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μισθοφοροι VS μισθοφοροι μεσα στο λονδινο, τα γραφικα θυμιζουν TF2 / Brink αλλα  οι ομοιοτητες ευτυχως σταματανε εδω 


τρεχει στην Unreal engine  και οχι στην μπουρουχα του quake 4 οπως οι προηγουμενες 2 αποτυχιες της  splash damage  ( quake wars + brink ) 


ειναι παρα πολυ γρηγορο και για καποιον περιεργο λογο εθιστικο, βρισκεται σε closed beta και φυσικα ειναι  F2P 


περι "αρμεγματος" δεν ειναι γνωστο ακομα ποια θα ειναι η πολιτικη της nexon, ελπιζουμε ολοι να περιοριστουν στα  skin ... 


η splash damage εκτος  απο τα 2 παιχνιδια που ανεφερα πιο πανω,  εχει δουλεψει στο multiplayer κομματι του arkham origins ενω τον απριλιο του 2003  χαρισε στον κοσμο ενα θρυλικο πλεον standalone  expansion για το RTCW, το Enemy Territory 


το DB δανειζεται πολλα στοιχεια απο το συγκεκριμενο  χωρις ομως να μοιαζει στην τελικη του μορφη με κανενα αλλο fps,  εχει health regeneration αλλα ο ρυθμος του δεν σου επιτρεπει να το κανεις  exploit οποτε βασιζεσαι περισσοτερο σε αλλους παικτες που ειναι medic, το ιδιο ισχυει για το revive / defuse   που μπορουν να  κανουν ολες οι κλασεις αλλα οχι με την ιδια ταχυτητα/αποτελεσματικοτητα  


φυσικα υπαρχει κλαση που δινει ammo και  καλει air strike οπως στο παλιο καλο RTCW  



προς τιμην τους, αναφερω οτι ειναι απο τα ελαχιστα παιχνιδια στην unreal engine που δεν χρειαστηκε ουτε μια φορα να κανω edit τα .ini πριν ξεκινησω να παιζω, σχεδον ολα  υπαρχουν ηδη στις in-game ρυθμισεις,  αλλαγη στοχαστρου σε κουκιδα  - one frame interval aka one frame thread lag - hit sounds  - απενεργοποιηση/σκαλαρισμα του hit marker - bloom  DOF   τα παντα ολα ! 


h beta εχει 2 φασεις, η τωρινη θα κρατησει μεχρι την δευτερα  ενω η επομενη  θα ειναι αρχισει στις 6 μαρτιου και θα κρατησει  3 μερες 


δεν ξερω που μπορειτε να βρειτε ευκολα και γρηγορα  beta key, εγω εκανα sign up πριν κατι μηνες στο  site τους και απλα περιμενα 




αυτη τη στιγμη εχουν μοιραστει γυρω στα 100K οποτε απο κοσμο παμε αρκετα καλα 


ο ρυθμος  ειναι πραγματικα γρηγορος  αλλα τα κολπακια στο movement δεν χρειαζονται και τοση αφοσιωση για να τα μαθεις imo 





@narcomenos,   @X-kyramas,   @eleozz,  


ελατε να θυμηθουμε τα παλια :D:D

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  On 22/2/2015 at 4:49 ΜΜ, το μέλος valantismp έγραψε:

Υπαρχει καποιος τροπος να μπουμε στην ΒΕΤΑ?

κανε register στο site που εχει βαλει πιο πανω ο @GruntGR,

και εγω ειχα κανει στην προηγουμενη beta και μου εστειλαν τωρα κλειδι....

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hah που τα θυμήθηκες ρε συ @GruntGR εποχες quake3, rtcw, et, cod κλπ..  :)


We were soldiers once.. and young!


Hardware καλό υπάρχει, το BF4 το βαρέθηκα κανα 6μηνο τώρα και η δουλειά έχει στρώσει, οποτε περιμένω νέο fps.


