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Command and Conquer : Renegade X (FREE)

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhDfaNijRlI]Renegade X - Gameplay Trailer HD #WLG #9 - YouTube[/ame]

Renegade X

Προκειται για μια αρκετα πιστη μεταφορα του Renegade, ενος παιχνιδιου που μπορει να ειχε αθλιο εως τραγικο single player campaign αλλα το multiplayer του ητανε πολυυυυ μπροστα για τα τοτε δεδομενα.

Λιγοι ομως μπορουσαν πριν 12 χρονια να το ευχαριστηθουν οπως πρεπει, θυμαμαι ητανε η πρωτη (και η τελευταια) φορα που δοκιμασα να παιξω σε clanbase, λιγο το 400 ping λιγο οι ολλανδοι που κανανε warping, λιγο τα 64k της isdn που δεν φτανανε ουτε για roger wilco στο background ....

Anyway τωρα που ηρθε η VDSL και μαζι της η αναπτυξη στην χωρα μας (αχαχουχα) εχουμε την ευκαιρια να παιξουμε πρακτικα το ιδιο παιχνιδι με τοτε, μονο που τωρα εχει γινει port στην unreal engine και υποστηριζει μεχρι 64 παικτες ταυτοχρονα :o

Δεν θα πω πολλα για το gameplay γιατι θα αρχισω ναγραφω σεντονια παλι, φανταστειτε τα παλια bugfield ( πριν τα play4free και τα bad company ) αλλα στο πιο balanced.

Ολοι ξεκινανε με τα ιδια, ελαχιστα credits, ενα βασικο "soldier" class αλλα και προσβαση σε μερικα αλλα που ειναι δωρεαν.

Εκτος απο τα να περιμενετε να γυρισει ο harvester στην βαση σας με το τιβεριο, παιρνετε εξτρα credits αμα κανετε ζημια στις εχθρικες μοναδες/κτιρια , το ιδιο ισχυει οταν κανετε heal με την ακτινα του engineer τα δικα σας, commander καλως ή κακως δεν υπαρχει ! οποτε ...... :p

O Καθενας κανει κουμαντο στα credits του οπως τον βολευει, μπορει να παρει καποιον πιο δυνατο/χρησιμο χαρακτηρα οπως hotwire/technician και sydney/raveshaw, με credits αγοραζονται οχηματα και airstrike marker - nuclear strike/ion canon beacon, το πρωτο ειναι χρησιμο για μοναδες ενω το 2ο εφοσον περασει η ωρα και δεν το κανει κανενας μηχανικος defuse καταστρεφει το κτιριο στο οποιο βρισκεται μεσα !

Tα κτιρια εφοσον καταστραφουν ΔΕΝ επιδιορθωνονται ! δηλαδη αμα πεσει ο obelisk μενει μετα ολη η βαση ξεβρακωτη, αμα ερθει το APC φορτωμενο με engineer και μπουνε μεσα στο refinery για να πεταξουν C4 στο κεντρικο τερματικο μετα δεν θα εχετε εσοδα απο τον harvester κ.ο.κ

Υπαρχει video tutorial στην σελιδα του παιχνιδιου, οπως και καμποσα mirror για να κατεβεσετε τον client ( μολις 1.6 gb ! ) ξαναλεω πως ειναι εντελως δωρεαν, δεν χρειαζεται ουτε steam για να τρεξει και απο χθες βρισκεται επισημα σε σταδιο "open beta" σε εμενα εκτος απο καποια θεματακια με τον server browser και 2-3 glitch μπορω να πω οτι παιζεται ευχαριστα και χωρις να σπαει νευρα :p

[MENTION=4576]Koeman[/MENTION] [MENTION=17589]snakemjk[/MENTION] μαζεψτε τον l4ugh3r τον sovjohn τον emperor τον bandit, οτι εχει απομεινει απο Greek Enforcers - Virginity Rippers τελοςπαντων και ελατε να κανουμε flame rush :D

Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR

Παιχνιδαρα με ψηνετε.Ειχα παιξει λιγο το παλιο και ηταν οπως τα ειπες ακριβως αψογο αλλα οχι για το Ελλαδισταν του τοτε.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Helly

