes, but in general, most changes will arrive through patches.

Regarding the changes to Lingering Fog, Boon of Protection, and Force Armor: we determined these skills were simply more powerful than they should be, and we felt their impact on class balance and how each class was perceived warranted hotfixes as soon as we were able. However, we don't want you to be worried that a hotfix nerf is lurking around the corner every day. If a skill is strong, but isn't really breaking the game, we want you to have your fun. Part of the enjoyment of Diablo is finding those super-strong builds, and we want players to be excited to use something they discovered that feels overpowered. A good example of this is the monk Overawe rune, which many players have identified as being quite good. We agree it's good, but we don't think it's so far out of line that we're going to swoop in and hotfix it out of existence.

Inferno is intended to be extremely difficult, but with some specific skills, a few classes were simply able to progress far more easily than intended. This made the classes, which were about where they were supposed to be, seem very underpowered. It also created the perception that the classes doing well were intended to rely on specific runes in all their builds, and the other classes were just broken. This is the opposite of what’s true. If any single skill or rune feels absolutely required to progress, it means that skill is working against our goal of encouraging build diversity -- and those “required” skills need to be corrected. We know these hotfixes snuck up on people, and it took us a day or so to communicate that they had gone live. However, our intent moving forward is that when there are circumstances where a hotfix is necessary, we’ll communicate changes that could impact your ability to play your class through ‘Upcoming Changes’ posts in the General forum. Ideally, we’ll let you know as soon as we even have the idea that we want to make that kind of change.

That said, we also wanted to let you know we’re keeping a close eye on Inferno. The intent of incoming damage is that it should be a very consistent drain on your health, and mitigating that drain is a major part of what makes Inferno mode difficult. Right now, there’s a lot more damage “spikiness” occurring than feels right, and that’s one major area we’re looking to adjust in patch 1.0.3. While we don’t have any specifics yet, our design goals are to support and promote build diversity; continue to ensure that a mix of champion packs, rare packs, and boss fights are the most efficient way to acquire the best items in the game; and ensure that all classes are viable in Inferno.

From a high-level perspective, we think a more fundamentally fun way to approach difficulty in Inferno isn't seeing how much incoming damage you can avoid or mitigate, but rather to see how efficient you can be while voluntarily taking on a challenge that pushes you. For anybody who's ever died because they chased a Treasure Goblin too aggressively, you know what we mean; dying because you got greedy or overconfident can actually be a lot of fun. Now that the skills mentioned above have been brought more in line, we’ll be keeping a close eye on balance.

We've also seen some people saying our intention with Inferno is just one-shot you to make it difficult. While damage is a bit spikier than we'd like, we're actually seeing a pretty significant number of people attempting Inferno without sufficient gear. There's a good chance that returning to the previous Act to farm upgrades will do the most to help you survive. That said, we’d like to shift some of the focus away from survival and more toward using a variety of offensive tactics to succeed. Survival will still be important, but finding ways to maximize your damage while staying alive is more exciting. We’re not particularly concerned with whether or not a boss is “beatable,” though it should feel epic and challenging to defeat it. We’re more concerned with ensuring that acquiring 5 stacks of Nephalem Valor and taking on as many Champions and Rares as you can remains the most challenging and rewarding way to play.

On to items! One of the biggest pieces of feedback we’ve received regarding items is the relative power of Legendaries. This isn’t a simple issue to address, as it involves some intentional design decisions as well as expectations built by other games. First and foremost, Legendary items are not designed to necessarily be the best items in the game. They’re just one additional type of item as you level up, and they are not meant to be the primary items you’re chasing at the end-game. They can -- and should -- be exciting to find, but they’re not supposed to serve as the single driving force of the item hunt. Rare items, for example, have the possibility to roll up “perfect” stats that can, if you’re lucky, outpace the predetermined stats of a Legendary. That’s by design.

One problem we’ve seen -- and intend to correct quickly -- is players comparing high-level Magic (blue) items to lower-level Legendary items as “proof” of an imbalance. To help correct misconceptions of the actual stat budgets allocated to items, we’ll be exposing item levels (ilvl) of 60+ items in patch 1.0.3. Comparing an ilvl 63 blue to an ilvl 60 Legendary will hopefully make a bit more sense afterward. In addition, we’re planning to just straight-out buff Legendary items in a future patch, likely the PvP patch (1.1). These buffs will not be retroactive, and so they’ll only apply to new Legendary items found after the patch. In the long term, we’re looking at simply expanding the affix diversity and unique bonuses of Legendary items, and we’ll be able to share more details after the PvP patch.

Other areas of concern have been both the gem combination system and Blacksmith leveling and crafting costs. The intent, especially with the Blacksmith, is that he’s leveling with you, you’re able to use him as an alternate source for upgrades. Our design goal is that once you get to level 60, his recipes are actually good enough to help fill a character’s potential itemization gaps. To correct these issues, we’re looking to adjust the Blacksmith costs for training (gold and pages) and crafting from levels 1-59, and reduce the cost of combining gems so that it only requires two gems instead of three (up to Flawless Square). Both of these changes are scheduled for patch 1.0.3.

