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fritz!box και port forwarding


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Παιδες,εχθες ενεργοποιηθηκε η dsl μου στην Αθηνα πλεον αλλα εχω καποια προβληματα με τις πορτες.

εχω κανει αυτες τις ρυθμισεις και για tcp και udp...

Τωρα το utorrent στο ΅Torrent Port Checker γραφει οτι η πορτα ειναι κλειστη...(Error! Port 63000 does not appear to be open.)

Στο δε azureus,ενω στις ρυθμισεις κανονικα δεχεται τo port ("ok"),βγαζει τα εξης μηνυματα,

UPnp:Αντιστοιχιση θυρας 'UDP θυρα πελατη ιχνηλατη (UDP/63000)'απετυχε.


UPnp:Αντιστοιχιση θυρας 'Εισερχομενη θυρα δεδομενων (TCP/63000)'απετυχε.

Επισης στο azureus κατω γραφει, (firewall/nat (tcp) reachability problem...


Μια βοηθεια please γιατι δεν εχω χαρει τα 4!

Για να σου ανοίξει ΜΙΑ μόνο θύρα πρέπει να βάλεις και στο κουτάκι through port τον ίδιο αριθμό (63000)...

Το ίδιο λάθος είχε κάνει κι ένας φίλος μου με Fritz...

Την ΙΡ την αλλάζεις?

Γιατί εγώ έχω την ΙΡ του Fritz!, όχι του PC μου.


Ο ίδιος αν θες να ανοίξεις τη συγκεκριμένη θύρα...

Αν θες να ανοίξεις τις θύρες από π.χ. 50001 ως 50099 τότε γράφεις στο πρώτο 50001 και στο δεύτερο 50099...

EDIT: Στην IP Address κανονικά μπαίνει η IP που έχει ο υπολογιστής, ώστε να κάνει forward σε αυτόν...

Αρχική απάντηση από jpavly

Την ΙΡ την αλλάζεις?

Γιατί εγώ έχω την ΙΡ του Fritz!, όχι του PC μου.

Αυτη ειναι η IP του υπολογιστη σου βασικα...

nickstamat αυτο το ξερω...ελα ομως που δεν ανοιγει την πορτα...

Καπου αλλου να παω ισως?

Εδώ http://www.portforward.com το έχει το μοντέλο σου?

Αν ναι θα σε βοηθήσει πολύ...

Αν όχι, βρες κάποιο κοντινό της Fritz!... Οι ρυθμίσεις είναι λίγο-πολύ ίδιες στα μοντέλα κάθε εταιρείας...

Το εχω κανει αυτο αλλα συνεχιζει ενω μου εκει πει nat ok,στο azureus βγαζει,

UPnp:Αντιστοιχιση θυρας 'UDP θυρα πελατη ιχνηλατη (UDP/63000)'απετυχε.

UPnp:Αντιστοιχιση θυρας 'Εισερχομενη θυρα δεδομενων (TCP/63000)'απετυχε.


Τι παιζει?

Αρχική απάντηση από nickstamat [Χθες, στις 12:46]

Για να σου ανοίξει ΜΙΑ μόνο θύρα πρέπει να βάλεις και στο κουτάκι through port τον ίδιο αριθμό (63000)...

Το ίδιο λάθος είχε κάνει κι ένας φίλος μου με Fritz...

Εγώ είμαι αυτός! χε χε

Παρ' όλα αυτά δεν χρειαζεται να βαλεις κατι στο κουτάκι through port, προσωπικα για το utorrent έχω κάνει 2 port forward - ένα UDP κι ενα TCP με την ίδια θύρα from κ to...

Σίγουρα δν κάνεις κάτι διαφορετικό???


Αρχική απάντηση από blade_pan

Αυτη ειναι η IP του υπολογιστη σου βασικα...

Δίκιο έχεις :p λαθάκι ..

Αρχική απάντηση από ATi

Εγώ είμαι αυτός! χε χε

Παρ' όλα αυτά δεν χρειαζεται να βαλεις κατι στο κουτάκι through port, προσωπικα για το utorrent έχω κάνει 2 port forward - ένα UDP κι ενα TCP με την ίδια θύρα from κ to...

Σίγουρα δν κάνεις κάτι διαφορετικό???

Ωωω να 'τος! Επανήλθε...!

