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σταματα απο pve τι λεει?

εννοω, οταν πας 80 τι εχει να κανεις? ωστε να σε κρατησει

καπου διαβασα οτι τα instances-dugeons ειναι ελαχιστα.

επισης ισχυει οτι ολα τα races ουσιαστικα ειναι 90% ιδια? εννοω οτι δε βλεπεις τις χαοτικες διαφορες αναμεσα σε ενα human και ενα Orc πχ.

για πε για πε

Και παλι με πολυ λιγα λογια θα σου πω οτι, αν θελεις PVP πηγαινε κοναν, αν θελεις PVE πηγαινε WoW.

Το PVE του γουοου κατα την γνωμη μου δυσκολα θα το ξεπερασει καποιο παιχνιδι στο κοντινο μελλον.

PVE Conan

Το PVE του κοναν ειναι λιγο περιεργο , ενα παραδειγμα να σου πω, οταν μπαινω μεσα σε ενα dungeon 20- lvl υπαρχουν και αλλοι εκει μεσα και δεν ειμαι μονος μου οπως στο γουοου. Δεν εχω μπει βεβαια σε μεγαλου επιπεδου dungeon οπου φανταζομαι ολα τα παιχνιδια εχουν ενα τελικο boss που ριχνει ωραια loots. Σιγουρα θα εχει και το κοναν ,το βασικο ερωτημα ομως παλι θα ειναι, οταν μπω μεσα μαζι με την ομαδα μου, αν θα υπαρχουν εκει και αλλοι οπως το lineage2, και αν το boss θα μπορει να το ριξει μονο ενας στον server μεχρι να γινει reset.


Στο κοναν υπαρχουν 3 races ,και οι τρεις ομως ειναι human και η εμφανιση τους ειναι σχεδον ιδια , η βασικη διαφορα ειναι στο τι class μπορει να γινει το καθε race. Δεν υπαρχουν racials αν αυτο ενωεις.

Υπαρχει ομως και κατι αλλο σημαντικο σχετικα με τα races, η funcom δοκιμαζει ενα νεο ειδος server που τον εχουν ονομασει "races PVP" καπως ετσι δεν ειμαι σιγουρος. Σε αυτο το ειδος του server το pvp θα ειναι ανοιχτο ,αλλα ολα τα μελη του ιδιου race θα ειναι φιλοι και δε θα μπορει να σκωτωσει ο ενας τον αλλο. Κατι σαν το γουοου δηλαδη αλλα με 3 functions. Η επικοινωνια μεταξυ των 3 functions θα επιτρεπεται.

PVP Conan

Μαλλον τα εχεις διαβασει αυτα που θα σου πω γιαυτο θα τα πω με πολυ λιγα λογια. Το καθε guild θα μπορει να φτιαξει ολοκληρη δικια του πολη. Μεσα στην πολη θα μπορει να χτιζει μια σειρα απο κτηρια οπου καθε κτηριο θα δινει bonus σε ολα τα members του guild. Το mage tower δινει bonus στους καστερς και παει λεγοντας.

Το οριο των members σε ενα guild ειναι 100 νομιζω. Οπως καταλαβαινεις θα ερχονται τα υπολοιπα guilds του server να σου καταστρεψουν την πολη η ακομα και να την εχμαλωτισουν προς οφελος τους.

Υπαρχει οριο σε ενα siege και μεχρι στιγμης καπου διαβασα οτι το οριο ειναι 48vs48 ατομα. Τα νουμερα θα αλλαξουν αναλογα με την ζητηση και την κατασταση των servers. Υποθετω οτι τα νουμερα αυτα ειναι απλες εκτιμησεις της funcom, και θα τα αλλαξουν στην πορεια, με την βελτιωση των servers αλλα και του client.

Υπαρχουν και τα λεγομενα "mini games" οπως το capture the flag, last stand και τετοια.

Το wow εδω και 3.5 χρονια αυτα τα "mini games" τα ονομαζει pvp και βαζει και μια arena μεσα ετσι για να το κανει και e-sport καποτε.

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thnx σταματα,

να σε ρωτησω και κατι τελευταιο

ποια θα ειναι η ουσιαστικη διαφορα ενος pve και ενος pvp server?

στον pvp oλοι κοπανιουνται αναμεταξυ τους? ενω στον pve μπορεις να κοπανηθεις μονο

σε συγκεκριμενες περιοχες?