Of course, these are just a few of the more prominent issues we wanted to let you know we’re working on. In addition, we’ll be addressing a number of specific game bugs and other issues through future hotfixes and patches. We’re going full steam ahead on the PvP patch, which will also include a number of game changes unrelated to PvP, and we look forward to sharing more about that as we get closer to opening up a PTR, where you’ll be able to test out our changes -- and enjoy mercilessly slaughtering one another in the PvP arena.

Το ανωθεν ειναι απο Blue Post(aka επισημη πηγη απο καποιον εκ των υπαλληλων) της Blizzard btw.

Επιτελους θα κανουν κατι κ για τους crafters...

"...we’re looking to adjust the Blacksmith costs for training (gold and pages) and crafting from levels 1-59, and reduce the cost of combining gems so that it only requires two gems instead of three (up to Flawless Square). Both of these changes are scheduled for patch 1.0.3."

[Mητ***ακης mode]τι γίνεται σε κάθε mode (νορμαλ, nightmare, hell etc) όταν πεθαίνεις ? [/Mητ***ακης mode]

μόνο για το normal ξέρω όπου χάνεις 10% από αυτά που φοράς.

[Mητ***ακης mode]τι γίνεται σε κάθε mode (νορμαλ, nightmare, hell etc) όταν πεθαίνεις ? [/Mητ***ακης mode]

μόνο για το normal ξέρω όπου χάνεις 10% από αυτά που φοράς.

Το ίδιο σε όλα.

[Mητ***ακης mode]τι γίνεται σε κάθε mode (νορμαλ, nightmare, hell etc) όταν πεθαίνεις ? [/Mητ***ακης mode]

μόνο για το normal ξέρω όπου χάνεις 10% από αυτά που φοράς.

Σε όλα τα επίπεδα δυσκολίας αυτό γίνεται.

Η μόνη διαφορά είναι στο HardCore (HC) που άμα πεθάνεις...πέθανες, τέρμα, πάπα, ώρα για reroll..

10% durability loss σε όλα τα επίπεδα δυσκολίας.

Άλλο όμως είναι το κόστος του repair για τα αντικείμενα που έχεις στο normal και άλλο για αυτά του inferno. Αρχίζει και γίνεται ένα σημαντικό κόστος σε gold. Ειδικά αν αναλογιστείς ότι στο inferno θα πεθάνεις πολλές φορές για να φας ένα champion pack. :p

Άρχισα το inferno κι εγώ. Ζόρικο... πολύ ζόρικο.

έχει κάποιο κέρδος αν παίζεις σε hardcore;; (items, gold etc?)

Είναι άλλο το παιχνίδι, μιας και αν χάσεις τελος όλα...Πρεπει να φτιαξεις αλλο χαρακτήρα απο την αρχή...

Το E-pen σου έχεις ουσιαστικά, και προσοχή.

Άλλα μια γνώμη, ΜΗΝ πάτε για hardcore αν δεν έχετε τελειώσει το κανονικό στο Hell. να πάρετε μια ιδέα τι γίνεται.

Γιατί είναι φάσεις που θα φύγετε "ακλαφτοι" και τότε είναι που τρίβει τα χέρια της η Logitech...


Προς ανερχομενους Χαρι Ποτερ:

Justw8's gear (Stacking insane amounts of Intelligence, Attack Speed, Resistance)

Justw8's Solo Build

Οπως βλεπετε χρησιμοποιει πολλα μπλεδακια που ειναι κατα πολυ ανωτερα απο αντιστοιχα rare-legendary.

Μη κολλαμε λοιπον στα χρωματακια γιατι δε κανουν την διαφορα ;)

(οποιος δε ξερει ποιος ειναι ο Justw8 και οι Method, να κανει reroll σε ανεγκεφαλο Bαρβαρο :hehe: )


Έγινε επεξεργασία από Samael

Ενδιαφέρον αρθράκι, αν και κυρίως χρησιμοποιεί κοινή λογική. Σαν πιο ενδιαφέρον κρατάω αυτό:

Diablo 3 has 15 tiers of gems. To go up a tier, you need 3 gems of the current tier, that means to go from chipped ruby (tier 1) to flawed ruby (tier 2) you need to use 3 chipped rubies and have the jewel crafter combine them. To make a Radiant Star (tier 15) from Chipped gems (tier 1), you need 3 to the power of 14 chipped gems. That's - 4,782,969 chipped gems. Happy grinding!


ΥΓ. Για όσους δε διαβάζουν τα blues, μετά το patch θα χρειάζεται μόλις 16.384 chipped gems :p

στο post με τα update για το patch 1.3 κτλ απ την μια μας λεει οτι

<< First and foremost, Legendary items are not designed to necessarily be the best items in the game.

They’re just one additional type of item as you level up, and they are not meant to be the primary items you’re chasing at the end-game. >>

και λιγο παρακατω λεει οτι << In addition, we’re planning to just straight-out buff Legendary items in a future patch >>

εαν ηταν σχεδιασμενο τα legendary να μην απαραιτητα τα καλυτερα item στο παιχνιδι τοτε γιατι θα τα buffaroun.