Κάτι είχε πάρει το μάτι μου πριν 2-3 ημέρες, αλλά λέω δε θα διάβασα καλά :p

Θα το βάλω σήμερα, βολεύει και το τριήμερο :happy2:

open beta μαν, εγω θα το ξαναδοκιμασω οταν αλλαξω cpu, αν μεχρι τοτε σουλοπωσουν τον server browser και το rubber-banding που υπαρχει σε καμποσους server εχει καλως :p

Να το βάλω ή θα πιάσει τσάμπα χώρο ρε lamers πείτε! χαχα

Να σου πω την αλήθεια δεν τρελάθηκα... Έχω συνηθίσει σε απλοποιημένες καταστάσεις και το παιχνίδι (παρόλο ότι είναι σχεδόν ίδιο σε λογική με το παλιό) μου φαίνεται πλέον πολύ περίπλοκο για τα γούστα μου. Εμείς Koeman είμαστε για 2 όπλα και ένα shield :p (βλ. loadout)

Πρεπει να ανοιξουμε τοπικ μου φαινεται να μαζεψουμε κανα κομμαντο απο δω μεσα να γινει πανικος

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • 3 weeks later...

Below is the complete change list of what is to come in Open Beta 2. This update will be released very soon, and your game will notify you when it is available to download.

Open Beta 2: Change list

Balance / Gameplay Fixes:

Airstrike Deploy time increased slightly

Airstrike Beams are more visible

Airstrike Reduced damage and splash damage

Airstrike Price increased to 800 credits

Fixed not losing Sidearms in MP

Fixed hitting left Alt (walking mode) and releasing it while in ADS allowing you to go back to normal speed while staying in ADS

Fixed Stealth Tank kicking up dirt after it has been shot once (till it fired and cloaked again)

Gun/Rocket Emplacements now have the same health as an MRLS/Arty

Gun/Rocket Emplacement now has a longer respawn time

Gun/Rocket emplacement damage and range

Fixed bolt action reload weapon fast firing bug

Fixed bots being able to see cloaked units

Fixed being able to lock onto cloaked units

Artillery's projectile speed increased to counter arch's impact on difficulty

Mammoth Tank speed reduced

Stealth Tank missile range reduced

MRLS Lock Tolerance reduced

Machine Pistol has infinite ammo

Machine Pistol damage reduce slightly

Railgun / PIC have faster rate of fires

All bullet firing vehicles have faster bullet projectiles

Mammoth Missiles use a different particle effect

Mammoth Missiles damage reduced

A cloaked Stealth Tank can be seen from further away

Guard Tower projectile travels faster

Added a GDI/Nod version of the SMG/Machine Pistol so that GDI/Nod have colour coded bullets like AR

Fixed C4 that destroyed a vehicle also damaged the ejected driver

Reduced default deathcrate probability to 0%

Grenade damage & splash radius reduced

Grenade equip & reload times increased


Fixed an issue where above medium texture settings would cause graphical lighting issues.

Added bobbing intractable arrow over targeted units

Changed "E to enter" to show over the interactable arrow

Enemy nickname can hide behind dynamic objects

Added proper localization strings for Rx_Game. Primarily, this shows "C&C Mode" on the loading screen instead of "Team Deathmatch"

Added GameVersion, MapName to servers fetching for server list

Now server list (in game) will only add servers that are same version as game

Fixed PT not closing when in PT while the map ends

Fixed one frame lag on targeting box

Defenses controlled by AI no longer show enter-able arrow

Enterable arrow, intractable message, and showing your own player name are all now toggle-able via ini

Implement ping, and map name as well as mapImage in the server browser

Fixed the issue on joining the wrong server in server browser ingame after sorting

Reworked parsing the resolution list.

