tefra1442169066 Νοέμβριος 24, 2004 Author #41 Νοέμβριος 24, 2004 ο πινακας ανανεωθηκε:UPDATE FIX LIST 24-11-04-Οι N.G.O. και επισημα πλεον ονομαζονται TC Drivers-Οι πρωην Ngo Και νυν TC drivers ανανεωθηκαν στην εκδοση v1.7a βασησμενοι παλι στους catalyst 4.12beta αλλα εχουν επιπλεον βελτιωσεις .-Διορθωθηκε το link για τους tc drivers Για την εκδοση V1,7Lite . Δεν εβρισκα το link στο official site το βρηκα αλλου. Προφανως στο επισημο site δεν κρατανε τις παλιες εκδοσεις .-To link απο τους οδηγους evolution 1.0 αφαιρεθηκε διοτι πλεον δεν λειτουργει και δεν μπορω να βρω αλλο που να λειτουργει .
forwardS Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 #42 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 χθες βγήκαν οι omega των 4.12beta http://www.newgenerationorder.org/omega.htmlπρόλαβε να τους δοκιμάσει κανείς?
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #43 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 απιστευτο μολις ερχομουν να το ανανεωσω
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #44 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 να και το change list Των τελευταιων OmegaWhat's New? (2k/XP 2.5.97)* Based on the Catalyst 4.12 Beta drivers.* New Radlinker installation method, now it should install correctly every time.* Fixed gamma issues with color control panel.* WMV acceleration is now off by default, you can turn it on in the Options panel.* New quick shortcut for Radlinker, just right click your desktop and go directly to all the Advanced 3D settings.* Fixed Standby/Suspend/Hibernation bug.* Added a lot of new resolutions for wide screen monitor/dfp users.* Fixed the Forced Anisotropic settings, now they should not reset to Performance mode.* Removed the special Counter Strike OpenGL from the package, now that CS:S is available, this is no longer necessary.* Fixed some uninstall issues, now the drivers should completely be removed if you select to do so.
outlaw Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 #45 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Outlaw's litle wish. Μιάς και έφτιαξες ένα πολύ καλό θρέντ και το κρατάς updated κάνε και την καλή και ανέβασε ΑΝ βρείς και ΑΝ κάνεις κάνεις κέφι και κανά *.jpeg απο κάποιο συγκριτικό μεταξί των driver έτσι για να δέσει το γλυκό και να προιδεάζεις περί peformance του καθενώς. Πολύ καλή δουλειά φίλε.
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #46 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 σιγουρα σημερα θα σκασει μυτη συγκριτικο για τους omega 2.5.97 θα προσπαθησω να ανεβασω καμια φωτο . Εχεις προσεξει το benchmarks links ???
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #47 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 και επειδη εμεις ακομα δεν μπορουμε να πουμε εντυπωσεις κοιταξτε μια εδωhttp://www.driverheaven.net/showthread.php?t=63033 απο οτι πηρε το ματι μου ειναι φοβεροι οι οδηγοι και προσφερουν μεγαλες βελτιωσεις σε πολλα Games . so worth to try !
