YDinopoulos Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #21 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 U work up-north... U were born there? I have some cousins livin' in Bedfordshire, near Luton(maybe u hv heard of the river-uz festival & stuf). Anyway, it shall be our outmost pleasure to help u. (as long as u bring some pure single malt scotch whiskey )
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #22 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από YDinopoulos U work up-north... U were born there? I have some cousins livin' in Bedfordshire, near Luton(maybe u hv heard of the river-uz festival & stuf). Anyway, it shall be our outmost pleasure to help u. (as long as u bring some pure single malt scotch whiskey ) lol. Yeah; the central belt - Glasgow. I am Scottish by blood, but was actually born in Zurich, Switzerland, believe it or not. We should have a forum meet in Athens when I come over ;o As for typing Greek, any specific things I should watch out for? Just set Windows language to switch to Greek and install the necessary fonts?
deadlock7 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #23 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 You just have to install the necessary greek fonts and then you're fine! @Ydinopoulos:I thought you don't drink any more man.
astrolabos Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #24 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 A big welcome from me too. I was in Edinburgh in August and I must admit that i loved the town and the people. All of them were unexpectlable warm and kind.I can't understand why you want to leave Scotland. Here things are not as good as it looks from abroad, except if you are comming for holidays.
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #25 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από astrolabos A big welcome from me too. I was in Edinburg in August and I must admit that i loved the town and the people. All of them were unexpectlable warm and kind.I can't understand why you want to leave Scotland. Here things are not as good as it looks from abroad, except if you are comming for holidays. Ahh, things always seem to be rosier anywhere except where you yourself stay. I love Greece, and have done since I was wee, due to one side of my family being part-Greek.Any particular fonts better than others for Greeking? I keep finding ancient rather than modern Greek.
astrolabos Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #26 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Here you are: http://www.in.gr/grfonts.htm I wish you luck. From my little epxerience in Scotland (I think that others are more qualified to speak) I saw that there was order in things there. I was a foreigner and I didn't worry about getting lost, robbed or things like that. Here, in my own country, I don't have the same feeling. To short things up, come here, see and judge by yourself. But remeber, the greek nights, souvlaki, syrtaki, tzatziki and greek mousaka are for tourists Edit: Another thing that came up to me right now. They say that "if Judgement day comes and you have a lot of sins, go to Greece, 'cause there it will take place after 20 years." I think that the above describes best the situation here
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #27 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από astrolabos Here you are: http://www.in.gr/grfonts.htm I wish you luck. From my little epxerience in Scotland (I think that others are more qualified to speak) I saw that there was order in things there. I was a foreigner and I didn't worry about getting lost, robbed or things like that. Here, in my own country, I don't have the same feeling. To short things up, come here, see and judge by yourself. But remeber, the greek nights, souvlaki, syrtaki, tzatziki and greek mousaka are for tourists funny you should say that - compared with Glasgow, which has the highest rate of serious assault in Europe, Athens seemed pretty safe. I guess it's all relative. It will be nice to experience a new place and culture for a while; Scotland can be very suffocating. I've got the Greek/Eng switching thing fine, so introduce me to some of your Greeklish ways. Feel free to teach some phrases =p
astrolabos Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #28 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Start from here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeklish
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #29 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από astrolabos Start from here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeklish Aha. Looks good.Any useful Greek phrases I can try out that they wont teach you in the books?=p
cherryman Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #30 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από Greenboy Aha. Looks good. Any useful Greek phrases I can try out that they wont teach you in the books? =p Too many, but you will discover them in time. Welcome to TheLab.gr from my behalf too.
Τζώρτζης Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #31 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Time to practice our english!!!Welcome Greenboy.Really your nickname what means?
Solid Snake Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #33 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από astrolabos He might be vazelos (Panathinaikos fan) Mercy
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #34 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από Τζώρτζης Time to practice our english!!!Welcome Greenboy.Really your nickname what means? το ονομα μοθ ειναι απο το Greenday.org...I used to have green hair, και also worked at GreenDay.org, and so got the name from that - it's stuck.If anything, I'd support Πανιωνιος, as my cousins support them, lol
astrolabos Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 #35 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Hey, a fellow Panther!!!! That was the least expected to hear from you!
Greenboy Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Author #36 Φεβρουάριος 20, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από astrolabos Hey, a fellow Panther!!!! That was the least expected to hear from you! lol, what can I say? ;D I wear the shirt with pride.
Chosen Φεβρουάριος 21, 2006 #37 Φεβρουάριος 21, 2006 omfgkarapwpwned?Somebody setup us the bomb?Resistance is futile?Welcome?
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