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Ναι σε εναν PVP server μπορεις να σκωτωσεις οποιονδηποτε, οπουδηποτε, ενω σε εναν PVE server ειναι λιγο ποιο περιορισμενα τα πραγματα. Ας πουμε οτι σε εναν PVE server θα κανεις lvlup πολυ ποιο ευκολα.

Τα siege και ολο το end game PVP παραμενει το ιδιο, καθως και τα minigames.

Ενδηκτικα να πω, τωρα που ανεφερα το lvlup , οτι για να πας 80 lvl στο κοναν θελει περιπου οσο χρονο για να πας 70 στο wow. Το lvlup γινεται με quests ακριβως οπως το wow και το κοναν εχει ενσωματωμενο Questhelper. Για οσους δε ξερουν τι κανει το συγκεκριμενο addon να πω οτι στο κοναν οταν πας σε μια περιοχη εμφανιζονται στο minimap ολοι οι questgivers με ενα κιτρινο θαυμαστικο. Οταν παρεις τα quests στον χαρτη σου εμφανιζεται με "χ" το σημειο που πρεπει να πας να το κανεις complete, η με ενα μεγαλο κυκλο η περιοχη που εχει τα mobs που πρεπει να σκωτωσεις για να παρεις τα drops που θελεις.

Ετσι θα αποφυγουν φαινομενα οπως στην αρχη που πρωτοβγηκε το wow οπου κανεις δεν ηξερε τα quests δεν υπηρχε το thottbot και ολοι πηγαιναμε ψαχνωντας και διαβαζοντας ολο το κειμενο του καθε quest για να καταλαβουμε που πρεπει να παμε και τι να κανουμε.

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Έχω την εντύπωση ή υπάρχει μια ανισσοροπία στα γραφικά? :hmm:

Αναφέρομαι στα screenshots του ΚοΜΜ.

Από τη μια βλέπουμε λεπτομερείς πόλεις και από την άλλη χοντροκομμένα τέιχη, δρόμους, κλπ κλπ.

Θα βγει κανένα patch άραγε? Η όλη φάση από τα γραφικά μου θυμίζει κάπως lineage.

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Δηλαδή δεν υπάρχουν instaces 5 man όπως στο wow ? Για να κάνεις lvl up δηλαδή ακολουθείς το κλασικό μοτίβο quest-grinding κλπ οπως πάντα. Υπάρχουν party οπως στο wow ? Απλά προσπαθώ να καταλάβω τη νοοτροπια γιατι καλο το pvp αλλα πρεπει και πρωτα να πας level 80... Ειναι ανοικτό το interface οπως στο wow, ή δεν υπάρχουν καθόλου addons ?

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στην περιγραφη του πλαισιου λεει (http://www.plaisio.gr/product.aspx?catalog=12&category=69979930&product=1103784):

Λοιπά Χαρακτηριστικά

Περιλαμβάνει χρόνο παιχνιδιού 30 ημερών

αλλα και:

Για την ενεργοποίηση του παιχνιδιού απαιτείται κάρτα προπληρωμένου χρόνου Age of Conan Time Card ή πιστωτική

τελικα παιζει για 30 μερες οπως το παρεις ή θελει ΚΑΙ καρτα?:hm:


Υποστήριξη DirectX 10, πολυπύρηνων επεξεργαστών

bull****, που λενε και οι φραγκοι, απ' οτι διαβαζω και dx10 να επιλεξεις παλι με sm3 τρεχει, πραγματικη υποστηριξη dx10 θα εχουμε (πολυ) αργοτερα, οπως και το οτι ουσιαστικα μονο σε 1 πυρηνα τρεχει:nothing:

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στην περιγραφη του πλαισιου λεει (http://www.plaisio.gr/product.aspx?catalog=12&category=69979930&product=1103784):

αλλα και:

τελικα παιζει για 30 μερες οπως το παρεις ή θελει ΚΑΙ καρτα?:hm:


bull****, που λενε και οι φραγκοι, απ' οτι διαβαζω και dx10 να επιλεξεις παλι με sm3 τρεχει, πραγματικη υποστηριξη dx10 θα εχουμε (πολυ) αργοτερα, οπως και το οτι ουσιαστικα μονο σε 1 πυρηνα τρεχει:nothing:

Προλίγο το πήρα, δεν έχει επιλογή να κάνεις σκέτο registration με τις 30 "δωρεάν" μέρες, θέλει και πιστωτική ή prepaid. Μπορεί να κάνω και λάθος είμαι εντελώς noob :red: δεν έχω ξαναπέξει mmorpg, το πήρα γιατί απλώς έχω κόλλημα με τα hack'n'slash, έχω παίξει οτιδήποτε έχω πετύχει από τέτοιου τύπου παιχνίδια, από εποχή barbarian.

