GeorgeVasil Ιούνιος 28, 2006 #301 Ιούνιος 28, 2006 uTorrent 1.6 RC1 Change Log _______________________SmartFTP 2.0.996.33 Major Changes- File Exist Rules- Synchronous NavigationMinor Changes- Ability to create shortcuts to your Favorites.- Data connection fail-over.- Added "History" combo box to "Remote Browser".- Running queue items can be deleted without stopping them first.- Aborted queue items can be resumed with Pause/Resume.Bug Fixes- Disappearing cursor in the Remote Browser if the "Show window contents while dragging" system option is disabled.- Fixed GDI leak in the Remote Browser_______________________CPU-Z 1.35 - ATI RS350, RS400, RS480/RX480, RS482, RD580/RX580, RS600/RD600, RS690, RS700 chipsets support.- ATI SB600 southbridge support.- Intel P965 chipset support.- Engineering samples Core based CPUs report.- Windows Vista product line report._______________________
GeorgeVasil Ιούλιος 3, 2006 #304 Ιούλιος 3, 2006 uTorrent 1.6.474 --- 2006-07-02: Version 1.6 (build 474)- Fix: Autoload would not copy the torrent under some circumstances- Fix: No mark was shown in the Label selection menu for the selected label- Change: Always merge trackers if loading a torrent in silent mode--- 2006-07-01: Version 1.6 (build 473)- Feature: Ability to filter files in torrent creator- Feature: Add a move to top/down button or key- Feature: Add a way to make ΅t startup in bosskey mode- Feature: Add a way to set the upload/download cap through system tray- Feature: Add an option to reset bans- Feature: Add remaining HD space in the BC-style dialog- Feature: Added "Completed On" column- Feature: Added a way to delete the internal peerlist- Feature: Added bandwidth priority and tracker status column- Feature: Added graphical progress bar in main list- Feature: Added option to allow multiple connections from same IP.- Feature: Added option to bypass the Nanotorrent search redirect.- Feature: Added option to open download bar when doubleclicking a torrent- Feature: Allow torrents in list to be renamed- Feature: Change label from the torrent properties dialog- Feature: Delete torrents to trash- Feature: Disk statistics- Feature: Draggable download bars separate from the main window- Feature: Enable scheduler from tray- Feature: Make shift + delete key remove torrent + data- Feature: New disk cache settings- Feature: Open containing folder selects the item- Feature: Open the folder if you click on the tray popup when a download is finished- Feature: Pause in tetris- Feature: Proxy for peer connections- Feature: RSS update interval- Feature: Remember waste/hashfails across sessions- Feature: Removing torrent will remove partfile- Feature: Set default action for delete button (right click on it and hold shift)- Feature: Setup outgoing port to bind to- Feature: Show a warning if no disk space when moving a complete torrent- Feature: Show a warning in the add dialog if the torrent doesn't fit on the drive- Feature: Show speed in title bar- Feature: Show speed limits in status bar- Feature: Shutdown/hibernate when downloads complete- Feature: Standby when torrents complete- Feature: Torrent create dialog remembers the previous settings- Change: 'min interval' was misspelled.- Change: Added buttons to select all / deselect in the add dialog- Change: Added option not to connect to port 25 or 110- Change: Auto Shutdown Windows available from a menu- Change: Change so it always shows 3 digits in sizes.- Change: Changed connections for the 384k speed- Change: Delay firewall opening a little to help problem where utorrent starts faster than the firewall.- Change: Don't delete torrents from list if the torrentfile wasn't found- Change: Don't resolve peer ips by default- Change: Don't switch between green/yellow icon too often- Change: Don't use Change: Edit button in RSS feeds window- Change: Fixed various language strings to be more consistent- Change: If the file cannot be opened, delay a little while and try again.