giorgos2187 Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2015 #21 Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2015 Η προταση ακριβως πριν απο αυτην που παραθετεις νομιζω ειναι η απαντηση στον αρχικο μου προβληματισμο. ".... so you can be more parallel, which is how you get the real power from DX12 or Vulcan". Αρα λοιπον, αν δεν κανω λαθος, η υπαρχει πληρης υποστηριξη των async shaders η δεν υπαρχει καθολου βελτιωση; Ετσι εξηγουνται οι τεραστιες διαφορες αναμεσα στο ashes και το fables; Απ ολο το σημερινο hardware λοιπον μονο οι καρτες της AMD που τα υποστηριζουν μπορουν να επωφεληθουν; Εχει ζουμι και ενδιαφερον η υποθεση...
yanni Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2015 Author #22 Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2015 Ίσως να είναι περισσότερα που μπορείς να κάνεις με το DX12 στον τομέα του optimization από απλά χρήση του Async compute. Θα δούμε, πιθανόν από το 2016 και μετά.
Petrossortep Οκτώβριος 4, 2015 #23 Οκτώβριος 4, 2015 "Το async compute θα "σπείρει" σε AMD gpu." Yeah right. It’s quite possible that the underlying game itself was optimized with the Xbox One in mind, which has significantly less async compute units than current high-end PC hardware. Thus only a few in-game graphical assets are actually being pushed to the async compute queue, owing to a much smaller amount of resources available. And we’re not entirely sure what kind of requests from the engine are being given to the async compute queue, only that there’s clearly some measure of rendering happening there. These tasks could be very efficient in the normal pipeline for NVIDIA, owing to a similar performance to AMD’s hardware. Any number of things could be going on under the hood. Read more: Now, this is just an analysis of a closed benchmark that isn’t indicative of the behavior of the actual final build of the game. With more action on screen and more assets to light, render and make pretty, we could see an infusion of work in that compute queue, making good use of the async compute capabilities in DX12. At the moment, however, it’s not actually there. Read more: Άρα δεν κάνει το async compute τη διαφορά στο ντέμο. Σχετικά με async compute και dx12: I have a confession to make. Calling these features “DirectX 12” hardware features is not technically accurate. These are hardware features that can be unlocked by any capable APIRead more: Well, the answer is 1+1 actually. On the right side of the diagram you will notice an “HP3D” pipeline and a “GFX” pipeline. Both can take graphic workloads but one (the HP3D) is dedicated completely for graphics processing while the other (GFX) can take both compute and graphics work loads in a serial fashion. So while the PS4 has 1 graphics queue by the traditional definition, it actually has a secondary pipeline (for a net total of 2, 3D capable pipelines) which supports graphics tasking as well. Read more:
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