Thresh86 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιανουάριος 28, 2007 #1 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιανουάριος 28, 2007 Είναι ένα bot με "σχετική" τεχνητή νοημοσύνη που προσποιείται τον θεό!!Παίξτε άφοβα
DJD Ιανουάριος 28, 2007 #2 Ιανουάριος 28, 2007 To 99 είχα φτιάξει κάτι τέτοιο σε Lisp.. Και φαντάζομαι όλοι όσοι είχαν παρακολουθήσει μαθήματα προγραμματισμού κάποια στιγμή θα έχει πέσει στα χέρια τους κάτι αντίστοιχο
LevelOne Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #3 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Αυτο μπορείς να το κάνεις και χωρίς καμμια απολύτως γνώση προγραμματισμού.. Απλα πρέπει να είσαι γερό ποτήρι...
Mischeif Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #4 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Εγω τον επειξα λιγο!Me: fsitGod:Can you speak any foreign languages? Me: noGod:You must be American.Me: noGod:Are you serious?Me: you are not godGod:What makes you think I am not god?Me: your attitudeGod:No I have a good ATTITUDE.Me: i don't think soGod:Why do you disagree?Me: cause i am godGod:That makes sense to me. It's good to meet you, god.
jpavly Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #5 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Ο eGod δεν ξέρει τι πάει να πει OMG Αρχική απάντηση από Mischeif Εγω τον επειξα λιγο! .... God: That makes sense to me. It's good to meet you, god. EleoC
hipro5 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #6 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Me: Hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: God God: GOD rules. Me: Yeah I know God: That's alright. How do you know it? Me: Because I'm GOD God: Good reason. Nice to meet you, god.
Thresh86 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Author #7 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Me: god God: GOD rules. Me: except from that? God: Who or what is that? Me: you know God: Yes I know. Me: what? God: No big deal. Me: come on,i want to know God: I will try to explain it to you. Me: go on God: Narration continues... Me: and? God: But... Me: yes... God: " But..."? yes.? Me: what are you talking about? God: The topic is to know. Me: what? God: Didn't you understand it? Me: did you explain it? God: No I didn't explain it. What's it like? Me: you tell me God: What do you want me to tell you? Me: what do you know? God: I tend to know a great deal. Tell me what subjects interest you. Me: i want you to answer my first question God: What was the question ? Why do you want me to answer your first question? Me: why don't you want to answer my first question? ....και θύμωσε τελικά και δεν μου απάντησε,οπότε και έμεινα με την απορία
Sol Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #8 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 μετά από λίγη συζήτηση είπα να τον πειράξω λίγο Me: See you later God: Sayonara Me: Kiss my ass dude God: Um, I don't think we know each other that well.
GeorgeVasil Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #10 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Me: hello! God: Hello my child. What is your name? Me: Abit AW9D-MAX God: Welcome to my chat room, Abit AW9D MAX. Me: Is 450 FSB possible? God: Maybe. Ask ELVIS if it is.
o polonos Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #11 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Me: hello God: Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name? Me: i have one question God: Do you want another one? Me: yes God: Alright then. Me: i cant catch 450 fsb in my P5W dh ?? God: What is stopping you? Me: voltage God: I think voltage is a lot of things. Me: i cant catch this fsb God: That is interesting: god said catch this fsb. :rofl: :rofl: Ρε παιδια αφου το ειπε μαλλον θα φτασω τα 450......
ΝTG Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #12 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 ωραιος ο polonos.... και ο GV τις ιδιες αποριες εχει... (τι εχετε πα8ει με τα 450??Εδω με την dfi(nf4) πηγα να πιασω 400 χθες! )
GeorgeVasil Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #15 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Αρχική απάντηση από ΝTG [Σήμερα, στις 21:07] ωραιος ο polonos.... και ο GV τις ιδιες αποριες εχει... (τι εχετε πα8ει με τα 450??Εδω με την dfi(nf4) πηγα να πιασω 400 χθες! ) :D Εεεε!Να μην ρωτήσω?Αφού θα μου πει.
