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@wargasm, και χωρις παρεα απο εδω, μια χαρα θα το χαρεις.

Εχει πολυ καλο community το παιχνιδι, και επισης 3d voice in game.

Αν το παρεις σε συμβουλευω να ξεκινησεις με co-op πρωτα ωστε να μαθεις χαρτες και mechanics του παιχνιδιου με αντιπαλους AI. (μην νομιζεις οτι ειναι θα ειναι ευκολο αυτο)

Μην ξεκινησεις κατευθειαν multi γιατι μπορει να ξενερωσεις.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από wolves
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Embassy Update Changelist September 18, 2015 - 920,5 mb


New Features:
  • Embassy map
    • Multiplayer modes: Firefight, Ambush, Elimination, Skirmish, Push, Occupy, and Strike
    • Cooperative modes: Checkpoint, Hunt, Survival, and Outpost
  • Compass HUD element.
  • Squad Leader radial menu.
  • New voice commands.
UX Changes:
  • Redesigned radial menu:
    • Removed floating markers (enemy spotting, move to, etc), these now appear as icons on the compass.
    • Added directional callouts (“Enemy contact, North!” or “Move South-East.”).
    • Added keybinding options for every radial menu command.
    • Added new control schemes for selecting radial menu options:
    • Scrolling: Hold down the radial key and scroll to select an option.
    • Numbered: Press C and a number key, does not lock your aiming.
  • Voice chevrons around floating squad icons now also appear for radial commands.
  • Added squad leader specific radial menu, the center radial option switches between leader/subordinate menus. This can be bound to a unique key.
  • Added cl_hud_firemode_show_always convar which, when enabled, will result in the firemode display always being visible.
  • The Outpost and Survival level display is now where the clock is in other modes.
  • The active objective icon HUD element has been merged with the dock. Entering an objective will show a larger icon for the active objective as well as showing the progress.
Gameplay improvements:
  • Added tactical reloads to the shotguns.
  • A player will be pushed away from a wall if there is no room for the extents of their body.
  • Limited the amount of time that players can get infinite resupplies if they don’t leave their spawn (default: 45 seconds).
  • Unlimited resupplying is completely disabled in Push during the last stand.
  • Buckshot fires 12 pellets rather than 9, spread increased.
  • Lag compensation now factors in pose parameters.
  • Flashbang effects are visible when spectating a player in first person.
Content improvements:
  • New and improved character animations:
    • Reloading and firing are now properly animated for bolt action rifles and shotguns.
    • Players hold and reload all SMGs correctly.
    • Rifles, SMGs and shotguns are kept shouldered when running while standing or crouching.
    • New start of round idles for all weapon types.
    • New grenade throw animations for standing and crouching.
    • New stance transition animations (stand to crouch, crouch to prone etc.).
    • Pistol slides move when firing.
    • The model of the C4/IED will change to the detonator when appropriate.
    • The warhead from the RPG will now disappear after it has been fired.
    • Various other fixes.
    • Empty shell casings eject from third person character models.
    • Suppressed weapons emit muzzle smoke when fired, and smoke trail after firing by the third person character.
  • New M40 and M590 world models.
  • Updated the prone positions in third person so your player model head is where the first person view is, no longer the crotch.
  • Shotgun pumping animation is now a separate animation and functions the same way as bolt-action rifles (eg. you can suspend the pumping sequence by holding down the left mouse button after firing).
  • Improved water explosion sounds.
  • Fixed players not hearing the same HQ or radial command voice over lines.
  • Opposing team will hear voice over triggered by radial menu commands.
  • Added HQ voice overs for hero captures and one minute remaining warnings.
  • The radial menu now has separate dialogue that plays when the speaker is suppressed, just as the responses do.
Map changes:
  • Ministry
    • Pillars added to lobby area
    • Retextured many areas of the map
    • Booth in the middle of the parking garage reconstructed to not be completely solid
  • Market
    • Building on the beach reconstructed as a two-storey police station.
    • Clipped all stairs to smooth vertical movement
  • Panj
    • Skirmish Security cache location altered to not be hit by RPG from Insurgent spawn.
  • District
    • Added player clipping to exploited locations.
  • Tell
    • Small tweaks to security cover outside push A and push C objectives. Moved last stand cache out of the path of spawning insurgents.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed several Source engine exploits including the VTF arbitrary code execution exploit.
  • Fixed bullet penetration not hitting a prop multiple times. This allows you to shoot through some props where it was previously impossible such as the dumpster or vehicles.
  • Fixed a bug where changing stance while shooting would cause the reload animation to start playing.
  • Fixed exploit through setting cl_headbob_amp to high values.
  • Fixed the cache discovery lines in Hunt playing when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed VoIP radio filter not scaling to the client’s voice volume.
  • Fixed bipod twitching on the M249 and RPK in third person.
  • Fixed issue with Workshop where the custom/workshop directory tree would not be created on a fresh install.
  • Fixed grenade world models so that they will roll less.
  • Fixed bots reporting their own deaths.
  • Improved cl_ads_weapon_fov_scale so that it gives consistent results.
  • Fixed floating EOTech reticle on the M16A4/M4A1 when the weapon is blocked.
  • Fixed friendly fire VO not playing.
  • Improved water bullet impact particles.
  • OS X:
  • Reduced the amount of memory being used by textures.
  • Retina display resolutions are now selectable.
  • Fixed outdated ISteamUGC items not being updated on a dedicated server.
  • Allowed materials and textures under materials/vgui to be modified on sv_pure 1.
  • Added support for uploading multi-part VPK files. When uploading, select the VPK that ends with “_dir”.
  • Checkpoint maps can now override the game’s counter-attack chance by adding a counterattack_chance block under settings (like this).
  • In the maptxt “nightlighting” and “navfile” have been moved up to the top level so that it’s not under a gamemode. You will need to update this in your own maps.
  • Added “draw_speed”, “holster_speed”, “reload_speed” and “bolt_speed” to both weapons and upgrades. The value is an animation speed multiplier.
  • Added “weapon_requirements” block to weapons which defines criteria for weapon interactions:
    • “firing_ironsights”: Firing requires the player to ADS.
    • “firing_bipod”: The player must be bipodded to fire.
    • “firing_stationary”: The player must be stationary to fire.
    • “ironsights_bipod”: The player must be bipodded to ADS.
    • “ironsights_stationary”: The player must be stationary to ADS.
    • “reload_empty”: The weapon must be empty to be reloaded.
    • “reload_bipod”: The weapon can only be reloaded when bipodded.
    • “reload_stationary”: You must be stationary to reload.
  • Enabled func_monitor support.
  • Fixed game_player_equip entity.
  • Added Explode, MakeDud and SetPlayerOwner inputs to explosive entities.
Known Bug:
  • OS X users moving their cursor outside of the radial menu bounds may experience a locked cursor, this can be fixed by opening the scoreboard or clicking the left mouse button.
Έγινε επεξεργασία από wolves
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  • 2 weeks later...

