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nVDIA : pre Overclocked VGA's εχουνε προβληματα


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φαινεται οτι οι απο μαμα κλοκαρισμενες καρτες παραδιδουν πνευμα ευκολοτερα απο τις συμβατικες εκδοσεις.

An article over web-site [H]ard|OCP web-site claims that the failure rate of pre-overclocked GeForce 7900-series graphics cards, which were shipped by BFG Technology, EVGA and XFX, is higher than the companies have on average and that many people, who got those boards, experienced issues with them. The information raises question, whether pre-overclocked graphics cards, which are sold industry-wide, can be as stable and reliable as those produced strictly according to specifications by the graphics chip developer.


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Αυτό είναι γνωστό εδώ και καιρό.Μάλιστα σε διάφορα forums έχουν αναφερθεί προβλήματα και σε non overclocked cards.To θέμα είναι αρκετά σοβαρό, αν και προσπαθεί η nvidia από τη μεριά της να το υποβαθμίσει, καθώς «ρίχνει το μπαλάκι» στους κατασκευαστές (BFG,EVGA,XFX κτλ.) τονίζοντας εμμέσως πλην σαφώς ότι ευθύνονται αποκλειστικά εκείνοι για τα προβλήματα στις κάρτες γραφικών.

" NVIDIA wanted to pass along the following information in regards to "random freezing" issues on overclocked versions of the GeForce 7900 GTX:

In working with our board partners, we discovered the cause of the random slowdown and temporary lockup problems experienced by various users of certain over-clocked 7900 GTX graphics boards.

Essentially, it was a case where the core and/or memory clocks were driven a bit too high above NVIDIA specifications, and the over-clocking margins weren't available on those specific boards.

Users who experience problems should contact the graphics card vendor to fix the problem.

We have learned from our board partners that the situation should now be under control.

Also, in regards to 7900 GTX "Corruption upon exiting a 3D app (3DMark06)":

This is a new issue that has just been reported, and our software team is looking at this."

--Brian Burke, NVIDIA Corporation

Κατά τη γνώμη μου το πιο σημαντικό είναι το παρακάτω:

"ATI Technologies has a policy to allow manufacturers to overclock graphics processors to certain levels without losing ATIs warranty. It is unknown, whether Nvidia has a similar policy, as the company did not return to emails and phone calls seeking for comments."

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