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Ubuntu 7.10 beta download !


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Θα αρχίσουν μαθήματα χρήσης του ubuntu στο irc channel ubuntu-classroom από τις 22-27.Δείτε εδώ


τα μαθήματα που θα γίνουν είναι τα

# Welcome! How to Join our Community - in this introductory session, Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager welcomes everyone to Ubuntu Open Week and explains how to get involved in the Ubuntu community.

# Ubuntu Server - this session explores how to get involved in growing Ubuntu Server team.

# Introduction to Launchpad - want to get started with Launchpad and its wide arraay of features? This is the session for you.

# Accessibility - Ubuntu has always been an accessible platform, and this session explores how you can help to make it even more accessible.

# Bug Triage - all software has bugs, and Ubuntu is no different, and we rely on a team of people to help maintain the bug list and ensure it is properly managed (known as triaging). This is an excellent way to get involved in the Ubuntu project!

# Kernel Team - in this session we explore how to get involved in the kernel team that maintains the Linux kernel in Ubuntu.

# LoCo Teams - the LoCo project has grown to epic proportions in the last year, and these sessions cover how to get involved spreading the word of Ubuntu and building a local Ubuntu community in your area.

# Packaging 101 - packaging is the meat and potatoes of Ubuntu, and Daniel Holbach, packager extraordinaire provides some double-size packaging tuition sessions to get you started.

# Automated testing - with a system as large and expansive as Ubuntu, automated testing is essential, and more and more automated testing is being rolled out. Join in with this session to find out more and get involved.

# Launchpad Q&A - want to know more about Launchpad? Have some burning questions? These are the sessions for you.

# Edubuntu - Ubuntus education orientated brother, Edubuntu, has proven very popular in recent years. Come along to this session to learn how to get involved and make it rock that little bit harder.

# Kubuntu - come along to this session to learn how to join in the Kubuntu effort and build the KDE based distribution.

# Community Q+A - ask Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager, about anything you like, including his beard and musical tastes, or more likely, the Ubuntu community.

# Ask Mark - in this session, the floor is opened up for questions to Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu.

# Gobuntu - the new Ubuntu family member with the strongest commitment to freedom is discussed here and how to get involved.

# Ubuntu Training Team - as part of Ubuntu Certified Training programmes, training materials are developed online in the community. Come along to this session to find out more and how to help create world-class training materials.

# Managing Ubuntu bugs in Launchpad - in this session, we discuss how to use Malone, the bug-tracker component in Launchpad.

# Translating with Launchpad - Ubuntu is a hugely translated project, and much of this is thanks to the ease of use of Launchpad Translations. Come along to this session to find out how to get started with Launchpad Translations.

# Screencasting Team - a large and growing collection of Ubuntu screencasts has built up over the last year, and everyone is welcome to contribute more - come to this session to find out how.

# Launchpad Personal Package Archives - the addition of Personal Package Archives (PPA) to Launchpad brings a huge amount of flexibility to packagers. Come to this session to find out more and get started with PPA.

# Hosting code with Launchpad - want to know more about hosting your code on Launchpad? This is the place for you.

# Planning features and sprints in Launchpad - this session is ideal for projects who want to organise feature goals and sprints using Launchpad. Come along to learn how to get started.

# Launchpad Answers: troubleshooting problems - the Launchpad Answers component has proved popular for Ubuntu, and this session explores how to make the most of it.

# Xubuntu - the popular XFCE based Ubuntu derivative is always looking for help, and this session shows you how to get involved.

# Ubuntu Women - this session covers the aims, intentions and plans of the Ubuntu Women project and how to help.

# Patching Packages - this session provides a tutorial on how to patch packages, ideal for new packagers and MOTU enthusiasts.

# Mentoring LoCo Teams - using the experience of the excellent USTeams project, this session covers how mentoring can help new LoCo teams and user groups get up and running quickly.

# Getting Started With Bazaar - this session gets you started with the Bazaar distribution revision control system.

# Desktop Team - a session to discuss the aims and direction of the Ubuntu desktop team, and how to get involved.

# Documentation Team - this session helps documentation fans to get started with this important team.

# Mythbuntu - if you want to see MythTV run perfectly on Ubuntu, complete with the ease of use that you expect from Ubuntu, come along to this session to find out more about this impressive project.

# MOTU Q+A - for current and future Ubuntu packaging fans, come along to this session to get your questions answered about joining the MOTU project

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Τρομερο ! ! ! ! ! !