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #48 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 μολις τους εβαλα ολα δειχνουν να rollαρουν καλα εκτος απο ενα λαθος που αντι για Based on 4.12beta λεει 4.11 αλλα αυτο απο οτι διαβασα ευθυνεται στο Radlinker (δεν χαλιεμαι ) περισσοτερα το βραδυ που θα παιξω κανα Game σε λιγακι θα παω για καφε
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #49 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Ενα ενα σκανε σημερα TC ATI Optimized v1.8Main features:* Based on Catalyst Beta 4.12b2* Added ATI Catalyst Control Center (Optional - require .NET Framework)* Added Softmods!* Two OpenGL drivers for your selection* Added ATITool to the package* Added OpenGL driver switcher
kallileo Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 #50 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Outlaw's litle wish. Μιάς και έφτιαξες ένα πολύ καλό θρέντ και το κρατάς updated κάνε και την καλή και ανέβασε ΑΝ βρείς και ΑΝ κάνεις κάνεις κέφι και κανά *.jpeg απο κάποιο συγκριτικό μεταξί των driver έτσι για να δέσει το γλυκό και να προιδεάζεις περί peformance του καθενώς. Πολύ καλή δουλειά φίλε.Catalyst Driver Comparisonhttp://www.rage3d.de/artikel/vergleiche/catalyst_englisch/seite1.php
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 Author #51 Δεκέμβριος 4, 2004 σε εχω προλαβει kallileo. Ριχνετε και μια ματια στο Benchmarks Links
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 5, 2004 Author #52 Δεκέμβριος 5, 2004 οπως ειπα σιγουρα θα εβγαινε ενα συγκριτικο για τους Omega 2.5.97 μεσα σε 24 ωρες . Ριχτε μια ματια στα benchmarks links !!! οπως φαινεται ο Omega εχει κανει φοβερη δουλεια .
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 Author #53 Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 χεχεχε update official 4.12 με πολλες βελτιωσεις . Απο εβδομαδα θα αρχισουν να σκανε και τα mods εαν δεν κυκλοφορησουν μαζι οι επομενοι betaFixed in this driver: * Half-Life 2: Playing the game on a system containing an Athlon XP CPU no longer results in missing textures occationally being noticed * Half-Life 2: Intermittent psychedelic patterns are no longer seen when playing the game under Windows XP * CounterStrike: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 series installed no longer results in display corruption being seen in the floor in de_chateau map * Doom 3: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 XT Platinum Edition no longer results in display corruption being seen when pressing CTRL+Alt+Delete followed by clicking Cancel * Everquest: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 XT Platinum Edition installed results in the game displaying a black screen when setting the texture quality to high and having all radio buttons selected * Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault: Setting the model detail to high and change the game resolution to high no longer results in the game failing to respond under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 series installed * Tron2.0: Setting the display device resolution to 1280x1024 32bpp and setting the display option for the game to 800x600 32bpp no longer results in display corruption being seen in the game cinematics * Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 series installed no longer results in triple buffering failing when enabling the option in the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER * Attempting to rotate the display 90 degrees and play an OpenGL game under Windows XP may result in the game failing to launch * Enabling clone mode along with theatre mode option under overlay no longer results in WinDVD and the operating system failing to respond when dragging the WinDVD window around the desktop * Display corruption is no longer noticed when playing a DVD using WinDVD and having subtitles enabled under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ X800 series installed * Attempting to make a change to a saved profile within the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER no longer results in the Save button being greyed out * Connecting a secondary CRT and clicking the X button to close the Enable this display window found in the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER Advanced view, no longer results in the window not closing * Muting the audio during the playback of full screen HDTV video under Windows Media Center Edition no longer results in the video being paused * Angle information in the rotation modes is now correct for the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER * Enabling Overscan under Windows XP with an ATI ALL-IN-WONDER™ 9600 installed no longer results in the image not being centered properly on the display device * Connecting a secondary CRT display device and extending the desktop, followed by unplugging the secondary device and hot-plugging a DFP device no longer results in the DFP remaining in the Additional display area when attempting to swap devices * The Windows desktop brightness no longer dims when playing a DVD and having an HDTV connected as the primary display device * Playing a DVD under Windows XP MCE with an ATI RADEON™ X800 XT installed no longer results in VPU Recover being activated when attempting to drag or resize the Media Center window * An error message is no longer displayed when attempting to switch a secondary display device back to the primary display device when using the CATALYST™ CONTROL CENTER
kallileo Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 #54 Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 Catalyst 4.12 Performance - Page 1 [introduction]http://www.tweaktown.com/document.php?dType=article&dId=730
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 Author #55 Δεκέμβριος 14, 2004 kallileo μαλλον σε εχω προλαβει λολ . εντυπωσιακο review παντως εε? αντε να βγουν και με συγκριση κανα Omega και dna να δουμε ποσο πραγματικα αξιζουν
kallileo Δεκέμβριος 15, 2004 #56 Δεκέμβριος 15, 2004 kallileo μαλλον σε εχω προλαβει λολ . εντυπωσιακο review παντως εε? αντε να βγουν και με συγκριση κανα Omega και dna να δουμε ποσο πραγματικα αξιζουνYou are too fast for me.......
