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Why I don�t believe in god


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Why I dont believe in god

If someone announces to the world that we are all descended from giant purple space aliens without providing a lick of evidence to support this, wed all think hes crazy, right? Its not up to the rest of us to go looking for these purple aliens. Its up to the man who claimed it to show us the proof.

I dont believe in god because nobody has proven his existence. Its not up to me to prove god doesnt exist, its up to theists to prove that he does. The unfortunate thing is that theists seem to think that the burden of proof is on atheists because were the minority.

What this post is going to be discussing is why the reasons people come up with to justify theism are incorrect. Im not going to tell you that god doesnt exist, Im going to tell you why its completely irrational to assume he does. Lets begin, shall we?

Why do YOU believe?

The world is too complex to have been anything but designed. The world is wonderful and complex, but it wasnt always. Its easy to see how it got to where it is by simply looking at science. This argument is fed by misunderstanding of evolution, primarily. Too many people think that atheists believe the world developed by random chance. This is completely wrong. Evolution isnt species randomly growing wings or tails. Evolution is a very, very slow tweaking through natural selection. Its taken three or four billion years to get to this wonderful and complex world. Its not that hard to believe if you actually look into it. Theists make the mistake of taking the easy way out and calling it quits by saying God did it. Shortcuts are cheating, damnit.

It feels so good. People want to believe in god because they enjoy that feeling that someone is watching over them and that they have a purpose in life. They also like thinking that someone that died has gone to a better place. That helps with accepting death. Its really all jolly and things, but its teaching the wrong mentality. Doing things simply because they feel good and closing your ears to truth and reason is hurting yourself more than helping. Whether it feels good or not, that doesnt mean its true.

Pascals Wager. This is saying that its a better bet to believe in god than not. Its based on these four things:

If you believe in god and he exists, you get to go to heaven.

If you believe in god and he doesnt exist, nothing happens.

If you dont believe in god and he exists, you go to hell.

If you dont believe in god and he doesnt exist, nothing happens.

So its pretty much saying that believing is the safest path. But there are a number of problems. Ill make another list for easy reading:

This is assuming its the god you pick out. Say you pick the christian god to believe in, but it turns out to be Brahman instead. By the sheer number of possible gods, chances are slim still. Similarly, you dont know how this god is going to act. He may reward scepticism and punish blind faith.

Believing in god simply because its the less risky path isnt true belief, which the god may be looking for. So you go to hell anyway. Naaa.

Believing in god costs you things in life. This could be time spent at church, money donated to church. Also health. Examples being stem cell research related things, accepting blood transfusions, etc.

Click for more elaboration on these.

Consider Pascals Wager quite debunked. Onward, comrads!

Everyone else does it, so its probably true. Very few people will admit to believing in god simply because its the majority, but it happens. The more people who support an idea, the more credible it sounds. Logically, this is complete bull****. Similarly, the idea that your parents believe it is why one does. Indoctrination is bad, kids. If you arent brought up with a religion, you most likely wont believe it. Did your parents tell you that Zeus is the king of the gods? No? Well, do you believe that Zeus is the king of the gods? Probably not. Zeus is just as likely to exist as the Christian god is, but why dont you believe in him instead? Indoctrination! Shake that stuff off and think for yourself, please.

Ignorance. This goes back to what I was talking about with evolution and complexity, too. Overall, Im saying that people are taking the easy way out of trying to understand the world or simply wont accept the answer that we dont know. How did the universe begin? No one is sure. Not yet, anyway. That doesnt mean we need to know by saying it was god. That isnt an explanation, thats a fairy tale. This is how religion got started in the first place. Whats the shiny bright ball up in the sky? Well thats Helios in his golden chariot! We wont learn new things until we can admit that we dont know them. Take the first step.

Richard Dawkins:

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

Other thoughts.

Morality. A misconception of theists is that belief in a deity is required to have morals. Not true at all. Ethics come with being human (which atheists are, by the way). I wonder how many people arent raping babies to death because they dont want to upset the policeman in the sky. I really dont think thats the first thought in anyones mind. Id be pretty creeped out by you if you need to be threatened with eternal torture just to not steal a car. Have some trust in people.

Faith. Some acknowledge that there is no evidence of god, but instead back themselves up with faith. Faith is not rational. It has no justification. The counter-argument is about how if you drop a ball twice and it falls straight down, scientists have faith that it will fall straight down the third time. If you ever, ever say that to me in real life, I will kick you in the reproductive bits. The faith that it will fall the third time is based on the scientific method and observations. Religious faith is based on absolutely nothing and that is why its made of utter fail.

In conclusion, there is no rational reason to believe in god. I consider myself a rather rational and sensible person who likes to base beliefs and opinions on natural, explainable occurrences and ideas which have evidence and logic to support them. And this is why I dont believe in god.

Το βρήκα εδώ... http://www.greekzlive.com/forum/showthread.php?t=139950&highlight=hard

Τί γνώμη έχετε?