- Change: Increased length of editbox for new labels- Change: Modified algorihtm for giving extra upload slots- Change: More dialogs are non-modal- Change: Never request more than 50 chunks from a bitcomet peer- Change: New UPnP code (works on all OSes)- Change: Redesigned settings dialog (I still need icons for the categories)- Change: Remember the last speed tab view mode- Change: Resolve IPs is on by default, but only if the Peers tab is active.- Change: Separate the tracker from the webui + webui settings- Change: Show a message in the logger if the autoload is set to the same as the storage folder.- Change: Show a warning dialog when auto shutting down- Change: Show better error message when adding a torrent through URL and it can't be loaded- Change: Show decimal in download bar- Change: Speed in title bar is shown a little differently- Change: Swapped UL/DL in download bar- Change: Trim spaces from tracker url in create torrent dialog- Change: Tweaked piece selection algorithm a little- Change: num_wsa_events to control how many WSA EVENTS to allocate- Change: peer.lazy_bitfield enabled by default.- Change: Changed the network status icons- change: Moved the network status icon a bit- Fix: Couldn't use Unicode characters with search box- Fix: Don't allow blank filenames for single-file torrents (uses default name instead)- Fix: Don't crash if popup menu is active while the active torrent is deselected- Fix: Fixed Win95 problems.- Fix: Fixed a bunch of crash bugs.- Fix: Generals tab should flicker less- Fix: Make the after crash re-check not re-check torrents that already finished in that session- Fix: Never create torrents with more than 64k pieces.- Fix: RSS Favorites list bug- Fix: Resize some labels to make more space- Fix: Setting upload/download limit uses the currently active limit- Fix: Superseeding should work better- Fix: The label entry box in the BC-style dialog is too short- Fix: Wrap comments field
GeorgeVasil Ιούλιος 3, 2006 #305 Ιούλιος 3, 2006 NVIDIA Forceware 91.33 Single-GPU Issues Resolved" GeForce 7950 GX2: Bluescreen crash occurs when running 3D Mark06 with an Intel i955XBK motherboard.SLI Technology Issues Resolved" GeForce 6 and 7 Series: Added an SLI profile for Prey." NVIDIA Control Panel: SLI multiGPU rendering has beendisabled popup message appears on nonSLI capable systems." NVIDIA Control Panel: The digital display cannot be set to its nativeresolution when the analog display is set as the primary displayunder nView Clone or Spanning modes." NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500: With four monitors connected, from theNVIDIA Control Panel>Workstation>Synchronize Displays page,the server cannot be set." NVIDIA Quadro FX 4400: Under the NVIDIA Control Panel>Workstation>Synchronize Displays, the secondary display is unableto be set as the client.
Sol Ιούλιος 4, 2006 #306 Ιούλιος 4, 2006 Creative Labs Releases New SoundBlaster X-Fi Driver 2.09.0001 fixes a number of game issues and adds full support for OpenAL 1.1 For Quake 4 (version 1.04) * Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when the error message "Quake 4 has encountered an error and needs to close" is displayed * Resolves the issue of mono speaker out in surround sound environments * Allows you to hear audio from speakers when you select the OpenAL X-Fi option as the audio driver * Allows audio channels to stream to correct speakers For Battlefield 2 * Allows the Ultra-High Audio setting in a multi-player game For Battlefield 2 (version 1.12) * Allows you to hear audio from speakers when the X-Fi audio driver option is selected For Doom 3 (version 1.3) * Allows you to hear audio from speakers when EAX 4.0 is enabled * Resolves the "pop" issue during the Chainsaw attack sound effect sequence * Removes "hiss" from the front left speaker * Allows panning * Plays the Ambient sound effects correctly Download