Σκεφτόμουν το bf hardline αν βρεθει παρέα καλή θα πέσει δάκρυ, τι λες?

Έγινε επεξεργασία από narcomenos
  • 1 month later...

changelog απο το σημερινο update 





instant access + ενα σωρο καλουδια στα 20 ευρω με το παρακατω πακετακι !! 





απο σημερα οι server θα ειναι always online 24/7  ενω δεν προβλεπονται αλλες διαγραφες στα υπολοιπα των παικτων 


^^ edit: τωρα παρατηρησα οτι παιζει στη σελιδα του steam το βιντεο

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  • 2 weeks later...

Double XP and Credits Weekend!


This weekend we are doubling the amount of XP and Credits you’ll earn from Match Rewards*, giving you more rewards for killing, blowing things up and generally playing dirty. 

Start and end times are below so you know when your earnings will get a boost: 

• Friday 8th May - 17:00 UTC/GMT, 18:00 BST, 10:00 PDT 

• Monday 11th May - 17:00 UTC/GMT, 18:00 BST, 10:00 PDT 

Let us know over on Twitter what you’ll be spending all of your hard-earned Credits on. Will it be Cases, Trade Ups or Recruiting a new Merc? 

* XP earned from some micro-XP events (such as Battlesense) and badges may not be doubled.


κλειδακι για τους ανυπομονους εδω ->  https://www.g2a.com/dirty-bomb-early-access-steam-cd-key-global.html

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  • 3 weeks later...
Community Announcements - NxA_MissMurder
New Mercs, Leagues, more Credits, and all manner of Loadout Card goodness are all headed your way in the latest Dirty Bomb update. There's also a fine assortment of fixes and balance changes. Let's dive right in, shall we? 

Not just one, but two new Mercs are joining Dirty Bomb's roster in this update, and they're both bringing their favorite toys of destruction with them: 
Powerful support character who can rain hell from above with an orbital laser strike. 

Kira’s devastating Orbital Strike is highly accurate, dealing a lot of damage in a very tight area. Also, she can aim her pet beam of fire while it’s still firing, allowing her to steer it around the battlefield to damage multiple enemies - perfect for clearing out defenses and campers. She can also deploy an Ammo Station, which will keep all her friends around it well supplied. 
Kira can be purchased from the Barracks for 50,000 Credits or US$9.99 (or local equivalent). 

Walking tank armed with a massive minigun with a high rate of fire. 
Rhino is perfect at holding down enemy approach routes, soaking up damage and suppressing multiple enemies. Advancing towards him directly is not recommended: his minigun isn’t the most accurate weapon but it does a LOT of damage. He’s a slow but potent presence on the battlefield, forcing enemies to take cover or go elsewhere. You can avoid him and take the long route round, but then that’s what he wants you to do. 
Rhino can be purchased from the Barracks for 50,000 Credits or US$9.99 (or local equivalent). 

Leagues and Rankings have arrived in Dirty Bomb! These are enabled for all Competitive Matches, so if you want your ranking, competitive Stopwatch mode's your ticket. After completing a series of placement games, you'll gain your first league ranking. You can see your current rank on the Home tab, as well as next to each game mode within the Competitive tab when finding a match. 
Over time, your ranking will update to reflect your overall skill and match performance. In a nutshell, winning matches will see your rank increase, which will eventually result in promotion to a higher division. Losses will work against you, and can see you demoted if there's enough of them. There are also penalties for leaving Competitive Matches early, so bear that in mind when diving into that mode. 
There's a lot of math going on behind the scenes, and all of that should result in competitive matches being a lot more, well, competitive. 
This release is only the first step - we'll be refining and adding to this system in the future, so be sure to let us know what you think of it. 

Amassing those precious Credits is what Merc life is all about and we've added several new ways to do just that. 
You'll earn 250 bonus Credits for completing your first match of the day in each of Dirty Bomb's game modes. Better yet, there's an extra bonus of 250 Credits for getting your first win too. Cha-ching. 