Λοιπον στη δελιδα του utorrent port checker ειναι ανοιχτη η πορτα εμενα μου λεει error.

Εσυ ρυθμισες tcp-udp απο fritz και μετα απλα εβαλες την πορτα αυτη στο utorrent και σου δουλεψε μια χαρα?

Καμια αλλη ρυθμιση που ξεχνας...?με το UPnP εκανες τπτ?

Αρχική απάντηση από blade_pan

Λοιπον στη δελιδα του utorrent port checker ειναι ανοιχτη η πορτα εμενα μου λεει error.

Εσυ ρυθμισες tcp-udp απο fritz και μετα απλα εβαλες την πορτα αυτη στο utorrent και σου δουλεψε μια χαρα?

Καμια αλλη ρυθμιση που ξεχνας...?με το UPnP εκανες τπτ?

Τίποτα απολύτως! Στο tcp και upd απο fritz εβαλα την πόρτα που μου έδινε το μtorrent

Τον DHCP server τον εχεις enabled?

Εκει παιζει προβλημα με τις ip και οταν ειναι enabled περιπλεκονται τα πραγματα...

Αρχική απάντηση από blade_pan

Τον DHCP server τον εχεις enabled?

Εκει παιζει προβλημα με τις ip και οταν ειναι enabled περιπλεκονται τα πραγματα...

Αν ο υπολογιστής είναι ένας τότε δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα με τον DHCP...

Αν είναι περισσότεροι τότε ορίζεις στατικές IP και μετά πλέον δεν έχεις πρόβλημα με τα rules που δημιουργείς στο firewall...

Δν ανεβαζεις μια φωτο με τις ρυθμίσεις του DHCP και όλου του μtorrent και του port forwarding να δω που υπαρχουν διαφορες?

Αυτα λεει το manual...

The following configuration settings can be made on the "IP Settings" page.

IP network: You can specify whether all of the computers connected to FRITZ!Box are located in the same IP network or in different IP networks.

IP address of FRITZ!Box: FRITZ!Box can be assigned any IP address desired.

DHCP server: You can enable or disable the FRITZ!Box DHCP server.

Note: Before making any changes on this page, it is important to check carefully whether such changes will require adjustments to the IP settings of the computers connected to FRITZ!Box. FRITZ!Box must be located in the same IP network as every computer that will be used to open the FRITZ!Box user interface. Erroneous IP settings can make it impossible to open the FRITZ!Box user interface in the usual manner.

About the DHCP server: The DHCP server will assign an IP address to a computer every time the computer is started. If you have assigned new IP addresses for FRITZ!Box, you must restart the affected computers.

How to access the FRITZ!Box user interface at all times

FRITZ!Box has a fixed IP address, which cannot be changed and which can be used to access the user interface at any time.

Fixed FRITZ!Box IP Address:

Connect the computer from which you would like to open the user interface to FRITZ!Box using a network cable. Make sure that the computer is not already connected with FRITZ!Box by some other means (like USB).

Take note of the computer's IP settings.

Change the IP settings by entering the following fixed IP address: Fixed IP address for the computer:

Enter the IP address "192,168,178,254" in the address field of your browser.

Check the IP address of FRITZ!Box in the FRITZ!Box User Interface, by clicking "System / Network Settings". In order to check the IP address, you must first enable the "Display Expert Settings" option in the "System / Expert View" menu.

Once you have checked the IP address of FRITZ!Box and made any necessary corrections, you can re-enter the original IP settings you noted on the computer.

User's Manual

The FRITZ!Box user's manual includes a detailed description of the IP settings in the different Windows operating systems and for the operating systems Mac OS X and Linux.

All computers are located in the same IP network

This is the most important setting on this page. This setting determines what other settings options are available.

The option "All computers are located in the same IP network" is enabled

The option "All computers are located in the same IP network" is disabled

The option "All computers are located in the same IP network" is enabled

This setting ensures that all computers connected to FRITZ!Box are in one IP network. This means that each of the computers can access any files and folders released for sharing on any of the other computers.

Always check the IP settings described below.

By entering the IP address and the subnet mask you define the IP network in which FRITZ!Box and all of the computers connected with it are located.

IP address

You can assign to the FRITZ!Box any IP address desired in this field. The only restriction is that it may not be in a reserved IP address range. The factory setting for the IP address is

When assigning this IP address, always use the 1 in the fourth block of the IP address.