greekfragma Ιούλιος 4, 2006 #307 Ιούλιος 4, 2006 μπραβο Αντρεα καιρος να διορθωθουν ορισμενα πραγματα στον ηχο του BF2.αντε και εις ανωτερα
GeorgeVasil Ιούλιος 5, 2006 #308 Ιούλιος 5, 2006 IsoBuster 1.9.1 # IsoBuster splash screen, which will stick until the main window is loaded, which can take a while sometimes when a drive is just mounting a 'difficult' disc and is not responding to commands immediately.# Added option to the GUI (in Options) for administrators to grant low level access to storage devices for other users on the system.# Multi-language support in the installer itself.# IsoBuster theme in About box.# Various icon improvements.# An object selection is now also available and accessible via the Main Window (File / Sel. Object(s))# Shift+F10 and context menu (between Alt Gr and Ctrl on the right) button click implemented.# *.NCD (or subsets of *.NCD) image file support.# The multi-extent icon next to a file or folder is *not* shown anymore by default, after a fresh install, to avoid confusion, set it in the options if required.Improvements:# Updated some of the auto recognizing features for Movie DVDs.# Changed the more-sessions-in-one-track interpreter to also be able to deal with Nero Cmd made discs (they don't have the typical Nero signature)# Work-around for a particular drive problem (DL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8163B, or possibly a generation of drives) which caused DVD(+R/W) media not to be mounted OK.Tracks and Sessions were not always correctly identified.# Improvement to match IBP/IBQ managed image files to actual CDs in certain drives better, has to do with reserved tracks.# Load read-only (write protect) IBP/IBQ files but put up a dialog warning for the user and allow him/her to unload the image again.# Addded a dialog for when the IsoBuster.exe has been changed, to warn the user that there might be a virus on the system.# Filter and replace illegal characters in file names before extraction for all file-systems, not just only for HFS.# Various changes here and there to work better with Vista public Beta 2, which has changed considerably compared to previous Vista beta version.# Various internal improvements, staying up to date with drive evolutions.Fixes:# Fixed some minor GUI related issues. You probably never noticed.# Fixed a rare situation where IB could run into an exception error when there is NO file-system layout on the disc.# Fixed small bug in the HFS file-extension recognition. Not all known extensions were actually assigned.# Fixed that some extracted files, via the Mac HFS+ file system, were 2KB too big.For most files this is no problem, but for text files some editors would display the extra rubbish at the end which is potentionally annoying.
mitsosoft Ιούλιος 8, 2006 #309 Ιούλιος 8, 2006 nForce4 series - Windows 2000/XPnForce4 series - Windows XP Professional x64Version: 6.86Release Date: July 7, 2006WHQL CertifiedRelease Notes* WHQL driver package for nForce4 AMD, nForce4 AMD/Intel X16 motherboardsDriver Versions* Audio Driver (v4.65) "WHQL"* Audio Utility (v4.51)* Ethernet Driver (v50.25) "WHQL"* Network Management Tools (v50.19)* SMBus Driver (v4.57) "WHQL"* Installer (v4.89)* WinXP IDE SataRAID Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"* WinXP IDE SataIDE Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"* WinXP RAIDTOOL Application (v6.63)
GeorgeVasil Ιούλιος 10, 2006 #310 Ιούλιος 10, 2006 CCleaner 1.31.325 v1.31.325- Fixed IE7 bug in Hotfix Uninstaller cleaning.- Added support for Seamonkey/Mozilla cache cleaning.- Added support for the Flock Browser.- Added more precise error checking to Tools section.- Added version information to the installer.- Tweaks to improve the quality of the icons.- Updated French Translation.- Updated NSIS Installer Engine.- Minor interface tweaks.- Minor optimization fixes.