We've made a whole bunch of improvements to the mission system. For starters, missions now come in several difficulty flavors (look for the star rating!), which affect their requirements as well as the payout when you complete them. You'll get 500 Credits for 1 star missions, 750 Credits for 2 star missions, and a whopping 1000 Credits for completing a 3 star mission. 
If you couldn't get enough of them before, you'll be happy to hear that missions now refill every three hours instead of every day. Speaking of which, you can also abandon unwanted missions, and they'll be replaced with the next three-hourly drop. Use this power wisely. Or just use it. 
If you're still yearning for more Credits, you can now get Credit Boosters from the Store. They come in 6, 12, and 18-hour flavors, boosting your earnings by 50% for the duration, and will only be active while you're actually playing a match, so none of that time will go to waste. 
•6 Hour Credit Booster: $2.99 
• 12 Hour Credit Booster: $5.99 
•18 Hour Credit Booster: $7.99 

Cobalt is Dirty Bomb's latest Loadout Card tier, complete with its own set of stylish Merc outfits and weapon skins. Cobalt cards are rarer than Gold, and are available for every Merc in the game. 
Remember, while rarities beyond Bronze net you rarer bling, you'll get no additional gameplay benefits. But hey, you'll look extra swish! 

Speaking of swish, this update brings with it several brand-new outfits and weapon skins. Each Merc now has one additional outfit and weapon skin combination available at Silver rarity and two news ones at Gold rarity. Collect away! 

To help you get the most from all this new visual goodness, we've also added a great new way to preview your Loadout Cards in the main menu: Clicking one of your Loadout Cards will now display a 3D preview of the Merc and their weapon alongside a healthy buffet of weapon stats and augment information. 

Bring order to your Loadout Card palace with several new filtering and sorting options, including by rarity and by Merc. 

Elite Cases 
Guaranteed to drop at least a Silver rarity Loadout Card, our new Elite Cases are perfect for those going after the rarest skins in the game. Elite Cases come in three bundles in Store: 1 Elite Case at $4.99, 5 Elite Cases at $19.99 and 10 Elite Cases at $34.99 (or local equivalent). 

Bronze Card Shop 
Got your eye on a specific Bronze Loadout Card? Visit the Loadout Cards tab in the Store to preview and unlock it for 17,500 Credits or $3.49 (or local equivalent). 

Bronze Card Bundles 
Perfect for those who want All The Choice. Get all of the Bronze Loadout Cards for your favorite Merc at a discount in the Store's new Bundles tab. Each bundle is available for $14.99 (or local equivalent). 

Read the full Patch Notes here.
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The time has finally arrived, Dirty Bomb has been released into Open Beta! Anyone that wishes to play Dirty Bomb can download it and start playing through the Steam client! 

So what does this mean exactly? First things first you can bring all your friends and family to come play with you. It also means there will likely be a lot more players in the game so be sure to welcome all the noobs with open arms (then knife them in the back!) 

If you haven't been with us throughout our time in Closed Beta, you might have a number of questions about this new game. While there's plenty of info out there about Dirty Bomb, and playing through the Tutorial will fill you in on a lot of the details, we'll give you a leg up with a few tips on how to catch up with our Beta Warriors.[dirtybomb.nexon.net] 

Dirty Bomb is hitting Open Beta today, but that's not the end of it! We've got more Mercs, more Maps, more Modes, more Loadout Cards, more ways to play… more everything on its way! Keep an eye out here on the Official Dirty Bomb website, or on our Twitter Facebook page andTwitch[www.twitch.tv] stream to stay up to date on everything to come! 

And that's only a few of the bigger elements of Dirty Bomb. We haven't even gone into Trade-Up, the difference between StopWatch and Objective, Competitive Play and much more! Check out our website[www.dirtybomb.com] for more info or just dive right in! Either way, have fun and play dirty! 

