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ATI / NVIDIA - Ποιότητα εικόνας... και στο Video playback.


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ATI and NVIDIA - Video playback quality and performance analysis

Oι καρτες που χρησιμοποιηθηκαν

το ακριβοτερο μοντελο της ATI αυτη την στιγμή Radeon HD 3870 X2

και μια GeForce 8800 GT για την nVidia.

Standard Definition video playback quality


HD video playback quality


λίγα λόγια για το noise reduction

.....Out of the box you may in fact have a better experience with ATI's drivers thanks to the fact that noise reduction is enabled by default, but that's very much a personal preference (and dependant on what you're watching), so in a sense NVIDIA's chosen path of disabling this functionality by default is possibly the more logical.....


......What is perhaps surprising from our results, given the fact that for many years ATI were considered the king of video quality, is that NVIDIA appears to have finally surpassed them in this regard. While there's virtually nothing in it in real-terms, NVIDIA has that slight edge when it comes to handling any nasty corner cases that can crop up from time to time, particularly in badly mastered video or old footage which isn't at its best......

......In closing then, NVIDIA seems to have a slight edge in video playback quality terms, particularly when you match it up against the 3D rendering performance advantages the company's products currently exhibit. However, both ATI and NVIDIA have proved themselves capable of offering a compelling video playback feature set with enough functionality to keep everybody very happy indeed - Quite simply, if you're looking to build a system with video playback in mind then you can't go far wrong with either IHV's offerings.......

Aπο το Elitebastards

όλο το αρθρο και μετρησεις εδώ.



Απλα μια παρένθεση. Μερικά εκατομμύρια παραπάνω τρανζίστορς του G92, σε σχέση με τα G80, υιοθετήθηκαν για να στηρίξουν το PureVideo HD2 της nVidia... Πολύ ενημερωτικό το εύρημα σου, και το μόνο που έχω να παρατηρήσω ειναι το εξής. Αν η ΑΤΙ έχει κάποιόν άσσο στο μανίκι της, τώρα ειναι η στιγμή να τον χρησιμοποιήσει...


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