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σε οικονομικο context,τι σημαινει vector?(μην μου πει κανεις διανυσμα,σε οικονομικο κοντεξτ λεμε)

(προσοχη,οποιος διαβασει ολοκληρο το quote θα θελει αμεσως κι αλλο)

As McKenzie Wark (Wark, 2004) explains, information might be abundant, but in order for it to be accessed and

distributed, we need vectors, i.e. the means of production and distribution of information. And these are not in the

hands of the producers themselves, but in the hands of a vectoral class. Use value cannot be transformed into exchange

value, without their intervention. At the same time, through intellectual property laws, this vectoral class is in the

process of trying to make information scarce. For Wark, the key issue is the property form, as it is the property form,

and nothing else, which renders resources scarce. However, the natural abundance of information, the peer to peer nature

of vectors such as the internet, makes this a particularly hard task for the vectoral class. Unlike the working class in

industrial capitalism, knowledge workers can resist and create to numerous interstices, which is where true P2P is

thriving. Their natural task is to extend free access to information, to have a commons of vectoral resources; while the

natural task of the vectoral class, is to control the vectors, and change the information commons into tightly controlled

properties. But at the same time, the vectoral class needs the knowledge workers (or the hacker class, as McKenzie Wark

puts it), to produce innovation, and in the present regime, in many cases, the knowledge workers need the vectors to

distribute its work.

απο το http://integralvisioning.org/article.php?story=p2ptheory1

διαμεσολαβητες?παροχη υπηρεσιων?

In Virtual Geography, published in 1994, Wark offered a theory of what he called the ‘weird global media event’. Examples given in the book include the stock market crash of 1987, the Tiananmen square demonstrations of 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. He argued that the emergence of a global media space – a virtual geography – made out of increasingly pervasive lines of communication – vectors – was emerging as a more chaotic space than globalization theory usually maintains.
In 2004 Wark published his best known work, A Hacker Manifesto. Here Wark argues that the rise of intellectual property creates a new class division, between those who produce it, who he calls the hacker class, and those who come to own it, the vectoralist class.


As the abstraction of private property was extended to information, it produced the hacker class as a class. Hackers must sell their capacity for abstraction to a class that owns the means of production, the vectoralist class – the emergent ruling class of our time. The vectorialist class is waging an intensive struggle to dispossess hackers of their intellectual property. Patents and copyrights all end up in the hands, not of their creators, but of the vectoralist class that owns the means of realising the value of these abstractions. The vectoralist class struggles to monopolise abstraction. Hackers find themselves dispossessed both individually, and as a class. Hackers come piecemeal to struggle against the particular forms in which abstraction is commodified and made into the private property of the vectoralist class. Hackers come to struggle collectively against the usurious charges the vectoralists extort for access to the information that hackers collectively produce, but that vectoralists collectively come to own. Hackers come as a class to recognise their class interest is best expressed through the struggle to free the production of abstraction not just from the particular fetters of this or that form of property, but to abstract the form of property itself.


όπως το καταλαβαίνω, vectors στην ιστορία με την πληροφορία και τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα είναι όχι αυτή που παράγουν/δημιουργούν την πληροφορία, αλλά αυτοί που έχουν το κανάλι διανομής της πληροφορίας. κοινώς οι δισκογραφικές, οι εκδοτικές, οι κινηματογραφικές εταιρίες.

ναι,ακριβως το ιδιο καταλαβαινω κι εγω,αλλα θελω να βρω μια μεταφραση(αν υπαρχει) για το vector-vectoralist που να το περιγραφει πιο αφηρημενα-γενικα (οπως το συλλαμβανει και ο τυπος που συζηταμε).Πχ στην περιπτωση του ΜΡ3 ,vectoralist ειναι η δισκογραφικη.Αλλα οταν θελω να γραψω για την γνωση γενικα,υπαρχει καποιος οικονομικος ορος που να μεταφερει ακριβως το vector-vectoralist στα οικονομικα?Η ειναι ορος που τον εφηυρε ο Wark?

κοίτα, έχω την εντύπωση ότι το vectoralism είναι "εφεύρεση" του wark, και επειδή από όσο κατάλαβα κάτι κάνεις σχετικά με μετάφραση, θα έλεγα ότι το πιο καλό θα ήταν να κάνεις μία παράγραφο στην αρχή που θα εξηγείς την έννοια του vector κλπ και να βάλεις μία πρόταση που θα είναι του στυλ "Οι vectors μπλαμπλαμπλα που στην συνέχεια του κειμένου θα ονομάζονται ενδιάμεσοι/διαμεσολαβητές"

να μην ανοίγω νέο θέμα... αλλα πως είναι στα ελληνικά το Glutaminat Sodium?

γλουταμινικό νάτριο νομιζω


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