maddoctor Δημοσιεύτηκε Οκτώβριος 1, 2004 #1 Δημοσιεύτηκε Οκτώβριος 1, 2004 Βρήκα σε ένα site κάτι ειδικά τροποποιημένα bios για την μητρική μου και είπα να τα πω και εδώ.Δεν τα έχω βάλει ακόμα,γιατί μόλις τα βρήκα.Έτσι έχουμε και λέμε:* MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR v7.7 (05/27/2004)- Even more selectable VCore settings.- Corrects VCore configuration table*MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR (Full RAID) (05/27/2004)- Even more selectable VCore settings.- Corrects VCore configuration table.- Includes Promise S150 TX2Plus BIOS with Full RAID support*Promise FastTrak 376 drivers for MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR (Standard and Full RAID)- Latest version- For Windows9x/ME, Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 (*)(*) WHQL certified.Υπόψιν τα δοκιμάζεται με δικιά σας ευθύνη
maddoctor Οκτώβριος 4, 2004 Author #2 Οκτώβριος 4, 2004 Έβαλα το bios στην μητρική (αυτό με το full raid) και δουλεύει μια χαρά!.Μάλιστα θα έλεγα ότι έχει περισσότερες επιλογές πια στο bios και σαν να πηγαίνειμ πιο γρήγορα και πιο ομαλά ο SATA σκληρός που έχω..... :023:
varelasj Οκτώβριος 15, 2004 #3 Οκτώβριος 15, 2004 Εγω οταν ειχα στο 1ο pc την msi k7n2 delta -L ειχα βαλει πανω ενα moded bios και μπορουσα να δωσω vdim max 2.8V αντι για 2,7! Για παραπανω στην msi θελει mod στο psu αλλα πριν το κανω την ειχα παει rma και με αυτη που εχω τωρα δεν ψαχτηκα και πολυ!
maddoctor Μάρτιος 15, 2005 Author #4 Μάρτιος 15, 2005 Βρήκα 2 modded bios για την μητρική μου που έχουν το εξής κείμενο.Αυτό που θέλω να ρωτήσω εάν υπάρχει κάποια ουσιαστική διαφορά ανάμεσα στα 2 γιατί δεν βρίσκω και ποιο θα ήταν καλύτερα να βάλω (δεν έχω raid στο σύστημά μου, ένα SATA και ένα IDE σκληρό έχω). Παράθεση MSI K7N2 delta ILSR Content:: Full RAID BIOS file: W6570F78.bin 18.02.05 !! This file has the potential to destroy your motherboard, controller or other hardware when used incorrect. Make sure to check your requirements and knowledge. If you have any doubts or risk seems to be too high DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE this file. Use it only on your own risk. ! Description of MSI BIOS: "Version 7.8 Update date 2004/08/06 Update Description - Support Sempron CPU. - Fix the yellow mark on device manager under Win2000 without PS2 devices installed" The SATA RAID rom was cexhanged for Full RAID SATA rom This will enable four harddisks at the onboard SATA controller and RAID-0, RAID-1 and RAID-10. Latest SATA RAID driver are available at Storage & RAID Forum - download-section: A test version of the driver (better than is available at: Changed BIOS Options: Item "CPU Internal Cache" activated Item "Seek Floppy" default setting is "Disabled" Item "Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T." default setting is "Enabled" Item "Small Logo(EPA) Show" activated Item "Super Stability Mode" activated Item "T-(RAS)" setting "0" selectable Item "CAS Latency" setting "Auto" selectable Item "AGP Spread Spectrum" setting "1%" selectable Item COM2 changed -> "Onboard IrDA Connector" and activated, default setting is "2F8/IRQ3" , settings "2F8/IRQ3" and "2E8/IRQ3" selectable Item "Onboard SATA" activated Item "IPCA" activated Item "Sleep State" default setting is "S3(STR)" Item "Power Management" default setting is "Disabled" * Item "Power Status Led" activated Item "Shutdown Temperatur" activated, default setting is "65°C/149°F" Item "DRAM Voltage Adjust" setting "2.8 V" selectable Item "AGP Voltage Adjust" setting "1.8V" selectable Item "CPU Vcore Select" settings "1.300V", "1.425V", "1.450V", "1.475V", "1.500V", "1.525V", "1.550V, 1.750V, 1.775V, 1.800V" selectable changed Epa Logo και Παράθεση MSI K7N2 delta ILSR Content:: UDMA BIOS file: W6570U78.bin 18.02.05 !! This file has the potential to destroy your motherboard, controller or other hardware when used incorrect. Make sure to check your requirements and knowledge. If you have any doubts or risk seems to be too high DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE this file. Use it only on your own risk. ! Description of MSI BIOS: "Version 7.8 Update date 2004/08/06 Update Description - Support Sempron CPU. - Fix the yellow mark on device manager under Win2000 without PS2 devices installed" The SATA RAID rom was changed with UDMA SATA Rom (without RAID Features). Promise: "Description Fixes problem where drives are sometimes not detected by the SATA150 TX BIOS" This BIOS will only work with UDMA driver !! Latest UDMA Windows driver ( are available at Storage & RAID Forum - Download: Changed BIOS Options: Item "CPU Internal Cache" activated Item "Seek Floppy" default setting is "Disabled" Item "Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T." default setting is "Enabled" Item "Small Logo(EPA) Show" activated Item "Super Stability Mode" activated Item "T-(RAS)" setting "0" selectable Item "CAS Latency" setting "Auto" selectable Item "AGP Spread Spectrum" setting "1%" selectable Item COM2 changed -> "Onboard IrDA Connector" and activated, default setting is "2F8/IRQ3" , settings "2F8/IRQ3" and "2E8/IRQ3" selectable Item "Onboard SATA" activated Item "IPCA" activated Item "Sleep State" default setting is "S3(STR)" Item "Power Management" default setting is "Disabled" * Item "Power Status Led" activated Item "Shutdown Temperatur" activated, default setting is "65°C/149°F" Item "DRAM Voltage Adjust" setting "2.8 V" selectable Item "AGP Voltage Adjust" setting "1.8V" selectable Item "CPU Vcore Select" settings "1.300V", "1.425V", "1.450V", "1.475V", "1.500V", "1.525V", "1.550V, 1.750V, 1.775V, 1.800V" selectable changed Epa Logo
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