unseen Ιανουάριος 27, 2011 #342 Ιανουάριος 27, 2011 Memtest86+ V4.20*** Enhancements in v4.20 : ***New FeaturesAdded failsafe mode (press F1 at startup)Added support for Intel “Sandy Bridge” CPUAdded support for AMD “fusion” CPUAdded Coreboot “table forward” supportBug FixesCorrected some memory brands not detected properlyVarious bug fixeshttp://benchmarks.gr/memtest86-v420/
sakis_the_fraud Φεβρουάριος 9, 2011 #343 Φεβρουάριος 9, 2011 RealTemp 3.67 -added Sandy Bridge VID / power consumption monitoring. -added Sandy Bridge power limit adjustments if they are not locked by the bios. -added ability to save the log file to a network computer. -added Disable Turbo (IDA) option for Core 2 mobile CPUs. -updated i7 Turbo GT program for Sandy Bridge CPUs. -also updated the RTCore.dll RivaTuner plugin. http://www.mediafire.com/?n99nq4kn95u6i6a
sakis_the_fraud Φεβρουάριος 16, 2011 #344 Φεβρουάριος 16, 2011 Prime95 v26.5 Παράθεση 1) Pentium 4s and Celerons with L2 cache size of 256K or less choose a length 4M FFT when they could use an FFT between 1600K and 4M in size. Fixed in next release.2) The on screen message reporting that errors have occurred during the LL test was wrong. The counts for "SUM(INPUTS) != SUM(OUTPUTS)" and "ROUNDOFF > 0.4" were reversed. Fixed in next release.3) Dual-boot users running a 32-bit and 64-bit executable on the same exponent may experience "Unable to initialize FFT" message. This happens when prime95 writes an FFT size to worktodo.txt and that FFT size is only supported by just one of the two executables. For example, the 2240K FFT length is supported for 64-bit Core 2 but not 32-bit Core 2. Fixed, somewhat inelegantly, in 26.5 -- unimplemented FFT lengths are ignored when worktodo.txt is read.4) Prime95 will sometimes inexplicably unreserve exponents. I think this happens when prime95 incorrectly calculates the CPU speed. Version 26.5 will only use a new slower CPU speed measurement after several slower CPU measurements. Hopefully, this will resolve the unreserve problem caused by a single erroneous CPU speed measurement.5) Prime95 would lose the how_far_factored and tests_saved information on PRP= lines in worktodo.txt. Fixed in 26.5.5) Prime95 did not offer an option to delete P-1 save files when a work unit completes. Fixed in 26.5.6) Prime95 did not fully understand Sandy Bridge CPUID output. Fixed in 26.5.7) Prime95 did not accurately report the CPU speed. Fixed in 26.5.8) At startup, the workers threads do not start up properly until communication with the server completes. If you have a large worktodo.txt file, this will result in wasted CPU time and many "use count" error messages. Fixed in 26.5.9) Time estimates for trial factoring to 2^79 and above were incorrect. Fixed in 26.5.Prime95 v26.5 Build 2 Παράθεση 1) Minor bug fixes.2) Starting in build 2, P-1 work will display the chance of finding a factor.The worktodo.txt line must include how_far_factored using the new syntax:Pminus1=k,b,n,c,B1,B2[,how_far_factored][,B2_start][,"factors"]ftp://mersenne.org/gimps/p95v265.zip - x32ftp://mersenne.org/gimps/p64v265.zip - x64
unseen Μάρτιος 25, 2011 #346 Μάρτιος 25, 2011 SpeedFan 4.43 Παράθεση Updates: Full nVidia video card support, greatly improved User Interface responsiveness, administrator privileges are now required and enforced to run SpeedFan, full support for Intel 6 Series SMBus, exact voltage readings for Intel DH61BE, DH61CR, DH61DL, DH61WW, DH67BL, DH67CL, DH67GD, DH67CF, DP67BA, DP67DE, DP67BG, DB65AL, DQ67EP, DQ67OW, DQ67SW, DX58OG, improved voltage readings for Asus P8P67 DeLuxe, P8P67 and P8P67-M, support for several new sensor chips, minor improvements and bugfixes.Download
GeorgeVasil Απρίλιος 8, 2011 #347 Απρίλιος 8, 2011 Sapphire TRIXX Παράθεση [Main Features SAPPHIRE TriXX is the optimal overclocking utility for your AMD RADEON™ graphics card. Features include:Overclock your AMD RADEON™ based graphics cardGPU CoreGPU VoltageVideo Card Memory[*]Save your Favorite Overclock Settings with up to 4 Profiles.[*]Adjust your Graphic Card’s Fan Settings with Automatic, Fixed or Custom Fan Speeds.[*]Information Tab with all you need to know about your Graphic Card including GPU, Interface, Memory, Driver Version, BIOS Version, Clocks, Shaders and more…[*]Multi-GPU support (CrossFireX)[*]Windows Sidebar Gadget optionhttp://www.sapphiretech.com/ssc/TriXX/
GeorgeVasil Απρίλιος 11, 2011 #348 Απρίλιος 11, 2011 Για τους non Defaultaκηδες Optimize Windows 7 Services with SMART