Εχω καταληξει τα παιδια στην blizzard κανουν ακομα beta test πανω μας.

Εγω προς το παρον farmarw act1 inferno με wizard και δεν βλεπω κανενα progress σε drops κτλ.

Το μονο που κερδιζεις ειναι gold για AH.

Προς το παρον το παραταω η θα ανεβασω κανεναν αλλο char μεχρι να φτιαξουν το game μετα τα 60 lvl, το οποιο αυτη τη στιγμη ειναι χαλασμενο και ανουσιο....

ακου τα μπλε να ειναι καλυτερα απ τα legendary τοτε τι σκατα λεγοντε legendary ....

Αν φαρμάρεις σωστά => 5 στακς για MF, τότε δεν μπορεί να μην έχεις χεστεί στο rare item... και θα σκάσει και το ugrade συντομα.

Το θέμα με τα legendary / unique eιναι κλασσικο και απο το wow, και για να μην υπάρχει αυτή η παρεξήγηση μας λέει θα τα μπαφάρουν για να είναι γενικά καλά. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο το λεγενδαρυ να κάνει scale με τα πάντα.


Αν φαρμάρεις σωστά => 5 στακς για MF, τότε δεν μπορεί να μην έχεις χεστεί στο rare item... και θα σκάσει και το ugrade συντομα.

Το θέμα με τα legendary / unique eιναι κλασσικο και απο το wow, και για να μην υπάρχει αυτή η παρεξήγηση μας λέει θα τα μπαφάρουν για να είναι γενικά καλά. Δεν είναι απαραίτητο το λεγενδαρυ να κάνει scale με τα πάντα.

σκεψου για το farm μεσα σε 30-40 λεπτα run full stuck +mf items δλδ συνολικα 195mf(δεν λεω οτι 195 ειναι πολυ κτλ)

φαρμαρουμε 4αδα champions κτλ για 5 stucks και μετα bucher και πανω κατω βγαζεις μεσα σε 30-40 λεπτα γυρο στα 5-6 κιτρινα (τα 3 ειναι στανταρ απο drop του bucher)

και full inventory + με μπλε, επιπλεον τα drop τα κανουμε share,

το upgrade που χρειαζεσαι για να μην πεφτεις με ενα hit στο 1 λεπτο που θα μπεις act 2 δεν τo βγαζεις ουτε σε 2 μηνες με καθαρο drop αν συνεχισεις να φαρμαρεις act1,

μπορεις ομως ανετα με το gold που θα βγαλεις να κανεις upgrade απο ah,αλλα και παλι οσο upgrade να κανεις το scale στην δυσκολια εναμεσα στα act στο ιnferno ειναι τοσο κακοφτιαγμενο που δεν γινεται να κανεις τπτ εκτoς AH ( απ οτι ειδα ειπαν θα το φτιαξουν)

Οποτε φτιαξαν ενα παιχνιδι που το μονο ουσιαστικο upgrade που μπορεις να κανεις ειναι μεσω AH...

,εγω το diablo το γουσταρα για τα drop για την αισθηση που ειχες οταν εκανες run mephisto 10 συνεχομενες φορες και δεν ενιωθες οτι κανεις το ιδιο κ το ιδιο,

οχι για την διαδικασια του,θα πεσουν σημερα οι μετοχες στα magic resist ring η θα ανεβουν τα 1000dps 1h για να το πουλησω στο AH.

Οποτε δεν μου κανει αισθηση να συνεχισω να παιζω μετα τα 60 αν δεν αλλαξουν τα πραγματα,γουστα ειναι αυτα παλι,

ελπιζω να εγινα κατανοητος :)

Έγινε επεξεργασία από kyuubiii

Έκανα patch που μου ζήτησε, μπήκα μέσα, κάνω Login και μου λέει, you must apply a patch before playing. Click OK, to apply the patch and restart the game. Με πάει στον Launcher όπου μου λέει το game is up to date. Μπαίνω ξανά μέσα, μου λέει το ίδιο (you must apply a patch κτλ). Πατάω ΟΚ, με πάει ΠΑΛΙ στο launcher, όπου μου πετάει ένα μήνυμα Diablo 3 is already running, και μου δίνει μόνο το ΟΚ, που κλείνει εντελώς το game. Το έχω δοκιμάσει άπειρες φορές, το αποτέλεσμα είναι το ίδιο. :hang3::hang3:

Διάβασα στα forum της blizzard, από blue post, ότι έχει να κάνει με maintenance που γίνεται στους servers... :hang3:

Αφου δεν crasharei μόλις βγαίνει στο desktop να εισαι ευχαριστημένος.εμένα το έκανε αυτό και τώρα το ξανακατεβάζω.Είχα επιλέξει English(US) όταν κατέβασα ton client.Tώρα έβαλα English(EU).Πάντως server is up αν παίζεις Europe πριν λίγο βγήκα

Εάν διαβάσεις τα νέα που έχει στο κουτάκι δεξιά, θα δεις να λέει ότι κατά τη διάρκεια της αναβάθμισης δεν θα είναι διαθέσιμο το παιχνίδι, η διαχείριση λογαριασμού κ.α. υπηρεσίες...

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