didicola Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 #21 Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 Geekbench Score 3984Geekbench Score 3984 Version Geekbench 2.0.6 Platform Windows x86 (32-bit) Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz Model ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC P5W DH Deluxe Memory 2.00 GB SDRAM 0 MHz Integer Score 5143 . Blowfishsingle-threaded scalar 219396.4 MB/sec . Blowfishmulti-threaded scalar 4682191.9 MB/sec . Text Compresssingle-threaded scalar 31229.99 MB/sec . Text Compressmulti-threaded scalar 599919.7 MB/sec . Text Decompresssingle-threaded scalar 338613.9 MB/sec . Text Decompressmulti-threaded scalar 689427.5 MB/sec . Image Compresssingle-threaded scalar 317526.2 Mpixels/sec . Image Compressmulti-threaded scalar 619152.1 Mpixels/sec . Image Decompresssingle-threaded scalar 313552.6 Mpixels/sec . Image Decompressmulti-threaded scalar 6201101.2 Mpixels/sec . Crafty Chesssingle-threaded scalar 39772.01 Mnodes/sec . Crafty Chessmulti-threaded scalar 68003.30 Mnodes/sec . Luasingle-threaded scalar 54372.09 Mnodes/sec . Luamulti-threaded scalar 108174.16 Mnodes/sec . Floating Point Score 4074 . Mandelbrotsingle-threaded scalar 24961.66 Gflops . Mandelbrotmulti-threaded scalar 50583.31 Gflops . Dot Productsingle-threaded scalar 1593769.7 Mflops . Dot Productmulti-threaded scalar 33291.52 Gflops . Dot Productsingle-threaded vector 30333.63 Gflops . Dot Productmulti-threaded vector 69667.25 Gflops . LU Decompositionsingle-threaded scalar 32082.85 Gflops . LU Decompositionmulti-threaded scalar 63705.59 Gflops . Primality Testsingle-threaded scalar 4898731.6 Mflops . Primality Testmulti-threaded scalar 76341.42 Gflops . Sharpen Imagesingle-threaded scalar 8081.89 Mpixels/sec . Sharpen Imagemulti-threaded scalar 16273.75 Mpixels/sec . Blur Imagesingle-threaded scalar 33402.64 Mpixels/sec . Blur Imagemulti-threaded scalar 66775.25 Mpixels/sec . Memory Score 2619 . Read Sequentialsingle-threaded scalar 52406.42 GB/sec . Write Sequentialsingle-threaded scalar 32562.23 GB/sec . Stdlib Allocatesingle-threaded scalar 18176.78 Mallocs/sec . Stdlib Writesingle-threaded scalar 11012.28 GB/sec . Stdlib Copysingle-threaded scalar 16841.74 GB/sec . Stream Score 2351 . Stream Copysingle-threaded scalar 22233.04 GB/sec . Stream Copysingle-threaded vector 25203.27 GB/sec . Stream Scalesingle-threaded scalar 24113.13 GB/sec . Stream Scalesingle-threaded vector 24143.26 GB/sec . Stream Addsingle-threaded scalar 22793.44 GB/sec . Stream Addsingle-threaded vector 26053.62 GB/sec . Stream Triadsingle-threaded scalar 24733.42 GB/sec . Stream Triadsingle-threaded vector 18873.53 GB/sec . System Information Platform Windows x86 (32-bit) Compiler Visual C++ 2005 Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional Model ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC P5W DH Deluxe Motherboard ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5W DH Deluxe Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6 Logical Processors 2 Physical Processors 2 Processor Frequency 3.60 GHz L1 Instruction Cache 0.00 B L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB L2 Cache 4.00 MB L3 Cache 0.00 B Bus Frequency 400 MHz Memory 2.00 GB Memory Type SDRAM 0 MHz SIMD 1
DarthMoul Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 #22 Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 Γιατί ο C2D που δοκιμάζω εγώ βγαίνει τόσο χαμηλά; Ξέρει κανείς; Και στον systester τα ίδια μου κάνει. Ο Dothan του Μανώλη στο #3 βγάζει παραπάνω.
manolis1442169134 Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 #23 Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2007 Γιατί ο C2D που δοκιμάζω εγώ βγαίνει τόσο χαμηλά; Ξέρει κανείς; Και στον systester τα ίδια μου κάνει. Ο Dothan του Μανώλη στο #3 βγάζει παραπάνω.Κάτι ξέρω εγώ και δεν τον αλλάζω Λουκά !!!!!!!:033::046:
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