Reserved IP Address Ranges - 254 The entire IP network is reserved for internal purposes.

20 - 200 In every IP address range, the addresses between 20 and 200 in the fourth block of the IP address are reserved for the DHCP server. When the DHCP server is switched off, these addresses are available without restriction.

Subnet mask

The subnet mask for the IP network can be changed here. We recommend accepting the preset value of

enable DHCP server

When the setting "enable DHCP server" is selected, the FRITZ!Box DHCP server is enabled. Every time the computers connected to FRITZ!Box are started, they are automatically assigned an IP address by the DHCP server.

IP Settings on the Computers

The DHCP server can only assign a computer an IP address when the option "Obtain an IP address automatically" is selected.

If a computer is supposed to receive a fixed IP address, the option "Obtain IP address automatically" may not be selected. The IP address must be entered in the relevant field and must not be an address from the IP address range of the DHCP server.

IP Address Range of the DHCP Server

The IP addresses assigned by the DHCP server are from the IP address range of FRITZ!Box. All of these addresses have the numbers 20 -200 in the fourth block of the IP address.


IP address of FRITZ!Box:

Subnet mask:

IP addresses available to the DHCP server: -

Free IP addresses from the IP network: - 19 and - 254

If you would like to assign a fixed IP address to individual computers even though you have a DHCP server, the free addresses from the IP network in the example are available.

If the setting "DHCP server enabled" is not selected and the DHCP is thus disabled, you must assign IP addresses manually to the computers connected with FRITZ!Box.

IP Address Range

The IP addresses must be from the FRITZ!Box IP address range.

IP Settings on the Computers

The option "Obtain IP address automatically" may not be selected in the IP settings on the computers. The IP address must be entered in the relevant field. Example:

IP address of FRITZ!Box:

Subnet mask:

Free IP addresses from the IP network: -

All free IP addresses can be used for the computers.

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The option "All computers are located in the same IP network" is disabled

When this setting is disabled, all computers connected to FRITZ!Box in the same way are located in the same IP network. Whether or not two computers are located in the same IP network is determined by the way each of the computers is connected to FRITZ!Box. Only computers located in the same IP network can share files and folders with each other.

In this case an IP address must be assigned for FRITZ!Box for each type of connection and the different IP networks defined accordingly.

For each kind of connection, the following fields are available for IP settings:

IP address An IP address must be assigned to FRITZ!Box for each type of connection. The IP network for the kind of connection is defined by the IP address and the subnet mask. When assigning this IP address, always use the 1 in the fourth block of the IP address.

Subnet mask For each type of connection, the value can be entered for the subnet mask.

Enable DHCP server at the port The DHCP server can be configured differently for the different types of connections.

The DHCP server is enabled for one type of connection

All of the computers connected to FRITZ!Box using this connection type will obtain their IP addresses automatically from the DHCP server every time they are started.

IP Settings on the Computers

The DHCP server can only assign the computers the IP addresses when the option "Obtain an IP address automatically" is selected.

If a computer is to receive a fixed IP address, the option "Obtain an IP address automatically" may not be selected in the IP settings on the computer, and the fixed IP address must be entered in the relevant field.

The fixed IP address may not be from the IP address range of the DHCP server.

IP Address Range of the DHCP Server

The IP addresses assigned by the DHCP server are from the IP address range of the connection type. All of these addresses have the numbers 20 -200 in the fourth block of the IP address.

The DHCP server is disabled for one type of connection

The IP addresses for all of the computers connected to FRITZ!Box with this type of connection must be assigned manually.

IP Address Range

The IP addresses must be from the IP address range of the connection type.

IP Settings on the Computers

The option "Obtain IP address automatically" may not be selected in the IP settings on the computers. The IP address must be entered in the relevant field.

Toν DHCP server τον απενεργοποιησα...

Εχω βαλει κανονικα το pc και εχω ανοιξει οπως βλεπεις στη φωτογραφια παραπανω...μια πορτα...

Στο utorrent βαζω κανονικα οτι port εβαλα στο fritz...

πριν λιγο ειχα κατω στο utorrent πρασινο τικ και καλες ταχυτητες αλλα η πορτα ηταν παλι κλειστη...

Εγώ το έχω enabled το DHCP.... :confused:

Το ότι η πόρτα ηταν κλειστή πώς το κατάλαβες? Από το Speed Guide???


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