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Προλίγο το πήρα, δεν έχει επιλογή να κάνεις σκέτο registration με τις 30 "δωρεάν" μέρες, θέλει και πιστωτική ή prepaid. Μπορεί να κάνω και λάθος είμαι εντελώς noob :red: δεν έχω ξαναπέξει mmorpg, το πήρα

ευχαριστω φιλε, και γω n00bας ειμαι στα mmo:o

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λογικα 8α σκασουν και εδω addons


πηρα σημερα το collector ediition, το οποιο εχει και ενα dvd με extras

επειδη τρεχω σα το βεγγο δε προλαβα να κανω καν εγκατασταση, ειδα μονο το dvd

εχω να πω μονο 1 πραμα:

εχω παθει πολιτισμικο σοκ.... :drool:

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Το βρηκα σε ενα ποστ καπου και νομίζω αξίζει. sorry για το αγγλικο:

"Since many people are wondering whether or not AoC is any good, here is my own(lengthy) personal review. I played WoW for 3+ years and I started AoC on Saturday the 17th. Feel free to pick and choose what you want to read.

First of all, to get things straight, there were 1 million SIGN-UPS for the AoC beta. That doesn't mean 1 million people played the beta. They wouldn't have even been able to support that many people in a beta, so yes, that number is correct. And of COURSE there were problems in beta, isn't that what beta is for? You aren't ready to release the game but you want a large amount of people to play it so you can figure out what the problems are and fix them.

Long story short: AoC will NOT be a WoW killer. Why? Because nothing will, unless Blizzard somehow manages it themselves. Will it be a threat to taking away possibly a large portion of WoW's player base? Yes, I find that very likely. WoW tailors mainly to the casual and inexperienced MMO gamers, and those people will always find enjoyment out of the game. That is what the majority of the player base has become. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. What ever brings the $$ is what counts. And those who find enjoyment out of WoW should stay there until the enjoyment disappears. However, those who are searching for more challenges and more individualization and know that AoC provides that will seek it out.

I am playing a Tempest of Set and am currently level 29. Obviously I have not experienced a significant amount of the game's entirety, but this is my opinion on it so far:

AoC is awesome.

A breakdown:

Stability: There were LOTS of issues with the launch of the Early Access last weekend. It was 3 hours late then on Sunday afternoon the servers were down for 5 hours. On Monday, the servers were again down for another 8 hours I think. So really, those of us with early start got about 30 hours of available play time. I'm okay with that(although at the time, I of course was upset because I wanted to play) because no one paid anything for those 3 days, and it was their sort of "final test" before the actual launch date, which is why there was a limit on the number of codes given out. Yesterday, the official launch day, went very smooth to my knowledge. There is still a bug where you can't talk to the bank/trader though which I am really hoping they fixed today.

Questing: Questing is fantastic in AoC. There are so many quests available that it is impossible for you to do them all without a large percentage of them turning gray to you(but even when you kill gray mobs in AoC you get a tiny amount of exp). If you grow tired of PvP there is a line of single player quests that are completed in an instance only you can join, and each time you enter the instance the mobs scale to be the same level that you are. You can do this up to level 20. Beyond that there are numerous instances that you can play solo(though the mobs won't automatically scale anymore, you will have to find the instances that suit your level) which always have at least 3-4 quests to do inside.

All of your quest items are carried in a separate bag (and I have yet to fill up even half of this bag while having a full quest log), and the drop rates are EXCELLENT. I think I had one quest where the drop rate was below 90%, and I can think of 1-3 quests where the drop rate was below 100%. A lot of the quest items will drop for everyone in your group also. However, the mobs aren't cram-packed like they are in WoW so if lots of people have been killing them lately you may have difficulty finding the right beasts and choose to return to the quest later. It is nice that when you do find a mob though that you can be guaranteed it will give you your item.

There is also a wide variety of quests. Of course there are grind quests, but as stated above they hardly feel like a grind due to the 100% drop rate. There was one ridiculous number on a quest to kill 40 crocs that I didn't bother to do, other than that the tasks are very reasonable. It's fun how you can respond to the quest givers by choosing what you say - kinda brings me back to the good ol' days of the original Monkey Island. One of the NPC's even wanted to sell herself as a hooker to you...