We've just released a patch today which will address some issues as well as improve prone and other animations. You can read the full changelog below:

New Features
  • Tweaks to prone:
    • Looking around in prone now works similarly to using a bipod, but with a greater degree of freedom.
    • Crawling resets the “pivot”.
    • This also allows players to utilize cover more effectively when looking around corners while prone.
  • New first person fire animations for all the pistols.
  • Added new third person stunned animations.


Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a rare occurrence where a contested objective HQ line would not play.
  • Fixed bots not getting cleared of their flash-banged state.
  • Fixed reload continuing on singly loaded weapons (shotguns, bolt-actions) after the player had run out of ammo.
  • Fixed muzzle smoke in first person.
  • Viewing the “Training” tab on the main menu will now retroactively apply the “Aced It” achievement if you completed it in under 16 minutes on a previous run and didn’t get the achievement.
  • Re-scaled the ejected shell models so they accurately reflect their real-life sizes.
  • OS X: Fixed scopes rendering the skybox in front of everything.
  • Fixed crash when running a custom map and the map .txt file is missing.
  • Fixed crash when flipping through subscribed items on the Workshop menu.
  • Fixed potential crash when clicking on custom playlists that had errors in them.
  • Fixed crash when a custom theater didn’t define the names of the teams.
  • Fixed crash when viewing the squad menu after an alt+tab.
  • Fixed crash when ejected shell model failed to spawn.
  • Fixed some crashes in material system.