-- Team Dirty Bomb --



Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR
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  • 2 weeks later...


This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

Today, we’re proud to reveal that Dirty Bomb has ranked up on Steam with the addition of Steam Trading Cards! For our experienced players on Steam, you're already aware of the benefits these cards bring to the table, but if Dirty Bomb is your first foray into the sport of collectible card trading, read on below for more information.

How do I get Steam Trading Cards?
We have 9 different Mercs represented.

You earn cards by purchasing items such as Elite Cases and Boosters, or buying new Mercs with cash. For every $9.00 USD you spend on Dirty Bomb, you’ll be eligible to earn another random Dirty Bomb Steam Trading Card as a bonus. If you haven’t purchased our Ultimate Starter Pack yet (25% off during this current Summer Sale), be aware that it will also come with 3 additional cards!


A final way to get Dirty Bomb cards is via the Steam Marketplace, where you can buy / sell / trade your way to a full set with other players, which comes with some extra advantages.
Did we mention there are also special Foil versions of each card that are extra rare? If you collect all 9 Foil Cards, there’s a coveted treat waiting for you.

What can I do with these cards?
With all 9 Dirty Bomb Trading Cards collected, you will be able to craft a Dirty Bomb Steam badge! These badges come with some Steam-specific perks, such as raising your profile level, unlocking backgrounds, and of course, the highly coveted chat emotes featuring some very special Merc faces.


This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.


Every time you craft a Dirty Bomb badge from 9 cards, you’ll level up your badge, similar to our current loadout cards. Start at Lead and work your way all the way to Gold. Want to go one step further? Use those very rare foil cards to get the elusive Cobalt badge and have your profile really shine.


Your load-out on Steam Trading Cards is now complete. Take this knowledge with you onto the battlefield and complete those objectives while earning even more rewards on Steam.

Happy hunting!

@narcomenos,  ΞΗΛΩΣΟΥ ! :D


εγω τσιμπαω ενα 12ωρο booster αποψε και απο Δευτερα το starter pack  







Welcome to the Sparks Update! We've got the eponymous new medic, Sparks, the extension of the Trade-Up System to Cobalt rarity, numerous UI improvements and some brand new bundles in the store just waiting for your attention. Get all the details below and Play Dirty! 

New Merc: Sparks


Sparks is a qualified doctor, and has the papers to prove it. But then she also has the papers to prove she's at least five other people, including a pilot, an attorney-at-law, and a California Highway Patrol officer named Jeff. The point is, she has friends in high and low places, which helps her get her hands on cutting-edge medical tech like the REVIVR. Killing and reviving people under gunfire is by no means the worst job she's had. Just ask Jeff. 
Primary Ability: Revive Gun


Sparks' signature ability is this special hunk of advanced medical tech called the REVIVR. You could ask what REVIVR stands for, but what really matters is what it does: Fires a highly charged projectile which, if it strikes an Incapacitated ally, will revive them with an amount of health dependant on the REVIVR's charge level. 

Of course, its still a gun, and its Sparks' best weapon. Hitting an enemy with the REVIVR will deal heavy damage, again dependant on how much the weapon's been charged up. The REVIVR won't fire if you don't charge it up a bit, and if it's used too often, or holds a full charge for too long, it will overheat and become useless until it can cool down, but that's a small price to pay to be able to Revive your teammates without worrying about getting your own head shot off!

Secondary Ability: Small Health Packs


Sparks' method of healing her still-living allies are the Health Packs, throwable and picked up just like the ones Sawbonez uses, but don't think they're the same. While Sawbonez's Large Health Packs will restore a large amount of health over time, and get stopped the moment your patient takes damage, Sparks' Health Packs will immediately and always restore 35 Health when picked up, 45 Health if caught on the fly, making them far more powerful when picked up under fire, more than enough to turn the tide of a close firefight. 

Loadout Details


As with all Mercs, Sparks has a set of Loadout Cards, featuring a variety of augments and the following weapons. 