Grouping: My biggest gripe is that sometimes you can't see your party members on your minimap. VERY annoying. I hope they fix this soon. Other than that groups are fun, almost every class brings buffs to their teammates. You can have 6 people in the group so that's a little different. I haven't experienced any situations yet where a tank tanks something, the dpsers dps, and the healer just stands and heals. You just sort of do whatever(I put out a huge amount of dps as a Tempest, and my heals are quick and potent so I don't have to spend much time healing) and make sure the target dies and your group members don't.

PvP: I am on a PvP server and of course, there are lots of pricks running around. Just yesterday I was getting chased by a level 43 and 46 when I was 27. First time they killed me because I didn't see them, after that I was able to get away every time. Why? Because, unlike WoW, my stuns can actually hit someone higher than me!! Don't get me wrong, I would probably not be able to do enough damage to kill even one of them before they killed me, but the point is that your spells/attacks will hit them so you can get away. What did I do when they wouldn't leave me alone? I clicked on a little tab and chose a different instance. Simple as that. Someone giving you a problem? Switch your instance and they won't be able to follow you, and more often than not I have been able to avoid those types of people. I've found that most others questing in the same zone are more interested in leveling than picking fights with people, so it hasn't been much of a problem. I have solo'd from 22-29 and got ganked maybe 3 or 4 times so it's really not that bad.

By the way, it feels GREAT to kill someone who ninja's your mob while you are in the process of casting a spell on it. I always wanted to kill the Horde that ran around tagging everything or smart-mouthing to you but I never could. Now you can kill anyone. I will be very anxious to try out the mini-games but I will wait for those until I hit 80.

Leveling: You never, I repeat: NEVER have to train new spells. You automatically get them when you level whenever they become available to you, including the next ranks of the same abilities. Every level you get a feat point (or talent point) to spend. Everyone has a "General" tree for their class type, and 2 larger special trees, for me it is Thunder and Lightning. I think for a ToS there are about 250 available feats(counting the ranks of each), and from the looks of it you won't go wrong with almost any feat you choose. Therefore two Tempest of Set's might be completely different, but still both be equal in usefulness. In other words, there doesn't seem to be a cookie-cutter spec.

Additionally, you get attribute points every level(I want to say maybe 20-30) that you can spend in different areas like increasing your hitpoint regen, mana regen, spell concentration(so you can avoid interrupts and pushbacks - nice to not have to spend feat points for such things), climbing ability, hiding ability(any class can hide), run speed, stealth detection, and recovery rates. There may be more things later too as I noticed a couple new ones pop up once I hit 20+. So again, more customization. You can also erase your feats and attributes at a price, but I have not done this yet so I don't know what the price is.

Items: Everyone looks diffferent, it's pretty cool. Someone complained about the icons looking the same. There are some different ones but most of them look the same. Honestly though, how many icons are reused in WoW, and for epic gear nonetheless? At least the equipped graphics actually look different for nearly every item. I have already noticed them getting more intricate too as I get higher levels. So far, the only non-tradable items I've found are quest rewards. Even if you equip a regular green item and un-equip I don't see the text "Not Tradable" appear on them, so from what I can tell they don't become soulbound. Uncommon items of course add things like hit points, mana points, stamina(for run speed and combo moves) and so on, but some items also increase your attributes therefore allowing you to maximize an attribute with fewer points and spend them in other categories.

Combat: It's nice that you can't just auto attack. It makes you actually have to pay attention. I'm not the greatest at maneuvering my shield around yet but it's not as important for me since I can heal myself and I'm casting spells most of the time. The spell casting is great and even though all the spells have cooldowns on them varying from 2 seconds to 30 seconds, if your spell is resisted the cooldown is NOT spent. I don't know a lot about the various classes abilities, but I do know that as a ToS I LOVE doing all this AoE damage.

Dying: The death penalty for dying in PvP is losing PvP experience. I don't know much about this yet as I haven't been trying to PvP. My deaths out number my kills at this point anyway. The death penalty for dying in PvE is a stacking debuff of like -1% dodge and armor rating or something, I don't remember because I haven't died in PvE since level 7. A tombstone is placed where you die and you are rez'd at the nearest spawn location. If you return to your tombstone the debuff goes away. You never have to repair your armor in AoC, so that is quite nice. There is always a spawn point inside an instance, so if you die you don't have too far to go, and you don't have to deal with people outside the instance while running back.