There will also be a special Ask Mark session (Wed 24th Oct @ 16.00UTC) in which you have two hours to ask Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu, your burning questions

Αυτο κι αν ειναι γεγονος! Και μην μου πειτε, οτι μπαινει ο Bill Gates σε IRC και μιλαει με Window users....
Use your IRC client (such as xchat, irssi or mIRC) to connect to the Freenode IRC network at irc.freenode.net. You can do this manually by typing:

/server irc.freenode.net

Then join #ubuntu-classroom for the time and date of the session you want to attend. You can manually join the channel by typing:

/join #ubuntu-classroom

You should also join #ubuntu-classroom-chat which is the general discussion channel for the session. Questions should be posted there. You should prefix your questions with "QUESTION:" to make them easier to spot.

Most sessions last for around an hour. Contact jono on IRC if you have any problems.

btw τι εγινε τελικα με το stringi bug στα Ελληνικα του ερχομενου Ubuntu ; Ειχαμε κανενα νεο ;

Ε εντάξει μην το θεωρούμε και τίποτα προτωποριακό. Δεν νομίζω να χρειάζεται ο bill gates να μπει σε irc για να δείξει πως λειτουργεί ένα πρόγραμμα ή να σου πει ότι για να εγκαταστήσεις drivers πρέπει απλά να κάνεις double click to .exe

Παιδία στο freenode.net server υπάρχει και το ubuntu-gr κανάλι.Ελάτε να ζωντανέψει λίγο ο χώρος :)

Αυτο το πραγμα με το linux με εχει κουρασει... καθε μερικους μηνες καινουργια εκδοση, καινουργιος kernel κλπ... Αποψη μου ειναι οτι στηνεις ενα μηχανημα μια φορα το σεταρεις να δουλευει σωστα και δεν το ξανα-ακουμπας, παρα μονο οταν εχει σοβαρο προβλημα 'η παυει να σου κανει καλα την δουλεια σου, μεχρι και το apt-get ξεχνας... ουτε αναβαθμισεις, ουτε τιποτα...

Μου πηρε 1+ βδομαδα να κανω να παιξει σωστα το kubuntu 7.08 (64bit) σε ενα core2Duo laptop, οι τονοι μονο αυτοκτονησαν και δεν παιζουν με τιποτα, αλλα εχει παψει πια να με νοιαζει... ειμαι απλα δυσλεκτικος στο πληκτρολογιο...

και ξαφνικα βγηκε το 7.10... μπα... αλλη φορα... και παπαδες να κανει το 7.10 δεν το πειραζω το 7.08 ουτε με upgrade... Αντε να κανεις compile τον kernel και μετα οτι ειχες φτιαξει να μην σου παιζει και δωστου παλι απο την αρχη... :TD:

Δεν ειμαι κατα του 7.10, σε καμια περιπτωση... ειμαι κατα στο να βγαινει καινουργιο λειτουργικο καθε 4-5 μηνες και να ρισκαρεις αν θα κανεις update τον kernel και τι θα παιζει μετα και τι οχι...

1) Δε σε υποχρεώνει κανένας να κάνεις update. Αν κάνεις καλά τη δουλειά σου και δε χρειάζεσαι κάποιο από τα νέα χαρακτηριστικά που κάθε φορά προσθέτουν, μείνε με την παλιά διανομή.

2) Ο Kernel χρειάζεται να αναβαθμίζεται τακτικά, εφόσον και η υποστήριξη για κάθε νέα συσκευή που κυκλοφορεί βρίσκεται εντός :)

3) Καλά κάνουν και βγάζουν κάθε 6 μήνες νέα έκδοση. Εγώ περιμένω με ανυπομονησία την 8.04 LTS. Κάθε καινούρια έκδοση τραβάει πάνω της τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας, προσθέτει περισσότερο κόσμο στο Linux στρατόπεδο και αποδεικνύει την ανωτερότητα vs win...

Αρχική απάντηση από gdp77 [Σήμερα, στις 08:07]

1) Δε σε υποχρεώνει κανένας να κάνεις update.

Ορισμένες φορές φυσικά και σε αναγκάζουν... όταν για παράδειγμα έχεις πρόβλημα με ένα module της python το οποίο είναι buggy και όλα τ'άλλα δουλεύουν ρολόι, τότε αναγκάζεσαι να κάνεις update τον kernel για να κάτσει το καινούργιο module και κάνεις προσευχές μη δεν σου ξεσκίσει τίποτε άλλο... δυστυχώς έχω δει ένα σωρό setup να καταστρέφονται από ένα απλό kernel update... έχει ακόμα πάρα πολυ δρόμο να διανύσει το linux για να γίνει "for the masses"...


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