GoriLLakoS Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 #1 Δημοσιεύτηκε Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 Το ηξερε κανενας σας αυτο???? Μολις τωρα το ανακαλυψα.... αλλα δεν αξιζει.... http://shop.ati.com/tradeup.asp ATI eliminates the down-time involved in online graphic card purchasing by sending you your new board in advance to install and try out. Once you're satisfied with it, return your old card for a substantial trade-in credit (Trade-in credit applied to your credit card purchase).
ea6gka Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 #2 Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 το ειχα δει απο καιρο αλλα νομιζω παιζει μονο για αμερικα και καναδα
astrolabos Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 #3 Ιανουάριος 25, 2006 yup02. Who can participate in this program?Any resident of the United States of America or Canada, who has an ATI or another manufactures graphics board, who have a valid credit card number and has purchased their new ATI Graphics card directly from ShopATI.
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