Environment: The world of AoC is BEAUTIFUL. The water is incredible. Every time I go to a new zone or instance I find myself in awe of it's beauty. Before I started playing I was all thinking, "Man I really like the originality of WoW and I love the fantasy characters like the orcs and such, AoC just seems too realistic for my liking." Boy was I WRONG. My graphics are on the lowest settings and it is still gorgeous. And although all of the players and NPC's are human, there are still beasts and other creatures in the world that are really awesome. The towns are very neat and it's amazing how different each city looks from another.

As for people commenting on having to load for everything - I thought that would bother me but it doesn't. Instance and death loads are about 4 or 5 seconds for me(and my computer is 1.5 years old, it doesn't meet any recommended attributes) and the zone loads are about 8-10 seconds, or 25-30 seconds if I have NEVER visited the zone before. Most of the loading screens seem the same if not quicker than the WoW loading screens. Personally, I like the fact that you load for each zone because you get to feel like you are "traveling" more, and thus the zones are seamless. You don't get any sudden terrain changes like you do everywhere in WoW, making it seem more believable.

Animation: The jumping animation is terrible. As an animator it makes me cringe to think that someone actually thought humans could jump like they do in the game. Ick. But, you usually don't have to jump if you don't want to, and the running/casting animations are on par with most of the WoW stuff. The melee combat animations are really cool.

Music: Fantastic. Enough said. Blows the majority of WoW music out of the water. Sound effects are cool too.

Crafting/Raiding: Can't say anything about this yet. Don't know too much either. All I know is that our guild is going for a Battle Keep asap. Already have our city plotted.

All in all I think AoC will be a very successful game. I would be incredibly surprised if the player base ever reaches even half the amount of WoW, but I would rather it stay smaller anyway so long as it's enough to keep the game going and improving. I'm not trying to flame WoW - I played it for 3 years so obviously I don't hate it - I am just giving input to those who have been wondering about it from a WoW player's P.O.V.

I hope AoC remains small, and attracts people who want a more challenging game. I find myself looking more forward to playing AoC than I have WoW in over a year. If you are growing tired of WoW and that's what you are looking for then by all means, join up! However, if you are completely satisfied with the way things are going in WoW then please keep playing it, enjoy your time there. No need to play AoC if it's not what you like - don't play a game and try to tell the devs to change things so that it's more like another game that is just as available to you. Play what is more fun for you!

Sorry for the wall of text.

If you feel the need to flame then whatever floats your boat, I merely posted this to let people in this thread questioning know what it's like."

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στα γρηγορα, οσοι θελετε PVP αξίζει ή ετσι φαίνεται απ τα πρωτα 30 λνλ.

Οσοι ειστε του pve δυσκολα θα βρειτε κατι καλυτερο απο wow.

p.s. ψαρεβεαρσ

υ.γ.carebears :p

guys αυτό για το pve δεν το ξέρουμε... έχει ασχοληθεί κανείς με τα epic instances να δει τι παίζει?

Επίσης στα λβλ 80 υπάρχει κάποιο raiding dungeon απ ότι κατάλαβα... (να υπενθυμίσω ότι όταν βγήκε το wow το μόνο τέτοιο dungeon ήταν το mc....)

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Tο mc το βαλανε στο 1.2-1.3 patch αν θυμαμαι καλα δεν υπηρχε απο την αρχη.

Το μεγαλυτερο dungeon που ειχε το wow οταν ξεκινησε ηταν το brs και το μεγαλυτερο boss ο Drakisath και το καλυτερο set ηταν τα πρωτα μπλε αν θυμασαι. Ubrs, Lbrs, scholomance, baron run και το αλλο που εμπαινες απο την μπροστα πορτα και δε μπορουσες να βγεις εξω, σε μια καμενη πολη στα eastern plagualands, επεφταν τα shoulder του rogue εκει.

Δε ξερω αν ειχανε βαλει και την onyxia απο την αρχη, δεν ειχα φτασει ακομα 60

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Οπ δίκιο έχεις.. όταν 60άρισα εγω όλοι καιγόντουσαν στο mc γι αυτο...

Οπότε ανακεφαλαιώνω

Μη βιάζεστε να κρίνετε το pve του aoc όταν βγήκε το wow δεν υπήρχε ουτε καν το mc!!!!

:OT: παω να διαβάσω atiman threads, από την εποχή papakos έχω να δω τόσο flame :OT:

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