    Note: Soft particles are enabled by default now for new users and when a user restores their video settings to default.

    Check out our official roadmap[trello.com] to see what else is to come. Enjoy !



απο το road ^






Competitive matchmaking
Due Date
Votes20 votes
Last Updated

A competitive system that allows party vs. party matchmaking and official ladders/rankings built into the game.



:D :D :D

Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR
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  • 3 weeks later...
Highlight from our broadcast on 10/17/15 playing our upcoming coop mode Conquer on the beta branch. Conquer is a coop mode that takes the action and fast pace of Checkpoint, but opens up the map for a less linear experience. In addition to the new mode, you can see our new bot AI and nav mesh based spawn system.


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Conquer Update Changelist October 27, 2015


This update includes a new map, Linux support, new weapons, a new coop game mode, new AI, spectator improvements, grenade launcher sights, and more. 

This update will be a large download because we have reworked our coop maps and merged them into our main maps. This means we now have support for Outpost Night, Hunt Day, Survival Day. There are now over three times the amount of cooperative scenarios, and the game takes up 1.5 gigabytes less space. 

Insurgency is also being featured in the latest Humble Bundle[www.humblebundle.com]. If you are interested in further supporting us, you can donate to the bundle and select “Developers” and then “Insurgency” in the sliders below. 

New Engine Features:
  • SteamOS and Linux support 
  • Added official Steam Controller profile

New Game Features
  • New Conquer Cooperative mode. Secure and hold three objectives, while seeking out enemy weapon caches to cripple their supply. 
  • New navigation mesh spawning system allowing the game to have three times more coop scenarios while reducing the game by 1.5gb on your hard drive. New coop scenarios which were previously not supported include Conquer (day and night), Hunt (day), Outpost (night) and Survival (day). 
  • All new AI behaviors including use of cover, retreating, weapon based stances, bipod usage, pistol swap, arousal system; improved combat logic, use of grenades and targeting system 
  • New environment interaction features including sprinklers, breakable radios, cash registers, breakable pots, improved breakable vehicle windows.

New Maps
  • Kandagal. 
  • Layout for Contact expanded, with day and night versions.

Weapons and Upgrades
  • Galil assault rifle. 
  • Sterling sub machine gun. 
  • Model 10 revolver. 
  • Grenade launcher sights. 
  • Extended magazines. 
  • Updated M1 Carbine & L1A1 SLR models. 
  • Updated first person pistol animations. 
  • New M4A1, M16A4 & MK18 first person animations. 
  • New Grenade, Molotov, C4 & IED first person animations. 
  • 7x scope is now available on the M16A4 for the designated marksman.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Extended grenade functionality:
    • With cookable grenades, left click will release the spoon on the grenade and will start cooking immediately. 
    • Right click will prime a grenade without cooking and the left mouse button can be used to start cooking. 
    • Middle mouse button will prime a lob without cooking. Clicking either the left or right mouse button will begin cooking.
  • New C4 “plant” function.
    • Holding right click will stick the C4 to a surface you’re looking at if you’re close enough.
  • Improved blinding effect of flashbangs, they will also suppress enemies who are blinded. 
  • New headshot sounds. 
  • Updated Classic cooperative playlist’s starting supply and enemy strength to be more of a mid-way point between Elite and Hardcore. 
  • New burned and blown-up skins for players who get killed in the corresponding way. 
  • Laser sights and flashlights can now be used when using the underbarrel grenade launcher. 
  • Lowered arm distance on launched smoke grenades. 
  • Laser sight is now shown during the weapon draw animation. 
  • Allow getting up from prone in water. In some rare occurrences a player could be stuck in prone underwater.