Why believe in God? We can feel Him calling us.

Every culture throughout history has been convinced that there is a higher power that watches over them. This desire to reach for that higher power is mans search to get reconnected to God. All of these people have the idea of God in their consciousness because deep in their hearts they know that He is there (Romans 1-2). Who put the desire in their hearts as well as our hearts that we should seek after Him? God did.

Why believe in God? The complexity of all life and of our planet

When we look to all of science, we can see that there is order and that there is a definite pattern to the layout and structure of not only the human body, but also the universe in which we live.

The distinguished astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle showed how amino acids randomly coming together in a human cell are mathematically absurd. Sir Hoyle illustrated the weakness of "chance" with the following analogy: "What are the chances that a tornado might blow through a junkyard containing all the parts of a 747, accidentally assemble them into a plane, and leave it ready for take-off? The possibilities are so small as to be negligible even if a tornado were to blow through enough junkyards to fill the whole universe!"

Who created this universe in such a set a pattern that no man, when he looks carefully enough, can deny that the hand of God was used in its creation?

Why believe in God? Sense of right and wrong

Even from our earliest years we all have an innate sense of right and wrong. This conscience, as the world refers to it, keeps us in a moral as well as ethical balance and without it the world would break down into total chaos. Who put that sense of right and wrong in us? God did.

Why believe in God? The Bible

The endurance and longevity of the Bible should help us to see that there is a Creator. The Bible has existed for years, even though there have been numerous attempts to destroy or discredit it.

The Bible has existed for centuries and is still the best-selling and most read book in the world. Who made sure that the Bible would be around from generation to generation in order to ensure that His Word could still be read? God did.

Why believe in God? Jesus Christ

No other religious leader, not Buddha, Mohammed, or Confucius has ever claimed to be the Son of God. That is what Jesus did; He claimed to be God in the flesh. He not only claimed to be God, He backed up His claims through His life, death, and resurrection.

The presence of Jesus can still be felt today -- not only in all the lives that have been changed by Him, but also by the very idea that the structure and keeping of time has evolved around His birth. Who made sure that we would never forget His Son? God did.

Why believe in God? These are only five of the many reasons that point to the existence of God. Look at them carefully and you to will see that God has left evidence for us to see and to know that He is here!


Ειλικρινά, δεν το διάβασα πρίν το κάνω copy-paste αλλα είμαι σίγουρος οτι θα είναι τόσο ρηχό οσο ο αντίλογος απο επάνω. Ολες οι προσπάθειες να ερμηνευθεί η θρησκεία και η πίστη γενικά έχουν αποτύχει παταγωδώς γιατι προσπαθούν να αναλύσουν πράγματα που δεν μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε.

Δειτε την θρησκεία σαν μια επιστήμη που ο μόνος επιστήμονας που μπόρεσε να καταλάβει τι συμβαίνει, έζησε πριν απο 1975 χρόνια... Αλλα επειδή εμεις δεν μπορούμε να εξηγησουμε, δεν σημαίνει οτι δεν υπάρχει. Ουτε οτι υπάρχει. Οποτε μεχρι να υπάρξει επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση ας ακολουθήσουν όλοι το ένστικτο τους...

Αρχική απάντηση από LevelOne [Σήμερα, στις 01:34]

The distinguished astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle showed how amino acids randomly coming together in a human cell are mathematically absurd. Sir Hoyle illustrated the weakness of "chance" with the following analogy: "What are the chances that a tornado might blow through a junkyard containing all the parts of a 747, accidentally assemble them into a plane, and leave it ready for take-off? The possibilities are so small as to be negligible even if a tornado were to blow through enough junkyards to fill the whole universe!"

:tomato: :tomato:

Δυσκολεύομαι να πιστέψω οτι ο "distinguished astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle" δεν εχει ιδεα απο δυναμεις... φυσικής στον μικρόκοσμο, αλλα κατα περίεργο τροπο "νιωθει" απο δυνάμεις φυσικής στο μακρόκοσμο/σύμπαν.

Βεβαια η wiki τον δηλωνει σαν ... : αθεο :p

Εγώ θα θέσω ένα απλό ερώτημα.

Μπορεί ένας υλιστής άνθρωπος να αντιμετωπίσει ποτέ τα ανθρώπινα όντα ως πλάσματα που έχουν σκοπό και αξίζουν σεβασμό όταν θεωρεί πως είναι βιολογικά ρομπότ βάσει των δικών του θεωριών;

Αν είμαστε βιολογικά ρομπότ τότε τι κακό υπάρχει στο να σκοτώνεις ανθρώπους π.χ για να καταλάβεις μία χώρα, πέρα από τις τύψεις που δημιουργούν τα ένστικτα του είδους;

Ειμαστε μονοι παρτε το χαμπαρι! φερθειτε σαν να ειμαστε μονοι και σαν να ειμαστε ολοι αδερφια και τοτε θα παμε πολυ μπροστα.


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