unseen Ιούλιος 7, 2011 #349 Ιούλιος 7, 2011 Παράθεση D7 is a tool for PC technicians to aid in many tasks and provide a uniform procedure for technicians to follow. It has many capabilities and many uses including offline and live malware removal assistance, offline registry editing, CPU/RAM stress testing, information gathering and quality assurance uses, etc. etc. Too much to list here, right now at least. It also combines some other projects of mine such as DataGrab and CheckDisk, among other smaller things. Note that D7 is not the malware scanner or remover, YOU are. YOU control it's behavior by whitelist/blacklist functionality, and by your own pair of hopefully good eyeballs. D7's MalwareScan functionality is designed to show you want D7 doesn't recognize, by whitelisting known good items, and automatically deleting known bad items. From there, D7's MalwareScan merely shows you what is left after the whitelisting/blacklisting is applied. From there, you have the option to whitelist, blacklist, delete, rename, ignore, google, or whatever you want with the results. Included with D7 are some sample whitelists/blacklists. It's up to you to decide if you should use them and add to them, or delete them and create your own. THIS TOOL IS INTENDED FOR EXPERIENCED PC TECHNICIANS ONLY, NOT FOR "END USERS." This tool can be very dangerous and destructive in the wrong hands, or even in the right ones. I have personally even hosed my own development machine by accidentally clicking the wrong button. Sometimes I don't fully *test* D7 prior to use. So you are forewarned! If you are concerned about your data or the well being of your computer, then please make a backup of everything important prior to using D7. I have provided a PDF of some very basic D7 usage and behavior below, which I do encourage EVERYONE to read, however most functions inside D7 are self-explanatory or include enough information in the tool tips (over your mouse over the name of the function) for any experienced computer technician to recognize what it is and what it does. If you are really confused, then just ASK ME and I'll try to explain it! D7 is FREE for personal, non-commercial use. Use in a commercial environment may one day require a license, however currently there is no fee for the license and no process involved in obtaining the license, so just go ahead and download the software, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, and enjoy. Although it won't say so in the titlebar of the application, D7 should be considered a BETA product. Some features of D7 are not fully tested on all platforms. Also, D7 is not 100% compatible with a 64 bit operating system due to registry virtualization and the file system redirector, however D7 will function on a 64 bit operating system either in offline or live mode without much issue. Full 64 bit compatibility is planned but pretty far off. Personally, I use the tool on 64 bit systems without thinking twice about it, but as always, your mileage may vary. Feedback is appreciated! Please always include your name and email address so I can get back with you. I am always interested in hearing your ideas for new features as well as existing issues with the software. If you are reporting an issue, please first check the known bugs in the about / release notes screen of D7, and if not listed, include steps that I can take to recreate the problem you are experiencing.http://www.majorgeeks.com/D7_d6954.html
xrist Φεβρουάριος 7, 2012 #350 Φεβρουάριος 7, 2012 SpaceSniffer για να δείτε την κατανομή των αρχείων στο δίσκο σας.Δεν χρειάζεται εγκατάσταση.
orion Φεβρουάριος 8, 2012 #353 Φεβρουάριος 8, 2012 Εκανα edit το link.. ωραιος ο ιταλος.. gv δε θελει ssd ρε μια χαρα πεζει σε sata...To εβαλα στην δουλεια στον fileserver εχει γελιο γιατι κατι realtime scan και αναβουν τα κουτακια συνεχεια..
geogeoland Αύγουστος 11, 2015 #355 Αύγουστος 11, 2015 (edited) Για όσους έχουν δυο κάρτες ήχου (mobo + κάτι άλλο) τα παρακάτω ίσως τους φανούν χρήσιμα:https://www.raymond.cc/blog/easily-change-or-switch-the-default-audio-sound-output-in-windows-vista-and-xp/Προσωπικά χρησιμοποιώ το SetSoundDevice. Έφτιαξα δυο συντομεύσεις για τις κάρτες ήχου, τις συνέδεσα με δυο προγραμματιζόμενα κουμπιά στο πληκτρολόγιο μου και έτοιμος. Πλέον δε χρειάζεται να ανοιγω κανενα πάνελ, κάνω τη δουλειά μου με δυο macro κουμπιά μέσα απο οποιαδήποτε εφαρμογή ή παιχνίδι.Πολλαπλό clipboardΕίναι πολλές φορές που μου φάνηκε χρήσιμο να αποθηκεύσω στη μνήμη με την επιλογή copy παραπάνω απο μια πληροφορίες, τις οποίες θα ήθελα μετά να κάνω paste διαδοχικά ή σε διαφορετικά πεδία. Υπάρχει η δυνατότητα στο Office και στις τελευταίες εκδόσεις android. Το πρόγραμμα που ανεβάζω εδώ και λέγεται "Ditto" δίνει αυτή την επιλογή σε οποινδήποτε υπολογιστή Windows, σε οποιοδήποτε περιβάλλον. Έγινε επεξεργασία Αύγουστος 11, 2015 από geogeoland 3
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