Each of her Bronze Loadout Cards can be purchased directly for 17,500 Credits or $3.49 USD, or all of them in a bundle for 100,000 Credits or $19.99 USD. As with all Mercs, every current combination of weapons and augments available for Sparks is available as a Bronze Card. 

Daily Credit Bonuses Doubled

In the previous update we introduced Daily Credit Bonuses, and now we are doubling how many Credits these award you. So now instead of 250 Credits, you'll be swimming in 500 and recruiting the Mercs you want in your Squad even faster. 

Minimum Level Servers

We have now introduced minimum level servers, which means you can now more consistently play against enemies of a similar level to you. You can find these servers by using the browser, or by using 'Quick Join', as it will prioritise you to join those servers first. 

Cobalt Trade-Up


Trade-Up has been extended to Cobalt Cards! No longer will unwanted Gold Cards be there to clutter up your inventory, as you'll now be able to trade them in for a Cobalt Card of the Merc of your choice. Each Cobalt Card you Trade-Up to will cost you 6 Gold Cards and 10,000 Credits, so best to wait until you have a steady supply of both before you Trade Up. 

New Bundles on Sale

We're introducing three new Merc Bundles for you to help you fill out your Squad for a hefty discount! Check them out below and find all three of them in the Shop under the Bundles section! 

Please note: You will be able to purchase a bundle even if you have any or all of the Mercs within the bundle already unlocked. Be careful, and please spend your money wisely. 

Explosives Bundle

The Explosives Bundle is here, featuring three Mercs highly skilled at blowing anything and everything into orbit! Containing unlocks for Fletcher, Fragger, Nader and two Elite Cases thrown in to boot, this bundle has a value of $40, but will only set you back $19.99 USD (or local equivalent)! 

Deployable Bundle

Say hello to the Deployable Bundle, which is all about our Mercs that bring their own fun to the party! Featuring Bushwhacker, Proxy and Sawbonez, along with a pair of Elite Cases, you'll be able to grab this $32 bundle for only $15.99 USD (or local equivalent)! 

Sharpshooter Bundle

And finally, here's the Sharpshooter bundle, with three Mercs who are all about picking their shots just right. With Arty, Kira, Vasilli and two Elite Cases as well, this bundle has a value of $32, but can be purchased for only $15.99 USD (or local equivalent)! 

Terminal Improvement


The Attackers spawn on Terminal has been something we've looked at for quite some time and we have now made a few changes to see how the play out. These changes are: 

  • Removed MG at top of the stairs that overlooks the street 
  • De-cluttered several interiors 
  • Relocated the Ammo cache

These should relieve some of the pressure defenders are able to use to their advantage. 

Ammo Cache Locations 
A number of Ammo Caches have been moved or removed from the game. Some were too advantageous to key combat spaces - We want players to have to take a detour when using them to prevent defending objectives too effectively. 

Balance Changes 
-Reduced Turret health to 120hp from 140 

-Reduced Ammo-station health to 120hp from 140 
-Increased Orbital Strike cooldown to 50s from 45 

Dreiss AR 
-Increased reload time to 2.2s from 2.0 

Tølen Machine Pistol 
-Reduced reload time to 1.7s from 1.8 

-Reduced reload time to 1.7s from 1.8 

Other Changes 
User Interface 
-Users can now set a maximum game size when using 'Quick Join' 
-Added ‘Fire Mode’ to weapon info when viewing Loadout Cards 
-Added drop chances to Case descriptions for different rarities 
-Increased the Case opening animation to include 30 cards (was 15) to more accurately represent drop chances 
-Increased speed of various page transitions 
-Updated crosshair hit-indicator appearance 
-Improved matchmaking "Accept" dialog 
-Help-up progress indicator now includes player names 
-Reworked the tutorial level end review screen 

-Updated ambient lighting on Underground 
-Numerous collision fixes on Underground & Terminal 
-Removed some visual clutter from Bridge and Terminal 
-The EV on Bridge now moves at a fixed speed regardless of the number of escorting players 