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 24, 2004 Author #57 Δεκέμβριος 24, 2004 UniAN Catalyst Unified Driver v1.1.412# 2004/12/24 (v1.1.412)- Based on ATI Catalyst v4.12- GLideWrapper v0.08e included- D3D and OpenGL optimized- ATI Tray Tools v1.0.1.415 included- Unlock Overclock Protection- Support Mobility ChipsetsMOBILITY RADEON™ FIRE GL T2/9000/7500 seriesMOBILITY RADEON™ X300/X600/X700 seriesMOBILITY RADEON™ 9800/9700/9600 seriesMOBILITY RADEON™ 7500/9000/9200 seriesMOBILITY RADEON™ series
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 Author #58 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 VERSION:: DNA-drivers* Based on the Official CATALYST 4.12 Release* Added Special DNA-drivers Xmas Theme* Added Special "DNA-drivers Help 2 Survive" Thank You Screen* Upadated All Driver optimizations* Added Power-Dreams Official German support link (start-menu)* Added license agreement* Updated Multilanguage installation process. All installation screens- will be shown in the right languages now:-:German--More languages will be updated in the next DNA-drivers release* Updated support for:-:SAPPHIRE RADEON 9600 XT ATLANTIS (thanks to: slivis / MATSUSHIMA Akihiro)-:X800 Series (R430 Core)* Added support for:-:Fujitsu Siemens RADEON 9000 (thanks to: =DST=tinuz97)-:X850 Series-:ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 (RS400 / RS480 / RS480M)*VERSION:: ATI Tray Tools* Look at readme in the start menu for more detailsVERSION:: DNA-drivers[]LITE Special[]= No OpenGL changer and options= No WDM Drivers included= No Ati Tray Tools= Only Color Theme's= Only Normal, High, Ultra and InsaneFPS options[]LITE Special[]* Based on the Official CATALYST 4.12 Release* Added Special DNA-drivers Xmas Theme* Added Special "DNA-drivers Help 2 Survive" Thank You Screen* Upadated All Driver optimizations* Added Power-Dreams Official German support link (start-menu)* Added license agreement* Updated Multilanguage installation process. All installation screens- will be shown in the right languages now:-:German--More languages will be updated in the next DNA-drivers release* Updated support for:-:SAPPHIRE RADEON 9600 XT ATLANTIS (thanks to: slivis / MATSUSHIMA Akihiro)-:X800 Series (R430 Core)* Added support for:-:Fujitsu Siemens RADEON 9000 (thanks to: =DST=tinuz97)-:X850 Series-:ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 (RS400 / RS480 / RS480M) Σειρα να παιρνει τωρα ο omega που το κραταει μανιατικο και δεν δημοσιευει τους οδηγους του πριν απο τους dna .
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 Author #59 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 TC ATI Optimized Driver 1.8aRelease Notes:* Based on Catalyst WHQL 4.12* Removed ATI Catalyst Control Center from the package* Updated OpenGL drivers * Added support for more cards* Added more tweaks* Installation bug has been fixed* Few minor bug fixes* OpenGL Driver Switcher is now working properly* Improved Quality for OpenGL GamesSupports:All Radeon cards! including Mobility and FireGL on Windows XP (SP1 and SP2).Important notes:* This driver is not supported by ATI Corporation* Use it at your own risk!
tefra1442169066 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 Author #60 Δεκέμβριος 26, 2004 οι omega ισως ερθουν πιο γρηγορα απο οτι περιμενα ισως ακομα και σημερα Look τι ειπε http://www.driverheaven.net/showthread.php?t=63786&page=2&pp=15 post 22 .
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