User Experience
  • Redesigned menu user interface
    • New Community menu featuring Insurgency social networks 
    • New Help menu for customer support, mod making, and guides. 
    • New Solo menu for creating offline games against bots. 
    • Note: This is just the first small step towards overhauling all menus.
  • Improved in-game controller support:
    • Controller-specific recoil handling to make it more manageable. 
    • Added bindable combined actions:
      • +stance: Press to toggle crouch, hold to prone. 
      • +usereload: Press to reload, hold to use. 
      • toggleprimarysecondary, togglemeleeexplosives for switching between those two weapon slots. 
      • Updated default Xbox 360 controller binds.
  • Objective dock on the bottom of the screen better highlights the objective you are in. 
  • When switching to a weapon or gear item that would otherwise put you over the weight limit, the previous item in the same slot is no longer sold when the purchase is denied. 
  • Insurgent weapons now use the Security-style suppressors in coop. 
  • End-game map voting now shuffles the map selection by default. Server admins can revert to the old behavior by setting sv_map_voting_shuffle to 0. 
  • Added server cvar sv_alltalk_intermission so all talk at the start of the game and between rounds can be disabled (disabled by default in the Competitive Match theater). 
  • Added server cvar sv_alltalk_endgame for doing the same when the game ends. 
  • Workshop menu is now sorted alphabetically, separates published and subscribed files and is a lot more responsive.

Spectating features
  • Added x-ray overlay which can be toggled with the firemode key (default X). 
  • Camera smoothing for the free fly spectator camera, disabed by default. To enable it enter the following commands. The amount of smoothing is configurable for every setting and the maximum banking angle can be adjust as well using spec_bank_angle (negative values make it bank in the other direction)
    • spec_interpolate 1 (smooths mouse movement) 
    • spec_interpolate_position 1 (smooths out camera position changes) 
    • spec_bank 1 (enables yaw-based camera roll)

Stability Improvements
  • Replaced Chromium HTML implementation with the one provided by Steam. This should resolve an issue that a limited number of users were having where the game would freeze on exit.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed crouch and stand transitions when leaning. 
  • Fixed grenade launcher not being dropped when a weapon with a grenade launcher was swapped with another. 
  • Firefight will now trigger the hero cap voice over.

Full changelist here[newworldinteractive.com]. And check out our official roadmap[trello.com] to see what's in store for the future. 

Enjoy, we'll see you in the servers. 
Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR
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παιδιά το παιχνίδι μου είναι πάρα πολύ laggy(offline, online δεν έχω παίξει ακόμα γιατί τώρα το μαθαίνω.)

παίζω στο λάπτοπ της υπογραφής το έχω ορίσει να χρησιμοποιεί την amd κάρτα γραφικών αλλά παρόλα αυτά οταν πυροβολάω ή τρέχω και αλλάζω γρήγορα κατεύθυνση του mouse κολάει πάρα πολύ. καμιά ιδέα?

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  • 1 month later...

Competitive News December 1st


ESL Insurgency is now using its own ranked competitive matchmaking system through ESL Versus. Players can use Versus to play in matches with their own ranking system and a scoreboard which you can use to challenge others. Matches take place in 5 versus 5 Firefight games, which you can join with friends or playing solo. In order to play, first sign up for anaccount on ESL[play.eslgaming.com]. Then create a game account and link it to your Steam ID. You can then go to http://versus.gg/ to join a match and start playing. For more details, check out the Steam guide for Versus here and join the official ESL Insurgency Steam group. You can also meet with other players and organize matches on the official ESL Insurgency Teamspeak channel at the following IP: ts.eslinsurgency.eu 

The Digital Gaming League[www.thedgl.org] hosts Insurgency competitive matches and events for players around the world. DGL EU, NA, and Oceanic divisions will begin their regular season play after the winter break in January. You can also tune in this weekend December 5th and 6th at 12:00 PM EST to The DGL’s Twitch page[www.twitch.tv] to watch the DGL Draft tournament matches. Sign up now to play in the league at http://www.thedgl.org.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ηταν πριν ενα χρονο περιπου οταν μου χαρισε το παιχνιδι ο @peopas και τον ευχαριστω παλι.

τωρα καταφερα να παιξω λιγο και να καταλαβω τι γινεται μεσα στο παιχνιδι.

ειναι πραγματικα πολυ καλο,αλλα θελει λιγο εξοικειωση.

@SpirosKGR πες το nick σου να δουμε τι παιζει με το game ;)  ...το δικο μου ειναι το ιδιο με εδω

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