Fixed ingame menu's "suicide"

Added ability to target purchase terminals and MCTs

Added tips when parachuting, or targeting Tech, or Enemy MCTs. These can be toggled

Gave everything its own unique DamageType, so that the specific Weapon/Vehicle used can be identified

Fixed up some death messages showing the wrong icon. (Does not fix Headshots or RunOvers)

Fixed dying while in PT screen didn’t close the PT and then buying something spawned you at the middle of the map

Chat message duration is now three times longer and chat line count is now twice as much

Implement a dllbind to check which graphic card adapter the player use. This is be used for checking adapter specific settings such as FXAA and MLAA settings, APEX, etc

Added a temporary column for scoreboard for ping values. Ping has been implemented ingame scoreboard

Added a header for server name in scoreboard UI

Video settings will now exit its settings window once it is successfully applied its settings

Fixed the missing Tiberium Autorifle icons and Tiberium Flechette icons for previous and next weapons in HUD

Fixed the GDI PT shortcut issue where using the Chinook hotkey purchased an Orca and the Orca hotkey did not work

User messages (names and chat messages) displayed on the HUD can no longer be parsed as HTML

Can now donate via console using name matches with "donate" command


Fixed collision issue with Refinery which allowed you to place a beacon in a non-disarm-able place next to the silo

Weapons Factory ramps now have a collision piece which prevents beacons to be placed in non-disarm-able location


GDI can no longer base to base from their vantage point

GDI MRLS can no longer bombard Nod ref from their side of the field

Added invisible barriers at both GDI/Nod vantage points

Reduced screen dust effect


Fixed vehicle collision blockers which were deemed invalid.

GDI base cannot be entered through use of exploit anymore

Landscape LODs faster for increased performance.

Slightly moved pyramids over for extra visibility

Fixed GDI right side collision issue


Added tunnels (Work in Progress)


Updated lighting

Map made slightly brighter

Reduced fog effect on field


Disabled blurry post process along the river

Removed all dynamic level events

Various fixes and updates

New rock textures


Disabled screen rain drop effect

Fixed super loud lightning sounds

Reduced fog values by 50% per emitter


Moved GuardTowers to cover more ground.

Added more armour to (sniper) watchtowers.

GDI bridge is now a tighter chokepoint.

Hand of Nod is now more easily accessible to GDI infantry

End of the Nod bridge has gained some cover for GDI / Nod to utilize to balance with GDI bridge

Nod can no longer bypass GDI bridge and go straight into the river


Disabled speed tree leaves and fronds on all graphics settings, as they seemed to be causing crashes for some users, and we don't use them at all

Doors no longer replicates open/close states. It's completely simulated locally now

Vehicle seats now replicate properly


Crashing on map change reduced considerably if not removed entirely. (No internal test crash was reported)

Fixed check for endgame announcement.

Parachute, boink, and credit flow sounds now have proper sound classes and should have their volumes be adjusted when the appropriate volume setting is tweaked

Added new Automatic Rifle animations and sounds

Added ping functionality

Reduced intro volume

Fixed a critical bots bug where it was possible to crash the server

Removed Building Repaired EVA sound for the time being

Added bBotsDisabled server parameter and added it to the server settings info list

Increased vote time to 30 seconds

Changed voting system so it should be easier to pass/fail votes.

Hacks that allowed entering the enemy PTs should not work anymore

Removed the reward message stuff so there should be no UT3 announcer

Added "recordDemo" command that lets you start a 2 minute long serverside demo without having to be logged in as admin

Added the ability to see player IPs in Demos

Added a ClientList command that displays Player ID, IP, SteamID, Team and Name of all connected clients

- Can be used in-game by logging into admin/moderator then using "AdminClientList"

- Can be used remotely by executing "LogClientList"

Added the ability for us to globally ban IPs and IP masks aswell as Steam-IDs

Changed MaxPlayers default to 40

Added a random team swap option for use with clanwars until auto-league integration is up

Added a delay between allowing name changes

No two players can have the same name

Added a server-customisable message filter

Added log message for player name changes

Temporarily removed Rcon Whitelist and Banning due to UDK bug giving the wrong IP

'\n', '\t' and 'nbsp' in Chat Messages or Names now get replaced with a normal space

Updated log messages to be nicer to parse, tokens are separated by nbsp

Τιποτα για cpu optimization δεν βλεπω, τι διαλο μονο εγω ειχα drops με medium-low γραφικα στην προηγουμενη beta ? :S

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

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