Sol Ιούλιος 10, 2006 #311 Ιούλιος 10, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από $George Vasil$ CCleaner 1.31.325 αυτό δουλεύω, πολύ χρήσιμο προγραμματάκι
kreach Ιούλιος 11, 2006 #312 Ιούλιος 11, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από $George Vasil$ NVIDIA Forceware 91.33 Single-GPU Issues Resolved" GeForce 7950 GX2: Bluescreen crash occurs when running 3D Mark06 with an Intel i955XBK motherboard.SLI Technology Issues Resolved" GeForce 6 and 7 Series: Added an SLI profile for Prey." NVIDIA Control Panel: SLI multiGPU rendering has beendisabled popup message appears on nonSLI capable systems." NVIDIA Control Panel: The digital display cannot be set to its nativeresolution when the analog display is set as the primary displayunder nView Clone or Spanning modes." NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500: With four monitors connected, from theNVIDIA Control Panel>Workstation>Synchronize Displays page,the server cannot be set." NVIDIA Quadro FX 4400: Under the NVIDIA Control Panel>Workstation>Synchronize Displays, the secondary display is unableto be set as the client. Aπ ότι βλέπω στο δεν υπάρχουν οι 91.33 drivers, άρα δεν θα έπρεπε να γράφει beta ?
xrist Ιούλιος 11, 2006 #313 Ιούλιος 11, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από Sol αυτό δουλεύω, πολύ χρήσιμο προγραμματάκι Tι κανει?
Sol Ιούλιος 11, 2006 #314 Ιούλιος 11, 2006 καθαρίζει την registry από άκυρες εγγραφές (κυρίως uninstall), απροβλημάτιστα μέχρι στιγμής
xrist Ιούλιος 11, 2006 #315 Ιούλιος 11, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από Sol καθαρίζει την registry από άκυρες εγγραφές (κυρίως uninstall), απροβλημάτιστα μέχρι στιγμής Thnks ...θα το δικιμασω.
jpavly Ιούλιος 12, 2006 #316 Ιούλιος 12, 2006 Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Official Beta 1
spc Ιούλιος 22, 2006 #317 Ιούλιος 22, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από mitsosoft nForce4 series - Windows 2000/XPnForce4 series - Windows XP Professional x64Version: 6.86Release Date: July 7, 2006WHQL CertifiedRelease Notes* WHQL driver package for nForce4 AMD, nForce4 AMD/Intel X16 motherboardsDriver Versions* Audio Driver (v4.65) "WHQL"* Audio Utility (v4.51)* Ethernet Driver (v50.25) "WHQL"* Network Management Tools (v50.19)* SMBus Driver (v4.57) "WHQL"* Installer (v4.89)* WinXP IDE SataRAID Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"* WinXP IDE SataIDE Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"* WinXP RAIDTOOL Application (v6.63) Με την ''κανονική'' διαδικασία (aka δεν ''βγαίνουν'' πουθενά οι 6.86....?????editτο live update της msi με nf4 ultra amd βγαζει ως τελευταία έκδοση την ''666''το 666 φαίνεται να αντιστοιχεί με:* WinXP IDE SataIDE Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"* WinXP RAIDTOOL Application (v6.63)οπότε μάλλον φαίνεται να ''ισχύει'' κανονικά ο 6.86
mitsosoft Ιούλιος 22, 2006 #318 Ιούλιος 22, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από spc Με την ''κανονική'' διαδικασία (aka δεν ''βγαίνουν'' πουθενά οι 6.86....????? Δοκίμασε να επιλέξεις:Platform/ nforce Drivers, απο την 1η στήληnForce4 series AMD, απο την 2ηWin XP/2000 (ή άλλο λειτουργικό), απο την 3η στήλη
spc Ιούλιος 23, 2006 #319 Ιούλιος 23, 2006 Αρχική απάντηση από mitsosoft Δοκίμασε να επιλέξεις:Platform/ nforce Drivers, απο την 1η στήληnForce4 series AMD, απο την 2ηWin XP/2000 (ή άλλο λειτουργικό), απο την 3η στήλη λολέν!Προφανώς αυτό έκανα.Συνέβη όμως το εξής απίθανο:Εχθές που το έκανα και ήμουν σπίτι, το 2ο menu είχε την ''παλιά'' δομή (aka δεν είχε τα νέα 570/590 και το nforce amd ήταν ''απλό'' nforce 4 amd και όχι nforce4 series amd) και δεν έβγαζε τους 6.86 αλλά τους παλιούς 6.70!.Σήμερα από γραφείο είναι μια χαρά!
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