GoMaR Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #1 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Χεχε...Πατηστε το link να δουμε ποιους να φοβομαστε στο δρομο. http://roadragers.com/test/index.htm Safety: You are a Marginally Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 57.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 57.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Very Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 85 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Potential Road Rager Your Degree of Rage: 47.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%
gbak Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #2 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 κοιτα θεμα που σηκωσε ο ανθρωπος...που ο ιδιος ειναι η χαρα των στρουμφ...
GoMaR Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Author #3 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 αντε να σε δω ποσο σωστα θα οδηγας τα καλουδια της Ιταλιας
racer Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #4 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Αν και δεν οδηγώ, αυτά είναι τα αποτελέσματα (lol ) Safety: You are a Unsafe Driver Your Safety Score: 35 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 62.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 65 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage Your Degree of Rage: 80 %
gbak Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #5 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 εδω οδηγησα τα δεξιοτιμονα ρε στην κυπρο...χωρις σημαντικα επεισοδια...στην αουτοστραντα θα κολλησω... @μικρε racer...αστο καλυτερα ρει..."80 % You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage" κατσε στο Grid ρει..
GoMaR Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Author #6 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 racer : ξανακαντα μετα απο 6 μηνες αφου παρεις διπλωμα
racer Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #7 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 @μικρε racer...αστο καλυτερα ρει..."80 % You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage" κατσε στο Grid ρει.. racer : ξανακαντα μετα απο 6 μηνες αφου παρεις διπλωμα Δεν το έχω, ε?
perp Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #8 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety: You are a Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 72.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 67.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 62.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Potential Road Rager Your Degree of Rage: 55 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%% Πάλι καλά
jpavly Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #10 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 LOLOL και λιγα λέει Safety: You are a Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 75 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 82.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 70 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage Your Degree of Rage: 85 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%
Κωστάκης Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #12 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety:You are a Safe DriverYour Safety Score: 62.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%Aggressiveness:You are a Aggressive DriverYour Degree of Aggressiveness: 67.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%Courtesy:You are a Courteous DriverYour Courtesy Score: 62.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%Rage:You are a Potential Road RagerYour Degree of Rage: 52.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%
LevelOne Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #13 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety: You are a Marginally Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 57.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 70 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 65 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage Your Degree of Rage: 90 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%
gbak Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #16 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety:You are a Safe DriverYour Safety Score: 67.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%Aggressiveness:You are a Aggressive DriverYour Degree of Aggressiveness: 82.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%Courtesy:You are a Courteous DriverYour Courtesy Score: 70 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%Rage:You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road RageYour Degree of Rage: 75 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%
cabrinha Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #17 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety: You are a Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 75 % Aggressiveness: You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 55 % Courtesy: You are a Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 80 % Rage: You are a Potential Road Rager Your Degree of Rage: 60 % Mε αδικει το μηχανημα.
ProPitsiriko$ Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #18 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 αν και κατω των 18 εβγαλα αυτο το score...Οσο για την ερωτηση εαν ξεπερναμε το οριο ταχυτητας..Απανταμε ΝΑΙ διοτι στην Ελλαδα ειναι γελοια τα ορια ταχυτητας...Σε κεντρικους στην Γερμανια ειχε 120-140-160:blink:(το '98) Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:Safety:You are a Safe DriverYour Safety Score: 62.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%Aggressiveness:You are a Marginally Aggressive DriverYour Degree of Aggressiveness: 45 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%Courtesy:You are a Courteous DriverYour Courtesy Score: 62.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%Rage:You are a Fairly Calm DriverYour Degree of Rage: 37.5 %The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%% :giveup:Edit: gbak ποτε ειπαμε παμε βολτα με την μπεμπα ?
astrolabos Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #19 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Your Safety Score: 80 %Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 50 % Your Courtesy Score: 80 % Your Degree of Rage: 50 %
i-VTec Ιούνιος 19, 2008 #20 Ιούνιος 19, 2008 Safety: You are a Marginally Safe Driver Your Safety Score: 50 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19% Aggressiveness: You are a Aggressive Driver Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 77.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02% Courtesy: You are a Somewhat Courteous Driver Your Courtesy Score: 52.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75% Rage: You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage Your Degree of Rage: 77.5 % The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55% Ο φόβος και ο τρόμος...Στην περιοχή μου είμαι wanted...
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