-Removed or reduced reds in various environment props to minimize confusion 

-Updated BR-16 animation set to include all body-types 
-Updated the Minigun firing shake and camera animations 
-Updated frontend male animations 

-Reduced minimum revive health to 30hp across the board from 40hp 
-Revived players now spend a second getting-up before they can move 

Notable Bug Fixes 
-Leaving a competitive match after accepting will now always incur a minor penalty 
-Fixed ‘Quick Join’ failing and server browser pings not being displayed after playing a match on some systems




δωρεαν cobalt case !! παρε κοσμε !!! 


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 Free Elite Case Event!

A new Merc has arrived to Dirty Bomb with the first update since we hit Open Beta, and we want to thank you all for your support as we have worked past the initial challenges of a growing live service. For 24 Hours, from 18:00 UTC, Thursday, June 18th to 18:00 UTC, Friday, June 19th, everyone that logs into Dirty Bomb will receive a free Elite Case! 


Each Elite Case contains either a Silver, Gold or Cobalt rarity Loadout Card for a random Merc, be it one that you have purchased or one that is still locked. All Loadout Cards from the Elite Cases are guaranteed to have three Augment slots as well, so you're sure to get a fully loaded Loadout! 

Event Duration 

  • London (BST, UTC +1:00): 19:00, Thursday, June 18th - 19:00, Friday, June 19th 
  • Los Angeles (PDT, UTC -7:00): 11:00 AM, Thursday, June 18th - 11:00 AM, Friday, June 19th 
  • Sydney (AEST, UTC +10:00): 4:00 AM, Friday, June 19th - 4:00 AM, Saturday, June 20th

Don't forget to login and grab your free Elite Case!    

Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR
  • 2 weeks later...

trick or treat motherfucker !! 




Phantom's snuck his way into London and, like any true American, hiring his services is going to cost you. We here at Team Dirty Bomb felt it's only fair to give you a boost this weekend so that you have a fighting chance at claiming him. After all, you're also going to need his deadly Loadout Cards... so it's time for another Double Credits weekend! 

Starting at 18:30 UTC on Friday, July 10th and ending at 17:00 UTC on Monday, July 13th, all matches in Dirty Bomb will reward an additional 100% Credits. Even better, this will stack with any Credit Boosters in effect, giving you a grand total of 4x the normal Credit reward! 

Start Date: 17:00 UTC, Friday, July 10th 
US Pacific: 10:00 AM PDT 
London: 18:00 BST 
Sydney: 3:00 AM AEST, July 11th 

End Date: 17:00 UTC, Monday, July 13th 
US Pacific: 10:00 AM PDT 
London: 18:00 BST 
Sydney: 3:00 AM AEST, July 14th 

Event Details: 
+100% Credits Earn Rate 

The Credit boost only applies to Match Rewards. Bonus Credits from ranking up and from completing Daily Missions are unaffected. 
Stacks with Credit Boosters, giving a total of 4x the normal Credit rewards. 

--Team Dirty Bomb-- 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Redeye Update is Here!


Say hello to Redeye, if you can spot him through the smoke! With this update, the reconnaissance and battlefield controller Redeye has arrived to make his mark on the battlefield. Beyond his smoke grenade and special eyepiece that makes him quite the team player, he also arrives with two new weapons: The Grandeur SR and Kukri knife. Bug fixes and other changes are here as well, so check out Redeye and everything else below! 

YouTube™ Video: Dirty Bomb: Redeye – Merc Role-Call 
Views: 1,085
London is even more cloudy now with Redeye – A long range specialist with an eye for disruption. Get Dirty Bomb here: http://dirtybomb.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DirtyBombGame...

For the rest of the patch notes please read here. [dirtybomb.nexon.net]

γαμωτο,  χαλασα  προσφατα 40k σε κουτια  και fail trade ups :p 

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