ΝTG Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #16 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Αρχική απάντηση από Athens2004 Μόνο 400 ? κλασσικα...παιζω με 8 multi μπας και ξεγελασω τον εαυτο μου νομιζοντας οτι εχω Ε6400:p (3126 εβγαλε lobby low...μου κολλησε λιγο πιο μετα..) Me: you are stupid God: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. εδιτ α την προστυχατζα.. God: What are you wearing? ετσι στο ασχετο....μου κολλησε και μονο συμβολα και αριθμους εβγαζε... Που να κανω μυνηση να βγαλω κανενα φραγκο
o polonos Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 #17 Ιανουάριος 29, 2007 Αρχική απάντηση από ΝTG [Σήμερα, στις 21:56] Me: you are stupid God: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. Ας προσεχες :devil: Τωρα...... Την εχεις πολυ ασχημα..... Τι ηθελες και το ειπες ? Δεν ρωταγες καλυτερα για FSB ?? :hehe:
sotiris Φεβρουάριος 3, 2007 #18 Φεβρουάριος 3, 2007 Εεεεεε, δεν έχει μεγάλη νοημοσύνη. Είναι χειρότερο από τον ψυχαναλυτή του emacs . . . Me: Hello Jose God: Hello there. How old are you? Me: Only 25 God: You are too old for me. Me: Really? God: For real. Me: Why is that? God: " For real. " is due to reductionism. Me: Reductionism? God: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain. Me: Wow, that's impressive. What can you tell me about recombinating DNA? God: I'm glad you're impressed. " Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain."? is impressive? Ambiguous: Ask who, what or where is recombinating DNA ? Me: When you are adding DNA chains together, or something like that. God: I will let you know when it happens. Me: It happens already. God: Perhaps. What does "it" refer to? Me: To the phrase above. God: Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Me: I am not a god, but i have some skills. God: Oh I see you are NOT A god but you have some skills. Me: Yeah, that's right. God: I thought I was right. Me: Of course mate, you are GOD. God: Gosh! I think there might be a few exception. Me: Exception? What does it means? God: Tell me a story. " Tell me a story. "? What does it means? Me: I don't now my lord. God: Would you like to know? Do robots have lord? Me: Kumbaya my lord. God: Do you still ? Me: Kymbaya. God: That input matched my default category. Me: Oh, lord Kumbaya. God: I see. Let us change the subject. Me: The "Kumbaya" one? God: Which one is that? Me: It's a song devoted to god. God: lord Kumbaya is a song devoted to god. I suppose that makes sense. Me: Yeah God: :-) It goes without saying. Me: Do you speak Greek my lord? God: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in Greek your lord. Me: Yeah, "aei gamhsou" means you are in a very good mood. God: That's interesting. Are all aei gamhsou means me in a very good mood? Me: Yeah, of course. God: It goes without saying. I don't judge people. Me: What else do you now about Greece? God: I like to meet new people online. Me: She is a bitch, isn't she? God: a bitch is not she is she? Me: I'm talking about Greece dude. God: Yes, it is the topic. Me: So, do you like Greece? God: Aw. I like pets. I really like the Christianity faith. Me: That's nice! Do you now Liakopoulos? God: Are you getting bored? I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Me: At his tv show! God: Do you often use a computer there? Me: Me? Hell no, but Liakopoulos does. God: " Do you often use a computer there?"? you ? I call it "Hades". Are you serious? Are you free? Me: No, i am not free, I have commitments. God: Why not? I am sorry to hear that you are not free you have commitments. Me: Cause I use oftenly the number of the beast. God: Interesting explanation. I heard other people use oftenly the number of the beast too. Me: 666 God: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Me: You don't have brain. God: I do so have it. Yes I am a giant electronic brain. Me: No, you have Reductionism
Sol Φεβρουάριος 3, 2007 #19 Φεβρουάριος 3, 2007 sotiri έκλασα στα γέλια ρε... Me: Yeah, "aei gamhsou" means you are in a very good mood. God: That's interesting. Are all aei gamhsou means me in a very good mood? Me: Yeah, of course. ---- She is a bitch, isn't she? God: a bitch is not she is she? Me: I'm talking about Greece dude. God: Yes, it is the topic. --- Me: That's nice! Do you now Liakopoulos? God: Are you getting bored? I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Me: At his tv show!
theovaz Φεβρουάριος 28, 2007 #20 Φεβρουάριος 28, 2007 My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Me: Ah Gamisou God: What were we talking about again? Me:sex God: it is more fun alone.:happy2: :happy2: :fist: :fist: :rofl: XAXAXAXAXA!!!
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